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'This is a very worthwhile book. It can change individual lives and the life of our society.' The Dalai LamaLucidly and beautifully written, Peace is Every Step contains commentaries and meditations, personal anecdotes and stories from Nhat Hanh's experiences as a peace activist, teacher, and community leader. It begins where the reader already is - in the kitchen, office, driving a car, walking in a park - and shows how deep meditative presence is available now. Nhat Hanh provides exercises to increase our awareness of our own body and mind through conscious breathing, which can bring immediate joy and peace. Nhat Hanh also shows how to be aware of relationships with others and of the world around us, its beauty and also its pollution and injustices. The deceptively simple practices of Peace is Every Step encourage the reader to work for peace in the world as he or she continues to work on sustaining inner peace by turning the 'mindness' into the mindful.
Osho discusses where fears originate, how to understand them and how to find the courage to face them. The change in our lives that can cause fear is actually a cause for celebration. Rather than clinging to the familiar, we can learn to see new situations as opportunities for adventure.
From two mind-body practitioners comes a body-first guide to reducing stress, curing long-term pain, and healing from trauma for good using your body's own nervous system.
SOBER CURIOUS. Bevidst om alkohol.Uforstyrret søvn, øget koncentration, stort nærvær og dybe relationer venter på den anden side af alkohol. Hot at sige not. Er du også ved at være træt af, at alkohol er et must, når vi skal hygge os? SOBER CURIOUS lærer dig at blive bevidst om dine alkoholvaner – og at nyde festen uden. RUBY WARRINGTONS alkoholhistorie er måske den samme som din: weekendalkoholiker med cocktails som selvsikkerhed i flydende from, hvidvin som første skridt mod nye eventyr? Fordomsfrit, sjovt og varmt opmuntrer hun dig til at gennemskue din egen alkoholhistorie og dine vaner og bryde med dem. Gevinsten er bedre søvn, bedre fokus, bedre sundhed, bedre liv. SOBER CURIOUS betyder at være bevidst om hvordan, hvornår og hvorfor du drikker. Det handler ikke om total afholdenhed, men om selv at vælge og nyde alkohol, når det passer dig – fri af andres forventninger. Og bogen er pakket med åbenbaringer og gode takeaways. RUBY WARRINGTON er hovedkvinden bag SOBER CURIOUS- bevægelsen, der er gået globalt.Hun er engelsk journalist, men bor i dag i New York.
SPIS SOM EN YOGI er en vegetarisk kogebog med 75 lækre, smagfulde og farverige opskrifter. Bogen er for alle som ønsker sig mere styrke, smidighed og balance i krop og sind. Ligesom dine tanker kan gøre dig glad eller trist, kan den mad du vælger og måden du spiser den på også påvirke dit humør, løfte din energi, få dig til at stråle eller gøre det modsatte. Mange af dagens timer går med at tilberede mad eller spise, så hvorfor ikke give dig selv den gave at være nærværende, til stede og mærke din krops behov samtidig. I SPIS SOM EN YOGI guider Katrine Tuborgh dig hen mod Mindful spisning og giver dig værktøjerne til at tilberede, pynte og spise din mad, så du vækker alle dine sanser. At spise som en yogi handler lige så meget om hvordan du spiser, som hvad du spiser. KATRINE TUBORGH er kogebogsforfatter, holistisk ernæringsterapeut og yogalærer. Bogens er blandt andet baseret på Katrines erfaringer fra hendes yoga retreats med Mindful spisning og mad der vækker sanserne. Hun har tidligere udgivet kogebøgerne ”Stenalderkøkken”, ”Naturlig mad” og ”Sund junkfood”.
