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”Min far var der. Han var med på optagelsen. Og han overlevede.” Under slutningen af Anden Verdenskrig bliver den store stumfilmsinstruktør GW Pabst (1885-1967) sat til at lave en ny storfilm i Prag med frontsoldater og KZ-fanger som skuespillere. Mens kameraerne ruller, rykker fronten tættere og tættere på. Selv om hukommelsen efterhånden svigter, skal Pabsts gamle kameramand fortælle historien om ham i et TV-program årtier senere. Før krigen forsøgte Pabst først uden held at få succes under Californiens sol i Hollywood. Sammen med sin familie vendte han tilbage til det Europa, som han oprindeligt flygtede fra, hvor fascismen hersker og krigen står for døren. Her modtages han nu med åbne arme. Lysspil er en stor roman om de enorme menneskelige omkostninger krigen og fascismen havde for Europa. Et trekantsdrama med ulykkelig forelskelse, og en søn som omvendes til fuldtonet nazist. Pabst arbejdede videre efter krigen, men var slukket. Hans tanker kredsede kun om de syv ruller med filmen, som forsvandt i en rygsæk på togstationen i Wien under flugten. Daniel Kehlmann er Tysklands bedst sælgende forfatter siden Anden Verdenskrig. På dansk er bl.a. udkommet Opmåling af verden, F og senest Tyll. Daniel Kehlmann (1975) er født i München, og bor i Wien, Berlin og New York.
Gregor von Rezzoris erindringsværk Blomster i sneen, der nu for første gang er oversat til dansk, er en skildring af forfatterens deklasserede adelsfamilie og forfatterens barndom i ruinerne efter første verdenskrig i det opløste østrig-ungarske kejserrige; på én og samme tid en roman i fem noveller og forfatterens fotoalbum.De portrætterede er familiemedlemmer og tjenestefolk: den aristokratiske og overbeskyttende mor, der af al magt forsøger at leve i tiden før verdenskrigen, og som vasker både børnenes legetøj og fødevarer i desinficerende midler for at undgå smittefare; en excentrisk far, der forholder sig anderledes frit til formerne, så længe man i øvrigt bruger korrekt jægersprog; storesøsteren, hvis favoritstatus i familien og talent for hvad som helst viser sig at være til ingen verdens nytte; en trold af en barnepige, der er steget ned fra Karpaterne som et omvandrende stykke folklore; og sidst, men ikke mindst, guvernanten med en mulig fortid som Mark Twains elskerinde og en civiliserende indflydelse på unge Gregor.Baggrunden for familieportrætterne er den rumænske by Czernowitz (i dag Tjernivtsi i Ukraine), et broget og afsidesliggende hjørne af Europa, der for længst er forsvundet. Rezzoris lyriske prosa fremkalder både den dysfunktionelle familie og hele den mangesprogede og multietniske verden omkring dem med lige dele ironi og nostalgi.Rezzoris forfatterskab var i mange år miskendt, men han regnes i dag for en af det tyvende århundredes store undergangskronikører. På dansk udkom i 2018 En antisemits erindringer (1979), der blev såvel en anmelder- som en salgssucces. Gregor von Rezzori (1914-1998), statsløs forfatter, journalist, tv-vært, kunstsamler og lejlighedsvis skuespiller. Rezzori blev født ind i en østrigsk adelsslægt lige inden Østrig-Ungarns opløsning. Efter studier i Wien og Bukarest indledte han en broget karriere, der spændte fra at dække Nürnberg-processen som journalist til at optræde som vært på et boligmagasin, med biroller i franske nybølgefilm over for Brigitte Bardot og Jeanne Moreau undervejs. Som forfatter digter han skamløst videre på sin egen biografi og beskriver livet i det forhenværende dobbeltmonarkis ruiner med en distance, der kan være både ironisk og melankolsk – og til tider nærmest ondskabsfuld.Om En antisemits erindringer af samme forfatter:”en overdådig læseoplevelse ... Med en mere spiselig titel ville ... ’En antisemits erindringer’ nok for længst være blevet betragtet som et moderne europæisk hovedværk.” – Kim Skotte, Politiken, 6 ud af 6 hjerter ”Rezzoris roman