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Bøger om Russisk

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  • af Mikhail Trofimov
    197,95 kr.

  • af Avhustyn Voloshyn
    177,95 kr.

  • af Osip M. Kovalevskij
    522,95 kr.

    460,95 kr.

    This volume examines the relationship Russia has with its so-called `compatriots abroad¿. Based on research from Belarus, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Latvia and Ukraine, the authors examine complex relationships between these individuals, their home states, and the Russian Federation.

  • af Olga Solovova
    1.527,95 kr.

    This collection contributes to emerging work in critical sociolinguistics, using a multidisciplinary and multi-scalar approach to understanding the diasporic experience in the Russian-speaking world. This book will be of interest to students and scholars in sociolinguistics, multilingualism, language and linguistic anthropology.

  • af Larraine Clayton
    1.662,95 kr.

    Russian literature is the body of written works created in Russian language. It includes both the residents of Russia as well as the emigres. Russian literature has its origins in the middle ages when chronicles and epics in old east Slavic were written. Some of the major periods within Russian literature are 18th century literature, 19th century literature, early 20th century literature, Lenin era, Stalin era and later Soviet era. The 19th century Russian literature is also known as the golden age of Russian literature and was characterized by romanticism and romantic poetry. The early 20th century Russian literature is known as the silver age of Russian literature. It focused on developing the literary tradition of the previous century as well as introduced avant-garde themes. This book provides comprehensive insights on Russian literature. Those in search of information to further their knowledge on this body of literature will be greatly assisted by this book.

  • af Jane Ellen Harrison
    157,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • af Rappoport A. S. (Angelo Solomon)
    382,95 kr.

  • af Priscilla Meyer
    622,95 kr.

    In How the Russians Read the French, Priscilla Meyer shows how Mikhail Lermontov, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Lev Tolstoy engaged with French literature and culture to define their own positions as Russian writers with specifically Russian aesthetic and moral values.

  • af Kevin M F Platt
    622,95 kr.

    Focusing on a number of historical and literary personalities who were regarded with disdain in the aftermath of the 1917 revolution--figures such as Peter the Great, Ivan the Terrible, Alexander Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy, and Mikhail Lermontov--Epic Revisionism tells the fascinating story of these individuals' return to canonical status during the darkest days of the Stalin era. An inherently interdisciplinary project, Epic Revisionism features pieces on literary and cultural history, film, opera, and theater. This volume pairs scholarly essays with selections drawn from Stalin-era primary sources--newspaper articles, unpublished archival documents, short stories--to provide students and specialists with the richest possible understanding of this understudied phenomenon in modern Russian history. "These scholars shed a great deal of light not only on Stalinist culture but on the politics of cultural production under the Soviet system."--David L. Hoffmann, Slavic Review

  • af Harsha Ram
    367,95 kr.

    The Imperial Sublime examines the rise of the Russian empire as a literary theme simultaneous with the evolution of Russian poetry between the 1730s and 1840--the century during which poets defined the main questions facing Russian literature and society. Harsha Ram shows how imperial ideology became implicated in an unexpectedly wide range of issues, from formal problems of genre, style, and lyric voice to the vexed relationship between the poet and the ruling monarch.

  • af Stephen M. Norris, Angela Brintlinger & Eugene M. Avrutin
    161,95 - 495,95 kr.

  • af Morris Berman
    272,95 - 367,95 kr.

  • af Tanya Zaharchenko
    227,95 - 638,95 kr.

    Where Currents Meet treats the Ukrainian and Russian components of cultural experience in Ukraine's East as elements of a complex continuum. This study of cultural memory in post-Soviet space shows how its inhabitants negotiate the historical legacy they have inherited. Tanya Zaharchenko approaches contemporary Ukrainian literature at the intersection of memory studies and border studies, and her analysis adds a new voice to an ongoing exploration of cultural and historical discourses in Ukraine. This scholarly journey through storylines explores the ways in which younger writers in Kharkiv (Kharkov in Russian), a diverse, dynamic, but understudied border city in east Ukraine today come to grips with a traumatized post-Soviet cultural landscape. Zaharchenko's book examines the works of Serhiy Zhadan, Andrei Krasniashchikh, Yuri Tsaplin, Oleh Kotsarev and others, introducing them as a "e;doubletake"e; generation who came of age during the Soviet Union's collapse and as adults revisited this experience in their novels. Filling the space between society and the state, local literary texts have turned into forms of historical memory and agents of political life.

  • af Deepika Dixit
    367,95 kr.

    This book's content is incorporated in the educational programmes of several niversities. Here is a real-life psychological illustration of a parents-son relationship. Cultural heritage is the nation's spirit, and it is essential to its survival. For the benefit of society, those psychological treatments have been made available through Suniti, the protagonist of this book's narrative, so that the approaches to make society more cultured might be investigated. As a result, it must be protected, promoted, and spread. The unique feature of Indian culture is unity in diversity, which can be observed through composite culture, as stated in the Indian constitution also.

