Udvidet returret til d. 31. januar 2025

Biblioteksvidenskab, informationsvidenskab og museumsvidenskab

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  • - fra billeder til bits
    af Marie Møller Kristensen
    177,95 - 187,95 kr.

    For nogle tusinde år siden fandt mennesker på at udviklebilleder og tegn til en ny teknologi: skrift. Med denne teknologiskabte de en kunstig hukommelse. Man kunne nu gemmeinformationer uden for hjernen og dele meddelelser på tværsaf tid og sted.Det samme gør vi i dag. Vi fastholder tanker i tegn ellerlader skriverobotter danne tekst ud fra input. Vi chatter medfolk fra Fredericia og Fiji, og vi opfinder nye billedtegn ogsymboler. Vil vi skrive i fremtiden? Ja, formentlig. Men måden,vi gør det på, vil ikke være den samme.Marie Møller Kristensen tager os i denne bog tilbage tilskriftens opståen og udvikling i årtusinderne frem til nutiden.Traditionelt har forskellige videnskaber undersøgt skrift ogskrivning ud fra hver sin opfattelse af, hvad skrift er, og hvadvi bruger den til. I denne bog er tilgangen tværfaglig.Igennem kapitler om BILLEDET, HÅNDEN, HUKOMMELSEN,DIGITALISERINGEN, GLOBALISERINGEN og MAGIEN servi, hvordan udviklingen af skriftsystemer og skrivning er tætforbundet med så forskelligartede områder som kunst ogmagi, krop og sanser, digitale medier, kulturel og eksternhukommelse i redskaber, tekster, filer og computerprogrammer.Bogen henvender sig til læsere med interesse for kultur- ogteknologihistorie, kunst og medier.MARIE MØLLER KRISTENSEN beskæftiger sig som forfatterog underviser med kulturhistorie, sprog og filosofi.

  • - Catalogue of Carved and Turned Ivories ans Narwhal Tusks in the Royal Danish Collection 1600-1875
    af Jørgen Hein
    1.091,95 kr.

    This extraordinary catalogue presents five hundred items from one of the world’s largest and finest collections of objects made from ivory and narwhal tusk, The Royal Danish Collection at Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen. In this stunning two-volume catalogue, author Jørgen Hein presents an impressive array of carved and turned works from Scandinavia and beyond. With more than seven hundred high-quality photographs, a lucid narrative and clear organization, Hein showcases the many artistic artefacts that with great skill were worked out of ivory and narwhal tusk in a crucial period of European history. The remarkable range of items discussed and presented – reflecting different artistic styles and techniques – includes caskets, statuettes, goblets, tankards and beakers, ink horns, chandeliers, cabinet clocks, medallions and reliefs, and much besides, all with richly detailed ornamentation, and most with dramatic depictions of historical, religious and particularly mythological motifs.In addition to describing each object in great detail, the entries include comparisons with similar items in international collections. The historical introduction offers an important backdrop to understanding the many works, while intriguing running biographies present many of the notable carvers and turners, such as the Frenchman Jean Cavalier, who visited the court, and those it employed, some of whom would win European fame, including Joachim Henne, Gottfried Wolffram, Magnus Berg and later Lorenz Spengler. The court’s genuine interest in turning is also reflected in its hiring of professional artists to instruct the royals themselves at the lathe.Ivories and Narwhal Tusks at Rosenborg Castle offers a fascination exploration into Danish and European art history and will be an invaluable resource for students, scholars and anyone with a general interest in carving and turning at the highest order.

  • - The Haslund-Christensen Collection at the National Museum of Denmark
    af Christel Braae
    308,95 - 697,95 kr.

    This is a study of a unique collection of Inner Mongolian artefacts at the National Museum of Denmark. They are described, analysed and visually presented in a catalogue of more than 800 items, documenting the daily life of pastoral society in and around the tent, in the herding of the animals, in caravan trade and in hunting, crafts, sports and games, and in ritual life. The objects were collected during two expeditions to Inner Mongolia in the 1930s led by the Danish author Henning Haslund-Christensen, who had many years' experience of travel and expedition life in Mongolia.The book is also a detailed account of the expeditions including their routes, means and measures, as well as the worries and hopes of the participants, their struggles with scientific aspirations, and the conditions for collecting against the backdrop of the Chinese civil war and the Japanese occupation. The First and Second Danish Expeditions to Central Asia took place in 1936-1937 and 1938-1939 respectively. These expeditions were the sole foreign parties with access to the area at the time, and therefore their members were among the few observers of Inner Mongolian pastoral society at a time when information was scant and knowledge of the place fragmented - as is in many ways still the case. Hence, the material objects and data obtained are of great scientific importance in the documentation of the life and material culture of Inner Mongolian herders in the 1930s.

