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  • af Jacob Wendt Jensen & Christian Monggaard
    397,95 kr.

    Lise Nørgaard fik ideen. Erik Balling forløste den. Danmarks Radio udsendte den til de danske tv-seere i årene 1978-1981 – og har gjort det adskillige gange siden. Matador er ikke alene en fantastisk tv-serie. Den er også blevet en uomgængelig del af den kollektive fortælling om Danmark i tiden før og under Anden Verdenskrig. På baggrund af mere end 40 nye interview med menneskene foran og bag kameraet, avisartikler, arkivmateriale og brevvekslinger fortæller Christian Monggaard og Jacob Wendt Jensen nu den definitive historie om skabelsen af ’verdens bedste tv-serie’. Rigt illustreret med velkendte stillfotografier fra serien og sjældent sete billeder fra optagelserne, fotografier af rekvisitter, produktionstegninger og kostumeskitser.

  • af J. K. Rowling
    195,95 kr.

    Fantastiske skabninger og hvor de findes: Filmmanuskriptet er en ny historie, som er inspireret af den originale Hogwarts-skolebog af samme navn. Det er J.K. Rowlings debut som manuskriptforfatter.Om bogen:Da magizoologen Newt Scamander ankommer til New York, har han i sinde at gøre sit ophold så kort som muligt. Men da han mister sin magiske kuffert, og nogle af hans fantastiske skabninger undslipper, medfører det store problemer for alle …Filmen Fantastiske skabninger og hvor de findes havde biografpremiere d. 18. november 2016, og bogen er filmmanuskriptet bag denne film.

  • - Noter fra manuskriptlinjen på Den Danske Filmskole
    af Mogens Rukov & Elsebeth Nielsen
    192,95 - 242,95 kr.

    Titlen Dramaturgi med Mogens Rukov. Noter fra manuskriptlinjen på Den Danske Filmskole skal forstås meget konkret. Bogen er nemlig blevet til på grundlag af forfatterens noter fra Mogens Rukovs undervisning på Den Danske Filmskoles manuskriptlinje, hvor hun var elev fra 2001 til 2003. Noterne blev taget i løbet af selve undervisningen, som regel i manuskriptlinjens undervisningslokale eller i mørket i Filmskolens biograf. I bogen fremstår de i renskreven form med de justeringer, Mogens Rukov selv var med til at lave under en senere gennemgang af alle noterne.Siden er bogens fortløbende tekst tilføjet. Her bliver pointerne uddybet, grundbegreber bliver forklaret og belyst, og sider af skriveprocessen berøres. Bogen er struktureret efter skriveprocessen for et filmmanuskript: fra man starter med de store linjer og opbygger skelettet for historien, til man zoomer ind på sekvenser og scener, og går mere og mere i detaljer for at ende med dialogen. I virkelighedens skriveproces bevæger man sig altid frem og tilbage mellem faserne. På samme måde kan man hoppe frem og tilbage mellem de forskellige kapitler i bogen.Denne fagbog henvender sig ikke blot til manuskriptforfattere i filmbranchen, men også til interesserede fra andre faggrupper eller brancher. Forhåbentlig vil den inspirere og bibringe viden om, hvordan man opbygger og optimerer en historie, hvad enten det drejer sig om film eller andre former for fiktion.

  • - om filmdramaturgi og manuskriptskrivning
    af Trine Breum
    157,95 - 432,95 kr.

    Et godt manuskript er den første forudsætning for enhver god film. Men hvordan skriver man en god historie? Hvordan skaber man levende og troværdige karakterer? Hvordan strukturerer man forløbet så det bliver både spændende og bevægende? Hvordan får man replikkerne til at fungere som en naturlig del af historien, karaktererne og dramatikken? Hvordan fanger fastholder og forfører man sit publikum? "FILM – Fortælling og Forførelse 2" handler om det dramatiske, psykologiske og fortællemæssige håndværk der ligger bag en hver god fortælling. Bogen sigter mod at give læseren en indgående viden om den dramatiske fortælling og dens virkemidler. "...jeg bliver slået med ydmyghed over den indsigt og det overblik Breum lægger for dagen ... bogen er uforskammet godt skrevet og spækket med fantastisk fagkundskab." Kim Bruun, Pråsen 2011 "Finally it is here - the book the professional community has looked out for, the educational institutions has begged for and the general well-informed public will find useful, enlightening and in-expendably informative" Kjeld Veirup, tidligere Script editor på DreamWorks i California og leder af den Europæiske Filmhøjskole. "... lad det være klart fra starten – det er en uddybende og inspirerende metodebog. Breum er en smittende og inciterende læser af film og TV-serier" Bo Tao Michaëlis, Politiken 2001 "Det er på alle måder en fornøjelse som retoriker at læse en bog der ubekymret og ubesværet beskæftiger sig med den store kunst at forfører" Christina Matthiesen,RetorikMagasinet 2001