Håndboldlegenden Rikke Hørlykke lever i dag af at gøre helt almindelige mennesker stærkere og sundere, så de kan leve det liv, de gerne vil, og have det godt hele livet. Her er hendes manual til, hvordan vi hver især finder den helt rigtige måde at træne på.Da Rikke Hørlykke sagde farvel til tophåndbolden, blev hun spurgt, hvad hendes nye drømmejob var, og hendes svar var, at det ikke fandtes. Men der tog hun fejl. For hun har skabt sit eget drømmejob som træner, inspirator og coach.”Jeg fandt ud af, at jeg har evnen til at motivere og inspirere andre, og det er en gave, man er forpligtet til at bruge,” fortæller hun.Så selv om de fleste nok stadig tænker på håndbold, når de hører Rikkes navn, eller på hendes frygtindgydende styrke og mod, når hun optræder i tv-føljetoner som f.eks. Korpset, har hun nu gennem otte år hjulpet ganske almindelige mennesker med at blive sundere og stærkere, og nogle af dem har hun også hjulpet med at tabe sig.Nu kommer bogen, der gør hendes sundhedsprincipper, træningsprogrammer og mentale værktøjer tilgængelige for alle uanset træningstilstand eller ambitionsniveau og viser, hvordan træningen sagtens kan fungere i en travl tilværelse.”Træning skal være simpelt, effektivt og overskueligt. Ellers får man det ikke altid gjort – og man får jo kun udbytte af den træning, der bliver lavet,” siger hun.Bogens programmer og øvelser kan enten trænes hjemme i stuen, i haven eller ude i naturen, og man skal hverken være bange for at kede sig eller for at dumme sig. ”Det er sjovt og udfordrende, men ikke svært,” lover Rikke, der nyder at flytte mennesker, både fysisk og mentalt.Bogen er blevet til i tæt samarbejde mellem Rikke og Marie-Louise Truelsen, journalist på Alt for Damerne.
Drømmer du om mere egenomsorg og tid til DIG? Skab selvkærlige åndehuller i en travl hverdag med Yin Yogabogen. Tag på en indre opdagelsesrejse i krop og sind, og stræk dig glad og i balance. Bogen er et kærligt værktøj til dig, der ønsker at dyrke yoga i dine egne, trygge omgivelser og dit eget tempo. Alle kan være med – uanset om du er ny eller øvet på yogamåtten.Glæd dig til at mærke de gavnlige effekter af yin yogaens lange, dybe og blide bindevævsstræk. Yin yoga øger smidigheden, sænker stressniveauet, forbedrer kropsholdningen og øger blodcirkulationen. Bliv fri for fysiske og mentale spændinger, rygsmerter, hovedpiner, ubalancer og meget, meget mere. Bliv klogere på yogateorien, fordyb dig i de 24 yin yogastillinger, og nyd bogens 20+ yin yogaprogrammer. Yogaprogrammerne er visualiseret med billeder af de enkelte yogastillinger, så de er lette at komme i gang med, og så du kan sammensætte sekvenser med dine yndlingsstillinger.CATHRINE KOEFOEDKvinden bag Cathrineyoga.dk – Danmarks største yogaunivers, som inspirerer over 100.000 månedlige læsere. Uddannet inden for yin, yang, gravid, hatha og vinyasa yoga samt mindfulness og meditation. Skaberen af Cathrine Yoga Online – en selvkærlig medlemsklub med et evigt voksende yogabibliotek af yogavideoer og meditationer. Skaberen af Cathrine Yoga Travel – et personligt rejsebureau, der arrangerer anmelderroste yogarejser i hele verden.
De tibetanske riters præcise oprindelse er ukendt, men man ved, at de har været kendt og anvendt i flere tusinde år. De tibetanske riter består af fem øvelser, som vil hjælpe dig med at opbygge styrke, balance, smidighed, bedre koordination, øget udholdenhed og en stærkere psyke – det handler bare om at afsætte et kvarter om dagen til at få udført riterne. Audun Myskja, overlæge og specialist i almen medicin, gennemgår i bogen de fem oprindelige tibetanske riter samt to yderligere og guider læseren igennem udførelsen af dem. Myskja giver en videnskabelig og forskningsbaseret forklaring på, hvordan de tibetanske riter er ideelle til at styrke kroppens centrale muskler.De tibetanske riter tager kun 15 minutter at udføre, og de kan gennemføres af alle uanset form og helbredstilstand. Riterne kan tilpasses den enkelte udøvers personlige situation – de kan udføres af toptrænede idrætsudøvere, af nybegyndere, der ønsker at øge deres fysiske aktivitet eller af personer med nedsat funktionsevne.Audun Myskja er overlæge med speciale i almen medicin og musikterapi og med mere end fyrre års erfaring med integreret medicin. Han er faglig leder af Senter for Livshjelp i Norge og en eftertragtet underviser, foredragsholder og forfatter, der er kendt for sin evne til at inspirere og ramme hjertet hos dem, der læser hans bøger eller deltager i hans undervisning og foredrag. Audun Myskja har hjulpet tusindvis af mennesker til et bedre liv og helbred med sine metoder, som er en syntese af det bedste fra en række forskellige traditioner. Han er også grundlægger af og underviser på Uddannelsen for Enhedsterapi.
