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Bøger om Russisk

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  • af Magic Windows
    177,95 kr.

    Are you struggling to learn Russian words and phrases? Do you find traditional language dictionaries dense and overwhelming?Our Russian picture dictionary is the perfect solution! With over 1,000 colorful illustrations, this dictionary offers a fun and engaging way to learn new vocabulary. Each entry includes the Russian word, its English translation, and a high-quality picture that helps you understand the word in context.With our picture dictionary, you'll be able to learn Russian vocabulary with ease and confidence. Say goodbye to the frustration of memorizing lists of words and the confusion of trying to understand their meanings without visual aids.Order your copy of our Russian picture dictionary today and start your journey toward Russian language proficiency! Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, our picture dictionary is a valuable tool that can help you achieve your language goals. With its clear illustrations and user-friendly layout, learning Russian has never been so enjoyable.The Interactive Russian Picture Dictionary: Learn words, test your knowledge, and color your way to fluencyTake your Russian language learning to the next level with our interactive picture dictionary. This unique resource features not only thousands of Italian words and their corresponding illustrations but also interactive quizzes and coloring pages to test your knowledge and enhance retention. Perfect for students, travelers, and language learners of all levels.Inside the bookRussian Alphabet Pronunciation A to ZPicture dictionary for 65+ themeEach Russian word with a pronunciation guide in EnglishQuiz, Fill in the blanks, MCQs,Color the pictureConnect Dot to DotRussian Verbs, Adverbs, AdjectivesThree steps to construct a Russian sentence.This will be the best gift for the kid's birthday & Christmas present who loves to learn a language, especially Russian. (Russian gift ideas)Thank you ¿¿¿¿Don't think muchBuy now

  • af Emily Wang
    1.359,95 kr.

    In December 1825, a group of liberal aristocrats, officers, and intelligentsia mounted a coup against the tsarist government of Russia. Inspired partially by the democratic revolutions in the United States and France, the Decembrist movement was unsuccessful; however, it led Russia's civil society to new avenues of aspiration and had a lasting impact on Russian culture and politics. Many writers and thinkers belonged to the conspiracy while others, including the poet Alexander Pushkin, were loosely or ambiguously affiliated. While the Decembrist movement and Pushkin's involvement has been well covered by historians, Emily Wang takes a novel approach, examining the emotional and literary motivations behind the movement and the dramatic, failed coup. Through careful readings of the literature of Pushkin and others active in the northern branch of the Decembrist movement, such as Kondraty Ryleev, Wilhelm Küchelbecker, and Fyodor Glinka, Wang traces the development of "emotional communities" among the members and adjacent writers. This book illuminates what Wang terms "civic sentimentalism" the belief that cultivating noble sentiments on an individual level was the key to liberal progress for Russian society, a core part of Decembrist ideology that constituted a key difference from their thought and Pushkin's. The emotional program for Decembrist community members was, in other ways, a civic program for Russia as a whole, one that they strove to enact by any means necessary.

  • af Svetlana Evdokimova
    1.107,95 kr.

    Anton Chekhov is justly famous as an author and a playwright, with his work continuing to appear on stages around the world more than a century after his death. However, he is rarely studied for his intellectual and philosophical theories. His disinterest in developing a "unified idea"--in vogue for Russian intellectuals of his time--and his aversion to the maximalism characteristic of contemporary Russian culture and society set him apart from his fellow writers. As a result, Chekhov's contribution to intellectual and philosophical discourse was obscured both by his contemporaries and by subsequent scholars. Svetlana Evdokimova tackles this gap in Chekhov scholarship, examining the profound connections between his unstated philosophy and his artistic production. Arguing that Chekhov's four major plays (The Cherry Orchard, Three Sisters, The Seagull, and Uncle Vanya) constitute a kind of cycle, Staging Existence offers a major reappraisal of this critical playwright in Russian intellectual history. Evdokimova's deep, careful research into Chekhov's engagement with contemporary philosophy provides insight into both Chekhov's oeuvre and the writer himself.

  • af Benjamin M. Sutcliffe
    1.107,95 kr.

