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Historisk og sammenlignende lingvistik

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  • af Gaqo Naumi
    152,95 kr.

    Libri Gjuha Shqipe, Gjuha Mëmë e Gjuheve Indoevropiane shpalos një udhëtim të thellë në fushën e etimologjisë, duke nxjerrë në pah historinë dhe rrënjët e fjalëve dhe lidhjet e tyre komplekse me gjuhën shqipe. Autori, Gaqo Naumi, një inxhinier i njohur, ka kryer një hulumtim të kujdesshëm për të dëshmuar se si gjuha Hitite është zberthyer përmes gjuhës shqipe, duke përdorur te dhenat dhe gjetjet arkeologjike.Ky vademekum i etimologjisë shkëlqen dritë mbi misteret e gjuhësisë, duke shpjeguar me mjeshtëri rolin dhe rëndësinë e gjuhës shqipe në zhvillimin e gjuhëve indoevropiane. Nëpërmjet hulumtimit të tij, Naumi sjell një perspektivë të re mbi ngjalljen dhe zhvillimin e fjalëve në skenën gjuhësore globale, duke shtuar dimensione të panjohura më parë. Autori fokusohet në lidhjen e thellë midis gjuhës shqipe dhe gjuhëve të tjera indoevropiane, duke e bërë këtë libër një burim të çmuar për lexuesit e interesuar në historinë e gjuhësisë dhe etimologjisë nga perspektiva të ndryshme.Gaqo Naumi ka arritur të përmbushë vizionin e tij duke integruar shpalljen e zbulimeve të tij me kontekstin historik dhe kulturor. Ky libër shërben si një mjet i rëndësishëm për të kuptuar trashëgiminë e pasur dhe ndikimin e gjuhës shqipe në zhvillimin e gjuhëve të tjera. The book Albanian Language, Mother of Indo-European Languages takes readers on a profound journey into the field of etymology, uncovering the history and roots of words and their intricate connections to the Albanian language. The author, Gaqo Naumi, a renowned engineer, has conducted meticulous research to demonstrate how the Hittite language has evolved through the Albanian language, utilizing archaeological data and findings.This etymology vademecum sheds light on the mysteries of linguistics, expertly explaining the role and significance of the Albanian language in the development of Indo-European languages. Through his research, Naumi provides a fresh perspective on the emergence and evolution of words on the global linguistic stage, adding previously unknown dimensions. The author focuses on the deep connection between the Albanian language and other Indo-European languages, making this book a valuable resource for readers who are interested in the history of linguistics and etymology from different perspectives.Gaqo Naumi has successfully realized his vision by integrating the announcement of his discoveries with the historical and cultural context. This book serves as an important tool for understanding the rich heritage and influence of the Albanian language on the development of other languages.

  • af Hanan Aldoukhi
    1.192,95 kr.

    This book investigates language choices in different domains among Syrian Arab Muslim families who came to Malaysia after war broke out in their country. It focuses on how Syrian Heritage Language (HL), Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), Classical Arabic (CA), and other languages that might be spoken by these families were maintained and/or shifted from the time these families came to Malaysia until the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most works on Syrian community in Malaysia are focused on social and humanitarian issues; none has explored how Syrians in Malaysia are managing their language use in connection with day-to-day communication and integration. As the Syrian community in Malaysia adapts by learning the host language, their mother language/s might experience a shift. The way the minority communities view their mother language by prioritizing or deprioritizing its use in the family milieu are factors that contribute to language maintenance and language shift (LMLS). As such, this book provides insights on how Syrian parents are managing their own and their children¿s language/s, along with the language of the host country.

  • af Diana Preston
    257,95 kr.

    Seventeenth-century pirate genius William Dampier sailed around the world three times when crossing the Pacific was a major feat, was the first explorer to visit all five continents, and reached Australia eighty years before Captain Cook. His exploits created a sensation in Europe. Swift and Defoe used his experiences in writing Gulliver's Travels and Robinson Crusoe. Darwin incorporated his concept of "sub-species" into the theory of evolution. Dampier's description of breadfruit was the impetus for Captain Bligh's voyage on the Bounty. He was so influential that today he has more than one thousand entries in the Oxford English Dictionary, including such words as chopsticks, barbecue, and kumquat. Anthropologists still use his work.

  • af Rita Franceschini
    1.422,95 kr.

