Bag om Radical Philosophy 2.01
Radical Philosophy is a London-based intellectual magazine which has been self-published since its founding in 1972.
Radical Philosophy 2.01 (2018) contents
Crimes of solidarity
Martina Tazzioli
Postmodernity, not yet
Nathan Brown
Hegel and the Advent of Modernity
Jamila M. H. Mascat
Dossier: On the 1917 commemorations
Revolutionary commemoration
Hannah Proctor
Order in disorder
Ilya Budraitskis
All power to the soviets
Lars T. Lih
Marx in Algiers
Sandro Mezzadra
The realism of our time
Kim Stanley Robinson and Helena Feder
Bernard Stiegler, Automatic Society
Douglas Spencer
Angela Nagle, Kill All Normies
Jen Isakson and Ross Speer
William MacAskill, Doing Good Better,
Peter Singer, The Most Good You Can Do
Rupert Read
Judith Roof, What Gender Is, What Gender Does
Sam McBean
Bojana Cveji¿, Choreographing Problems
Austin Gross
Rosie Warren, ed., The Debate on Postcolonial Theory and the Specter of Capital
Marie Louise Krogh
Finn Brunton and Helen Nissenbaum, Obfuscation
Matthew Fluck
Simone Browne, Dark Matters
Gloria González Fuster
Christopher Watkin, French Philosophy Today
Peter Hallward
Kate Eichhorn, Adjusted Margin
Victoria Horne
Sarah Kember, iMedia
Neda Genova
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