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Museumsvidenskab og kulturarvsstudier

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  • af Judy Diamond
    1.718,95 kr.

    This collection explores the broad landscape of current and future out-of-school science learning environments. It examines the learning opportunities and challenges created by community-based experiences including citizen science, makerspaces, science media, escape rooms, hobby groups, and gaming.

  • af Abraham Bradfield
    1.648,95 kr.

    This book explores the complexities of Indigenous and non-Indigenous relations in contemporary Australia.

  • - 5000 Jahre Steuern - ein langer Leidensweg der Menschheit
    af Reiner Sahm
    310,95 kr.

    Steuern und Zwangsabgaben haben die Geschichte der Zivilisation erheblich beeinflusst: Viele Aufstande, Revolutionen und Staatsgrundungen haben in Steuerprotesten ihre Keimzelle gefunden. So erschutterten im 16. Jahrhundert die Bauernkriege Europa, im 18. Jahrhundert fuhrten freiheitsliebende amerikanische Steuerrebellen mit der Bostoner Tea Party zur Unabhangigkeit der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Eine Wendeepoche stellte 1789 die groe Revolution in Frankreich dar, deren Ursprunge auch im ohnmachtigen Hass weiter Bevolkerungskreise gegen das Steuergebaren des Ancien Regime lagen. Parallel hat sich das historisch gewachsene deutsche Steuerrecht bis heute zu einem "e;Damon"e; entwickelt, den niemand mehr im Griff zu haben scheint. Es ist undurchschaubar, verwirrend, widerspruchlich und wird insbesondere vom sogenannten kleinen Mann als ungerecht, geradezu als Raubrittertum empfunden. Kein Wunder, denn bis zur Mitte eines jeden Jahres arbeitet der deutsche Arbeitnehmer allein fur den Fiskus. Und greift daher oft zur Selbsthilfe: Steuerumgehung, Steuerflucht und Schattenwirtschaft, Steuerhinterziehung und Subventionsbetrug sind hierzulande geradezu zum Volkssport geworden. So nimmt dieses historische Kaleidoskop Anliegen und Schlachtruf der gebeutelten Steuerzahler wieder auf: Burger, schlagt der vielkopfigen Hydra die Kopfe ab und engagiert Euch fur ein Steuerrecht, das "e;einfach, niedrig und gerecht"e; ist!

  • af Ana Crespo Solana
    1.711,95 - 1.713,95 kr.

    This two-volume set highlights the importance of Iberian shipbuilding in the centuries of the so-called first globalization (15th to 18th), in confluence with an unprecedented extension of ocean navigation and seafaring and a greater demand for natural resources (especially timber), mostly oak (Quercus spp.) and Pine (Pinus spp.). The chapters are framed in a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary line of research that integrates history, Geographic Information Sciences, underwater archaeology, dendrochronology and wood provenance techniques. This line of research was developed during the ForSEAdiscovery project, which had a great impact in the academic and scientific world and brought together experts from Europe and America. The volumes deliver a state-of-the-art review of the latest lines of research related to Iberian maritime history and archaeology and their developing interdisciplinary interaction with dendroarchaeology. This synthesis combines an analysis of historical sources, the systematic study of wreck-remains and material culture related to Iberian seafaring from the 15th to the 18th centuries, and the application of earth sciences, including dendrochronology. The set can be used as a manual or work guide for experts and students, and will also be an interesting read for non-experts interested in the subject. Volume 2 focuses on approaches to the study of shipwrecks including a synthesis of dendro-archaeological results, current interdisciplinary case studies and the specialist study of artillery and anchors.

  • af Raul Dal Santo
    539,95 kr.

  • af Renate Bornberg
    1.625,95 kr.

    This book discusses the importance of socio-spatial patterns in cities that are embedded in the cultural heritage and self-understanding of a society, showing that Indian cities follow different urban concepts. In nine episodes (nine is a sacred figure), it highlights the principal influences and social impacts on cities from ancient times to contemporary city developments. As such, it provides planners and architects with insights that can easily be applied in contemporary cities and towns and help foster Indiäs cultural heritage¿a much-needed, but little-discussed approach.Indian cities are the result of various factors, some imposed, others following local traditions that shaped them. They were founded around social needs, landscape conditions and production routines, as well as the religious influences of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity and animism. However, Western town-planning models are often implemented, blurring the traditional way of life in cities. For sustainable town development, it is of key importance to find solutions that deal with Indian city models.

