Bag om Interesting History of the Planet Saturn
Interesting History of the Planet Saturn Word Origin and History of the Planet Saturn "The planet sixth in order from the sun, having an equatorial diameter of 74,600 miles (120,000 km), a mean distance from the sun of 886.7 million miles (1427 million km), a period of revolution of 29.46 years, and 21 known moons. It is the second largest planet in the solar system, encompassed by a series of thin, flat rings composed of small particles of ice. "Old English Saetern, a Roman gold, also 'most remote planet' (then known), from Latin Saturnus, originally a name of an Italic god of agriculture, possibly from Etruscan. Derivation from Latin serere (part participle satus) 'to sow' is said to be folk-etymology. "An ancient Italic deity, popularly believed to have appeared in Italy in the reign of Janus, and to have instructed the people in agriculture, gardening, etc, thus elevating them from barbarism to social order and civilization. His reign was sung by the poets as 'the golden age'. "Identified with Greek Kronos, father of Zeus. Also the alchemical name for lead (late 14th century). In Akkadian, the planet was kaiamanu, literally 'constant, enduring', hence Hebrew kiyyun, Arabic and Persian kaiwan 'Saturn'." http: // Charles Coleman; The Mythology of the Hindus, with Notices of Various Mountain and Island Tribes, Inhabiting the Two Peninsulas of India and the Neighbouring Islands; and an Appendix, Comprising the Minor Avatars, and the Mythological and Religious Terms ... of the Hindus; Parbury, Allen; 1832 Charles Coleman writes: "SANI or SHUNI, "Is the planet Saturn. He is described of a dark colour, and clothed in black; holding a sword, arrows, and two daggers in his hands. (See fig 3, plate 26.) His vahan is variously represented, being by some called a black vulture or raven, and by others an elephant. He is old, ugly, lame, of an evil disposition, has long hair, nails, and teeth, and is of the Sudra caste. It is unfortunate to be born under this planet, and the ills of life are ascribed to his influence, as he is supposed to be skilled in all kinds of wickedness. In the worship of him numerous ceremonies are in consequence resorted to, to appease him. He presides over the day of the week Saniswar, or Saturday."
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