rummer forrygende og smukt skrevne skildringer af verden af i går, der ikke lader Zweig noget efter, nærmest tværtimod, og morsom er han også på en tør og dog slagfærdig facon ... von Rezzori går ikke på kunstnerisk kompromis.” – Adam Holm, Weekendavisen”Skønt bogen når os med 40 års forsinkelse, er det i høj grad en bog til tiden, til overvejelse af ildevarslende tegn i tiden.” – Karsten Sand Iversen, Information"... en helt uomgængelig bog, hvis man ønsker at forstå – konkret, fysisk, hudnært – de fjerntliggende, tilsyneladende uskyldige årsager til den største ondskab." – Claudio Magris”En antisemits erindringer er det realistiske bliks mesterværk. En ganske charmerende, nærmest muntert underholdende og samtidig sindsoprivende ubehagelig bog, der ikke ligner noget andet i den tyske efterkrigslitteratur.” – Péter Nádas
Efter Første Verdenskrig og Østrig-Ungarns sammenbrud tog mange danske familier et såkaldt wienerbarn i pleje. En af dem var familien Christiansen på Møn, der havde en dreng på besøg, indtil han vendte hjem i 1924.En aften i 1944 bankede det på døren hos familien Christiansen. Udenfor stod en soldat i den tyske værnemagt; det var deres tidligere plejesøn. Det blev til en kort samtale i døråbningen. ”I ser mig ikke mere,” sagde soldaten, da han gik.Efter to års blodig krig på Østfronten var han vendt tilbage til Danmark og fast udstationeret i den midtjyske by, Hammel. Kort før krigsafslutningen deserterede han og blev i landet.I ser mig ikke mere er historien om wienerdrengen Karl Kordovsky, som i 1958 blev dansk statsborger. Men selvom han kom til at leve resten af sit liv i sine plejeforældres land, så de ikke hinanden igen.Uddrag af bogenRussernes kampvilje var imponerende. En sovjetisk kampvogn havde fået larvefødderne skudt af og kunne ikke længere køre. Kampvognens besætning havde så gravet den ned og fortsatte kampen med kampvognen som stationær kanon, der først blev bragt til tavshed, da tyske soldater kom så tæt på, at de kunne kaste håndgranater ind i dens indre.Ingen viste nåde. Sovjetiske soldater kunne ligge skjult i skyttehuller og løbegrave ude på terrænet, hvorfra de pludseligt angreb. Fik besætningen på en tysk kampvogn øje på et sådant skyttehul, kørte de kampvognen hen over skyttehullet, bremsede så lidt i den ene side, så lidt i den anden side for at få skyttehullet til at skride sammen over de fjendtlige soldater.Om forfatterenOve Christiansen (f. 1942) voksede op på Møn, hvor både hans far og hans bedstefar havde en maskinforretning. Blev uddannet som bibliotekar og arbejdede som sådan indtil 1984, hvor han skiftede erhverv og blev programmør. Arbejde i it-branchen, indtil han blev pensioneret i 2008. Han har tidligere udgivet En historie om Landsled og lidt om familien Christiansen (2008).
I Franz Kafkas ikoniske historie ”Forvandlingen” eller ”Metamorfosen” opdager den omrejsende sælger Gregor Samsa en morgen, at han i nattens løb er blevet forvandlet til et gigantisk insekt. Da han ikke længere formår at skjule sin forvandling for sin familie, oplever han deres foragt og misbilligelse, særligt over at han ikke længere er i stand til at passe sit arbejde og skaffe penge til familien.”Forvandlingen” er en sort og absurd historie, men også en sørgelig allegori om fremmedgørelse, ensomhed og udstødelse. Her udgives den sammen med novellerne ”Den sandhedssøgende hund” og ”Afslaget”. Til sammen giver de et spændende indtryk af en af det tyvende århundredes største og mest specielle forfattere.Franz Kafka (1883-1924) var en tysktalende, jødisk forfatter, der i dag anses som en af det 20. århundredes vigtigste. Hans værker fusionerer ofte fantasi og realisme til absurde virkeligheder, gennemsyret af ensomhed, desperation og undertrykkelse af individet. Hans tanker har i eftertiden haft stor indflydelse på vigtige forfattere, filosoffer og kunstnere – herunder George Orwell og Jean-Paul Sartre.
