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Sammenlignende litteratur

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  • af Niels Brunse
    153,95 - 163,95 kr.

    "Oversættelsen af Shakespeares 37 skuespil har været mit skriverlivs største, sværeste og mest berigende opgave. Det tog mig over tredive år. Berigelsen og udfordringen ligger i, at Shakespeare er enestående. Et litterært og dramatisk geni. Og selvfølgelig er det ikke uden hjertebanken, at man nærmer sig den hemmelighed, som indeholdes i det geniale." – Niels BrunseNiels Brunse er prisbelønnet forfatter og oversætter. Bogen indgår i serien 'Babette'.

  • - En introduktion til tekstkritik og boghistorie som litteraturteori
    af Klaus Nielsen
    167,95 kr.

    Denne bog handler om bøger og litteratur. Nærmere bestemt handler den om begrebet det litterære værk, som inden for litteraturvidenskaben er en kompleks størrelse. Bogen og værket udfordrer feltet på dets manglende refleksion over dette vigtige begreb og nuancerer definitionen af litteraturanalysens genstand. Når vi læser et litterært værk, sker det altid via et medie – oftest en bog trykt på papir – og denne fysiske genstand udgør en central del af vores læseoplevelse. Bøgerne er stadig vores primære adgang til litteraturen. Men til trods for denne dominerende position spiller bogen som medie kun en marginal rolle inden for litteraturvidenskaben, hvor materielle betragtninger sjældent indgår i fortolkningen. Det er et problem for fagets videnskabelighed og akribi. For hvad er det egentlig, vi analyserer, når vi giver os i kast med et litterært værk? Denne bog syntetiserer disciplinerne boghistorie og litteraturteori og præsenterer en række værktøjer til at indarbejde den boghistoriske refleksion i sine analyser. Bogens primære målgruppe er litteraturstuderende på universiteterne.Bogens eksempelmateriale består af dansk såvel som udenlandsk litteratur. Som demonstration af metodens anvendelighed analyseres Per Højholts publikumssucces Gittes monologer, der udkom i årene 1981-84.Klaus Nielsen er ph.d. og udgaveleder ved Grundtvigs Værker, Grundtvig Centeret, Aarhus Universitet. Han er medlem af Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab.

  • af Colin Salter
    215,95 kr.

    A look at 100 inspiring novels that have left a significant mark on the world of literature and popular culture.

  • - Litteraturhistorier
    af Karsten Sand Iversen
    162,95 kr.

    'Lacrimae Rerum' lægger tre mosaiske mosaikker, digterskæbner underlagt 1900-tallets ideologiske vanvid og gru. Karsten Sand Iversen (f. 1944), oversætter og forfatter. Tidligere er udkommet på Forlaget Virkelig 'Omskrivninger' (2017) og 'Tid af jern og ild' (2018).

  • af Ursula K. Le Guin
    87,95 kr.

    Kort essay om science fiction-genrens poetik, faldgruber og nødvendighed.

  • af Darko Suvin
    87,95 kr.

    Kort essay om science fiction-genrens poetik, historie og perspektiver.

  • - om topchefer, der leder med skønlitteratur
    af Mikkel Fønsskov & Anders Magelund
    197,95 kr.

    Mikkel Fønsskov og Anders Magelund har interviewet ni af landets absolutte topledere og en kendt og elsket forfatter. Resultatet er en inspirerende bog, der ikke alene stimulerer læselysten, men også blotlægger, hvorfor læsning af skønlitteratur er det mentale brændstof, som driver disse ledere.I Hvem er bange for Moby Dick? hører vi fra lederne selv, hvorfor de til hver en tid hellere læser en god roman end en ledelsesbog – hvordan det styrker deres empati, gør dem bedre til at kommunikere og motivere, og hvordan skønlitteratur lærer dem at træde i karakter.Det er de gode historier, der gør dem klogere på værdier, trends, og hvad der egentlig driver mennesker og medarbejdere, og på hvordan man leder gennem store transformationer og forløser potentialer. Hvem skulle have troet, at nogle af Danmarks vigtiste topledere baserer deres lederskab på Karen Blixen, John Steinbeck og Henrik Pontoppidan?Samtalepartnere:Knud Bartels, Marianne Dahl, Mette Frederiksen, Christian Jensen, Morten Hesseldahl, Hanne-Vibeke Holst, Henrik Mulvad, André Rogaczewski, Sine Sunesen og Margrethe Vestager

  • - Søren Kierkegaards dobbeltkontrakt med det tredje årtusind
    af Poul Behrendt
    337,95 kr.