    Although understudied in the West, Iurii Trifonov was a canonical Soviet author whose lifetime spanned nearly the whole of the USSR's history and who embodied many of its contradictions. The son of a Bolshevik murdered on Stalin's orders, he wrote his first novel in praise of the dictator's policies. A lifelong Muscovite, he often set his prose in the Central Asian peripheries of the USSR's empire. A subtle critic of the communist regime, he nonetheless benefited from privileges doled out by a censorious state. Scholars have both neglected Trifonov in recent years and focused their limited attention on the author's most famous works, produced in the 1960s through 1980s. Yet almost half of his output was written before then. In Empire of Objects, Benjamin Sutcliffe takes care to consider the author's entire oeuvre. Trifonov's work reflects the paradoxes of a culture that could neither honestly confront the past nor create a viable future, one that alternated between trying to address and attempting to obscure the trauma of Stalinism. He became increasingly incensed by what he perceived as the erosion of sincerity in public and private life, by the impact of technology, and by the state's tacit support of greed and materialism. Trifonov's work, though fictional, offers a compelling window into Soviet culture.

  • af Igor Chirashnya
    217,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Roman Katsman
    667,95 kr.

    The studies gathered in the collection present the Russian-language Israeli literature that has been forming over the past hundred years in all the variety of genres and aesthetic movements. In every generation and in every aliyah, Russian-Israeli authors tirelessly search for new forms, born of the encounter with the new land.

  • af Klavdia Smola
    1.572,95 kr.

    Klavdia Smola explores how the Jewish tradition was reinvented in Russian-Jewish literature after a long period of assimilation, the Holocaust and decades of Communism. The process of reinventing the tradition began in the counter-culture of Jewish dissidents, in the midst of the late-Soviet underground of the 1960-1970s, and it continues to the present day.

  • af Ole Sloth & Oscar Sloth Lønnecker
    62,95 - 126,95 kr.

    8-årige Oscar Sloth Lønnecker fra Hillerød har sammen med sin morfar, Ole Sloth, skrevet bogen Flugten fra Ukraine, som handler om en dreng fra Ukraine, der flygter fra krigen sammen med sin søster og mor og ender i Danmark.Gennem historien, som er skrevet i børnehøjde, får man en ide om, hvad det vil sige at flygte fra sit land. Samtidig lærer man, at selv om man kommer fra et fremmed land og taler et underligt sprog, er man bare en helt almindelig dreng ligesom alle andre. Bogen kan også være lærerig, idet man får et indblik i den russiske historie, og hvordan verden også hænger sammen, samtidig med man bliver underholdt af en god historie.Overskuddet ved salg af bogen går til Røde Kors 
for at hjælpe børnene i Ukraine.

  • af Elena Berg
    867,95 kr.

    This is the second volume of the Russian language course intended for those who are beginning to study Russian. This book covers the studies initiated in Resonance Book 1. On completion of this course you will possess the language skills adequate for fluent and confident communication with the native speakers of Russian.The course fits your needs whether you are studying alone or attending classes. It contains detailed explanations of Russian grammar rules in English with clear examples, ensures vocabulary development with a focus on Russian words that often pose problems to the speakers of English, and includes hundreds of unique exercises with answers aimed at developing confidence in using the rules and words just learned. All Russian words in the book have the stress marks to ensure correct pronunciation. The book also includes important conversational topics, elegant informative illustrations created by contemporary Russian artists, vivid Russian idioms, compelling excursions into Russian linguistic and cultural phenomena and the Russian-English dictionary that covers all words learned in the course.The textbook is supplemented with a website that provides soundtracks, answers to the exercises, and dictionaries.

  • af Anton Granovskyy
    320,95 kr.

