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  • af Jeff Kemp
    162,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af John Strege
    167,95 kr.

    In a captivating journey through the heart of faith and the arena of sports, In the Big Inning invites you to explore the profound intersection where Christianity and athletics converge. With eloquence and passion, the author weaves his personal experiences, his love for sports, and his unwavering faith into a tapestry that celebrates the indomitable spirit of both realms.From Tim Tebow using his eye black to prompt people to read John 3:16 to Houston Astros manager Dusty Baker's declaration that prayer guides his life to Steph Curry's expert use of social media to share his faith with millions, In the Big Inning invites you to witness the joy, the trials, and the triumphs that make up the intricate tapestry of a life well-lived in the pursuit of faith and the embrace of the game.

  • af Tósìn Ak¿moláf¿
    177,95 kr.

    Embark on an extraordinary voyage from Lagos to London with 'Father-Time Continuum' by Tósìn Ak¿moláf¿; a profound exploration of one man's transformative journey over decades.In this captivating story, Akándé is a dreamer whose path to fatherhood begins long before his own birth. Against a backdrop of unexpected tragedies and raw emotions, he unravels the complex legacies of the father figures in his life, while forging an authentic path to becoming a parent himself.Breaking free from familiar paternal imperfections, Akándé finds solace and guidance from the remarkable women in his life. Through the author's vivid storytelling and heartfelt introspection, you'll be transported into a world of hurdles, familiar customs, and personal triumphs that define our very essence of parenthood.'Father-Time Continuum' is an exhilarating exploration of identity, resilience, and the enduring power of family bonds. Prepare to be captivated as you navigate the depths of love, trauma, faith, grief, and the extraordinary themes that will reverberate within your soul, leaving an indelible mark on your heart.

  • af John Eldredge
    157,95 kr.

    Mata a tu leónes una exploración entre padre e hijo, a las preguntas a las que los hombres jóvenes se enfrentan cuando se acercan a la edad adulta-preguntas que siguen acosando a muchos hombres aún en la mediana edad.

  • af William Harding
    157,95 kr.

    ¿Tu pareja acaba de darte una sacudida con la gran "palabra con la E" y ahora te das cuenta de repente de que no tienes ni idea de lo que se supone que debes hacer al respecto?¿Estás emocionado y aterrorizado al mismo tiempo y realmente pensabas que estarías más preparado para esto de lo que te sientes actualmente?Quizá sea algo inesperado, o quizá lleves tiempo intentándolo, pero de repente es verdad: ¡vas a ser papá!Independientemente de cómo te sientas actualmente, una cosa es segura: tu vida está a punto de cambiar para siempre.Pero esto no tiene por qué ser abrumador ni descarrilarte. No tienes que pasar apuros durante los próximos meses y acabar aprendiendo todas las lecciones por las malas.En realidad, ¡puedes hacer exactamente lo contrario!Esto es normal, y está totalmente bien sentir que no estás preparado.Sin embargo, depende de ti garantizar que, antes de que llegue el momento, estés realmente preparado.La buena noticia es que nunca ha sido tan fácil para ti hacerlo. Con padres de todo el mundo uniéndose y compartiendo sus ideas y consejos, puedes aprender fácilmente casi todo lo que necesitas saber - mucho antes de que llegue el bebé.Con la conciencia adecuada, una guía mes a mes para reforzar tus elecciones y una poderosa visión de lo que realmente ocurre con tu mujer y tu hijo en desarrollo, pronto te encontrarás a ti mismo sabiendo exactamente qué hacer con estas inevitables bolas curvas.¡Lo vas a hacer genial, hombre!En Trucos para el Nuevo Papá tú descubrirás:Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el proceso de parto para poder ayudar en las decisiones difíciles cuando surjan.Consejos de expertos sobre cómo planificar tus finanzas para que tú y tu familia estén bien atendidos.Cómo prepararte para lo inesperado, lo que te permitirá quedar como un verdadero superhéroe cuando las cosas se pongan un poco feas.Por qué necesitas empezar a cocinar (o de lo contrario podrías estar comiendo alguna porquería rara).Respuestas a tus preguntas más importantes a lo largo de cada mes del procesoQué puedes hacer para garantizar que el parto transcurra sin problemas para todos los involucrados y por qué tu pareja te amará aún más por estar preparado para ello.Consejos profesionales para que tu pareja esté contenta y se sienta querida aunque te grite obscenidades......¡y mucho más!Mira amigo, esto es algo grande - tienes toda la razón.Pero tú puedes manejarlo. Puedes dominarlo y desarrollar las habilidades que necesitarás para estar ahí para tu familia.Dar un ejemplo positivo a tus hijos empieza ahora, ¡y tú ESTÁS listo!Es hora de dejar a un lado las preocupaciones y asumir con valentía ese papel de padre con el que tanto has soñado.