  • - The Inventories of 1696 and 1718 Royal Heritage and Collecting in Denmark-Norway 1500-1900
    af Jørgen Hein
    1.310,95 kr.

    Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen is among the 10 best princely treasuries of Europe. It has been preserved in its original surroundings and about 95% of the more than 1000 objects have survived. The first volume tells the history of the collection and ends with an art-historical summary of its contents. This account builds partly upon hitherto unknown evidence, for example travel diaries from foreign archives. The findings offer a new picture of royal political propaganda and of the making of Danish national identity. The second and third volumes contain a catalogue raisonné. Each object is listed with an extract of the proper inventories, an illustrated description with reference to parallels abroad and a bibliography.

  • - Kvindesagspioner og førstedame i Kvindelig Læseforening
    af Helle Hvenegård-Lassen
    247,95 kr.

    "Sophie Alberti (1846-1947) – kvindesagspioner og førstedame i Kvindelig Læseforening" er en bevægende biografi om Sophie Alberti, der var Kvindelig Læseforenings succesrige formand igennem en menneskealder. Under hendes ledelse blev foreningen en magtfuld faktor i det kulturelle og politiske Danmark og var derved medvirkende til at bane vejen for indførelsen af kvinders valgret i 1915.Sophie Albertis virke muliggjorde, at kvinder fra alle samfundslag kunne låne lødig litteratur fra ind- og udland i læseforeningens bibliotek, der gennem årene støt udvidede sit sortiment. Hun indførte det amerikanske decimalsystem i biblioteket og dannede dermed skole for de senere kommunale folkebiblioteker.Hun gjorde foreningen internationalt kendt. Berømte kvindelige forfattere og politikere valfartede til foreningen. Hun fik gennemtrumfet opførelsen af et stort og smukt hus på Gammel Mønt i København. Hun korresponderede med mange kulturpersonligheder og knyttede et nært venskab med den svenske forfatter og Nobel-prismodtager Selma Lagerlöf.Biografien er et stykke enestående danmarkshistorie om en fremragende kulturpersonlighed, som i modsætning til dengang er ukendt for de fleste i dag. Bogen er illustreret med 68 pragtfulde fotografier og tegninger fra hele perioden.Helle Hvenegård-Lassen har i mange år arbejdet som folkebibliotekar i Lyngby-Taarbæk.

  • af Kirsten Rykind-Eriksen & Esther Grølsted
    394,95 kr.

    En kunst- og kulturelite satte i midten af 1800-tallet gang i en dansk kulturkamp ved at proklamere, hvad de anså for den rette æstetik og dannelse, og dermed, hvad kvinder burde brodere. Underliggende var angsten for, at almuen på landet og i byen ville forandre samfundet, og for, at Danmark efter 1864 ikke ville kunne overleve som selvstændig nation.Kunsteliten fremhævede den stiliserede naturalisme og antikkens græske og romerske ornamentik – fra omkring 1900 også Art Nouveau eller det danske Skønvirke. Den nationalt forankrede kulturelite foretrak de gamle danske almuebroderier som udtryk for ‘ægte folkekunst og gode normer’. Over for disse grupperinger stod en ny industrielite, der henvendte sig til et voksende marked og udgav dame- og modeblade hver 14. dag med mønstre til allehånde motiver.Bladene blev hurtigt populære. Overalt i landet blev der broderet efter deres mønstre, som ofte bar præg af tysk indflydelse, noget der ikke huede hverken kunst- eller kultureliten. Men broderende kvinder, såvel anonyme som ivrigt debatterende, tog med støtte fra nogle fremsynede mænd del i en kamp for selverhvervende brodøsers indlejring i dansk erhvervs- og samfundsliv.I Kampen om broderierne i Danmark 1850-1950 stilles der skarpt på almuens broderende kvinder i by og på land og på den rolle, ‘det gode hjem’ spillede i den igangsatte kulturkamp, der med tiden også blev ideologisk. Succesrige erhvervskvinder kom til at spille markant med i den danske kvindebevægelses politiske kamp for ligeret mellem kønnene.