    DET PSEUDONYME FIRMA er resultatet af 25 års studier i Søren Kierkegaards forfatterskab. Poul Behrendt er ophavsmanden bag begrebet dobbeltkontrakten, dvs. opdagelsen af, at en særlig række autofiktive værker gør krav på at blive læst både som realistisk afspejling af sandheden og som frit opfundet fiktion. I Søren Kierkegaards tilfælde går dobbeltkontrakten langt videre. Kierkegaard skriver en stor del af sit forfatterskab under pseudonym og indskyder dermed en ’forfatter’ mellem personen Søren Kierkegaard og læserne. Ja, i samme år som Georg Carstensen etablerede Tivoli som aktieselskab, opretter Kierkegaard endda et firma, der organiserer disse forskellige pseudonymers forhold til den juridiske person, Søren Kierkegaard. Deraf bogens titel. Hvad dette betyder for læsningen af et af de vigtigste og fortsat fascinerende forfatterskaber i verdenslitteraturen udfoldes i detaljerede analyser bl.a. af det berømte Jordrystelses-fragment, som Behrendt rekonstruerer som netop ikke selvbiografisk, sådan som det ellers traditionelt er blevet læst. I det hele taget gør Behrendt op med bestræbelsen på at søge frem til personen Kierkegaard gennem forfatterskabet for i stedet at lade værkernes komplicerede spil træde frem og se det, som det blev tænkt.

  • - At the Intersection of David Mitchell and Haruki Murakami's Worlds
    af Eugenia Prasol
    292,95 - 677,95 kr.

    This book will focus on analyzing the different aspects of Japan's representation in the novels of Haruki Murakami and David Mitchell. It is proven that Murakami creates and recreates Japan without implementing any orientalist features or exotic imagery. In the works of both authors, the intent to depict a new world of Japan stripped of traditional stereotypical traits becomes clear. The difference between Murakami and Mitchell's representation of Japan lies in the difference between Japan as seen by the Japanese and Japan as seen by modern Westerners, but both are 'correct' images of Japan. It is a recreation of the global image of Japan.In that sense, the texts of Murakami and Mitchell are complementary representations of Japan through East-West cultural dialogue. Studying the representations of Japan and Japanese national character helps to understand the role of Murakami and Mitchell in the formation of a new image of Japan, the de-stereotyping of anachronistic ideas about Japanese national exclusivity, enriching by doing so the world literature with new visions of the country and its culture.The purpose of the comparative analysis of English and Japanese literary works performed in this work is to reveal both deep analogies and differences in the representation of the image of Japan, actualizing the national specificity of the texts. This research advances the understanding of how both general and specific components of literary representations of Japan and Japaneseness are manifested in the East-West cultural dialogue.

  • af E. M. Forster
    72,95 kr.

  • af Stephen Romer
    1.027,95 kr.

    Stephen Romer's essays range from the key figures of French and English Modernism to the contemporary practice of poetry, and its translation. At the heart of Chaos and the Clean Line is an enquiry into the talismanic power that a source of order can possess for the poet who lives in a disordered world. It is what drives Mallarmé's 'fury against the formless'. Sometimes it may be found in a longed-for sense of psychological detachment, as when Laforgue invents the figure of Pierrot. Or it may be the craft and genius of a former age, safely removed from the alienating cities of today, such as Eliot finds in Dante, or in Gautier's chiseled verse. For Pierre Reverdy, the clean line of order may come from a Cubist painting; for Ezra Pound, it may be an epiphany of angled sunlight fallen on stone in Provence; for Apollinaire, the shockingly original analogies he draws between physical eroticism and trench warfare.Stephen Romer is Associate Professor of English at the University of Tours, and Lecturer in French at Brasenose College, Oxford.

  • af Charlie Louth
    1.022,95 kr.