'The perfect guide for a course correction in life' Deepak ChopraFor decades, people have turned to the inspiring words of pioneering Zen scholar Alan Watts for guidance, support and spiritual sustenance. In this thought-provoking collection of aphorisms and quotations, Watts reminds us all to slow down, to recognize we are not the universe but part of it and to enjoy each moment that composes our lives. This is a timeless work to reflect upon, to live by and to read for inspiration, knowledge and growth.
Drawing on the experiences of his career as a psychiatrist, Scott Peck combines scientific and spiritual views to guide us through the difficult, painful times in life by showing us how to confront our problems through the key principles of discipline, love and grace.
A guided journal for letting go of the day, reflecting and relaxing into restful sleep.
Discover all there is to know about unicorn guides: how to connect with them, advance on your spiritual path with their help, and attract more love, light and happiness into your life. Through practicing the meditations, visualizations and journalling exercises included, you will begin to see positive shifts in your life.
Yoga was created as a science for liberation, but in modern times it is used by many to improve physical and mental health, helping us become more productive at work, more caring in relationships, more responsible contributors to society, and better inhabitants of this planet. If yoga does accomplish all that-as many practitioners report-how exactly does yoga do it? How does yoga work? Believe it or not, the answers lie in how the human body and mind function. Eddie Stern's One Simple Thing: A New Look at the Science of Yoga and How It Can Transform Your Life explains from both a yogic and a scientific perspective how the human nervous system is wired. It describes the mechanics taking place beneath the surface of our bodies and shows how we can consciously use yogic practices to direct and change our lives in positive ways. Drawing on modern neuroscience, ancient wisdom, and decades of practice and teaching, Eddie Stern reveals how what we do-from diet to chanting, from postures to meditation, from ethical practices to breathing techniques-affects who we become, and how a steady routine of activities and attitudes can transform our bodies, our brain functions, our emotions, and our experience of life.
DEAR UNIVERSE is a dip-in/dip-out, highly accessible guide to manifestation and the Law of Attraction.
';A story that, for too long, has been crying out to be told' Henry Lincoln, author ofHoly Blood, Holy Grail';The heights that the climb may lead you to are in proportion to the depths to which you are willing to delve' Mary Magdalene is arguably one of Jesus' best-known disciples and yet we know very little about her. From the writing of the New Testament to the filming ofThe Da Vinci Code, her image has been repeatedly conscripted, contorted and contradicted. Mary is considered by many as an outcast, underserving of Jesus's love. In this follow up book toThe Seer,we join Lars Muhl as he seeks to find out more about the intimate relationship between Jesus (Yeshua) and Mary Magdalene. This is the story of a forgotten feminine power recounted in parallel to the author's journey.The Magdaleneis the second book in the Grail Trilogy, otherwise known asThe O Manuscript
Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert, is a truly enchanting book that explores the mysterious nature of inspiration. Published by Bloomsbury Publishing PLC in 2016, this book falls under the genre of Self-Help & Personal Development. Gilbert, best known for her international bestseller 'Eat, Pray, Love', delves into her own creative process and shares her wisdom and unique perspective about creativity. With profound empathy and radiant generosity, she offers potent insights into the mysterious nature of inspiration, making 'Big Magic' a must-read for anyone hoping to live a creative life. This book serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of creativity. It encourages readers to embrace curiosity, tackle what they most love, and face down what they most fear. Whether we are looking to write a book, make art, find new ways to address challenges in our work, embark on a dream long deferred, or simply infuse our everyday lives with more mindfulness and passion, 'Big Magic' cracks open a world of wonder and joy.