  • - Signal, pixel, diagram
    af Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen
    291,95 kr.

    Lars von Triers film- og tv-produktioner har siden hans biografdebut med The Element of Crime i 1984 udløst stærke reaktioner hos publikum, og desuden har han vakt opsigt i hele filmverdenen med Dogme 95-manifestet. I dag regner mange Trier blandt de største nulevende filminstruktører, og med hver ny film forventes han at sætte nye standarder for, hvad filmmediet kan. I denne bog undersøges Lars von Triers affektskabende og etisk involverende stil med udgangspunkt i hans værker over en 30-årig periode, helt op til hans seneste film, Nymphomaniac. Centralt i Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsens læsninger står væsentlige analytiske begreber som det haptiske, det affektive, det diagrammatiske og det signaletiske materiale, der med Gilles Deleuze anvendes til at betegne det, der i filmene undslipper en repræsentationel analyse. Lars von Triers fornyelse af filmen 1984-2014 giver en omfattende læsning af Lars von Triers værker i lyset af Deleuzes (film)filosofi og udfolder en ny affektdiagrammatisk filmteori. Løbende inddrages Gilles Deleuzes og Félix Guattaris filosofiske arbejder, samt bl.a. Brian Massumis fortolkning af Baruch de Spinozas affektbegreb og C.S. Peirces diagrammatiske tegn. Bogen giver således en nytænkende analyse og diskussion af samtlige hovedværker af en af vor tids mest anerkendte filminstruktører. Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen, ph.d., professor mso ved Nordiske studier, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, Aarhus Universitet.

  • af Brian Iskov
    327,95 kr.

    Fra 1970 til 1978 trak sengekant- og stjernetegnserierne fulde huse i biograferne, både herhjemme og i udlandet. De i alt 14 film parrede folkekomedie og sex i et blandingsforhold, man hverken har set før eller siden. Mange kendte navne arbejdede på de erotiske lystspil, og nye stjerner som Ole Søltoft og Birte Tove opnåede idolstatus. Men succesen havde sin pris, for danskernes frisind kendte sine grænser. Danmark på sengekanten dykker ned i den unikke filmgenre, der opstod i kølvandet på pornoens frigivelse i 1969. Gennem nye interviews, hidtil uset arkivmateriale og mere end 100 udvalgte illlustrationer går bogen tæt på tiden og de medvirkende: Hvem var de, hvad motiverede dem, og hvilke følger fik filmene for deres liv og karriere?

  • af Peter Schepelern
    277,95 kr.

    Lars von Trier er dansk films kontroversielle hovedskikkelse – med status både som nyskabende geni og som skandaløs provokatør. Med talentets uforudsigelighed som det faste holdepunkt er han gået gennem stjernestunder og infernokriser. LARS VON TRIER – DET GODE MED DET ONDE, der ledsager udstillingen af samme navn på Brandts, giver en bred introduktion til Trier og hans rigt facetterede filmkunst. Bogen er redigeret af Peter Schepelern og rummer en lang række artikler, skrevet af Trier-forskere og af internationale berømtheder som nobelpristageren Elfriede Jelinek og filosoffen Slavoj Žižek. Der er en stor kronologisk oversigt over Triers liv og værk, vidnesbyrd fra nære medarbejdere som Peter Aalbæk Jensen, Jørgen Leth og Stellan Skarsgård, udsagn fra Trier-stjerner som Nicole Kidman, Björk og Uma Thurman. Desuden en sektion med alle Triers manifester og tekster om film samt filmliste og bibliografi, det hele rigt illustreret.