    Crossings is a gathering of essays whose preoccupations converge in the idea that the workings of poetry and trans­lation are closely related. This is especially true in the work of Hölderlin, in whose poems the kinship is coupled with a way of reading the world and an attentiveness to transitions of all kinds: what can come over to us from the past, and what will pass on from us to posterity? What are the consequences for poetry if the present moment is understood as a perpetual transition? Translation can be a means of testing this understanding, and poetry perhaps negotiates the crossing itself. Later writers like Philippe Jaccottet, who thought of the poet's work as a work of translation, continue this line: the poem becomes a form of attention and, as such, a thing permeable to an elsewhere. Touching on bird-flight and sonnets, aqueducts and metamorphosis, what these readings have in common is a fidelity to the movement of particular poems.Charlie Louth is Professor of German and Comparative Literature at the Queen's College, University of Oxford.

  • af Ana R. Chelariu
    1.128,95 kr.

    This book presents rich information on Romanian mythology and folklore, previously under-explored in Western scholarship, placing the source material within its historical context and drawing comparisons with European and Indo-European culture and mythological tradition. The author presents a detailed comparative study and argues that Romanian mythical motifs have roots in Indo-European heritage, by analyzing and comparing mythical motifs from the archaic cultures, Greek, Latin, Celtic, Sanskrit, and Persian, with written material and folkloric data that reflects the Indo-European culture. The book begins by outlining the history of the Getae-Dacians, beginning with Herodotus' description of their customs and beliefs in the supreme god Zamolxis, then moves to the Roman wars and the Romanization process, before turning to recent debates in linguistics and genetics regarding the provenance of a shared language, religion, and culture in Europe. The author then analyzes mythcreation, its relation to rites, and its functions in society, before examining specific examples of motifs and themes from Romanian folk tales and songs. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of folklore studies, comparative mythology, linguistic anthropology, and European culture.

  • af William A Mitchell
    812,95 kr.

    Navigating the complex tapestry of the Dune universe, William Mitchell interweaves the motifs of Jungian alchemy and Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophical teachings in "Alchemy and Anthroposophy in the Dune Saga." Mitchell casts a discerning eye on the Dune series, drawing parallels between Leto's descent into mineral intelligence and the metamorphic stages of alchemical transformation. The book also highlights Bene Gesserit and Tleilaxu practices, relating them to anthroposophical tenets. Compiling podcasts, lectures, essays, and speculative writings, this work traverses the series, from the original trilogy to the ethics of "God Emperor of Dune" and delves into the dynamics of the later novels. From the melange-fueled prescience to the intergenerational memories echoing Samuel Butler's notions of ancestral recall and the cautionary tales of the edicts of the Butlerian Jihad, Mitchell presents a compelling argument for the profound spiritual undertones in Frank Herbert's magnum opus. Published by pontos fathom press, this work invites readers to journey through Arrakis with renewed insight, unearthing the philosophical and spiritual treasures embedded within its sands.

  • af Yvonne Kraus
    200,95 kr.

    Du suchst mehr Schreibübungen für kreatives Schreiben? Dann ist dieses Buch für dich!Nach dem großen Erfolg des 1. Bands "130 Übungen für kreatives Schreiben" legt Autorin und Schreibcoach Yvonne Kraus nach und stellt 200 neue Übungen für Schreibbegeisterte vor.Wenn du Autor*in / Schriftsteller*in bist oder werden willst, kreative Ideen suchst, um kleinere Texte oder auch Kurzgeschichten zu schreiben, Schreib-Workshops leitest, mit Kindern und Jugendlichen kreativ arbeiten möchtest, selbst Schreibübungen entwickelstfindest du tolle Vorlagen und 200 ganz konkrete Übungen. Außerdem zeigt das Buch ganz klar, wie diese Übungen entstanden sind. Wenn du dies einmal verstanden hast, kannst du zahllose eigene Schreibübungen entwickelt.Yvonne Kraus ist Autorin, Coach und Gründerin. Sie hilft seit 2017 Menschen dabei, ihren Traum vom eigenen Buch und eigenen Blog-Business zu verwirklichen. Als Schreibcoach hat sie bereits mehr als 1.000 Menschen dabei geholfen, sich weiterzuentwickeln und bessere Texte zu schreiben.Mit ihren Schreibübungen hilft sie Menschen dabei, schreiben zu lernen und zu trainieren.