  • - Apoteker Christian Leonhard Rübners efterladte bogsamling 1808
    af Kaare Rübner Jørgensen
    149,95 - 337,95 kr.

    Da apoteker Christian Leonhard Rübner i Aalborg døde i 1808, efterlod han sig en bogsamling på cirka 2.600 bind, omfattende næsten alle videnskabsgrene. I den auktionskatalog, der blev udarbejdet over bøgerne, er de opført efter format, men ikke efter emne. Titlerne er altid forkortet og ofte mangler en eller flere af de bibliografiske informationer (forfatter, tryksted og trykkeår). Ved at benytte online-katalogerne fra Det kgl. Bibliotek i København og fra fem andre udenlandske biblioteker er det lykkedes at identificere næsten alle bøgerne i det biblioteket, der dengang var på Jens Bangs Stenhus i Aalborg.

  • - Undersøgelser af kulturarv
    af Kaare Lund Rasmussen, Jesper Høgenhaven & Mette Birkedal Bruun
    277,95 kr.

    Kulturarv er alt, fortidens mennesker har efterladt os: Ideer og for­ tællinger, musik og tekster - og den materielle kulturarv: Bygninger, brugsgenstande og det, der bliver tilbage af menneskene selv. Bogen handler om, hvordan naturvidenskaben kan skaffe os indsigt i den materielle kulturarv – og hvordan kemiske analyser af ting eller mennesker fra fortiden kan åbne døre til de liv og verdener, der fandtes engang. Forskningen i arkæometri har en indbygget faglig brobygning i sig, fordi dens resultater går ind i flere humanistiske fagområder, fx arkæologi, historie, filologi, kirkehistorie, religionshistorie og kunsthistorie, sammen med retsmedicin og antropologi. De naturvidenskabelige resultater udfordrer og beriger den eksisterende viden om konkrete historier for de konkrete genstande. Bogens hovedforfatter er professor Kaare Lund Rasmussen, der i 30 år har bidraget til forskning i arkæometri, først på Kulstof-14 Laboratoriet på Nationalmuseet og sidenhen i sin egen forskningsgruppe CHART (Cultural Heritage and Archaeometric Research Team) på Syddansk Universitet i Odense. Bogen er opbygget over 12 cases i tilsvarende antal kapitler, der bevæger sig kronologisk op i historien og følges af et vigtigt afsluttende kapitel om de etiske konsekvenser af de naturvidenskabelig metoders resultater: En genstand kan eksempelvis dateres flere hundrede år senere end den umiddelbare historiske opfattelse, og dermed sætte spørgsmål ved proveniens og oprindelse og få konsekvenser for vurdering af genstandens betydning. Prøverne i denne bog er relateret til så forskellige steder som et palads fra det gamle Ægypten, to gravhøje ved Troja, Dødehavsrullerne, en helgenbe- gravelse i Napoli, en dronning fra Odense og en dansk ”kriminalhistorie”.

  • af Giaime Botti
    1.296,95 kr.

    This book compiles a curated selection of texts authored by architects and scholars hailing from Asia, Europe, and North America. Their research, often intertwined with practical applications, delves into the intricate relationship between material culture, technology, and architecture within the broader cultural and social milieu. Three keywords¿construction, materials, encounters¿serve as the organizing framework for the book, guiding readers through a diverse array of case studies and experiences where these elements intertwine seamlessly. Indeed, these terms are intricately interwoven, reflecting the inseparability of technology from culture.The first part of the book delves into the poetics and theoretical underpinnings of construction, drawing from the works of various designers across China, Japan, and India. The subsequent section navigates the terrain of construction materials, exploring their evolution, manufacturing processes, and utilization, with a particular focus on diverse timber products and bamboo. The final part of this compilation embarks on a journey through historical encounters between the East and West spanning over a century. It meticulously investigates the exchanges, misunderstandings, and innovations catalyzed by these interactions. Collectively, these texts offer a profound and original perspective on the myriad experiences and challenges associated with the intricate interplay between technological advancements, tectonic preferences, and socio-cultural dynamics within the architectural landscape of the Asia-Pacific region.

