Bag om Traveled Hearts
The Traveled Hearts saga begins in 1885 New England where Jessica Messing, a spirited twenty-year-old, yearns to break free from the confines of her rigid, upper-middle-class life in Hartford, Connecticut to become a well-known and respected artist. However, her family and society have different plans. Falling in love with Jacob Stanford only complicates her life-a love affair she must keep secret.
Forced to bend to her father's wishes, she marries the charming yet deceitful English attorney to help save the family's law firm. An arduous journey across the country leads Jessica to her new life in San Francisco where she finds herself trapped in a life of dutiful housewife. Compelled by curiosity, she secretly ventures into the heart of the city where her artist passion is fueled and her view of life is altered.
When her marriage is faced with jealousy and infidelity, Jessica is determined to carve out a truer life for herself that includes her love for Jacob. Can she fulfill her dreams without destroying her reputation and her family's future?
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