The Sieges of Vienna by the Turks, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable book falls within the genres of History, General and Eastern Hemisphere
This issue of Austrian Studies assembles articles that represent the great variety of travel writing by authors from Austria and the Habsburg lands. Contributions investigate examples of 'heroic' exploratory travel of the 19th century and its colonialist implications, journalistic and impressionistic narratives from the fin-de-siècle to the 1940s, and private and 'official' notation by prominent and lesser known authors. Writings of classical modernism demonstrate how optimistic, horizon-expanding travel endured, but also how changing political circumstances and cultural norms undermined the confident optimism of traditional travel narratives. Diversifying perspectives, including those of female travellers, as well as new means of expression and aesthetic innovation progressively challenged old certainties. The range of the genre of travel writing is illustrated by contributions on Bohemian spas, the medium of the Lied cycle and notations by emigrants in transit, while the legacy of the COVID-19 pandemic and the future of travel in a climate-changed world are to the fore in analyses of travel writing today.Volume 31 of Austrian Studies is edited by Florian Krobb and Caitríona Leahy.
Embark on a transformative journey to the heart of Europe with "How to Move to Hungary: A Step-by-Step Guide," your comprehensive companion to navigating the intricacies of expatriate life. Authored by William Jones, a seasoned traveler and relocation expert, this guide offers a roadmap for individuals and families seeking to make Hungary their new home.Discover the Secrets of a Seamless TransitionWilliam Jones shares invaluable insights gained from personal experiences and extensive research, demystifying the process of moving to Hungary. From the vibrant streets of Budapest to the tranquil landscapes of the Hungarian countryside, this guide is a treasure trove of practical advice, cultural nuances, and insider tips to ensure a seamless transition.A Personal Approach to Practical GuidanceWritten in a conversational tone, William Jones humanizes the expatriate experience, offering not just information but a personal connection to the journey. Whether you're drawn to Hungary's rich cultural heritage, professional opportunities, or picturesque surroundings, this guide provides a step-by-step approach tailored to adult travelers seeking a meaningful adventure.Over 15 Chapters of In-Depth ExplorationWith over 15 chapters covering every aspect of the expatriate journey, readers will delve into topics ranging from legal considerations and financial planning to healthcare systems, education, and cultural integration. Each chapter is crafted with a blend of informative insights and engaging narratives, making it an enjoyable read for those embarking on this life-changing adventure.Highlights of the Guide:Legal Considerations: Navigate residency permits, citizenship options, and legal requirements with ease.Finding Accommodation: From city living to rural retreats, discover the best housing options tailored to your preferences.Financial Planning: Build a solid financial foundation and explore investment opportunities in Hungary.Healthcare Systems: Understand and access quality healthcare services, ensuring your well-being in your new home.Cultural Integration: Immerse yourself in Hungary's diverse culture, forging connections and creating a sense of belonging.Your Passport to an Enriching ExperienceWhether you're a seasoned traveler or a first-time expatriate, "How to Move to Hungary" provides the tools and guidance needed to turn your relocation dreams into a reality. William Jones invites you to join him on a journey that transcends logistics, inviting you to savor the joys, challenges, and cultural treasures that Hungary has to offer.Prepare to be inspired, informed, and empowered as you embark on this adventure with "How to Move to Hungary: A Step-by-Step Guide." Your personalized Hungarian odyssey awaits!
Embark on an enchanting journey through the heart of Central Europe with "Exploring Hungary: A Traveler's Guide" by acclaimed author William Jones. This meticulously crafted guidebook is your passport to the rich tapestry of Hungary's history, culture, and natural wonders.Join Jones as he navigates the vibrant streets of Budapest, where medieval architecture and modern elegance intertwine along the Danube River. Lose yourself in the cobblestone alleys of Buda Castle District, a walk through history where every stone whispers tales of Hungarian royalty and medieval intrigue.Savor the flavors of Hungarian cuisine in Pest, where modern elegance and cultural delights converge in a culinary odyssey. Travel with Jones to the historic town of Eger, where wine, history, and thermal baths create an unforgettable experience for every traveler.Feel the gentle embrace of Lake Balaton, Hungary's "Sea," as Jones guides you through its shores, revealing the secrets of this serene destination. Immerse yourself in the artistic ambiance of Pécs, a city where art, architecture, and Mediterranean vibes blend seamlessly.Venture into the Great Plains, where the