  • af Ian Milligan
    424,95 kr.

    How the internet's memory infrastructure developed--averting a "digital dark age"--and introduced a golden age of historical memory.In early 1996, the web was ephemeral. But by 2001, the internet was forever. How did websites transform from having a brief life to becoming long-lasting? Drawing on archival material from the Internet Archive and exclusive interviews, Ian Milligan's Averting the Digital Dark Age explores how Western society evolved from fearing a digital dark age to building the robust digital memory we rely on today.By the mid-1990s, the specter of a "digital dark age" haunted libraries, portending a bleak future with no historical record that threatened cyber obsolescence, deletion, and apathy. People around the world worked to solve this impending problem. In San Francisco, technology entrepreneur Brewster Kahle launched his scrappy nonprofit, Internet Archive, filling tape drives with internet content. Elsewhere, in Washington, Canberra, Ottawa, and Stockholm, librarians developed innovative new programs to safeguard digital heritage.Cataloging worries among librarians, technologists, futurists, and writers from WWII onward, through early practitioners, to an extended case study of how September 11 prompted institutions to preserve thousands of digital artifacts related to the attacks, Averting the Digital Dark Age explores how the web gained a long-lasting memory. By understanding this history, we can equip our society to better grapple with future internet shifts.

  • af Thomas Bloch Ravn
    236,95 kr.

    I Drømmen om "Den Gamle By" deler Thomas Bloch Ravn indsigter, erfaringer, inspiration og synspunkter fra sine næsten tre årtier som museumsdirektør. Han beretter om, hvordan han fandt sin rolle som chef, og hvordan han fandt ind til "Den Gamle Bys bankende hjerte". I bogen skildrer direktøren, hvordan det lykkedes af skaffe rygstød og økonomi til at realisere de enorme udviklingsprojekter, som er gennemført i hans tid. Og han fortæller om de principper, han lagde til grund for udviklingen, hvilke konflikter og kampe der var undervejs, og hvordan de blev håndteret. I fortællingen er også integreret forfatterens meninger om museer, fundraising, lobbyisme, ledelse, krisehåndtering, turisme og meget andet. Alt sammen krydret med historier og anekdoter, som kun Thomas Bloch Ravn kan fortælle.

  • af Jessie Lymn
    572,95 kr.

    Archives and Manuscripts is the professional and scholarly journal of the Australian Society of Archivists, publishing articles, reviews, and information about the theory and practice of archives and recordkeeping in Australasia and around the world. Its target audiences are archivists and other recordkeeping professionals, the academic community, and all involved in the study and interpretation of archives.

  • af Manel Ben Jemâa
    776,95 kr.

    Nous vivons à l¿ère des technologies de l¿information et de la communication. La médiation numérique entre les établissements d¿enseignement artistique, propose d¿ouvrir des pistes fécondes pour les professionnels, étudiants, chercheurs, qui cherchent à évoluer et à améliorer les dispositifs de partage tel est le cas des plateformes collaboratives. Mots-clés : médiation numérique, système d¿information, écoles d¿art, interactivité, échange d¿expériences, dispositifs.

  • af Raminta Karabitski
    783,95 kr.

    Cette recherche étudie la communication environnementale des initiatives et des stratégies liées au changement climatique dans les thèmes liés à l'eau à Oslo. La communication environnementale repose sur l'hypothèse que des messages environnementaux plus efficaces communiqués par des experts en communication peuvent influencer positivement les citoyens en repensant et en réorientant les efforts environnementaux mondiaux, nationaux et municipaux afin de développer une pratique politique plus persuasive qui peut accélérer rapidement le rythme et la portée du changement social dans l'adoption de modes de vie respectueux du climat. Par conséquent, j'ai analysé les stratégies climatiques en ligne et les initiatives visant à réduire les menaces climatiques liées à l'eau à Oslo, entreprises par des scientifiques, des municipalités et des acteurs gouvernementaux. Essentiellement, j'ai étudié la manière dont les parties prenantes ont utilisé la communication de manière stratégique et j'ai comparé les approches analysées à l'efficacité théorique de cette communication.