  • af John H. Jameson
    1.221,95 - 1.518,95 kr.

    This volume examines evolving trends and transnational perspectives on public interpretation of archaeological and cultural heritage, as well as levels of communication, from local to regional, national and international. It is presented in the context of the evolution of cultural heritage studies from the 20th century "e;expert approach"e; to the 21st century "e;people-centered approach,"e; with public participation and community involvement at all phases of the decision-making process. Our premise is not just about bringing in community members to be partners in decision making processes; some projects are being initiated by the community--not the heritage experts. In some instances, community members are central in initiating and bringing about change rather than the archaeologists or heritage specialists. In several cases in the book, descendants take the lead in changing heritage narratives.The book addresses several central questions: Do these actions represent new emphases, or more fundamental pedagogical shifts, in interpretation? Are they resulting in more effective interpretation in facilitating emotional and intellectual connections and meanings for audiences? Are they revealing silenced histories? Can they contribute to, or help mediate, dialogues among a diversity of cultures? Can they be shared experiences as examples of good practice at national and international levels? What are the interpretation and presentation challenges for the future?Cultural heritage, as an expression of a diversity of cultures, can be an important mediator between pasts and futures. In the past, people in power from the dominant ethnic, racial, socio-economic, gender, and religious groups determined the heritage message. Minorities were often silenced; their participation in the building and growth of a city, county, or nation's history was overlooked. New philosophical/methodological trends in public interpretation are reshaping the messages delivered at archaeological/cultural heritage sites worldwide. The role of the experts, as well as the participatory engagement of audiences and stakeholders are being redefined and reassessed.  This book explores these processes, their results and effects on the future.

  • af Merilee Grindle
    306,95 kr.

    The first biography of Zelia Nuttall (1857-1933), a pioneering Mexican-American anthropologist whose work on Aztec cosmology and mastery of ancient codices helped shape our understanding of pre-Columbian Mexico. Grindle captures the appeal and contradictions of this trailblazing woman, who brought a new rigor to the study of ancient civilizations.

  • af Gopalakrishnan Duraisamy
    777,95 kr.

    Na Índia, as realizações indígenas são muito dispersas em comparação com a grande área geográfica. Há uma necessidade urgente de lançar esforços muito direccionados, concertados e planeados para o desenvolvimento e demonstração de novos produtos compostos. Isto exigiria uma maior sensibilização, adaptação tecnológica, aquisição e subsequente transferência de tecnologia, etc., tudo num só local. É necessário prosseguir na Índia fortes actividades de desenvolvimento centradas principalmente em produtos e processos. Para um tal objectivo, seria necessária uma abordagem multi-agências envolvendo a indústria, governo, academia, laboratório de investigação, certificação/normalização e agências de utilizadores para um salto quântico na tecnologia composta no país. Os compósitos são um dos materiais de engenharia mais avançados e adaptáveis conhecidos pelos homens. Progressos no campo da ciência e tecnologia de materiais deram origem a estes fascinantes e maravilhosos materiais. Os compósitos são de natureza heterogénea, criados pela montagem de dois ou mais componentes com cargas ou fibras de reforço e uma matriz compactável. O principal objectivo da investigação é dar uma visão ampla sobre os materiais têxteis utilizados em aplicações automóveis.

  • af Gopalakrishnan Duraisamy
    777,95 kr.

    In Indien sind die einheimischen Errungenschaften im Vergleich zu der großen geografischen Fläche sehr verstreut. Es besteht die dringende Notwendigkeit, sehr gezielte, konzertierte und geplante Anstrengungen zur Entwicklung und Demonstration neuartiger Verbundwerkstoffprodukte zu unternehmen. Dies würde eine verbesserte Sensibilisierung, Technologieanpassung, Technologiebeschaffung und anschließenden Transfer usw. an einem Ort erfordern. Starke Entwicklungsaktivitäten, die sich in erster Linie auf Produkte und Prozesse konzentrieren, müssen in Indien verfolgt werden. Um ein solches Ziel zu erreichen, ist ein behördenübergreifender Ansatz erforderlich, der die Industrie, die Regierung, die Hochschulen, die Forschungslabors, die Zertifizierungs-/Normungsstellen und die Nutzerorganisationen einbezieht, um einen Quantensprung in der Verbundwerkstofftechnologie in Indien zu erreichen. Verbundwerkstoffe sind eines der fortschrittlichsten und anpassungsfähigsten technischen Materialien, die die Menschheit kennt. Die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Materialwissenschaft und -technologie haben diese faszinierenden und wunderbaren Materialien hervorgebracht. Verbundwerkstoffe sind heterogener Natur und entstehen durch den Zusammenbau von zwei oder mehr Komponenten mit Füllstoffen oder Verstärkungsfasern und einer kompaktierbaren Matrix. Das Hauptziel der Forschung ist es, einen umfassenden Überblick über die in der Automobilindustrie verwendeten Textilmaterialien zu geben.