Puszta beckons with its timeless landscapes and unique adventures. Explore Debrecen, Hungary's cultural capital, and discover the allure of Sopron, where past meets present in a harmonious dance.Journey to Tokaj, the wine capital, and savor the rich history and flavors of this renowned wine region. Bask in the sunlight and spice of Szeged, where vibrant traditions and culinary delights await.Delve into the mysteries of Aggtelek National Park, home to caves and karst wonders that captivate the imagination. Explore the Roman legacy of Szombathely, where ancient history unfolds in a modern setting.Jones guides you through the charming town of Visegrád, where castles and Danube views create a medieval dreamscape. Experience the natural playground of Tisza Lake, where every ripple on the water and rustle in the reeds tell tales of biodiversity and tranquility.Each chapter unfolds a new chapter in Hungary's story, providing practical tips and cultural insights to enrich your journey. "Exploring Hungary: A Traveler's Guide" is more than a guidebook; it's a companion that invites you to immerse yourself in the enchantment of Hungary's landscapes, indulge in its culinary delights, and connect with the warmth of its people.Whether you're a seasoned traveler or embarking on your first European adventure, William Jones's guide promises an unforgettable exploration of Hungary, where every page turns into a discovery, and every chapter unfolds a new facet of this Central European gem.Pack your bags, and let "Exploring Hungary: A Traveler's Guide" be your roadmap to the wonders that await you in this captivating land.Book Details:Title: Exploring Hungary: A Traveler's GuideAuthor: William JonesGenre: Travel, Non-FictionPublisher: Mamba PressAvailable Formats: Paperback, eBook
At the end of the First World War, Hungary, as a member of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, found itself on the losing side. Its army disintegrated and its armaments were acquired or destroyed by the victorious Allied nations. However, in the late 1920s, Hungarian diplomacy did all it could to reduce its isolation, forging relations with Italy and other neighboring countries to try to create a better position for Hungary among European nations. A kind of secret rearmament favoured by the new political movements in Europe at that time soon began.In this contest, Italy was among the main protagonists that made the Magyar military renaissance possible. Various cooperation projects were set up, and within the framework of these, Italy supplied or granted licences for various weapon systems, both land and aviation. Many vehicles were involved in this cooperation: among the vehicles, the L3 tankettes together with the Fiat B 3000 light tank. Artillery tractors such as the Pavesi and Breda, numerous artillery equipment and guns. Motor vehicles and motorbikes. In the avionic field: the Fiat CR 32, CR 42, Reggiane 2000 and CA 135 bombers.
Round About the Carpathians, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable volume falls within the genres of History General and Eastern Hemisphere Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia
Seven years in Vienna (August, 1907-August, 1914), a record of intrigue, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable volume falls within the genres of History General and Eastern Hemisphere Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia
Lettre de m. l'abbé Fortis à mylord comte de Bute, sur les moeurs et usages des Morlaques, appellés Montenegrins, un livre classique et rare qui a été considéré comme essentiel tout au long de l'histoire de l'humanité, pour que cet ouvrage ne soit jamais oublié, nous chez Alpha Editions avons fait des efforts pour sa préservation en rééditant ce livre dans un format moderne pour les générations présentes et futures. Tout ce livre a été reformaté, retapé et conçu. Ces livres ne sont pas constitués de copies numérisées de leur ¿uvre originale et le texte est donc clair et lisible.
The actions of German armored forces during World War II are well known. What has not yet been recounted as accurately are the actions of the armored forces of Germany's Allies. While it is true that their performance was generally quite secondary to what the forces of the German Reich were able to afford, the actions of the Hungarian armored forces, which not only managed to organize their own armored forces in substantial autonomy, but also developed their own military industry capable of supplying weapons and equipment to their troops, should be emphasized. This book will thus reveal a little-known page of Hungary's participation in World War II through the use of superb photographs provided by the author and his contributors. This story will take the reader from the beginning of the USSR campaign and consequent conquest of large Soviet territories, and then end with the bloody battles to prevent the advance of the Soviet and Romanian counteroffensive in Hungary (the siege of Budapest) and the last battles in Austrian and Slovenian territory before the unconditional surrender of the army. The author highlights the courage of these men and the terrible fate that would befall the Hungarian armored forces when the Soviet army invaded Hungary.