  • af Elham Etemadi
    1.296,95 kr.

    This book examines The Thousand and One Nights by Abol-Hassan Khan Sani¿ ol-Molk Ghaffari (1813/1814-1867), of the content of the illustrations of the main story, the story of Shahrzad and Shahrbaz, as well as a codicological study of the manuscript. It intends to explain how Sani¿ ol-Molk complicates the visual frame by adaptive strategies that build on the relationship between presented objects inside an illustration and the meanings that could be conventionally attributed to them from outside of the image. Examining the illustrations of the manuscript shows how Sani¿ ol-Molk¿s visualization of the main story of The Thousand and One Nights adds to the narrative and adapts it to convey meaning(s) that transcend the story the illustrations refer to.

  • af David Roberts
    176,95 kr.

    By 1930, no place in the world was less well explored than Greenland. The native Inuit had occupied the relatively accessible west coast for centuries. The east coast, however, was another story. In August 1930, Henry George Watkins (nicknamed "Gino"), a twenty-three-year-old British explorer, led thirteen scientists and explorers on an ambitious expedition to the east coast of Greenland and into its vast and forbidding interior to set up a permanent meteorological base on the icecap, 8,200 feet above sea level. The Ice Cap Station was to be the anchor of a transpolar route of air travel from Europe to North America.The weather on the ice cap was appalling. Fierce storms. Temperatures plunging lower than -45° Celsius in the winter. Watkins's scheme called for rotating teams of two men each to monitor the station for two months at a time. No one had ever tried to winter over in that hostile landscape, let alone manage a weather station through twelve continuous months. Watkins was younger than anyone under his command. But he had several daring trips to the Arctic under his belt and no one doubted his judgement.The first crisis came in the fall when a snowstorm stranded a resupply mission halfway to the top for many weeks. When they arrived at the ice cap, there were not enough provisions and fuel for another two-man shift, so the station would have to be abandoned. Then team member August Courtauld made an astonishing offer. To enable the mission to go forward, he would monitor the station solo through the winter. When a team went up in March to relieve Courtauld, after weeks of brutal effort to make the 130-mile journey, they could find no trace of him or the station. By the end of March, Courtauld's situation was desperate. He was buried under an immovable load of frozen snow and was disastrously short on supplies. On 21 April, four months after Courtauld began his solitary vigil, Gino Watkins set out inland with two companions to find and rescue him.David Roberts, "veteran mountain climber and chronicler of adventures" (The Washington Post), draws on firsthand accounts and archival materials to tell the story of this daring expedition and of the epic survival ordeal that ensued.

  • - Jagt- og Skovbrugsmuseet fra 1942-2016
    af Jette Baagøe and Helle Serup
    397,95 kr.

    Jagt- og Skovbrugsmuseet bød igennem 75 år sine gæster indenfor i de smukke, gamle avlsbygninger fra Hørsholm Slot. Et museum i tiden fortæller historien om menneskerne og ideerne bag museet, og om hvordan det udviklede sig i takt med nye udstillingsteknikker og ændringer i befolkningens syn på jagt, natur og skovbrug. Bogen forsøger også at forstå, hvorfor man i 2015 ikke længere ønskede at bevare museet i Hørsholm. Herefter blev samlingerne lagt sammen med Dansk Landbrugsmuseum i Auning, og ud af fusionen opstod Det Grønne Museum.Jette Baagøe er lic.scient. i botanik og var direktør for Jagt- og Skovbrugsmuseet 1984-2016.Helle Serup er cand.silv., ph.d. i skovog landskabshistorie, museumsinspektør på Jagt- og Skovbrugsmuseet 2008-2016 og siden på Det Grønne Museum.

  • af Marian Muresan
    821,95 kr.