This classic exploration of the Goddess through time and throughout the world draws on religious, cultural, and archaeological sources to recreate the Goddess religion that is humanity’s heritage. Now, with a new introduction and full-color artwork, this passionate and important text shows even more clearly that the religion of the Goddess--which is tied to the cycles of women’s bodies, the seasons, the phases of the moon, and the fertility of the earth--was the original religion of all humanity.
From the man who brought you Born to Run: a radical new approach to fitness
Best-selling author Frederic Delavier introduces 49 programs for sculpting every region of the body. Featuring 157 exercises targeted to the back, shoulders, abs, buttocks, legs, arms, and chest, Delavier's Women's Strength Training Anatomy Workouts includes 140 photos and 290 remarkable anatomical illustrations.
This book is one of the most esoteric treatises in the world. It will show you the way to become more than the body and the way to bloom - how not to remain a seed but to become a golden flower. What, in India, they call the one thousand-petalled lotus, in China they call the golden flower. It is a symbol that represents perfection, totality. Moreover, the flower represents the actualisation of the potential - the beauty, the grandeur, the splendour of being.This treatise,The Secret of Secrets, is very ancient - possibly one of the most ancient treatises in the world - at least twenty-five centuries old. But twenty-five centuries can be traced back very easily. And this treatise is also, uniquely, a great synthesis of all the great religions. The Bible belongs to the Christians, the Talmud belongs to the Jews, the Vedas belong to the Hindus, the Dhammapada to the Buddhists, the Tao Te Ching to the Taoists. But this small book,The Secret of Secrets, belongs to no one in particular, or it belongs to all.It is heavily based on Taoist teachings, a flowering of the Taoist approach to life and existence. But it is not only that - Zarathustra has played a role; his teachings are incorporated within it. Buddhist teachings have also been integrated, and a certain esoteric school of Christians, the Nestorians, have played their part. It is one of the most synthetical approaches.
A manual for opening the doors of perception and directly engaging the intelligence of the Natural World.
Discover the secret language of the body! Every ache, pain and symptom is the body delivering a message of importance to you in its own unique language. This is a book is a translation manual that teaches you that language. The basic premise here is that we are much greater than the sum of our physical parts. We are a spiritual beings residing in a physical bodies. Hence, what we feel physically can be a manifestation of what is going on in our spirit. It is critical for our spiritual growth that we listen to what our bodies are trying to tell us. In this book you will discover what the messages from the different body systems mean and how you can heal any situation by understanding the message that is being delivered and acting appropriately on that message. This is a secret language that is now being revealed. It is no longer a mystery. Discover for yourself what YOU are trying to say to YOURSELF. Among the topics discussed: What is your body telling you? What is pain telling you? How people make themselves sick. Ways in which you can learn to heal yourself.
This is not your run-of-the-mill fitness book. Developed by world-renowned gluteal expert Bret Contreras, Strong Curves offers an extensive fitness and nutrition guide for women seeking to improve their physique, function, strength, and mobility. Contreras spent the last eighteen years researching and field-testing the best methods for building better butts and shapelier bodies. In Strong Curves, he offers the programs that have proven effective time and time again with his clients, allowing you to develop lean muscle, rounded glutes, and greater confidence. Each page is packed with information decoding the female anatomy, providing a better understanding as to why most fitness programs fail to help women reach their goals. With a comprehensive nutritional guide and more than 200 strength exercises, this book gets women off the treadmill and furnishes their drive to achieve strength, power, and sexy curves from head to toe. Although the glutes are the largest and most powerful muscle group in the human body, they often go dormant due to lifestyle choices, leading to a flat, saggy bum. Strong Curves is the cure.
The author has studied the shamanic healing techniques of the descendants of the Incas for more than 20 years. In this manual, Villoldo explains the luminous energy field that he maintains surrounds living beings and shows how to use it in healing.
Dolores Cannon uses information obtained from regressive hypnosis to formulate a provocative viewpoint on the "ancient astronaut" theory of human origins.
The insights found in The Celestine Prophecy and The Tenth Insight have touched the lives of many millons of people;
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