  • af Mercedes Montoro Araque
    373,95 kr.

    Toute perception paysagère a tendance à dissocier les composantes physiques de ses résonances existentielles et symboliques. Nonobstant, peut-on penser autrement les paysages méditerranéens¿et s¿affranchir de ce dualisme omniprésent dans la pensée occidentale¿? Autrement dit, peut-on considérer quelques paysages de l¿eau qualifiés de méditerranéens comme un objet global¿? En interrogeant de façon holistique ces quelques espaces «¿en trompe l¿¿il¿», ce volume étudie les manières dont ces lieux hydriques sont conditionnés par leur environnement culturel et symbolique. Dès lors, c¿est grâce au rôle joué par la mémoire et par l¿invariance thématique que la réalité paysagère ici analysée peut être singularisée en géographie affective, en matrice archétypale, en «¿pensée-paysage méditerranéenne¿».

  • af Jorge Francisco Jiménez Jiménez
    394,95 kr.

    El espacio geográfico manchego está indefectiblemente ligado a la figura de Miguel de Cervantes. Su constitución física y la correspondiente figuración literaria forman parte del imaginario colectivo y constituyen, desde tiempos inmemoriales, una fuente inagotable de inspiración viajera y artística a la cual pretendemos contribuir con el presente volumen colectivo. En esta monografía nos proponemos revisitar la vida, la obra y el legado de Cervantes ahondando en cuestiones esenciales para abordar la rica producción de uno de los autores capitales de la literatura española y universal. A través de once estudios firmados por prestigiosos cervantistas y con el aval de un especializado Comité científico, el lector podrá sumergirse, mediante novedosos enfoques, en cuestiones esenciales cervantinas, de ayer, de hoy y de siempre.

  • af Olivia K.
    317,95 kr.

    "Penetrating the Profundities: Pelicans in Symbolist Writing" dives into the spellbinding domain of imagery from the perspective of one confounding avian figure - the pelican. As the Symbolist development tried to rise above the limits of authenticity, this book investigates how the pelican arose as a strong and complex image inside the imaginative and scholarly articulations of the late nineteenth and mid twentieth hundreds of years. The presentation sets the stage by characterizing the boundaries of imagery in writing and offering a thorough outline of the Symbolist development. The peruser is then acquainted with the emblematic significance of pelicans, igniting interest in the charming job these birds played in the minds of Symbolist specialists and essayists. The verifiable setting section follows the development of the Symbolist development, featuring key figures who formed this groundbreaking imaginative period. It likewise inspects the unavoidable impact of imagery across different creative mediums, from verse to visual expressions. The investigation of pelican imagery starts decisively with an examination concerning its underlying foundations in old folklore. The book explores through the legendary starting points of the pelican image, unwinding its strict implications and following its change in early writing. The resulting sections dig into the core of Symbolist writing, taking apart the pelican's representative importance in both verse and composition. Through a careful examination of chosen sonnets and writing works, the book reveals the pelican's job as a significant image of penance and recovery, giving understanding into the rich embroidery of wonderful gadgets and layered implications woven into Symbolist works. The visual expressions part widens the degree by investigating the portrayal of pelicans in Symbolist artworks and drawings. It draws associations between the scholarly and visual domains, offering a near examination that upgrades the's comprehension peruser might interpret pelican imagery. The book additionally investigates mental and philosophical viewpoints on pelican imagery, integrating the prototype understanding of Carl Jung and digging into the philosophical talk encompassing the emblematic profundities of pelicans. Finally, "Puncturing the Profundities" brings the investigation round trip by inspecting contemporary uses of pelican imagery, exhibiting its getting through effect on current and mainstream society. In the last examination, the book reveals insight into the significant and immortal meaning of pelicans in the Symbolist development, welcoming perusers to unwind the layers of importance concealed inside these representative avian figures.

  • af Marc Maufort
    497,95 - 581,95 kr.

  • af Rodolfo Galvan Estrada III
    928,95 kr.

