Bag om The Laws & Customs of Purim
This Sefer provides the reader with a clear summary of the Shulchan Aruch in the laws of Purim, as well as a clear and concise directive and ruling of various Halachic queries within the topics covered. We have carefully and meticulously analyzed all the corresponding chapters in the Shulchan Aruch, as well many additional Achronim and authoritative books already written on the subject, to give the English reader the most organized, clear and resourced literature available of all the laws and customs practiced throughout mourning, with a wealth of practical Q&A. As in all our works, we have carefully studied, and noted the opinion of the Shulchan Aruch Harav and Chabad custom relating to the subject. The Sefer makes note of the customs and practices of Jews of all spectrums of Jewry; Sephardi and Ashkenazi, in order so each can receive their direction of practice. In addition, it contains a wealth of practical Q&A that is not dealt with in Shulchan Aruch and gives the reader a clear background of the Rabbinical opinions on the subject. In addition, it provides a wealth of information in the footnotes, which include sources, reasons, overview of the rulings of other Poskim, and clarifications. Thus, the goal of this Sefer is on the one hand to give the English-speaking public clear guidance of answers to Halachic questions, and at the same time hand him vast background knowledge of the subject at hand, as well as knowledge of other opinions on the given subject, thus fulfilling the Rebbe's instructions that every Jew is to be wealthy in knowledge of Torah.The Shaar Hamidrash: A most unique segment of this Sefer is certainly the section that delves into the Purim Holiday. It includes Chassidic insights into the meaning of the Holiday, classical Q&A allocated from the words of Chazal, and the talks of the Rebbe. It also includes an outline of the Purim story from the Megillah and a compilation of hundreds of Q&A on the Purim story taken from various Midrashim. The Q&A covers all the classical Midrashim on the Purim story, each in accordance to their opinion. Hence the reader receives a broad knowledge of the different teachings of our Sages on the Purim story. In many instances there appear to be contradictory understandings between the different Midrashim, and in such a case both Midrashim have been brought, Vieilu Vieilu Divrei Elokim Chaim.
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