Bag om The Gospel in 3-D! - Part 4
God invites us to discover the elevation of our co-seatedness with Him. Where? Within. In our innermost being.This Mirror Word School in book form is a celebration of your innermost being, and your union with God, rediscovered, and reignited!Listen; God owes us nothing! Heaven owes you nothing! Because God already lavished every blessing that heaven has upon you! He already fully gifted us with all that it takes to live life to the full! He has given us everything necessary for life and godliness, in the midst of even the greatest contradiction!You have already received in full all you need to be able to live your life boldly, and gladly, in the adventure of what God's faith sees!I pray that as you grasp these mirror realities, these new creation realities, these in Christ realities, that rivers of living water will begin to flood your innermost being, and begin to gush forth and flow out of your inner-person!
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