  • af Gopalakrishnan Duraisamy
    777,95 kr.

    In India, le realizzazioni indigene sono molto disperse rispetto alla vasta area geografica. È urgente lanciare sforzi mirati, concertati e pianificati per lo sviluppo e la dimostrazione di nuovi prodotti compositi. Ciò richiederebbe una maggiore consapevolezza, l'adattamento tecnologico, l'approvvigionamento tecnologico e il successivo trasferimento, ecc. In India devono essere portate avanti forti attività di sviluppo incentrate principalmente su prodotti e processi. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, è necessario un approccio multi-agenzia che coinvolga l'industria, il governo, il mondo accademico, i laboratori di ricerca, le agenzie di certificazione/standardizzazione e gli utenti per un salto di qualità nella tecnologia dei compositi nel Paese. I compositi sono uno dei materiali ingegneristici più avanzati e adattabili conosciuti dall'uomo. I progressi nel campo della scienza e della tecnologia dei materiali hanno dato vita a questi affascinanti e meravigliosi materiali. I compositi sono di natura eterogenea, creati dall'assemblaggio di due o più componenti con cariche o fibre di rinforzo e una matrice compattabile. Lo scopo principale della ricerca è quello di fornire un'ampia panoramica sui materiali tessili utilizzati nelle applicazioni automobilistiche.

  • af Gopalakrishnan Duraisamy
    777,95 kr.

    En Inde, les réalisations indigènes sont très dispersées par rapport à l'étendue de la zone géographique. Il y a un besoin urgent de lancer des efforts très dirigés, concertés et planifiés pour développer et démontrer de nouveaux produits composites. Cela nécessiterait une meilleure sensibilisation, une adaptation de la technologie, une recherche de sources d'approvisionnement en technologie et un transfert ultérieur, etc. L'Inde doit poursuivre ses activités de développement en se concentrant principalement sur les produits et les processus. Pour atteindre cet objectif, une approche multi-agences impliquant l'industrie, le gouvernement, les universités, les laboratoires de recherche, la certification/la normalisation et les agences d'utilisateurs serait nécessaire pour faire un bond en avant dans la technologie des composites dans le pays. Les composites sont l'un des matériaux d'ingénierie les plus avancés et les plus adaptables connus de l'homme. Les progrès réalisés dans le domaine de la science et de la technologie des matériaux ont donné naissance à ces matériaux fascinants et merveilleux. Les composites sont de nature hétérogène, créés par l'assemblage de deux ou plusieurs composants avec des charges ou des fibres de renforcement et une matrice compactable. L'objectif principal de la recherche est de donner une large perspective sur les matériaux textiles utilisés dans les applications automobiles.

  • af Gopalakrishnan Duraisamy
    317,95 kr.

    V Indii mestnye dostizheniq ochen' razroznenny po srawneniü s bol'shoj geograficheskoj territoriej. Neobhodimo srochno nachat' ochen' celenaprawlennye, soglasowannye i splanirowannye usiliq po razrabotke i demonstracii nowyh kompozitnyh produktow. Jeto potrebuet powysheniq oswedomlennosti, adaptacii tehnologij, poiska i posleduüschej peredachi tehnologij i t.d. w odnom meste. V Indii neobhodimo prowodit' aktiwnye meropriqtiq po razwitiü, naprawlennye w perwuü ochered' na produkty i processy. Dlq dostizheniq ätoj celi neobhodim mezhwedomstwennyj podhod, wklüchaüschij promyshlennost', prawitel'stwo, nauchnye krugi, issledowatel'skie laboratorii, sertifikaciü/standartizaciü i agentstwa-pol'zowateli dlq kachestwennogo skachka w razwitii kompozitnyh tehnologij w strane. Kompozity qwlqütsq odnim iz samyh peredowyh i adaptiruemyh inzhenernyh materialow, izwestnyh lüdqm. Progress w oblasti materialowedeniq i tehnologii priwel k poqwleniü ätih udiwitel'nyh i prekrasnyh materialow. Kompozity - äto geterogennye po swoej prirode materialy, sozdannye putem sborki dwuh ili bolee komponentow s napolnitelqmi ili armiruüschimi woloknami i uplotnqemoj matricej. Osnownaq cel' issledowaniq - dat' shirokoe predstawlenie o textil'nyh materialah, ispol'zuemyh w awtomobil'noj promyshlennosti.