  • af Daryl Langworthy
    137,95 kr.

    This story is a philosophy of life, comparing it to a train ride through life, sharing happy memories about the journey that leads to eternal peace and happiness.

  • af Austin Creed
    107,95 kr.

    It's not just a book-it's a guide that helps you understand who you are and what you want in a world full of ideas.Discover "Biblical Bachelor" by Austin Creed, a book that's like a journey with a friend. A compelling manifesto, merging ancient wisdom with modern resonance. Weaving together the philosophies of luminaries like the Apostle Paul, Napoleon Hill, and Kevin Samuels, Creed unleashes a blueprint for the spiritually seeking single man. The pages unravel thought-provoking principles with a voice that's raw, real, and unapologetically engaging. Dive into the alchemy of self-improvement, reigniting the fire of purpose. Allow Creed's words to reshape your desires and rekindle your destiny. Prepare to reemerge not only as a reader but as a seeker of truth, embracing the challenges and triumphs of your own evolution.Explore life, faith, and the journey of becoming a better man with the "Biblical Bachelor." This book is for young Christian and spiritual guys who want to think for themselves and make their own choices.

  • af Hermann Selchow
    208,95 kr.

  • af D. D. Simpson
    217,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Summersdale Publishers
    113,95 kr.

    Show your dad just how much he means to you with this delightful collection of heartfelt quotes and timeless wisdom. Is your dad one in a million? Whether he's the best hug-giver, the ultimate counsellor or simply your biggest fan, whether you want your message to be funny or kind, say a massive thank you with the help of this little book.

  • af Andre Schneider
    332,95 kr.

    Paris im Frühling: Zwei Männer, die unterschiedlicher kaum sein könnten, verlieben sich auf den ersten Blick ineinander. Der eine aufregend schön, charmant, reich und faul, der andere gedankenvoll, ehrgeizig, arm und begabt.Eine aufregende Zeit beginnt. Doch was passiert, wenn Liebe und Schmerz zu nahe beieinander liegen? Wenn anfängliche Zuneigung und Bindungslust nach und nach toxisch werden?In dieser mitreißenden Erzählung nimmt André Schneider die Leser mit auf eine wort- und bildgewaltige halbautobiografische Reise quer durch Europa, lässt sie hautnah teilhaben an den Höhen, Tiefen und intimsten Momenten einer außergewöhnlichen Beziehung und gewährt tiefe Einblicke in eine Künstlerseele.Über viele Jahre sollten der sich sammelnde und der sich verschwendende Mann sich im Wechsel annähern und abstoßen. Philosophen wollten sie werden - und sie sind es auch geworden. Auf ihre eigene, schmerzhafte Weise. Ein poetischer Roman über sexuelle Selbstfindung und einen langen Abschied.

  • af Al Hamilton
    147,95 kr.

    A small token as a gift with words - offering countless memories and lifetime of love.

  • af Robert Philip
    87,95 kr.