    This book provides a Latino reading of John¿s prologue with special attention to how the themes of race, kinship, and the empire are part of the gospel¿s racial rhetoric. By drawing from the insights of Latinx texts and theology, this book reveals how the prologue provides a lens to read the entire gospel with a keen awareness of Jesus¿s engagement with people groups¿from his own family to the Roman authorities. The prologue participates in the gospel¿s racial rhetoric by shaping the reader¿s racial imagination even before a person enters the narrative. By doing so, Jesus¿s identity becomes constructed and defined through racial rhetoric since the opening verses of John¿s gospel.

  • af Pil Dahlerup
    63,94 - 347,95 kr.

    Georg Brandes (1842-1927) er mest kendt for sit storværk "Hovedstrømninger i det 19de Aarhundredes Litteratur" (udg. i seks bind 1872-1890), hvori han talte den politiske friheds sag og gav en opsang til dansk litteratur, som dyrkede gamle romantiske idealer og ikke lukkede op for nye europæiske strømninger.Georg Brandes havde også stærke æstetiske sider. De er på forskellig måde hovedemnet i de artikler, Pil Dahlerup i årenes løb har skrevet om ham, og som udgives samlet i denne antologi. Georg Brandes' sprog var noget særligt. Sol-metaforik indgik i det, og hans livslange interesse for billedkunst fik ham til at give sit sprog farve og form, så det kunne ses, ligesom maleri og skulptur. Se artiklerne "Georg Brandes' sol", "Georg Brandes' billeder" og "En visuel poetik". Antologien indeholder desuden artikler om Georg Brandes' syn på naturalisme, impressionisme, fædrelandskærlighed og på den katolske kirke. Nogle kapitler fra "Det moderne gennembruds kvinder" (1983) er genoptrykt under overskriften "Fader, Don Juan og Tristan". Blandt de nyere bidrag er "Festtale for Georg Brandes" i anledning af 150-året for Indledningsforelæsningen til "Hovedstrømninger" (3. nov. 1871) og "Georg Brandes' aske", som handler om en oplevelse i Brandes-Arkivet på Det Kongelige Bibliotek.Pil Dahlerup (f. 1939), dr.phil., litteraturhistoriker; 1969-2009 ansat ved Nordisk Filologi, Københavns Universitet, fra 1989 som docent. Leder af Georg Brandes Skolen samme sted 2002-2009, en international Ph.D. Skole for skandinavisk litteratur. Gæstelærer ved University of California, Berkeley 1987-1988. Anmelder ved Information 1970-1995. Modtager af Georg Brandes Prisen 1983, af ALT for Damernes Kvindepris 1984. Medlem af Statens Humanistiske Forskningsråd 1988-1993. Tildelt livsvarig kunstnerydelse af Statens Kunstfond (2010). Har bl.a. skrevet "Det moderne gennembruds kvinder" (1983, disputats), "Liv og lyst" (1987), "Dekonstruktion - 90'ernes litteraturteori" (1990), "Dansk litteratur. Middelalder" (1998), "Sanselig senmiddelalder" (2010), "Litterær reformation" (2016). Søster til Ulla Dahlerup og Drude Dahlerup.

  • af Constantin Sonkwé Tayim
    1.047,95 kr.

    Die vorliegende Studie stellt einen Versuch dar, Diskurse und Gedächtnismodi herauszuarbeiten, die der neueren Diskussion zur Kolonisation zugrunde liegen. Die Studie beantwortet die Frage, wie Kolonialismus in zeitgenössischen Erzählungen zur Kolonialzeit erinnert wird, d.h. in welchen Begriffen Literatur Bezug auf den Kolonialismus nimmt und zu welchem Zweck. Aus dem komparatistischen Vergleich geht hervor, dass die meisten Narrative, ob afrikanische oder europäische, zwar einen postkolonialen Blick auf die koloniale Vergangenheit (ent)werfen, der diskursive Standpunkt der Erzählungen aber weitgehend von dem historisch-kulturellen Gefüge abhängt, aus dem die Texte und deren Autor:innen stammen, wobei einzelne Texte sich über dieses gedächtniskulturelle Paradigma hinwegsetzen.The study represents an attempt to work out the discourses and modes of remembrance that underlie the recent discussion on colonization. It deals with the question of how colonialism is remembered in contemporary narratives of the colonial era, i.e. in what terms literature refers to colonialism and for what purpose. The comparative analysis of selected african and european postcolonial narratives shows that while most of them design a postcolonial view of the colonial past, the discursive point of view of those narratives is largely dependent on the cultural-historical structure from which the texts emerged and that informed their authors, though single narratives, especially autobiographical texts by European contemporary witnesses, defy the postcolonial paradigm.

