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Fonetik, fonologi

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  • af Randall P. Prosser
    452,95 kr.

  • af Clara Kathleen Rogers
    322,95 kr.

  • af William F. Wyatt Jr
    682,95 kr.

    An account of the development of the Indo-European vowel system in its latest stages.

  • af Sara Quintero Ramirez
    297,95 kr.

    La obra Recursos prosódicos en la marcación discursiva tiene como propósito dar cuenta de los fenómenos prosódicos que utilizan seis usuarios de la variedad del español tapatío a fin de marcar el discurso en un corpus de entrevistas sociolingüísticas. Dichas entrevistas se aplicaron a seis informantes de 18 a 35 años con un nivel de instrucción alto.Por un lado, los informantes recurrieron a movimientos ascendentes de la curva melódica, saltos tonales y escalonamiento descendente a fin de marcar el discurso. Por otro lado, los informantes se sirvieron de ascensos en las sílabas finales del segmento discursivo anterior a ciertos marcadores discursivos y descensos en las sílabas iniciales de los propios marcadores para reforzar los valores pragmático-discursivos de los marcadores en cuestión.

  • af Jean-Claude Anscombre
    642,95 kr.

    Cet ouvrage fait suite à deux volumes déjà publiés en 2016 et 2020. Ces trois volumes constituent un véritable dictionnaire consacré à une sous-classe de marqueurs discursifs, ceux formés sur le verbe dire. Ces marqueurs discursifs, actuellement objets de nombreuses études linguistiques, sont ces ¿petits mots¿ qui nous servent à articuler notre parole, à l¿organiser, à la structurer, ainsi c¿est vite dit, comme tu dis, je me disais aussi ou dis voir, pour ne citer que quelques cas parmi la liste recensée de 226 marqueurs en dire. D¿un fonctionnement souvent complexe, ils instaurent une véritable mise en scène à l¿intérieur du discours, et tout traducteur sait à quel point il est difficile parfois d¿en fournir une équivalence dans d¿autres langues, même proches. Ce troisième volume en examine dix-huit, ce qui, sur l¿ensemble des trois volumes, porte le nombre des entrées à quatre-vingt-sept. L¿étude propose pour chaque marqueur une présentation des différentes valeurs identifiées et une analyse linguistique abordant ses propriétés syntaxiques, sémantiques, pragmatiques et, dans une moindre mesure, intonatives. La partie descriptive vise surtout les étudiants de langue de niveau supérieur (Écoles d¿interprétariat et/ou de langues), alors que les linguistes confirmés pourront consulter la partie proprement théorique.

  • af Tabea Thies
    481,95 kr.

    Parkinson¿s Disease affects not only gross motor but also speech motor control. Standard treatment options are drug treatment with levodopa and surgical treatment with deep brain stimulation. While both treatments are effective for gross motor symptoms, it is yet to be fully understood how speech responds to levodopa and deep brain stimulation. This thesis investigates the effect of both treatment options on the kinematic, acoustic and perceptual level in the same group of speakers with Parkinson¿s disease for a first time

  • af Aurora Martínez Ezquerro
    457,95 kr.

    Estudio del léxico religioso en documentación notarial riojana del medievo constituyeuna contribución más al análisis riguroso del vocabulario romance riojano contenidoen instrumentos notariales de La Rioja custodiados, principalmente, en el ArchivoCatedralicio de Calahorra-La Calzada. A partir del estudio de casi centenar y medio dedocumentos (cotejados con los originales), se hace acopio del corpus que conforma elléxico religioso y se ofrece un preciso análisis filológico mediante la confrontación delas palabras investigadas con un amplio repertorio bibliográfico.En el presente libro destaca, asimismo, la importancia otorgada al valor de la fidelidadtextual mostrada en el cotejo asiduo de los textos editados con los documentos originalesy en la recogida de todas las variantes grafico-fónicas, imprescindibles para elestudio de la grafemática y de la fonología históricas. Fruto de este esfuerzo filológicoes la aquilatada interpretación semántica, que rinde aportaciones precisas a la historiadel léxico medieval riojano, en particular, y del hispánico, en general.

