Bag om The Heart Eater
The angels of light and rebels prepare the earth for the Apocalypse, the world prepares for chaos, the planetary change. With the arrival of the Apocalypse and the preparation to open the first seal, chaos brings its envoys to the earth and with that comes the Entrant, a physical body created to hide an angel from hell or the abyss. The Creator's messengers are here preparing the world for the transition, preparing the elect for the light, but at the same time the agents of chaos try to prevent the light from reaching the earth, trying to put the planet on the path of the abyss. There is a secret war around us, a war as old as the universe. Since the universe was created when the bubble of light exploded forming matter, everything has become chaos, a puzzle. The light tries to put the pieces together and the children of chaos try to maintain chaos, they prevent the Order. The Order came into the world by Yeshua hanging from a tree and becoming a rock of scandal for us. Honor and glory to him, but the forces of chaos do not accept defeat and infiltrate their agents on the earth. This hidden war we cannot see now, but we will see later when the Apocalypse is installed on earth and then we will understand the confrontation that already existed before the universe was created. However people who meditate can see the hidden war, I am one of them, and seeing what is happening I write everything in the books. Everyone can see if they dedicate themselves to meditation.
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