  • af Greta Gerwig
    145,95 kr.

    "Anarchically hilarious and unexpectedly emotional, Barbie is a magical cinematic confection of absurdity, heart, and Technicolor musicals. Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach have created a deeply personal and idiosyncratic film from the polarizing icon that is the doll Barbie. The movie celebrates the perfection of imperfection, and affirms that everyone, even Allan, is Kenough. In addition to the screenplay, this volume contains an exclusive introduction by Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach, as well as a gallery of images from the film"--Back cover.

  • af Christopher Nolan
    125,95 kr.

    "First published in the USA in 2023"--Title page verso.

  • af Quentin Tarantino
    127,95 kr.

    The long-awaited first work of non-fiction from the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling Once Upon a Time in Hollywood: a deliriously entertaining, wickedly intelligent cinema book as unique and creative as anything by Quentin Tarantino.

  • af Wes Anderson
    167,95 kr.

    The screenplay of a new film by Wes Anderson.

  • - Beyond the Hollywood Formula
    af New York University, ny, Pa, mfl.
    408,95 - 1.464,95 kr.

  • af Neil Gaiman
    244,95 kr.

    Neil Gaiman's complete original scripts for the highly anticipated six-episode original series, adapted from the classic novel he wrote with Terry PratchettFirst published nearly thirty years ago, the novel Good Omens has sold more than five million copies worldwide and is beloved by Gaiman and Pratchett fans alike. Collected here are Neil Gaiman's original scripts for the Good Omens television series, offering readers deeper insight into Gaiman's brilliant new adaptation of a masterwork.A tale of good and evil and the end of the world, Good Omens stars Michael Sheen as the angel Aziraphale, David Tennant as the demon Crowley, and Jon Hamm as the archangel Gabriel, as well as Anna Maxwell Martin, Josie Lawrence, Adria Arjona, Michael McKean, Jack Whitehall, Miranda Richardson, and Nick Offerman.

  • af Julian Fellowes
    212,95 kr.

    The full scripts of award-winning Downton Abbey, season one including previously unseen materialDownton Abbey has become an international phenomenon and the most successful British drama of our time. Created by Oscar-winning writer Julian Fellowes, the first season delighted viewers and critics alike with stellar performances, ravishing costumes, and a gripping plot. Set in a grand country house during the late Edwardian era, season one of Downton Abbey follows the lives of the Crawley family upstairs and their servants downstairs as they approach the announcement of the First World War. Fellowes succeeds in not only entertaining his audience with a combination of sustained storylines and sharp one-liners but also in delivering a social commentary of British life. The scripts from season one give readers the opportunity to read the work in more detail and to study the characters, pace, and themes in depth. With extended commentary from Fellowes, highlighting key historical or dramatic details, this book gives invaluable insight, particularly for would-be screenwriters, into how Fellowes researched and crafted the world of Downton Abbey.Featuring full-color photographs

  • af Hanif Kureishi
    204,95 kr.

    Hanif Kureishi already has introduced Americans to new fictional territory in his two films, My Beautiful Laundrette and Sammy and Rosie Get Laid, and in his novel, The Buddha of Suburbia. His latest screenplay, London Kills Me, which he describes as "a story about two guys looking for these shoes", returns viewers and readers to London streetlife and culture that only Kureishi could reveal. This collection includes his three screenplays as well as essays about the background of each film or life on the set or the hilarity of the Academy Awards in Hollywood. In addition, Kureishi has written about the Beatles--a comic commentary on class and culture in England. Together these essays and screenplays illuminate the remarkable imagination and wit of an extraordinarily acute and irreverent social analyst who has secured his place at the forefront of both the film and literary worlds with his uniquely recognizable voice.

  • af Oscar Wilde
    111,95 kr.

    Oscar Wilde's comedic masterpiece, The Importance of Being Earnest, is a delightful romp through Victorian society's absurdities. With razor-sharp wit and dazzling wordplay, Wilde satirizes marriage, social expectations, and the artifice of identity. A timeless classic that continues to captivate audiences with its charm and clever observations.

  • af Henrik Ibsen
    121,95 kr.

