Bag om The Truth About the 'Divine' Soul
It wasn't until the 7th century BC and later that the concept of a 'Divine' human soul started coming into widespread belief. For thousands of years of recorded history it was only the Gods who were considered immortal and Divine. Late Greek Hero cults were the first place in western thought that the idea of mortals being able to attain divinity first arose. But it wasn't until the advent of the Greek philosophers that the belief that the souls of all mortals were 'Divine'. During the same era that Greek philosophy took its roots in the West, the Upanishads were starting to be composed in India in the East. From historical records it appears that this same concept of the 'Divine' mortal soul sprang full blown in both the East and the West. This book not only examines the 'coincidence' in timing of this shift in human spiritual thinking, but also explains what mainstream philosophers and theologians today have still not figured out about the alleged human 'soul' and the mystical writings of these ancient philosophers. For 2,700 years humanity has been scammed with all this propaganda about their 'Divine' souls, never knowing what this alleged 'soul' is or its real dark purpose to enslave all humanity. This book explains the hard and ugly truth about this alleged soul, and also explains the real agenda behind what all Secret Societies are keeping secret from the public. Although much of the information in this book has been provided in other previous works by this author, this volume takes a more comprehensive look at the origin of the belief in the 'Divine' soul by providing interpretations for the seemingly mystical prognostications about the soul posited by philosophers from both the East and the West. Once one has the key to understanding their mysterious mystical philosophical meanderings, then the picture that is exposed reveals a scam of monumental scale. This book is not going to make any reader comfortable as they come face to face with the truth. For those who claim to be seekers after the truth, by reading this book you are going to be tested in how much truth you are really ready to accept. Every philosopher and psychologist needs to read this book to gain insights into the human 'psyche', which in ancient Greek meant 'soul', and finally unravel the mystique of the writings of the ancient philosophers by being provided a pragmatic explanation for it all - regardless of how hard accepting that pragmatic reason will be. It is from these early beginnings into researching the 'Divine' that all world religions find their origin where their eternal afterlife beliefs are concerned, regardless of how hard apologists for these religions will resist these truths. This book is a paradigm-shattering step into a reality that only a handful of elites have intentionally kept from public knowledge over the ages. The material in the book is guaranteed to upset your present perception of reality and expose you to a reality that goes beyond what some will be willing to accept. This assessment is not made lightly, nor is it used as a sales hook to sell the book. The material in this book is dangerous to virtually everyone's worldview and reading it is going to create a lot of internal psychological self-examination about one's beliefs, whether those beliefs are about the ancient philosophers, human psychology, religious beliefs, spiritual beliefs, and even experimentation into the occult, for in the end, all these practices stem from one foundational misconception about the 'Divine' and our alleged eternal soul.
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