Bag om Mou Her Name
Mou Her Name forrits the reader mair nor a hunner pomes in whit the makar cries a neo-bhakti style-a modren skew on thae poems o deep holiness whilk are threipit an croonit in India yit. Aff the cuff an meestical thae ootpoorins heize frae ayont the makar's ain mense, he's tiggit the hem o the Yirth Mither's goun, an she's turnt tae'm, an throuch his maisterly airt, turns tae us. Gabriel Rosenstock: Makar, haijin, scriever/owersetter o mair nor a hunner beuks maistly i the Irish leid. John McDonald: Scots makar, turnt tae scrievin haiku ten year since, hud a nummer o beuks pit oot sinsyne. Jynt up wi Gabriel Rosenstock fir a pickle owersettins ower the years. Hus a blog o scots haiku ZENSPEUG whilk he ettles tae update ilka day.
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