    Henrik Ibsen's timeless masterpiece, A Doll's House, delves into the complexities of societal expectations, marriage and personal identity. Nora'sjourney from obedient wife to self-discovery challenges norms and sparks conversations about autonomy and the true meaning of freedom. Agripping exploration of human nature and the pursuit of authenticity.

  • af Henrik Ibsen
    332,95 - 395,95 kr.

    The Correspondence of Henrik Ibsen is a collection of letters written by the famous Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. The book was first published in 1905, after Ibsen's death, and includes over 500 letters exchanged with various correspondents throughout his life. The letters offer a unique insight into Ibsen's personal and professional life, revealing his thoughts on his own works, as well as his interactions with other prominent figures of his time. The letters are arranged chronologically, providing a comprehensive overview of Ibsen's life and career, from his early struggles as a writer to his later years as a celebrated literary figure. The book is a valuable resource for scholars and fans of Ibsen's work, as well as anyone interested in the history of Norwegian literature and culture.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - A Domestic Tragedy In Three Acts
    af Henrik Ibsen
    172,95 - 347,95 kr.

    Ghosts: A Domestic Tragedy In Three Acts is a play written by Henrik Ibsen that explores the themes of family, morality, and societal expectations. The story revolves around the life of Mrs. Alving, a widow who is struggling to come to terms with her past and the secrets that haunt her family. The play is set in Norway and takes place in the late 19th century.The first act introduces the audience to Mrs. Alving's son, Oswald, who has returned home after many years of living abroad. The second act delves deeper into the family's history and the secrets that have been kept hidden for years. The third and final act sees the consequences of these secrets and the tragic ending that results.Throughout the play, Ibsen tackles controversial topics such as incest, sexually transmitted diseases, and the role of religion in society. He challenges the traditional values of his time and presents a bleak picture of society in which individuals are trapped by their past and unable to break free from the cycle of guilt and shame.Overall, Ghosts: A Domestic Tragedy In Three Acts is a powerful and thought-provoking play that continues to be relevant to this day. It is a masterpiece of modern drama that explores the human condition in all its complexity and remains a testament to Ibsen's skill as a playwright.Engstrand. And it was when your mother was in a nasty temper. I had to find some way of getting my knife into her, my girl. She was always so precious gentile. (Mimicking her.) ""Let go, Jacob! Let me be! Please to remember that I was three years with the Alvings at Rosenvold, and they were people who went to Court! (Laughs.)This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Lorraine Hansberry
    112,95 kr.

    Under the editorship of the late Robert Nemiroff, with a provocative and thoughtful introduction by preeminent African-American scholar Margaret B. Wilkerson and a commentary by Spike Lee, this completely restored screenplay is the accurate and authoritative edition of Lorraine Hansberry's script and a testament to her unparalled accomplishment as a black woman artist.The 1961 film version of A Raisin in the Sun, with a screenplay by the author, Lorraine Hansberry, won an award at the Cannes Film Festival even though one-third of the actual screenplay Hansberry had written had been cut out. The film did essentially bring Hansberry's extraordinary play to the screen, but it failed to fulfill her cinematic vision. Now, with this landmark edition of Lorraine Hansberry's original script for the movie of A Raisin in the Sun that audiences never viewed, readers have at hand an epic, eloquent work capturing not only the life and dreams of a black family, but the Chicago-and the society-that surround and shape them.Important changes in dialogue and exterior shots, a stunning shift of focus to her male protagonist, and a dramatic rewriting of the final scene show us an artist who understood and used the cinematic medium to transform a stage play into a different art form-a profound and powerful film.

  • af Greg Dorchak
    217,95 kr.

    Three unproduced screenplays by author and filmmaker Greg Dorchak that actually make great short story reading. Baba Yaga - the story of a witch that eats children; The Stone - a tale to help heal a nation; Apocalypse... WHEN? - Some things are worth waiting for... or better left for much, MUCH later.

  • af Sally Rooney
    322,95 kr.

    A collection of the scripts of episodes 1-12 of the television series Normal people, accompanied by behind-the-scenes photos and an introduction by director Lenny Abrahamson.