    Die Erscheinungsformen und linguistischen Effekte von Mehrsprachigkeit sind nicht nur regional oft äußerst unterschiedlich, sondern auch historisch divers und veränderlich. Die Beiträge dieses Sammelbandes haben Mehrsprachigkeitsszenarien in der Geschichte Europas im Fokus und vermitteln einen Eindruck davon, wie der Alltag von Europäerinnen und Europäern in unterschiedlichen Epochen, Gebieten oder auch Institutionen von Mehrsprachigkeit geprägt war. Der Band präsentiert verschiedene Perspektiven auf die Erforschung historischer Mehrsprachigkeit an der Schnittstelle von Sprachkontaktforschung und historischer Soziolinguistik. Er richtet sich damit an ein breites Publikum mit Interesse an historischer Sprachwissenschaft und Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung.

  • af Idara Hayat
    232,95 kr.

    The history of Urdu language and literature is replete with literary movements and attitudes, but two in particular have had a significant impact on and enhanced Urdu language and literature. Although the Aligarh movement was mostly focused on education, it also made significant contributions to language and literature, helping to shift the course and momentum of Urdu language and literature. Although the progressive movement began with the intention of bringing about change, creativity, and uniqueness in literature, it eventually turned its focus to bringing about a political revolution and establishing an ideology-based society. This book "Taraqqi pasand Tahreek ka Adab wo Adeeb" contains a few essays on the writers and literature of this progressive movement.

  • af Daniela Pietrini
    1.016,95 kr.

    Politicamente corretto, linguaggio inclusivo, "lingua facile", sessismo linguistico, hate speech: nella maggior parte dei casi di discriminazione un ruolo determinante spetta (anche) al linguaggio. Pur non limitandosi a fatti linguistici, la discriminazione viene spesso trasmessa attraverso la lingua, per mezzo di espressioni volutamente spregiative, ma anche nascosta in usi idiomatici apparentemente innocui. D'altro canto però proprio la lingua può servire a combattere le discriminazioni, p.e. ricorrendo a un linguaggio inclusivo che non perpetri stereotipi di genere, oppure semplificando testi istituzionali per renderli accessibili alle persone con disabilità intellettive. Questo volume analizza da un punto di vista diacronico e sincronico alcune espressioni e locuzioni discriminatorie sulla base di materiali eterogenei (dizionari, raccolte di proverbi, trattati e testi letterari, articoli di giornale, social network, canzoni) e secondo diversi approcci metodologici. Il focus è sull'italiano, con excursus su francese, inglese e tedesco.

  • af Jacques Allières
    287,95 - 392,95 kr.

  • af Annick Paternoster
    1.290,95 kr.

  • af Arika (Linguist and author of In the Land of Invented Languages Okrent
    137,95 - 190,95 kr.

    Highly Irregular is an illustrated history of English as told through all the things that are weird about it. Why are there so many silent letters? Why do we have irregular verbs? What is the deal with the word 'colonel'? The weirdness of English can be blamed on specific influences that shaped it, and in this book Arika Okrent investigates the many puzzles of our language to show how English came to be the way it is today.

  • af Horst Dieter Schlosser
    264,95 kr.

    Der Verfasser sieht in der Konkurrenz von grammatischen Normen den wichtigsten Impuls für Sprachwandel. Solche Konkurrenzen sind auf allen grammatischen Ebenen festzustellen und verursachen immer wieder Unsicherheiten im Sprachgebrauch. Sie sind wohl schon für die ältesten Stufen des Indoeuropäischen (alias Indogermanischen) anzunehmen und sind auch für die Erklärung aktueller Phänomene auf die geographische und soziale Differenzierung der verschiedenen Sprechergemeinschaften zurückzuführen. Sie entstehen grundsätzlich im mündlichen Sprachgebrauch, der in der Geschichte jeder Sprache schriftlichen Fixierungen sehr lange Zeit, oftmals Jahrhunderte und sogar Jahrtausende, voraufgeht. Darum ist die (mangels mündlicher Belege verständliche) Beschränkung der Forschung auf Schriftzeugnisse kaum in der Lage, die realen Verläufe von Sprachwandel angemessen zu rekonstruieren. Es entsteht dabei der falsche Eindruck, dass sich die Sprache wie eine Naturkraft von selbst entwickelt. Der Versuch, dem Sprachwandel mit nur-linguistischen Mitteln beizukommen, kann seiner Komplexität kaum gerecht werden. Im Mittelpunkt der kritischen Betrachtung steht hier, mit zahlreichen historischen und aktuellen Belegen, das Deutsche. Die vielfachen Seitenblicke auf entsprechende Verhältnisse in anderen indoeuropäischen Folgesprachen (u.a. im Englischen, Französischen, Polnischen) sollen dazu dienen, die Spezifik der deutschen Situation noch schärfer herauszuarbeiten.

