Bag om The Greatest Fish Story Never Told
Fishing is like poetry in a way - there's a lot of waiting and observing and there's a lot to tell about later whether it be true or made up. When I was a kid I fished. We used bamboo poles we made using bamboo from our back yard. We used bread crumbs for bait. Eventually I got a real fishing pole. I still used bread crumbs for bait. If we caught a fish, we'd throw it back! Funny thing is I've never liked to eat fish - no seafood, period! I have tried it. I do not like it. Not any of it ...ever. Fishing has gotten a lot more complicated (I used that word laughingly) since I was a kid. There are stores with aisles devoted to lures, hooks and baits. (There's a difference?) I hope you enjoy my fishing poems. And after you are done reading, grab a notebook and pen or your tablet, a fishing pole and some bait (bread, corn, worms - ick!) and go fish!
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