  • af Ana Cristina Mendes
    1.091,95 kr.

    This book investigates how decolonising the curriculum might work in English studies ¿ one of the fields that bears the most robust traces of its imperial and colonial roots ¿ from the perspective of the semi-periphery of the academic world- system. It takes the University of Lisbon as a point of departure to explore broader questions of how the field can be rethought from within, through Anglophone (post)coloniality and an institutional location in a department of English, while also considering forces from without, as the arguments in this book issue from a specific, liminal positionality outside the Anglosphere. The first half of the book examines the critical practice of and the political push for decolonising the university and the curriculum, advancing existing scholarship with this focus on semi-peripheral perspectives. The second half comprises two theoretically-informed and classroom-oriented case studies of adaptation of the literary canon, a part of model syllabi that aredesigned to raise awareness of and encourage an understanding of a global, pluriversal literary history.

  • af Chi Sum Garfield Lau
    1.583,95 kr.

    This book is a collection of academic essays that examines the representation, esthetics and dichotomy of the notions of grief and melancholy in East¿West exchanges and cultural dialogues. It explores the topic in the dimensions of individual behaviors under specific social norms and cultural products such as literature, film and any other forms of arts/genres, etc.In his 1917 work Mourning and Melancholia (Trauer und Melancholie), Sigmund Freud connected the grief of loss with melancholic emotions which may give rise to acts of mourning. He suggested that ¿[i]n mourning it is the world which has become poor and empty; in melancholia it is the ego itself¿ (Freud, 1917: 246). Inspired by Freud¿s stance and with the goal of providing up-to-date intellectual resources for academics, researchers and students with ardent interests in the varying exemplifications of grief and melancholy in Sino-Western contexts, the book serves more than a discussion over the pragmatic and ritualistic connections of grief and melancholy in relation to the inner self and the external world. It aims at the pursuit of a contemporary theorization of grief and melancholy beyond its modern limits.

  • af Susan Bernstein
    372,95 - 1.347,95 kr.

    Reconsiders the figure of synaesthesia, understood as the combination of the senses and of the arts, in philosophy and literature.

  • af Felicity Hand
    1.028,95 kr.

    This volume examines a selection of life writing in English by authors from the South West Indian Ocean, namely South Africa, East Africa, Mauritius and Sri Lanka. The two motifs that run through the chapters ¿ mourning and resilience ¿ are theoretical frameworks that have so far not been brought into conversation in this way. The combination of trauma studies and autobiographical analysis sharpens the focus of the discussions on Indian Ocean life writing, privileging an Indian Ocean imaginary that is transnational and cross-oceanic in its orientation and pointing to networks of connections that transcend the nation state, which is often the origin of trauma in the first place. Filling a gap in Indian Ocean studies in its close readings of trauma and resilience, the book also broadens perspectives on postcolonial life writing since little attention has been paid so far to Indian Ocean autobiographical literary products. By the same token, the volume also enriches the field of Indian Ocean literary studies by incorporating life writing as an aesthetic strategy which helps to configure Indian Ocean subjectivities.

  • af Thomas C Foster
    147,95 kr.