  • af Richard Ogden
    197,95 - 841,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Wells
    222,95 kr.

    This book takes you on a journey of three months that will change the rest of your life. You will be inspired by the experiences of famous orators from history. The key concepts will become clear and correct speaking will become a second nature as you progress through this course. Your voice will become clearer and less vulnerable, even in seasons when you battle with flu or colds. Here Is a Preview of What You'll Learn Inside...Why A High-Status Voice Is So Powerful: how to make people know, like and trust you immediately...The 5 Traits of a Powerful Voice: capture attention and hold it in a trance-like state every time you open your mouth!Voice Training: mouth and voice strengthening exercises and tonality secrets used by Hollywood actors to command your audience's attention...The Power of Enunciation and Suspense: how to become a master storyteller who holds people raptured, fully engaged and hanging on your every word...This book takes you on a journey of three months that will change the rest of your life. You will be inspired by the experiences of famous orators from history. The key concepts will become clear and correct speaking will become a second nature as you progress through this course. Your voice will become clearer and less vulnerable, even in seasons when you battle with flu or colds.

  • af Theo Harden
    672,95 kr.

    Die vorliegende Einführung besteht aus 16 Einheiten, die alle so konzipiert sind, dass sie auch unabhängig voneinander gelesen werden können. Jedes Kapitel führt in einen bestimmten Bereich der Linguistik ein: in Semantik, Sprachgeschichte, Spracherwerb, mentales Lexikon, Pragmatik, Dialektologie, Phonetik, usw. Als Ausgangspunkt und Kapitelüberschrift dienen dabei beispielsweise Fragen wie «Können Wörter müde machen?» (Semantik), «Gibt es Sprachen ohne Grammatik?» (Syntax), «Was ist Deutsch eigentlich für eine Sprache?» (Sprachgeschichte) oder «Wo sind die Wörter im Kopf und wie greift man auf sie zu?», die zugleich das Konzept dieses Buches illustrieren: Die wichtigsten linguistischen Themenkomplexe und Grundlagen sollen nicht nur in leicht zugänglicher und gut verständlicher Form vermittelt werden, sondern es soll auch Neugier auf die Fragen geweckt werden, um die es jeweils geht. Vorkenntnisse werden dabei bewusst nicht vorausgesetzt. Da eine Einführung naturgemäß nur jeweils einen begrenzten Einblick in ein Themengebiet geben kann, werden am Ende jeder Einheit stets auch Literaturtipps zur weitergehenden und vertieften Beschäftigung mit dem behandelten Thema gegeben.

  • af John J. Lowe
    292,95 kr.

    The field of South Asian linguistics has undergone considerable growth and advancement in recent years, as a wider and more diverse range of languages have become subject to serious linguistic study, and as advancements in theoretical linguistics are applied to the rich linguistic data of South Asia. In this growth and diversity, it can be difficult to retain a broad grasp on the current state of the art, and to maintain a sense of the underlying unity of the field. This volume brings together twenty articles by leading scholars in South Asian linguistics, which showcase the cutting-edge research currently being undertaken in the field, and offer the reader a comprehensive introduction to the state of the art in South Asian linguistics. The contributions to the volume focus primarily on syntax and semantics, but also include important contributions on morphological and phonological questions. The contributions also cover a wide range of languages, from well-studied Indo-Aryan languages such as Sanskrit, Hindi, Bangla and Panjabi, through Dravidian languages to endangered and understudied Tibeto-Burman languages. This collection is a must-read for all scholars interested in current trends and advancements in South Asian linguistics.

  • af Sabrina Bendjaballah
    232,95 kr.

    Element Theory (ET) covers a range of approaches that consider privativity a central tenet defining the internal structure of segments. This volume provides an overview and extension of this program, exploring new lines of research within phonology and at its interface (phonetics and syntax). The present collection reflects on issues concerning the definition of privative primes, their interactions, organization, and the operations that constrain phonological and syntactic representations. The contributions reassess theoretical questions, which have been implicitly taken for granted, regarding privativity and its corollaries. On the empirical side, it explores the possibilities ET offers to analyze specific languages and phonological phenomena.