    The book concerns with solving about 650 ordinary and partial differential equations. Each equation has at least one solution and each solution has at least one coloured graph. The coloured graphs reveal different features of the solutions. Some graphs are dynamical as for Clairaut differential equations. Thus, one can study the general and the singular solutions. All the equations are solved by Mathematica. The first chapter contains mathematical notions and results that are used later through the book. Thus, the book is self-contained that is an advantage for the reader. The ordinary differential equations are treated in Chapters 2 to 4, while the partial differential equations are discussed in Chapters 5 to 10. The book is useful for undergraduate and graduate students, for researchers in engineering, physics, chemistry, and others. Chapter 9 treats parabolic partial differential equations while Chapter 10 treats third and higher order nonlinear partial differential equations, both with modern methods. Chapter 10 discusses the Korteweg-de Vries, Dodd-Bullough-Mikhailov, Tzitzeica-Dodd-Bullough, Benjamin, Kadomtsev-Petviashvili, Sawada-Kotera, and Kaup-Kupershmidt equations.

  • - The Story of Wilhelm Hansen and Ordrupgaard
    af Anne-Birgitte Fonsmark
    397,95 kr.

    Portrait of a Founder. The Story of Wilhelm Hansen and Ordrupgaard tells the story of Danish insurance director and art collector Wilhelm Hansen (1868–1936). Drawing on the Ordrupgaard museum’s extensive collection of photographs, letters and not least art, the book paints a vivid portrait of the man behind Ordrupgaard and his wife, Henny (1870–1951). How did their lives unfold? And how did they build the splendid art collection now on display at Ordrupgaard in North Zealand, Denmark?Anne-Birgitte Fonsmark (b. 1950) was director of Ordrupgaard from 1995 to 2023. The author and editor of many books on art, she has also curated major exhibitions such as Van Gogh, Gauguin, Bernard. Friction of Ideas (2014), At Home with Hammershøi (2016) and Anna and Michael Ancher. Together and Separately (2023).

  • af Adriano Oprandi
    777,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch beschreibt aus rein epidemiologischer Sicht, die Entstehung und Entwicklung einer Epidemie mit Hilfe von Differentialgleichungssystemen. Dabei wird die Bevölkerung in die bekannten Kompartimente oder Klassen aufgeteilt. Ausgehend vom einfachsten Modell werden in nachvollziehbaren kleinen Schritten die bestehenden Modelle erweitert, um Phänomene wie Rückfall oder Immunitätsverlust zu modellieren. Zudem werden in weiteren Schritten Kompartimente hinzugefügt, die mit der Berücksichtigung von Quarantäne und Impfung einhergehen. Jedes Modell wird vollständig analysiert und die Ergebnisse festgehalten. Danach folgt für jedes Modell mindestens ein vollständig gelöstes Zahlenbeispiel inklusive einer Darstellung für den jeweiligen Epidemieverlauf. Kern dieses Buches bilden die Simulationen und Prognosen für vier verschiedene Covid-Pandemiewellen in Zentraleuropa der letzten Jahre mit den erfassten Daten und unter Verwendung von 6 Modellen. Darüber hinaus werden Möglichkeiten zur Schätzung von Raten und Anfangswerten präsentiert, die für eine Vorhersage eines Epidemieverlaufs unerlässlich sind. Dieses Buch ist wegweisend für den Einstieg in die Modellierung von Pandemien und eignet sich auch als Nachschlagewerk.

  • af Diogo Ribeiro
    1.313,95 kr.

    This book describes the most recent strategies for the digitalization of railway sector that bring new challenges for the construction, operation, and maintenance of railway infrastructures. These strategies involve the development and application of new technologies and methodologies to enhance the sustainability and resilience of railway infrastructures particularly under extreme climate and operational events. In particular, the digital transformation involves the use of digital twins, augmented and virtual reality, forecast capabilities, risk and life-cycle analysis, cybersecurity, unmanned technologies for monitoring and inspection, computer vision, AI, risk and disaster management, among others. Presently, the literature is lacking a contribution that provides general and foundational knowledge across these and other topics. Therefore, this book provides valuable information for researchers, students, and professionals in railway engineering that want to developtheir knowledge and skills in this field.

  • af Vanessa Ratten
    1.709,95 - 1.764,95 kr.