    Akademische Arbeit aus dem Jahr 2021 im Fachbereich Russistik / Slavistik, Note: 1.3, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Slavisches Seminar), Veranstaltung: Literaturwissenschaftliches Proseminar, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In dieser Arbeit soll das Werk Zoo oder Briefe nicht über die Liebe von Viktor ¿klovskij (1893-1984) auf die Rolle der Gegensätze und insbesondere der gegensätzlichen Konzepte Leichtigkeit und Schwere untersucht werden. Bereits der Abschnitt des Titels ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿1 weist durch den Negationspartikel ¿ne¿ darauf hin, dass Gegensätze grundsätzlich eine essenzielle Rolle in diesem Werk spielen. Die Begriffe und Konzepte Leichtigkeit und Schwere als Oppositionspaar sollen dabei im Fokus der Betrachtung stehen, da sie innerhalb des gesamten Werkes immer wieder auf unterschwellige Weise erwähnt werden. In der Analyse dieser Arbeit sollen somit das Oppositionspaares Leichtigkeit und Schwere, sowie weitere Gegensätze des vorliegenden Werkes auf ihre Darstellung und Funktion hin untersucht werden. In einem theoretischen Teil sollen zunächst die Begriffe Leichtigkeit und Schwere und anschließend die Ideengeschichte der Gegensätze im Allgemeinen dargelegt und diskutiert werden. Da das Konzept ¿Gegensatz¿ interdisziplinärer Natur ist, wird die Ideengeschichte der Gegensätze zum einen aus einer philosophisch-erkenntnistheoretisches und zum anderen aus einer philologisch-semiotischen Perspektive betrachtet. Die Erkenntnisse des theoretischen Teiles sollen im Analyseteil der Arbeit helfen die Funktion der Gegensätze im Werk besser zu verstehen und einordnen zu können. Im Analyseteil der Arbeit werden ausgewählte Textstellen aus dem vorliegenden Werk herangeführt, welche die ihm zugrundeliegenden Gegensätze enthalten und/oder die Begriffe Leichtigkeit und Schwere direkt oder indirekt erwähnen. Diese Textstellen werden dann im inhaltlichen Kontext des Gesamtwerkes und im Hinblick auf die zugrundliegenden Theorieteil des Arbeit, auf ihre Rolle und ihre Darstellung analysiert und in den strukturellen und semantischen Aufbau des Werkes eingeordnet.

  • af James R. Holbrook
    212,95 kr.

    The primary purposes of this book are to highlight the importance of Colloquial Russian in the classroom and to identify the differences between standard textbook presentations and the actual conversational Russian of educated native speakers. This is the first book in English to present Colloquial Russian as a coherent linguistic system. Chapters show linguistic evidence of its systemic patterns. Based primarily on tape-recorded examples by Soviet/Russian scholars from Moscow and Leningrad, the book presents an outline of the more salient linguistic features of colloquial phonetics, morphology, syntax, word order and vocabulary. The last chapter presents some recommendations on how various elements of colloquial Russian may be introduced into the classroom.

  • af Lingo Mastery
    162,95 kr.

    Looking to learn how to speak Russian like a native?Your journey begins here.Often viewed as a tough language spoken with a strong and direct tone, you would be surprised to know that Russian is actually a very elegant, expressive language with many admirers of its literature. Spoken as an official language in four nations and unofficially in a dozen more, you would be entering a community of over 250 million people worldwide who speak this wonderful tongue.However, it's no secret that learning Russian is a challenge. The Cyrillic alphabet is already complex enough, but other aspects such as conjugation, verbs and vocabulary can make it a real struggle. Thankfully, we've created Russian Made Easy Level 1 - An Easy Step-By-Step Approach To Learn Russian for Beginners (Textbook + Workbook Included) for precisely this purpose - so you can start learning to speak Russian like a native!Here's how the first level of this series works:· Covering sections from the basics of Russian "to be" and sentence order up to the level of basic conversations for day-to-day activities and travel equivalent to CEFR A1, you will power through the basic level of the Russian language and be well on your way to mastering it!· Make specialized improvements to your language abilities with our tools that grow your proficiency in the five aspects of the language - Vocabulary, Listening (with audio materials included), Speaking, Reading and Writing.· Find countless practice and explanations, with many of them serving you to address common mistakes among English speakers.· Finally, a ton of beautiful, high-quality illustrations have been added to keep things accessible and, overall, entertaining for all age groups!Start learning Russian with the first level of our Russian Made Easy series - you'll be talking and writing like a Russian native in no time!Pick up your copy of Russian Made Easy Level 1 - An Easy Step-By-Step Approach To Learn Russian for Beginners (Textbook + Workbook Included) and level up your Russian language learning and speaking skills right now!

