Bag om Spiritual Pragmatism
Spiritual Pragmatism deals with the advancement of human consciousness in light of the current political paradigm in the world at the present time. This book offers an overview of certain political issues in light of changing human consciousness and provides a few solutions to some of the issues humanity is eventually going to have to come to terms with as our species consciousness advances. Spiritual Pragmatism takes a hard look into mass psychology and explains what is at the root of many of the problems we face worldwide, and specifically explains how a change in human consciousness can alter the world for the better. This book is not an exhaustive study but offers guidelines and serious food for thought in regard to advancing human cognitive awareness. Continuing in the tradition of the books in The Evolution of Consciousness series, this companion volume to the series leaves it incumbent on the reader to delve more deeply into the subject matter presented in this book if they desire more comprehensive understanding of the issues raised. Most people in the modern spiritual movement in the West are completely unaware of the political ties modern spirituality has with the traditions of Theosophy and its intimate links with Fabian Socialism, Marxism and Capitalism. This book takes the reader down the dark rabbit hole of these connections to prove that there is more to the modern spiritual movement than meets the eye. Everyone interested in more pragmatic spiritual understanding needs to be acquainted with these facts in order to make their own informed conscious choices in regard to what spirit road they choose to travel.
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