Bag om The New All-too-True-Blue History of Pennsylvania
"The New All-too-True-Blue History of Pennsylvania" is a creative history of Pennsylvania (or an "alternative" history, if you will). Events that are covered include, but are not limited to: 1681 - William Penn Gets Land From the King of England 1682 - Mennonite Invasion 1750 - Benjamin Franklin Flies a Stingray 1767 - Mason/Dixon Line 1776 - Declaration of Interdependence 1777, 1778 - Washington and His Buddies Vacation at Valley Forge 1791 to 1794 - Whiskey Rebellion 1859 - Titusville Titan 1863 - Gettysburg Addresses 1889 - Johnstown Flood 1892 - Homestead Strike 1903 - Hershey Company & Town 1912 - Indians Defeat the Military 1935 - Smedley's Racket 1938 - Meteorite Hits Cow 1953 - Jonas Salk Invents Water Polo 1979 - Three Mile Island 1993 - Groundhog Day Most of the events have explanatory images to help you visualize the history lessons.
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