  • af Lingo Mastery
    172,95 kr.

    Pictures, Coloring, Quizzes and more... The new way of learning languages has arrived! Learning a new language is a new way of meeting new people, opening doors in your professional career and attracting fresh opportunities when traveling around the world, as you may know. The great thing is - whether you want to learn Russian to visit Russia's precious historic landmarks or simply meet wonderful Russian people - we've got you covered! While you may have previously felt that learning a new language can be complicated and even, well, boring... we're about to change that! We have created a whole new method and concept behind learning Russian. A method based on fun. Say hello to the Russian Picture Dictionary Coloring Book, the book that will change Russian learning forever. In this amazing book, you will find: · Over 50 different, detailed and beautiful full-size illustrations for you to learn while coloring them! Each of these 50 illustrations contains up to 20 items, by the way - that's almost 1,000 images for you to color! · Ever wanted to know what a badger is called in Russian? Maybe you need to know the word for 'weightlifting' or 'mistletoe'... No worries! This book has dozens of different categories to help you build your vocabulary. · Challenging quizzes found every few sections will allow you to develop your Russian skills even further; if you don't know the answers, we've provided an Answer Key at the end!· Just to get started, we've added an in-depth basic Russian guide at the beginning, including pronunciation, spelling, word order and vocabulary, among other crucial tools. This book will transform Russian learning for good - no more complex textbooks, it's time to learn while having fun!

  • af Irina Zaitseva
    362,95 kr.

    The collection includes articles published at different times in scientific collections of different nature and thematic orientation, united by the object of research: detective works of one of the most readable contemporary writers - Alexandra Marinina. It seems that the publications in this collection allow us to focus on some of the possible aspects of philological study of the writer's work, which are clearly underdeveloped, but at the same time have become relevant in the light of some of the latest trends in linguistic knowledge. These aspects, in particular, include the analysis of the speech tissue of the works by Aleksandra Marinina from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics, communicative linguistics and communicative stylistics of literary text, which has already become a part of the latter. Research in this sphere allows, among other things, a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the author and characters' key characters in a literary prose work.

  • af Cathy Porter
    397,95 kr.

    "She burst across the revolutionary sky like a blazing meteor, dazzling all in her path," Trotsky wrote. For the poet Boris Pasternak, she was Lara, the heroine of his novel Doctor Zhivago.Commissar, revolutionary fighter, espionage agent, journalist, Larisa Reisner (1895-1926) was a model for the 'new woman' of the Russian Revolution, and one of its most popular and brilliant writers, whose works were published in mass editions and read by millions. In this sweeping biography, Cathy Porter sets her life against the backdrop of the world-shaking events of 1917. Drawing on material recently released from the Soviet archives, Porter tells Reisner's story through the memories of those close to her, her own voluminous writings, and her six books-published for the first time together with this biography.

  • af Percy Dearmer & Viacheslav A. Tananevich
    197,95 - 377,95 kr.

  • af Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
    272,95 - 387,95 kr.

  • af United States War Dept
    357,95 - 467,95 kr.

  • af Simon Dixon
    1.072,95 kr.

  • af Gary Rosenshield
    797,95 kr.

    Napoleon in the Russian Imaginary focuses on the response of Russia's greatest writers-poets, novelists, critics, and historians-to the idea of "Great Man" as an agent of transformational change as it manifests itself in the person and career of Napoleon.

  • af Lowe W. H. (William Henry)
    187,95 - 342,95 kr.

  • af Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko & Ethel Marryat
    232,95 - 372,95 kr.

  • af Gustave Flaubert, Robert Arnot & Ferdinand Brunetiere
    287,95 - 397,95 kr.

  • af Isabel Florence Hapgood
    232,95 - 372,95 kr.

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