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  • af Cheryl Robson
    167,95 kr.

    With an overview of half a century of women's theatre, this book pays tribute to feminist theatre makers in the UK and Ireland. The pioneers, and leading lights of the newly energised feminist theatre movement, share their struggle to make their voices heard, have their work produced professionally, and promote social justice.With 30+ essays and interviews and many rare photographs from historic productions, this book offers insight into the lived experience of women working in theatre, and what it takes to rise in an industry where race, class, gender, and parenthood can be serious obstacles to success.Introduction by Elaine AstonAsian Women's Theatre in Britain by Rukhsana Ahmad Derby Theatre by Sarah Brigham Interview with Moira BuffiniIntersectional Feminism at Work by Kelly BurkeThe Personal was very Political by Clair Chapwell Behind The Lines by Alison Child How Feminism has influenced my Playwriting by April de Angelis Interview with Suzanne Gorman Clean Break by Anna Herrmann The Women in Theatre Lab by Polly Kemp and Jennifer Tuckett Interview with Hannah Khalil Persistence, Expression and Evolution by Peta Lily Interview with Roberta Livingston Ecofeminism in Theatre by Bibi Lucille The Third World of Irish Women by Jaki McCarrick Monstrous Regiment by Mary McCusker Open Clasp Theatre Company by Catrina McHugh Interview with Suzie Miller Interview with Ann Mitchell Interview with Rebecca Mordan Interview with Amy Ng Untold Stories by Maeve O'Neill Girls' Night Out by Rachel O'Regan Interview with Kaite O'Reilly Sphinx by Sue Parrish and Susan McGoun Interview with Julia Pascal Out of the Attic - WTW by Cheryl Robson and Anna Birch Scylla's Bite by Rebekah Smith and Abbie Lowe Interview with Dame Rosemary Squire Women in their own Words by Lucy Stevens Stellar Quines & After by Gerda Stevenson Differences Matter by SuAndi Theatre from a Lesbian Perspective by Clare SummerskillInterview with Imy Wyatt Corner

    706,95 kr.

    2020 was a year in which global politics radically shifted, catalyzed by the Covid-19 pandemic and the #BlackLivesMatter movement. This book is a response to that year, asking was it a moment or is it a movement and what fundamental changes within the arts industry need to come out of this time?The book includes 20 interviews with some of the most pioneering black cultural leaders from a wide range of senior executive positions in the arts within the UK, US and Africa. It documents the sea of change in arts leadership post the height of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, the pressure on organizations to confront and change their racial and ethnic make-up, and shines a light on the guiding ambitions, strategic plans and visions for the future to support the ongoing decolonization of arts organizations across the world. Learn from those who have walked the walk to support your vision for the future.

    217,95 kr.

    2020 was a year in which global politics radically shifted, catalyzed by the Covid-19 pandemic and the #BlackLivesMatter movement. This book is a response to that year, asking was it a moment or is it a movement and what fundamental changes within the arts industry need to come out of this time?The book includes 20 interviews with some of the most pioneering black cultural leaders from a wide range of senior executive positions in the arts within the UK, US and Africa. It documents the sea of change in arts leadership post the height of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, the pressure on organizations to confront and change their racial and ethnic make-up, and shines a light on the guiding ambitions, strategic plans and visions for the future to support the ongoing decolonization of arts organizations across the world. Learn from those who have walked the walk to support your vision for the future.

    199,95 kr.

    This well-established and respected directory supports actors in their training and search for work in theatre, film, TV, radio and comedy.It is the only directory to provide detailed information for each listing and specific advice on how to approach companies and individuals, saving hours of further research. From agents and casting directors to producing theatres, showreel companies, photographers and much more, this essential reference book editorially selects only the most relevant and reputable contacts for the industry.Covering training and working in theatre, film, radio, TV and comedy, it contains invaluable resources such as a casting calendar and articles on a range of topics from your social media profile to what drama schools are looking for to financial and tax issues.With the listings updated every year, the Actors' and Performers' Yearbook continues to be the go-to guide for help with auditions, interviews and securing/sustaining work within the industry.Actors' and Performers' Yearbook 2024 is fully updated and includes a newly commissioned article by actor Mark Weinman, a new foreword, 4 new interviews by casting director Sam Stevenson, giving timely advice in response to today's fast-changing industry landscape, and an article by Paterson Joseph.

  • af Esther Fernandez
    650,95 kr.

    Miguel de Cervantes's experimentation with theatricality is frequently tied to the notion of revelation and disclosure of hidden truths. Drawing the Curtain showcases the elements of theatricality that characterize Cervantes's prose and analyses the ways in which he uses theatricality in his own literary production.Bringing together the works of well-known scholars, who draw from a variety of disciplines and theoretical approaches, this collection demonstrates how Cervantes exploits revelation and disclosure to create dynamic dramatic moments that surprise and engage observers and readers. Hewing closely to Peter Brook's notion of the bare or empty stage, Esther Fernndez and Adrienne L. Martn argue that Cervantes's omnipresent concern with theatricality manifests not only in his drama but also in the myriad metatheatrical instances dispersed throughout his prose works. In doing so, Drawing the Curtain sheds light on the ways in which Cervantes forces his readers to engage with themes that are central to his life and works, including love, freedom, truth, confinement, and otherness.