  • af H Ekkehard Wolff
    1.464,95 kr.

    "Based on the author's life-long research experience, this book unearths the linguistic history of 66 unwritten and under-researched Central Chadic languages in West- and Central Africa. It describes the complex historical development of the modern languages from the common proto-language and reconstructs 228 lexical items of their basic vocabulary"--

    282,95 kr.

    Bringing together new theoretical and empirical developments in phonology. Elements, Government and Licensing covers three principal domains of phonological representation: melody and segmental structure; tone, prosody, and prosodic structure; and phonological relations, empty categories, and vowel-zero alternations. Theoretical topics covered include the formalization of Element Theory, the hotly debated topic of structural recursion in phonology, and the empirical status of government. In addition, a wealth of new analyses and empirical evidence sheds new light on empty categories in phonology, the analysis of certain consonantal sequences, phonological and non-phonological alternation, the elemental composition of segments, and many more. Taking up long-standing empirical and theoretical issues informed by the Government Phonology and Element Theory, this book provides theoretical advances while also bringing to light new empirical evidence and analysis challenging previous generalizations. The insights offered here will be equally exciting for phonologists working on related issues inside and outside the Principles and Parameters program, such as researchers working in Optimality Theory or classical rule-based phonology.

  • af Connor Youngberg
    447,95 kr.

    Bringing together new theoretical and empirical developments in phonology. Elements, Government and Licensing covers three principal domains of phonological representation: melody and segmental structure; tone, prosody, and prosodic structure; and phonological relations, empty categories, and vowel-zero alternations. Theoretical topics covered include the formalization of Element Theory, the hotly debated topic of structural recursion in phonology, and the empirical status of government. In addition, a wealth of new analyses and empirical evidence sheds new light on empty categories in phonology, the analysis of certain consonantal sequences, phonological and non-phonological alternation, the elemental composition of segments, and many more. Taking up long-standing empirical and theoretical issues informed by the Government Phonology and Element Theory, this book provides theoretical advances while also bringing to light new empirical evidence and analysis challenging previous generalizations. The insights offered here will be equally exciting for phonologists working on related issues inside and outside the Principles and Parameters program, such as researchers working in Optimality Theory or classical rule-based phonology.

  • af Patrizia de Bernardo Stempel
    1.007,95 kr.

    The key to the phonetic development of a given word across time lies in its accentuation. As the Old Celtic remains do not indicate their accent, it has to be deduced from their sound-changes. This book investigates for the first time in depth 14 Celtic phenomena resulting from the weakening of unstressed syllables (vocalic assimilations and reductions up to syncope, degeminations, ,w'-loss, nasal effacement, metathesis of liquids) and the strengthening of stressed ones (vocalic epenthesis and diphthongizations, geminations of consonants). The stress-patterns emerging from them are corroborated by the originally Celtic toponymy in today's non-Celtic-speaking countries and allow us to reconstruct the Celtic subfamily of languages by drawing a much simpler accentual model which also finds typological support. With its diachronic discussion of more than 3,600 words the book represents, moreover, a big help in the understanding of Celtic lexicon and onomastics.

  • af Dominik Wenzeslaus
    233,95 kr.