  • af Michael Wotan Høyberg
    147,95 - 213,95 kr.

    Bogen er nutidig! Det ser sort ud! Siden november 2019, hvor Den Nye Verdens Orden kaprede alle tidligere forordninger. Alle lande er påvirkede og tvunget til at leve med uforudsigelige tilstande, som alle desværre snart vænner sig til. Alle lande er påvirkede og tvunget til at leve med uforudsigelige tilstande, som alle desværre snart vænner sig til. Fortællingen foregår på Lolland, hos en lille gruppe ellers glemte mennesker, der ligesom egnen i sig selv generelt meget sjældent bliver omtalt, ikke engang i vejrudsigten! Mørket har spredt sig over næsten hele jorden! Hans Sigurt og Henning, som er naboer, er hver især blevet kontaktet af nogen/noget udefinerbart … Ved hjælp af telepati og holografi udvikles samarbejdet, og det er på meget venlig basis. Men Hans Sigurt får frataget sin tyngdekraft. Et russisk escort-firma påstår, at de har leveret en smuk model til ham. Hvilket ikke er sandt. Men vennerne er der til hjælp … Snart bliver det dem, med Hans Sigurt som leder, der finder løsningen til at redde verden fra evigt mørke – dyrkningen starter på Lolland, som snart er verdens navle. Og regeringen er meget begejstret! For første gang får lille Danmark den gule førertrøje! Fiktionen er beskrevet med detaljerede videnskabelige hændelser, som krydrer vennernes fantasi og sans for grænseløs humor. De hygger sig uanset hvad, og det vil den modige læser uden tvivl også gøre.

  • af Boris Pasternak
    142,95 kr.

    Safe Conduct is Boris Pasternak's first and best autobiography, penned after the great success of Dr. Zhivago.Here translated by Alec Brown and Lydia Pasternak-Slater, and written when he was forty, Safe Conduct puzzled many readers in Russia and when it appeared in English, because its isolated sharp impressions and juxtapositions seem to deny chronology, but at least one critic recognized it as "the most original of autobiographies, employing a new technique of great important."

  • af Anna Ratke
    309,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2023 im Fachbereich Russistik / Slavistik, Note: 1,0, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Instituts für Slavistik, Turkologie und zirkumbaltische Studien), Veranstaltung: Die Krim in der Literatur, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die vorliegende Arbeit soll die Rolle der Natur, Idylle und des Mythos in Volo¿ins autobiographischem Werk sowie den Mehrwert für den Rezipienten der Gegenwart illustrieren. Die vielfaltige Geschichte und Schönheit der Krim faszinierte und zog verschiedene bekannte russische Dichter*innen an, unter anderen Maksimilian Volo¿in, welcher bereits in seiner Kindheit auf der Krim lebte. Volo¿in gilt als eine der führenden Stimmen des russischen Symbolismus. Seine literarischen Werke nach dem ersten Weltkrieg und der Revolution unterschiedenen sich jedoch in vielem von anderen Vertretern des Symbolismus jener Zeit. Zunächst wird sich mit dem Symbolismus beschäftigt. Hierbei wird der Fokus auf den französischen und russischen Symbolismus gelegt, da dieser für die vorliegende Arbeit von tragender Bedeutung ist. Danach wird Maksimilian Volo¿ins Leben umrissen sowie die Künstlerkolonie Koktebel¿ beschrieben. Der folgende Abschnitt widmet sich dem Gedicht ¿Dom poetä. Hier wird das Gedicht kurz zusammengefasst, auf rhetorische Mittel sowie Intertextualität untersucht und abschließend interpretiert. Danach wird die Rolle von Idylle und Mythos im Zusammenhang mit der Kulturkritik Volo¿ins in Zusammenhang gesetzt. Abschließend erfolgt das Fazit.

  • af Roman Utkin
    1.377,95 kr.

  • af &107, &1077, 1041, mfl.
    172,95 - 291,95 kr.

  • af &107, &1077, 1041, mfl.
    175,95 - 293,95 kr.

  • af Alexandre Pouchkine
    222,95 kr.

    Eugène Onéguine , regardé comme le chef-d¿¿uvre de Pouchkine, n¿avait pas encore été traduit en notre langue. Il n¿est pas écrit dans le goût du jour : on n¿y trouve ni banqueroute, ni suicide, ni prostituées, ni adultères, mais une galerie de tableaux pris çà et là dans l¿existence russe et servant de fond à une action très simple. Du reste, ce petit poème ou ce petit roman, comme on voudra, ne manque ni d¿originalité, ni de verve satirique, ni de douce poésie, sans parler des faits et gestes d¿Oné- guine « le mauvais sujet. »Je n¿ajoute plus un mot, et je confie à ceux qui savent encore goûter les choses simples et vraies le soin de statuer sur le sort d¿Onéguine.

  • af Vera Proskurina
    1.337,95 kr.

    This is the first study in English of the vast literary output of Catherine the Great.

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