  • af Henrik Ibsen
    247,95 - 295,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Paul Charles Bailly
    907,95 kr.

    For your reading pleasure. These four screenplays in Volume 2 were written over a two-decade period. La Gare Miramar The Karmic Khromosome The Dharma Kings

  • - Format-Angaben und inhaltliche Hinweise
    af Martin Thau
    122,95 kr.

    Formatangaben und inhaltliche Hinweise vom langjährigen Studienleiter der Drehbuchwerkstatt München an der Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film.

  • af Bijay Kumar Satapathy
    192,95 kr.

    The Soul of Kansa is of two Acts. Act I highlights the Indian myth, as prescribed in the Mahabharat, of the conflict of vice and virtue. The protagonist, Kansa, stands for evil. This protagonist was of the Dwapar Yuga (Three thousand years earlier was in this Indian peninsula). A tyrannical ruler Kansa oppressed the ordinary people greatly. Kansa is not with us physically; his soul is very much alive in the society. The character Andhak represents the soul of Kansa.The second play, Kokua, revolves around Dhamaguda, a tribal village. Kokua is an imaginary, frightful, and mysterious character of the Mahabharata, one of the great epics of India. The Mahabharata of India has many regional versions in different languages. The Kokua anecdote is well described in Sarala Das's Odia Mahabharata. Kokua comes down, when the degree of doubt, disbelief, terror, murder, and anarchy overpowers the world. Because of the industrial growth and development, the tribes lose their land, rivers, brooks, forests, and simple lifestyles. Their mind gets polluted. The tribes are deprived of their natural rights. The issues of these locals are very beautifully reproduced. Shyamananda is the owner of the Ashram wherein Atanu was a disciple and later becomes the Police Inspector. At the same time, Ajay Marandi was also a disciple and later becomes a Naxal leader or Area Commander. Shyamananda's erstwhile belief was that he would guide rightly the students of this village to follow the path of non-violence. His dream is shattered in due course of time. Shibu (Also known as Sadashiba Rao) is a character supporting the Maoist movement.

  • af D. C. Rahe
    242,95 kr.

    Screenwriting Workbook: A step-by-step guide to writing a Hollywood screenplay. Includes bonus materials, movie breakdown, pitch, outline, character profiles and a complete feature-length screenplay. I designed the book for beginners who want to write their screenplay. Just follow the 13 lessons to completion.

  • af Barry Gifford
    142,95 kr.

    From the award-winning author and screenplay writer, a trio of one-act plays depicting the spooky, strange, and tragic passage of guests through the same New York City hotel room (number 603).“The dialogue has the evocative spareness of Pinter, and [the] control of mood [is] menacing, mesmerizing.” —TIMEThe tangible mystery of these stories is grounded in the peculiar relationships that unfold slowly, producing an unrelenting uncanny atmosphere. In each play, a family member has recently died and the survivors are left to deal with the consequences.In "Tricks" Gifford approaches the psychological territory of Kafka. We meet two men looking for something more than just sex from a prostitute. Are the men two halves of a severed personality?  In "Blackout" Danny and Diane, an Oklahoma couple of the 1930s, cannot move beyond the grief of a personal tragedy. Refusing to accept the death of her son, Diane seeks refuge in low-level deliriums. In "Mrs. Kashfi" a young boy experiences a spooky visitation while his mother voyages into the sea of clairvoyance with a fortune teller.Written for David Lynch's 1993 drama Hotel Room for HBO, two of these stories, "Tricks" and "Blackout" were nominated for the Cable Ace Award.“Gifford’s night people are a strange mix of utter weirdness and bedrock humanity, rampant eccentricity, and absolute individuality. Some things in life are beyond analysis, and Barry Gifford is one of them. —Booklist

  • af William Shakespeare
    177,95 kr.

    Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet navigates the intoxicating, forbidden love between the star-crossed young lovers, Romeo and Juliet. Amidstfamilial strife, their passion unfolds in a poetic tragedy, challenging societal constraints. A timeless exploration of love, fate, and the enduring power ofShakespearean verse.

  • af Jakari Jackson
    647,95 kr.

    This first volume contains two (2) feature length screenplays: Dirt Naps (Western) & Agenda E.N.T. (Comedy).

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