    Möchtest du in jeder Situation die richtigen Worte finden? Möchtest du in jederzeit schlagfertig und eloquent antworten können? Möchtest du selbstbewusst, schlagfertig und überzeugend auftreten und deine Mitmenschen in den Bann ziehen?Dann wird dir dieses Buch dabei helfen, mit bewährten Techniken und Methoden deine Ausdrucksweise zu verbessern und deinen Wortschatz zu erweitern. Schon mit etwas Übung werden deine Freunde und Kollegen an deinen Lippen hängen und dir gespannt zuhören, wenn du das Wort ergreifst.Anstatt dir nach einem hitzigen Wortgefecht im Nachhinein zu denken "Hätte ich doch das oder jenes geantwortet", wirst du schon in kurzer Zeit zum Wortakrobaten, der immer die richtigen Antworten parat hat.Dominik Wenzeslaus zeigt dir in seinem Buch, wie du deine Rhetorik Fähigkeiten aufs nächste Level bringst und erprobte Lernmethoden nutzt, mit denen du schnell einen umfangreichen Wortschaft aufbauen wirst. Dieses Buch bietet dir zahlreiche Praxisübungen und bewährte Lernmethoden, mit denen du deinen Wortschatz in kürzester Zeit erweitern kannst, sodass du jedes Gespräch im Alltag sicher meisterst.Zudem bietet dir dieses Buch:- Wortschatz aufbauen leicht gemacht: alphabetisch sortierte Liste von wörtern für jede Situation, um jedes Gespräch selbstbewusst und sicher zu meistern.- Die Macht der Sprache: erfahre, wie Sprache wirkt und wie du dich zielgerichtet und effektiv ausdrückst, um dem Gesagten Nachdruck zu verleihen.- Die 10 wichtigsten Regeln der Rhetorik: finden Sie heraus, wie Sie jeden Menschen überzeugen können, das zu tun, was Sie wollen.- Kinderleichte Lernmethoden: verbessere aktiv deine Kommunikation und verbessere deine Ausdrucksweise mühelos mit erprobten Techniken, cleveren Tipps und der richtigen Nutzung von Fremdwörtern im Alltag.- Wortakrobat auf Knopfdruck: lerne die richtige Aussprache und Betonung jedes Wortes durch die dazugehörige Lautschrift. Und erfahre durch umfangreiche Beispiele, wann und wie du welche Fremdwörter sicher verwendest.Die Wahrheit ist: Die Feder ist mächtiger als das Schwert. Nur wer die Macht des Wortes kennt und zu nutzen weiß, kann die Magie einer eloquenten Ausdrucksweise für sich und seinen Erfolg nutzen. Nutze diese Chance, sichere dir dein Exemplar und werde noch heute zum Wortakrobaten!

  • af Nathan Oyori Ogechi
    357,95 kr.

    Language plays a major role in the development of societies and nations. Themes in Language, Education & Development in Kenya is a collection of fourteen scholarly articles on aspects of language and its relationship with, society, education and development in Kenya. . The authors follow Morgan Dalphinis remarks that: "... to speak a language means more than an exercise in the use of a given syntax and morphology, it implies the support of a whole culture and civilization. Moreover, it is in language that people learn, relate to each other as social animals in a material world of production, reproduction, distribution and exchange". It is not only important to understand specific languages but to also appreciate associated structural linguistics as a means of appreciating the underlying, rich cultural aspects of those languages. In this book, authors capture the richness of language and linguistics aspects of some of Kenyan languages, namely Kiswahili, EkeGusii, Dholuo and Ateso as well as appropriated languages used in Kenya such as English and French. Themes in Language, Education & Development in Kenya discusses aspects of language and its relationship with society, education and development in Kenya. As much as possible, the authors have anchored their arguments on relevant theoretical and conceptual frameworks with chapters written either in English or Kiswahili while the abstracts are written in a different language from that of the body of the chapter. The book is divided into three major themes: Theoretical Linguistics and Language in Society, Language and Education, and Language and Development. Educators, students and general readers interested in issues of language, linguistics, pedagogy and development will find great benefit from this book. In particular, students and lecturers of African linguistics, English, Kiswahili, Education and Sociology would be great beneficiaries. What others say This edited volume comprises detailed, substantive, methodological and theoretical research by fine investigators and practitioners in linguistics, English, French, Kiswahili, education and development. It is so detailed and a must-read piece of work for scholars interested in the interface between language and other fields. -- Bob Mbori, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kakamega Writing/compiling an edited book requires masterful selection of articles that ensure the common thread runs through the chapters. This book achieves this by putting language firmly in the agenda of education and development in Kenya. -- Hilary K. Sang, Department of Linguistics and Foreign Languages, Moi University This is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in languages, education and development beyond Kenyan borders. It sets the pace and a new trend for research in African languages. -- Gilbert Gumoshabe, Makerere University, Uganda A note about contributors Writers come with diverse experience and education in the subject of languages, ranging from linguistics, language in society, education and development. Their varied education background and experience reflects their international training and linkages. In turn, this finds expression in the associated essays.