  • af Arianna Di Bella
    1.102,95 kr.

    Die Festschrift vereint in der Vielfalt ihrer Beiträge die verschiedenen Forschungsfelder und zahlreichen Interessen sowie Tätigkeiten von Laura Auteri anlässlich ihres 70. Geburtstags. Die Jubilarin vertritt in ihrem Schaffen nicht nur die Auslandsgermanistik, sondern sie hat auch entscheidend zur Entwicklung der Germanistik in Richtung auf eine transkulturelle Wissenschaft beigetragen. Ihren Initiativen zur Internationalisierung von Forschung und Lehre verdankt die Disziplin wesentliche Impulse. Die beiden Themenbereiche: Identität(en) im Schnittpunkt von Kulturen und Literatur als Begegnungsstätte von Kulturen vom Mittelalter bis zur Neuzeit zeugen von diesem Streben und dienten Expertinnen und Experten der internationalen Forschendengemeinschaft als Leitfaden in ihren wissenschaftlichen Abhandlungen zur Würdigung der großen Verdienste der Jubilarin um die Germanistik.

  • af Kristoffer Nyrop
    352,95 - 497,95 kr.

  • af Anonymous
    377,95 - 497,95 kr.

  • af Hans Flach
    297,95 - 437,95 kr.

  • af Paul Hazard
    197,95 - 377,95 kr.

  • af Adolf Greef
    167,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Edward Jacob Boyce
    217,95 - 352,95 kr.

  • af Michel Bréal Francis Meunier Bopp
    217,95 - 352,95 kr.

  • af Octave Joseph Delepierre
    167,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Gwilt
    167,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Frederick Sturges Allen
    152,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • af Louise Sylvester
    1.689,95 kr.

    This edited book examines the multilingual culture of medieval England, exploring its impact on the development of English and its textual manifestations from a multi-disciplinary perspective. The book offers overviews of the state of the art of research and case studies on this subject in (sub)disciplines of linguistics including historical linguistics, onomastics, lexicology and lexicography, sociolinguistics, code-switching and language contact, and also includes contributions from literary and socio-cultural studies, material culture, and palaeography. The authors focus on the variety of languages in use in medieval Britain, including English, Old Norse, Norn, Dutch, Welsh, French, and Latin, making the argument that understanding the impact of medieval multilingualism on the development of English requires multidisiplinarity and the bringing together of different frameworks in linguistics and cultural studies toachieve more nuanced answers. This book will be of interest to academics and students of historical linguistics and medieval textual culture.

  • af David Pharies
    1.547,95 kr.

    As a complement to Pharies's 2002 Diccionario etimológico de los sufijos españoles (Madrid: Gredos), this book completes the urgent task of providing historical and etymological information for the affixes of the Spanish language. Based on an extensive research bibliography, the volume comprises 84 entries providing detailed accounts of the origin and evolution of each Spanish prefix.

  • af Wilhelm Braune
    412,95 kr.

    Die dynamische Erforschung des Althochdeutschen findet ihren Niederschlag in kontinuierlicher Weiterentwicklung der Althochdeutschen Grammatik. So wird parallel zur grundlegenden Neufassung von Band II: Syntax auch Band I in einer sorgfältig überarbeiteten, in zahlreichen Details erweiterten 17. Auflage vorgelegt. Nach der positiven Resonanz auf die vorherige Auflage konnte der eingeschlagene Weg weiterverfolgt werden. Die Einarbeitung der Glossenforschung ist fortgeführt und ausgebaut worden. Ihrem Aussagewert gemäß kommen nun die voralthochdeutschen Runenbelege stärker zur Geltung. Um der zweifachen Aufgabe als Referenzwerk und als Studienbuch gerecht zu werden, stehen sowohl die Darstellung der Faktenbasis als auch deren Präsentation im Fokus der Neuauflage. Zahlreiche Phänomene werden auf breiterer Datenbasis beschrieben, zum Teil auch sprachhistorisch neu bewertet. Als wesentliche Neuerung, die vor allem didaktischen Zwecken entgegenkommen dürfte, werden den althochdeutschen Paradigmen nun ihre altsächsischen und mittelhochdeutschen Entsprechungen zur Seite gestellt. Dafür haben die Tabellen, deren Zahl zugelegt hat, ein großzügigeres Layout erhalten. Die Maßnahmen zielen darauf ab, den Nutzen als Referenzgrammatik wie als Lehrbuch weiter zu steigern.

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