Bag om The New All-too-True-Blue History of Delaware
"The New All-too-True-Blue History of Delaware" is a creative history of Delaware (or an "alternative" history, if you will). Events that are covered include, but are not limited to: TIME IMMEMORIAL - The First Delawarian 1624 - Dutch and Swedes 1638 - New Sweden and Swedish Fish 1655 - New Netherlands Conquers New Sweden 1664 - Brits Boot the Dutch 1701 - Delaware Goes Its Own Way 1763 to 1767 - Mason/Dixon Tug-of-War 1777 - Battle of Brandywine 1783 - Brits Lose Delaware, and More 1787 - Statehood 1788 - Delawarians Ratify the Constitution 1827 - Delaware Abolition Society Founded 1861 to 1865 - Civil War 1901 - Annie Jump Cannon Shoots Herself Into Outer Space 1959 -- "What did Delaware?" Song 1974 - Heimlich Maneuver 1977 -- "George Thorogood and the Destroyers" Debut Album 1978 -- "Move It on Over" Album 1981 -- "Fifty States in Fifty Days" Tour 1982 -- "Bad to the Bone" Album 1985 -- "Maverick" Album 1988 -- "Born to Be Bad" Album Many of the events have explanatory images to help you visualize the history lessons.
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