  • af Michael Ball
    179,95 kr.

  • af Michael Ball
    97,95 - 145,95 kr.

  • af Kela Kvam
    347,95 kr.

    "Historien om Betty Nansen bliver ingen idealiseret heltindehistorie. Dertil var hun for kantet. Hun kunne være indtagende impulsiv og vittig, men også tyrannisk, egenrådig og arrogant. Betty Nansen nåede i overordentlig grad sit mål. Hun vandt hurtigt frem i første række i sit fag – inden hun fyldte 30 blev hun udråbt til tidens nye kvindeideal på scenen, og i mere end 25 år ledede hun sit eget teater i Frederiksberg Allé og var samtidigt dette teaters førende skuespillerinde og instruktør. Desuden deltog hun med stor myndighed i organisatorisk arbejde og i den teaterpolitiske debat. Men hun måtte kæmpe hårdt for sin position, og kampen var ikke uden omkostninger. Det var dengang ekstra svært for en kvinde at slå sig igennem i et mandsdomineret samfund med sine ’kvindelige’ egenskaber i behold."Kela Kvam fortæller i bogen her fra 1997 om en af dansk teaterhistories største skikkelser; skuespiller og teaterdirektør Betty Nansen. I bogen beskriver hun bl.a., hvilken indflydelse Betty Nansen havde på dansk teater, på den måde en skuespiller optrådte på og på datidens syn på kvinder i teatrets verden.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlKela Kvam (1931-2019) var en dansk forfatter og teaterhistoriker, som blandt andet var ansat på Københavns Universitet og Syddansk Universitet. Hun var den første kvindelige lektor ved teaterstudier på Københavns Universitet og skrev en lang række bøger og artikler om teaterhistorie, dramaturgi og store skikkelser inden for teatrets verden. Kela Kvam blev Ridder af Dannebrog i 1988.

  • af Finn Gravesen
    201,95 kr.

    MAN SKAL IKKE LADE SIG SLÅ UD AF KENDSGERNINGERNE har været teateret RIDDERSALENs motto fra Jytte Abildstrøm tog over i 1970. Så det kan passende være opfordringen til læseren af de mange beretninger om teateret, som er samlet i denne bog – beretninger som er skrevet af dem, der var med. Der er god grund til at spærre øjnene op, når en broget flok af RIDDERSALENs nuværende og tidligere medarbejdere fortæller om en hverdag, som tit er en fest, om en leg, som også er en kamp, om forhindringer, glæder, sorger, samvær, opture og nedture. Om kænguru-stylter, dukketeater, italienske klovner, fjællebodsteater og busturnéer, trylleri og kammeratskab. Det er også historierne om hvorfor og hvordan de mange skuespillere, musikere, folk på værksted og kontor mv overhovedet kom til RIDDERSALEN – og hvorfor de blev der. Men det er nok først og fremmest en fælles beretning om et enestående fællesskab, som ofte har trodset kendsgerningerne og ikke alene skabt herlige forestillinger, men også i miljøåret 1987 gik sammen om fænomenet ’Ånd i Hånd’ og et økologisk hus i tilknytning til RIDDERSALEN.Bogen er et festskrift – en hyldest til et teater, hvor drømmene kommer til live på scenen – gerne på trods af kendsgerningerne.

  • af Klaus Neiiendam, Robert Neiiendam & Mette Borg
    112,95 kr.

    Lige siden Skuespillerforeningen begyndte sin virksomhed 1879 har det at yde økonomisk støtte til medlemmerne i form af legater været i fokus. Desuden, fra 1927, at kunne tilbyde ældre medlemmer en fri eller billig bolig i det skønne hus på Bispebjerg. Men virkeliggørelsen af denne vision hviler dels på mange generøse donationer, dels på flere spændende initiativer ude i byen, hvor hele indtægten er kommet foreningen til gode – og ikke mindst dens Hus, som siden sin oprettelse har krævet både kapital og knofedt. Selv om Robert og Klaus Neiiendam i deres skildring af foreningens historie 1879-1969 kommer ind på en del af disse velgørenheds- initiativer, der skulle skaffe penge i kassen, er hér alligevel en kort og mere samlet historisk opsummering, som et levende ”bevis” på foreningens dynamiske fremdrift og urokkelige tro på sin projekt. Det er imponerende og bevægende at læse om, hvor mange skuespillere, sangere, dansere, musikere, teatermalere, instruktører m.fl., der har stillet deres arbejdskraft til rådighed.

  • - Morten Hesseldahl om kultur og ledelse i en kreativ verden
    af Poul Funder Larsen
    247,95 kr.

    Iscenesætteren er en beretning om ledelse i medie- og kulturlivet. Det er samtidig et portræt af Det Kgl. Teaters direktør Morten Hesseldahl. I bogen følger vi Morten Hesseldahl rundt på Det Kgl. Teater i en periode, hvor ny strategi og ny ledelsesstruktur skal implementeres. Den slags sker ikke uden drama i en organisation præget af indgroede traditioner og store personligheder.Hesseldahls karriere har bragt ham vidt omkring fra forlagsbranchen over Det Danske Filminstitut til DR og nationalscenen. Bogen giver indblik i hans ledelsesstil, i de konflikter og udfordringer, han har mødt undervejs, og de løsninger og resultater, han har skabt.

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