    This book explores cultural and creative processes as they occur in a heritage setting, and how they can be applied to business projects. More specifically, the chapters take a detailed look at the importance of culture in entrepreneurial pursuits regarding heritage matters. This involves focusing on how culture is embedded within heritage entrepreneurship and the distinctive comparative advantages of taking a cultural approach to business. The role of entrepreneurial environments in terms of accepting creativity is highlighted, thereby making a new contribution to the study of heritage entrepreneurship. The book also elaborates on how heritage entrepreneurs are embedded in an entrepreneurial ecosystem that consists of a number of different stakeholders.In doing so, the book provides an interdisciplinary perspective about the ways culture, creativity and heritage combine in order to produce novel entrepreneurial contributions. It speaks to researchers, practitioners and policy makers interested in heritage entrepreneurship, enabling them to gain ideas for their work, and to move the field forward with a better understanding of heritage entrepreneurship.Vanessa Ratten is an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship in the La Trobe Business School at La Trobe University (Australia). She is the Program Director of the Masters of Management course and teaches Corporate Venturing, Managing Innovation and Analyse & Ideate. She has published seven sole authored books including Sports Technology and Innovation: Assessing Cultural and Social Factors (Palgrave) and two textbooks including Analyse, Ideate and Grow: The Role of Creativity and Entrepreneurship (Springer). She has also edited more than thirty books including Oceania Entrepreneurship (Palgrave).

  • af Dene Grigar
    244,95 kr.

    This Element argues that when the emulation and migration of born-digital media translate the work's code, it also impacts the edition and version outputted in the process and potentially our experience with the work.

  • af Helen Kingstone
    1.386,95 kr.

    This book shows how in nineteenth-century Britain, confronted with the newly industrialized and urbanized modern world, writers, artists, journalists and impresarios tried to gain an overview of contemporary history. They drew on two successive but competing conceptual models of overview: the panorama and the compilation. Both models claimed to offer a holistic picture of the present moment, but took very different approaches. This book shows that panoramas (360° views previously associated with the Romantic period) and compilations (big data projects previously associated with the Victorian fin de siècle) are intertwined, relevant across the entire century, and often remediated, making them crucial lenses through which to view a broad range of genre and forms. It brings together interdisciplinary research materials belonging to different period silos to create new understandings of how nineteenth-century audiences dealt with information overload. It argues for a new politics of distance: one that recognizes the value of immersing oneself in a situation, event or phenomenon, but which also does not chastise us for trying to see the big picture. This book is essential reading for students and scholars of nineteenth-century literature, history, visual culture and information studies.

  • af Olivia Guntarik
    1.192,95 kr.

    From climate catastrophes to sudden wars, the world faces conflicts of unprecedented scale. Yet around the globe, Indigenous leaders continue to move forward with determination and hope. Leaders demand change, resisting the destruction of the environment and suggesting solutions to today¿s global crisis. Age-old practices are experiencing a cultural revival and the lessons call for all of us to walk alongside Indigenous peoples. In the face of crisis and the progress of technology, this book shows how to stand with Indigenous peoples through uncertainty and chaos. How to stand with Indigenous peoples is about how to listen, how to walk together and how to act.

  • af Murray Raff
    1.330,95 - 1.822,95 kr.

  • af Gir¿nas Povilionis
    1.037,95 kr.

    This book provides a thorough analysis focused on the sound expression produced by human-crafted musical instrument ¿ a pipe organ, in which various components blend into a complex whole to produce a wide range of timbres. The sound produced by wooden and metal pipes of a variety of sizes is an integral part of the instrument¿s unique character, while the organ stop is like its signature, from which one can judge about the size and style of the instrument, an organ building school or even an organ master, to which it is attributable. Precise identification of the name of the stop in accordance to both the pipework itself and the authentic inscriptions on the pipes is instrumental in investigating the geographic origins and authorship of an organ. The monograph focuses on the craftsmanship of complex and historically influential organ stop Vox humana. Its research and definition provides specific information distinguishing particular features in the variety of organ building traditions and discussing the differences in organ sound perception and production. The volume is aimed at art and music historians, as well as musicologists and scholars researching restoration techniques.The book contains supplemental material with video and audio material as well as photo-documentation of authentic Vox humana examples. The material is placed in the online catalog, which may be accessed by scanning the QR code in the appendix of the book.dsgdsgds

  • af Francesca Zanella
    566,95 - 672,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Weiss
    461,95 - 1.283,95 kr.

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