Bag om Spell Search
When freedom comes with a cost, would you pay the price?
Imprisoned by the mage guild and cut off from her friends and her magic, Merry's hope of returning to her own world seems impossible. With hidden adversaries ready to strike, a desperate escape attempt could land her in even more trouble. But she will not give up on her quest to stop witch hunters from entering Tirana.
Her allies are scattered and time is running out, so Merry must do the unthinkable; journey into enemy territory in search of aid. Danger looms at every turn, and she will be pushed to the brink to have any hope of success. The alternative is to lose control of her magic forever.
Will Merry find the help she needs to save Tirana? Or will her search lead to the downfall of everyone she cares about?
Find out in this magical portal fantasy adventure!
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