    In the early 19th century work "Manly Piety in Its Principles," Scottish minister Robert Philip offers spiritual guidance for cultivating faith and virtue. Writing during a time of societal flux, Philip aims to ground Christian men in disciplined principles and values.Philip extols the importance of actively living one's beliefs with courage, self-control, and moral integrity. He warns against complacency and convenience in matters of devotion and righteousness. With eloquent reflections, Philip defines manly piety as strength of character enlightened by humility, spiritual commitment and purpose.Blending philosophy and theology, Philip's work calls believers to higher standards of thought and action. He exhorts faith powered by conviction, untouched by sentimentality or showmanship. Philip's insights resonated with generations of readers seeking substance and depth in Christian practice. His bold vision of disciplined discipleship continues to inspire lives of principled devotion centuries later.

  • af Hermann Candahashi
    258,95 kr.

    ¿shinto: the way of the gods ¿ the ancient religion of japan and its influence on society¿ is a comprehensive examination of the shinto religion and its significance in japanese society. shinto, which literally means ¿way of the gods,¿ is one of the oldest religions in the world and has a profound influence on japanese culture, history, and this book, we explore the origins of shintoism and the fundamental principles of this religion.we take a look at the various types of shinto shrines and their significance as places of worship and purification. furthermore, we examine the diverse rituals and ceremonies practiced in shinto and how they shape the spiritual lives of people in japan.another important topic is the connection between shinto and nature. in shintoism, it is believed that nature is inhabited by spirits or gods, and this concept has a strong influence on the understanding and treatment of the environment in japan. we also consider the connection between shinto and japanese mythology, as many of the gods and goddesses of shinto play a role in ancient japanese myths and additional aspect is the importance of shinto in family life. family rituals and ancestor veneration are integral parts of shinto beliefs and have a significant impact on family relationships in japan.furthermore, we shed light on the influence of shinto on japanese art. whether it is painting, architecture, theater, or music, shintoism has greatly shaped the artistic expressions of japan.additionally, we examine the political history of japan and the influence of shinto on the country¿s development. particularly during the imperial era, shintoism played a significant role as an instrument of state ideology and as a justification for imperialistic aspirations.throughout the book, we also consider the role of shinto in modern society. how has the faith changed over time, and how is it practiced in contemporary times? we take a look at the influence of shinto on various aspects of modern life, such as education, work ethics, and social norms.a fascinating topic is also the presence of shinto in popular culture. films, anime, and manga often incorporate elements of shinto, contributing to the spread and popularity of the religion. we examine some well-known examples and explore their impact on the international perception of shinto.tourism also plays a significant role in relation to shinto. many tourists from around the world visit japan to experience the impressive shinto shrines and participate in traditional ceremonies. we analyze the impact of tourism on shinto sites and the challenges they face.furthermore, we consider interreligious dialogue and how shinto interacts with other religions in japan. there is a long history of coexistence and exchange between shinto, buddhism, and other religious traditions in japan, and we delve into these relationships in more detail.lastly, we take a glimpse into the future of shinto. how will the religion evolve and withstand modern challenges and societal changes? what opportunities and potentials does shinto offer for shaping japan¿s future?¿shinto: the way of the gods ¿ the ancient religion of japan and its influence on society¿ provides a comprehensive and captivating exploration of shintoism and its influence on japanese society. it is intended for readers interested in religion, culture, history, and japanese society, offering deep insights into one of the most fascinating and influential religions in the world. immerse yourself in the world of shinto and discover its diverse facets and impact on japanese culture and identity.

  • af Sophie Lindenberg
    219,95 - 315,95 kr.

  • af F M Bailey
    152,95 kr.

    China-Tibet-Assam narra las aventuras de F. M. Bailey en su intento de remontar el río Tsangpo y resolver el misterio geográfico de su desembocadura.

  • af Compiled By Barbour Staff
    107,95 kr.

