Bag om So you FLUNKED the Series 7 exam?
For a free preview of the audio files which accompany the book, join the other candidates that are passing their tests in droves at pass rate for the Series 7 exam is approximately 65%.In other words, 1 out of every 3 people that take the exam will not pass. This book and audio set have isolated the section of the exam that many believe to be the single greatest reason for failure of the Series 7 exam- Stock options. These are among the most challenging questions on the Series 7 test. This book explains step-by-step how you can turn some of the toughest test questions into the easiest ones. Learn how to draw simple "mirror image" charts to arrive at the answers to stock options questions in a matter of seconds. Literally. The author has stated..."Although failing the exam can be devastating, candidates MUST realize that they are in a temporary situation. Stock options questions represent the largest portion of this test-roughly 20% of their score. By having the ability to transform them into easy questions puts that 20% in the candidates favor. It's an extreme advantage." Whether you have already taken the Series 7 exam or if you are studying to take it for the first time, this book is a necessity as a companion to your study manual and practice exams.
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