Bag om The Hates of Jesus Christ
The irony of the truth is the lord will come back born of a woman to redeem those born of women. He was for that always calling himself the son of man. The churches are preaching that any moment from now rapture will take place. They did not understand the program of rapture. It is not what will, be expected now. Moreover it is those that are redeemed by the blood of Christ the Lamb of God that will witness rapture not the church as they has preached and believed. The first covenant is the Ten Commandments. The second covenant is salvation by grace through faith in the blood of Christ Jesus. Know it that you cannot be in the two covenants the same time. They have agreed to disagree in a certain point. That is why you cannot be in the two at the same time. Many Christians did not realize that the kingdom of Jesus Christ will be here on earth and they were looking up to the sky for Christ to appear in the air and they will all go up to the sky to meet him .It shows that Christians are ignorant of the scripture and the word of God for what they were expecting is not what Christ is saying .neither is what the scripture had written down .The truth is, the church is not actually making use of the scripture, rather they will pick some Bible verses that did not appear offensive to them and use it to make up their sermons. When you are preaching or teaching what is not approved of God, you have not preached or taught rather you are infesting the audience with a poisonous medications in the word .Such teachings becomes poisonous because it can destroy the chances of those that had desired to make heaven to end up making hell fire For this reason, Jesus said to Nicodemus, are you the teacher of Israel yet you did not know all this.
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