    Life is hard, but God is bigger than any challenge. This 180-entry devotional encourages you to find your daily strength from the all-powerful God, through Jesus Christ.

  • af Doug Giles
    197,95 kr.

    Dear young Christian male, this book you're about to read is meant to challenge you to your very core. Its intent is not to make you feel warm and fuzzy. Some of the chapters will upset you greatly, especially if you're a dandy that was raised with kid gloves by a helicopter mommy. That said, in addition to the holy introspection contained herein, this book will also shoot adrenaline into your soul. It'll push you to be a Godly risk taker and earth shaker. A veritable Rebel With A Cause just like the Captain of Our Salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ. If you want a feelgood book that tickles your ears and morphs you into a little Christian popinjay, this tome ain't for you. You should put this book down and walk away from it immediately. However, if, young man, if ... your motto is to give God your utmost for His highest, and you wanna live a life worthy of Christ's death, then this book will be grist for your mill.

  • af Jake Hamilton
    197,95 kr.

    A Fresh Vision of Spirit-Empowered MasculinityAs genders, marriages, and families come under attack, global men's movement leader Jake Hamilton reveals what true biblical masculinity is--and why our world desperately needs it right now.In this book, Jake challenges and emboldens men to be who God created them to be. Diving into Scripture, ancient traditions, and the mythological story of Parzival, he uncovers twelve time-tested pathways God uses to train you to- own the radical responsibility He's placed on men--no matter the cost- use your unique perspectives and personality to fight the evil around you- hold your ground with confidence, courage, and conviction- no longer be sidelined by shame, addiction, depression, and disconnection- live with purpose, clarity, integrity, and boldnessIt's time for men of conviction and character to rise up, stand with humble strength, and learn to fight for your identity, marriage, children, and the Kingdom."This book offers a vital, holistic journey, redefining manhood away from toxic stereotypes, and guiding men through their God-intended, heroic paths in family and society."--Bishop Mark J. Chironna "A book filled with wit, wisdom, and invitation. Hamilton offers a robust path to a deeper life, and he does so with great gusto."--Dr. Martin Shaw"You will be infused with the courage to pursue your own journey and reap the benefits for years to come!"--Kris Vallotton

  • af Honor Books
    152,95 - 217,95 kr.

  • af Eric Johnson
    222,95 kr.

    Discover the captivating story within the pages of "My Father's Story: The Murder of the Best Man I've Ever Known" by Eric Johnson. The story unfolds when Eric delves into the life and tragic death of his father, Bill Johnson, who was brutally murdered by his ex-girlfriend in his own home, taking not only his life but also that of his beloved dog.In Eric's account of the story, you will witness firsthand how profoundly an act of violence can change lives forever. Eric entangles his readers in a captivating journey toward truth and justice with surreal court hearings, fit for a horror movie, that puts his dad's ex-girlfriend's mental health at the epicenter of her defense. As you flip through the pages, you'll be enthralled by each distressing twist and turn. Embark on this inside look into loss, heartache, and a brutal quest for truth that lies within "My Father's Story: The Murder of the Best Man I've Ever Known."

  • af Hermann Selchow
    221,95 - 314,95 kr.

  • af Walker Clark
    172,95 kr.

    Walker Clark did not set out to be an acting coach, life coach, business coach, or any other type of coach for that matter. He discovered what being an actor could do for individuals. Not the acting you already know about; Walker's way of being an actor has given him and others permission to create new ways of being and acting in life-unencumbered by the past. Permission to act is the freedom and the possibility to be someone new: to be an actor-one who lives as the possibility of being anything. This discovery has left him free to be and free to engage and interact with life in the present, which allows for enormous power and impact with the people he coaches. Permission to Act is a memoir of sorts. It started out as a means of answering a seemingly simple question posed by his father. You may be entertained. Coaches may discover coaching, parents may discover parenting, and athletes may discover their sport. As you take this journey with Walker you may discover what permission to act is for you...or maybe you'll just laugh.