  • af Adil Rehman
    197,95 kr.

    The Third Coursebook of the AMERICAN ACCENT LEARNWAYTM.This is the final Coursebook of the American Accent Learnway. It follows Coursebook One, "The American Accent Learnway - Cross the Bridge, Over the Divide" and Coursebook Two, "The American Accent Learnway - Together, On the Road Inland".Together, with the Vocal Pattern Bridge Table in Coursebook One and the Vocal Pattern Inland Table in Coursebook Two, the Summit Table in this Coursebook will provide you with the means to diagnose your own Accent by identifying the Vocal Patterns you vocalize differently than Americans. In so doing, you will create a personal Development Plan, targeting these for relearning, the American way.Also, with the Bridge and Summit Vocal Pattern Tables, the Inland Table will serve as an integrated, comprehensive "Look-Up" of Distinctive Vocal Patterns for your anytime reference and continued learning, enabling you to retrain your Accent.The Summit Table covers 300 clearly Distinctive Vocal Patterns, said in the American Accent - compared with the British. They are "Significantly" Distinctive and therefore make a noticeable impact on Accent. In terms of level of Distinctiveness, these Vocal Patterns are more subtle than the most Distinctive covered in the Bridge Table and the very Distinctive covered in the Inland Table. Because of this, these Vocal Patterns are more likely to have escaped your attention. The Summit Table now enables you to identify these and make the changes you need.While Coursebook One, takes you most of the way and Coursebook Two builds on this progress to take you almost all the way, Coursebook Three then addresses the final gaps that might otherwise persist.

  • af Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal & Sadhvi Hemswaroopa
    162,95 kr.

  • af Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal & Sadhvi Hemswaroopa
    177,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • af Ian R. A. (University of Ottawa) MacKay
    363,95 - 1.150,95 kr.

  • af Hilary Jenkinson
    177,95 - 342,95 kr.

  • af Sihui Echo Ke
    197,95 kr.

    This Element aims to address the complexity of metalinguistic awareness to achieve a thorough account of its impacts on second language (L2) reading development and promote an in-depth understanding of the factors regulating the influence of first language (L1) metalinguistic awareness on L2 reading. It is guided by four questions: 1) To what extent do L1 phonological, orthographic, and morphological awareness correlate with L2 phonological, orthographic, and morphological awareness in L2 readers? 2) To what extent do phonological, orthographic, and morphological awareness correlate with word decoding intralingually in L2 readers? 3) To what extent do L1 phonological, orthographic, and morphological awareness correlate with L2 word decoding in L2 readers? 4) To what extent do the relations in questions 1¿3 vary as a function of linguistic-, learner-, measurement-, and instruction-related factors? This Element is the first to systematically investigate the roles of distinct facets of metalinguistic awareness in L2 reading.

  • af Henry Sweet
    197,95 - 357,95 kr.

  • af Hanna Mareike Schmidt
    589,95 kr.

    Wie lernen aus Syrien zugewanderte Grundschüler*innen synchron die deutsche Laut- und Schriftsprache? Wie meistern sie diese doppelte Lernherausforderung? Basierend auf bestehenden Ansätzen zum Schrift- und Zweitspracherwerb wird ein Förderkonzept entwickelt, das graphematisch orientierte Schemata nutzt. Damit sollen die Lernenden neue phonologische Kategorien erwerben und eine Regelmäßigkeit im Aufbau der deutschen Wortstruktur erkennen. Ihr individueller Umgang mit dem Lernmaterial wurde über einen Zeitraum von zwei Monaten videographiert und qualitativ mittels Inhalts- und Detailanalyse fallspezifisch ausgewertet. Die Schüler*innen zeigen individuell unterschiedliche Lernerfolge, die von einem Phonem- bzw. Silbenverständnis bis zur Sprachbewusstheit in der Zweitsprache Deutsch reichen.Dieses Werk enthält zusätzliche Informationen als Anhang. Sie können von unserer Website heruntergeladen werden:

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