Le azioni delle forze corazzate tedesche durante la Seconda guerra mondiale sono ben note. Ciò che non è ancora stato raccontato con altrettanta precisione sono le azioni delle forze corazzate degli alleati della Germania. Se è vero che le loro prestazioni sono state in genere del tutto secondarie rispetto a quelle che hanno potuto permettersi le forze del Reich tedesco, occorre sottolineare le azioni delle forze corazzate ungheresi, che non solo sono riuscite a organizzare in sostanziale autonomia le proprie forze corazzate, ma hanno anche sviluppato una propria industria militare in grado di fornire armi ed equipaggiamenti alle proprie truppe. Questo libro svelerà quindi una pagina poco conosciuta della partecipazione dell'Ungheria alla Seconda guerra mondiale attraverso l'uso di fotografie superbe fornite dall'autore e dai suoi collaboratori. Questa storia porterà il lettore dall'inizio della campagna dell'URSS e conseguente conquista di ampi territori sovietici, per poi terminare con le sanguinose battaglie per evitare l'avanzata della controffensiva sovietica e rumena in Ungheria (l'assedio di Budapest) e gli ultimi scontri in territorio austriaco e sloveno prima della resa incondizionata dell'esercito.
Le azioni delle forze corazzate tedesche durante la Seconda guerra mondiale sono ben note. Ciò che non è ancora stato raccontato con altrettanta precisione sono le azioni delle forze corazzate degli alleati della Germania. Se è vero che le loro prestazioni sono state in genere del tutto secondarie rispetto a quelle che hanno potuto permettersi le forze del Reich tedesco, occorre sottolineare le azioni delle forze corazzate ungheresi, che non solo sono riuscite a organizzare in sostanziale autonomia le proprie forze corazzate, ma hanno anche sviluppato una propria industria militare in grado di fornire armi ed equipaggiamenti alle proprie truppe. Questo libro svelerà quindi una pagina poco conosciuta della partecipazione dell'Ungheria alla Seconda guerra mondiale attraverso l'uso di fotografie superbe fornite dall'autore e dai suoi collaboratori. Questa storia porterà il lettore dall'inizio della campagna dell'URSS e conseguente conquista di ampi territori sovietici, per poi terminare con le sanguinose battaglie per evitare l'avanzata della controffensiva sovietica e rumena in Ungheria (l'assedio di Budapest) e gli ultimi scontri in territorio austriaco e sloveno prima della resa incondizionata dell'esercito.
From 1770s the Vienna bread market was rocked by a series of politico-economic and technological changes that questioned the way this everyday foodstuff was sold and produced. In this book, Jonas Albrecht explores how this reconfiguration of the bread market had wide-reaching and significant consequences for a society who relied on this foodstuff to live. Before 1860 the production and selling of bread was embedded into a moral economy with distinct regulations. But as the grain market expanded and new cereal varieties arrived from the empire's peripheries reformers sought to create a 'free' market through liberalising reforms. The Moral and Market Economies of Bread shows that while terminating market regulation did mobilise and diversify Vienna's bread market in spatial terms, it intensified inequality among consumers. As opaque prices, non-transparent market procedures and diverging power relations between producers and consumers led to unrest, city officials and bakers struggled to meet the shortcomings of the free market from within. This book brings economic, social and urban histories together and employs a spatial approach and GIS methods to explore the relationship between market and society, and capitalism at large.
This book approaches the relationship of modern Hungarian culture to classical heritage from the various viewpoints of identity politics, education, translation history, scholarship, and its impact on literature. Péter Hajdu examines the cultivation of the classics as an intellectual framework and crucial ingredient of the western aspect of Hungarian national identity. When the Hungarian nation building project developed ideas of national identity, it necessarily incorporated the historical narrative according to which the Hungarians arrived at their current homeland in the Middle Ages, and only later did it adopt European culture. The duplicity of a mostly imagined Asian, pagan, barbaric or nomadic and a Western, Christian, civilized identity, deeply rooted in European culture, has played and continues to play a role in the Hungarian discourse. Hajdu also studies the gradual disappearance of classics from the Hungarian school education since the 19th century, which has been accompanied by fervid political debates. However, over this period, translations of classical texts paradoxically became more frequent and popular with the decline of a classical education, even though fewer readers had access to the original texts. Despite this change, the translation strategies tended to remain school-bound. The knowledge of classical literature still leaves traces on Hungarian literature, which Hajdu explores using examples from 19th-century novels and contemporary poetry. This book sheds light on a topic of classical reception that has remained largely unexplored in this part of Europe, but one which has an incredibly rich history, culture, and literary tradition.
Marguerite Cunliffe-Owen's The Martyrdom of an Empress tells the tragic story of Empress Elisabeth of Austria and her assassination in 1898. Illustrated with photographs from the time, this book provides a powerful and moving account of a life cut short by political violence.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
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