Bag om The Couplets of Bhagat Kabir Ji Part 01
Bhagat Kab¿r J¿ is considered the most honoured of the Bhagats that have their writings within the Sr¿ Gur¿ Granth S¿hib J¿. There are over 400 shabads penned by Bhagat Kab¿r J¿ that are found within various R¿gs along with the saloks. However, there are so many other writings of Bhagat Kab¿r J¿ that do not feature within the Sr¿ Gur¿ Granth S¿hib. That is due to the decision of the Gur¿ and I am not here to question why that is the case. The majority of Bhagat Kab¿r J¿'s writings appear within his Granth known as the B¿jak. There are other supplemental writings as well including the Shabad¿val¿ and Dohr¿s (couplets) written by Bhagat Kab¿r J¿.
The majority of the commentaries can be found in either English or Hind¿. However, it is extremely difficult to find the couplets within the Gurmukh¿ format. In total there are 704 couplets by Bhagat Kab¿r J¿ within this work. I state that as there are many other couplets that can be found within the B¿jak and the Shabad¿val¿. It is my desire to provide all of the couplets within their Gurmukh¿ script along with their transliteration and translation. This is the initial publication of four covering all of the couplets. Within this publication are the initial 176 couplets and hopefully the reader will enjoy the translations and the knowledge provided by the great saint.
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