Bag om KAPOW!
Journey to a universe of superheroes-and even a few supervillains. The eighteen international contributors to this anthology offer their creative visions in an unprecedented variety of genres. Their concepts of known and unknown superheroes are presented as fiction, nonfiction, poetry, illustration, and photography, thus displaying a unique view of the vast breadth of characters we know from graphic novels, magazines, books, videos, movies, and TV.
Featuring the writings of:
Ava Brunjes
Linda Trott Dickman
Eric, Esquivel
Alex Grehy
Suzanne Kamata
Floren Kubat
Molly Likovich
Henry Vinicio Valerio Madriz
Steven Michaels
Davion Moore
Roxana Negut
Robert Primavera
William John Rostron
Janet Ruth
Bea Sage
Carmen White
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