  • af Mary Lee Wagner
    165,95 kr.

    Die Abendsonne kotzt Melancholie auf den Asphalt, als wir uns zum letzten Mal treffen.Abschied, kein Neuanfang in Sicht. Wir allein auf einer Welt voller verlorener Seelen.Herzschmerz in unseren Jackentaschen, neben zerknülltem Kaugummi-Papier und zerrissenen Mahnungen.Träume, ertrunken in Sektgläsern aus Plastik, und Momente, die zerfließen wie unsere heruntergeschluckten Schmerzen."Mary Lee Wagner schreibt von Träumen und Sehnsüchten, die mal meine waren. Als die Welt groß und abenteuerlich war, bevor ich glaubte, schon alles gesehen zu haben. Sie zeigt die Schönheit des was-wäre-wenn und den Schmerz des was-niemals-wurde." - Wendy NikolaizikDer Band enthält acht Kurzgeschichten.

  • af Ben Berman
    247,95 - 367,95 kr.

    Ben Berman's Writing While Parenting explores what it means to pursue a creative passion alongside raising a family, how having children can make a parent both more vulnerable and more adventurous as an artist. Given how hectic parenting is, is it possible to balance a career and family, let alone find two minutes to pee without someone tugging your leg and asking to watch you "make bubbles"? How does one possibly find the time or energy to be creative?Spanning five years, these essays range from humorous moments (the seven-year-old daughter complaining that she "just got kicked in the weenie") to the more serious ones (finding two swastikas etched into the slide at the neighborhood playground). No matter its genesis, each piece thoughtfully examines the overlaps and the dissonance between the creative life and the procreative one. This is a witty, inspired, and illuminating collection for the writer, the parent, or both.PRAISE FOR WRITING WHILE PARENTING:Ben Berman's witty, brainy, soulful look at writing-while-parenting will speak to every parent-and every writer-committed to understanding the way that having kids raises the stakes for-and loosens the reins of-how we speak and write. What we blurt out, what we write down, the letters we help our children form, and those we hold ourselves back from forming for them-all matter. Every writer speaks to posterity, but Berman shows how parenthood brings that message-literally-home.-Elisa New, director and host of Poetry in AmericaWriting While Parenting, Ben Berman's wonderful new collection, is a striking work of wit, wisdom, and authenticity. His narratives read like micro-memoirs: deep meditations on marriage and family in dramatic structures "between song and thought." In addressing daily routines, dinner dates, and making M&M pancakes, these essays, like poetry, intertwine "imprecise meanings and [a] tangling of tones." This collection is as much about parenthood as it is process. For the writer, it is a reminder to see opportunity in every moment. I am enamored with Berman's care and precision with language and meaning. These essays are full of surprises, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary at every turn.-January O'Neil, author of RewildingBen Berman's collection reveals a writer who is an astute reader, one situated within the community of literature, referencing other texts in ways dialogic and fruitful to us, readers of his text. Here Berman knits a kinship of the poetic, the philosophical, the etymological, and the revelatory in essays remarkable for their scope, surprises, and sheer delights. The fundamental kinship of family and its metaphors is the beautiful beating heart of this book, and Berman's skill as a storyteller gives that heart amazing life.-Danielle Legros Georges, Boston Poet Laureate, 2015-2019ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Ben Berman is the author of Writing While Parenting, Figuring in the Figure, and Strange Borderlands, all from Able Muse Press in 2022, 2017, 2012 respectively; and Then Again (Vine Leaves Press, 2018). He has won the Peace Corps Award for the Best Book of Poetry, has been shortlisted twice for the Massachusetts Book Awards, and has received awards from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, New England Poetry Club, and Somerville Arts Council.Ben has been teaching for over twenty years and currently teaches creative writing classes at Brookline High School. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two daughters.

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