    "A thoroughly revised and expanded edition of Thomas C. Foster's classic guide-a lively and entertaining introduction to literature and literary basics, including symbols, themes and contexts, that shows you how to make your everyday reading experience more rewarding and enjoyable. While many books can be enjoyed for their basic stories, there are often deeper literary meanings interwoven in these texts. How to Read Literature Like a Professor helps us to discover those hidden truths by looking at literature with the eyes-and the literary codes-of the ultimate professional reader, the college professor. What does it mean when a literary hero is traveling along a dusty road? When he hands a drink to his companion? When he's drenched in a sudden rain shower? Ranging from major themes to literary models, narrative devices and form, Thomas C. Foster provides us with a broad overview of literature-a world where a road leads to a quest, a shared meal may signify a communion, and rain, whether cleansing or destructive, is never just a shower-and shows us how to make our reading experience more enriching, satisfying, and fun. This revised edition includes new chapters, a new preface and epilogue, and incorporates updated teaching points that Foster has developed over the past decade. Foster updates his classic text with ore writers and books in the contemporary pantheon, including: Angie Thomas's The Hate U Give, Emily St. John Mandel's Station Eleven, Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, Elizabeth Acevedo's The Poet X ), Helen Oyeyemi's Mr. Fox and Boy, Snow, Bird, Sandra Cisneros's The House on Mango Street, Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God, Maggie O'Farrell's Hamnet, Madeline Miller's Circe, Pat Barker's The Silence of the Girls, and Tahereh Mafi's A Very Large Expanse of Sea"--

  • af Maria Sass
    550,95 kr.

    The book contains contributions on the significance of German culture for Romanian art, language, and literature. Not only will the direct influence of German role models on Romanian culture be discussed, but it will also show how this influence set in motion a whole series of socio-cultural and artistic shifts that allowed Romanian culture to better understand its position in the European world.Das Buch enthält Beiträge zur Bedeutung der deutschen Kultur für die rumänische Kunst, Sprache und Literatur. Erörtert wird nicht nur der direkte Einfluss deutscher Vorbilder auf die rumänische Kultur, sondern es wird auch aufgezeigt, wie dieser Einfluss eine ganze Reihe soziokultureller und künstlerischer Veränderungen in Gang gesetzt hat, die der rumänischen Kultur ermöglichten, ihren Platz in der europäischen Welt besser zu verstehen.

  • af Amrei Koch
    1.762,95 kr.

    Der im Gesamtzusammenhang des Pentateuchs hervorstechende gottesrechtliche Zuschnitt alttestamentlichen Rechts bildet keineswegs die einzige prägende Begründung der Gesetze. Ausgehend von dieser Beobachtung untersucht die vorliegende Arbeit anhand des Bundesbuches die Frage, wie alttestamentliches Recht begründet und autorisiert wird. Ihr interdisziplinärer Zugang führt rechtstheoretische, literaturwissenschaftliche und textgeschichtliche Überlegungen zusammen. Synchrone und diachrone Betrachtungsweisen verbindend, bezieht sich die Arbeit konsequent auf eine durch die wichtigsten Textzeugen gebildete Rekonstruktion der Textgeschichte. Auf dieser Grundlage stellt sie einerseits die vielschichtigen Verflechtungen und wechselseitigen Sinnanreicherungen von Rechts- und Erzähltexten innerhalb des Pentateuchs dar. Andererseits wird in der großflächigen Untersuchung antiker Texttraditionen deutlich, dass die betrachteten Textzeugen im Rahmen der Ein- und Festschreibung von Sinngehalten eigene Schwerpunkte setzen. Die darin nachweisbare Vielfalt in der jeweiligen Konzeption der Rechtsbegründung bewahrt Spuren rechts- und texthistorischer Diskurse, die mit literarhistorisch relevanten Formungsprozessen der Hebräischen Bibel einhergehen.

  • af Chandrika Balasubramanian
    1.128,95 - 1.136,95 kr.

    This book provides a critical overview of contemporary world issues in Language and Literary Studies. It offers specific ideas as to how to move away from the traditional literary canon, on the one hand, and traditional native-speaker norms in English language teaching, on the other. It delivers a global perspective of both the growth and the challenges in ELT studies around the world. Following the introduction, the first section of the book contains chapters from international scholars on recognizing and diversifying Englishes in today¿s language and translation classrooms. Specifically, the chapters focus on issues such as the cultural hegemony of a monolithic English, English and university pedagogy, English as a gatekeeper, and the role of a reconceived English education in promoting cross-cultural understanding. The second section focuses on the interaction of literature and culture, with specific chapters focusing on decolonizing the traditional literary canon, defining a global text, representing cultural interactions in literary texts, and emerging genres in contemporary English literature. Both sections of the book question the existing boundaries in a post-2020 world, specifically in a non-western world. It is an indispensable resource for scholars in cultural studies, linguistics, and literary studies.

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