  • af Gopalakrishnan Duraisamy
    560,95 kr.

    In India, the indigenous achievements are very scattered compared to the large geographical area. There is an urgent need to launch very directed, concerted & planned efforts for developing & demonstrating novel composite products. This would call for an improved awareness, technology adaptation, and technology sourcing & subsequent transfer etc. all at one place. Strong developmental activities focusing primarily on products & processes need to be pursued in India. Towards such an objective, a multi-agency approach involving the industry, Government, academia, research laboratory, certification/standardization and user agencies would be required for a quantum jump in composite technology in the country. Composites are one of the most advanced and adaptable engineering materials known to men. Progresses in the field of materials science and technology have given birth to these fascinating and wonderful materials. Composites are heterogeneous in nature, created by the assembly of two or more components with fillers or reinforcing fibers and a compactable matrix. The main aim of the research is to give broad outlook about the textile materials used in automotive applications.

  • af Bart Zwegers
    1.136,95 - 1.336,95 kr.

    This book introduces the multilevel perspective to analyze how local, national, and international actors and institutions in the heritage field interact. More specifically, a comparative study is made of controversies regarding six UNESCO World Heritage sites in Germany and the United Kingdom. The six cases involve traditional monuments (the cathedral of Aachen and the castle and cathedral of Durham), industrial heritage (the Zollverein Coal Mine in Essen and the former tin and copper mines in Cornwall), and cities (Dresden and Liverpool). Studying how long-term landscape developments interact with local actors and nationally organized regimes reveals important differences between the decentralized German and the centralized British approach to heritage preservation. These differences not only have consequences for the governance of heritage preservation in the two countries, but also for their relations with international organizations such as UNESCO.

  • af Howell G. M. Edwards
    1.307,95 kr.

    This book covers the discovery and the results of the analytical study of the composition of the Farnley Hall service, involving both the embossed moulding and the decorative compositions. The discovery of this missing porcelain service, which was manufactured 200 years ago, is a modern detective story in the preservation of cultural heritage, whilst its physical analysis has identified some new data that need to be incorporated into correcting and expanding the literature that is used for the differentiation of porcelains by ceramic historians and museum conservators. The importance of the Farnley Hall service discovery is that it provides the only example of such a Nantgarw Porcelain service that still resides in its original place of usage from 200 years ago: it is therefore a unique example and is a very important part of our national cultural heritage. It provides an illustration of the data that can be accessed from the application of inductive reasoning to elicit novel information about a manufactory whose work books no longer exist and its comparison with contemporary manufactories in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. The concepts can be appreciated by experts and also by non-technical readers. This is the first time that such a detailed research approach has been adopted for any comparative ceramic project. The book is therefore relevant for a specialist and non-specialist readership, including museum ceramics curators and collectors of the genre.

  • af Ilaria Trizio
    1.648,95 kr.

    This book provides the opportunity to explore the variety of meanings, undertones and contextual connotations that currently pertain to the expressions of "virtual (or digital) restoration" and "reconstruction".The book focuses on the latest applications of virtual restoration and reconstruction in different areas of Cultural Heritage through the presentation and discussion of several case studies. The goal is to provide a broad perspective on the subject.The sample presented in this book has been indeed selected and evaluated referring to different disciplinary fields such as archaeology, architecture, and conservation while encompassing a variety of cultural and chronological contexts.

  • af Joanne Dingwall McCafferty
    1.529,95 kr.

    This book aims to determine UNESCO's capability to facilitate heritage protection measures pre-conflict, emergency response measures during conflict and reconstruction efforts post-conflict. The book employs document analysis to ascertain UNESCO's legal obligations when it comes to facilitating cultural heritage protection in its Member States' territories in the condition of armed conflict, while drawing comparisons with the reality of the organisation's presence and involvement in Yemen, Syria and Iraq. This study maps shifts in UNESCO's level of communication with each country's respective government and civil authorities; allocation of financial, human and material resources; and implementation of heritage safeguarding and reconstruction initiatives. Both quantitative and qualitative data shows UNESCO to exhibit great inequity in engagement, at times, closing communications entirely with Syria, due to the political standpoints of other UNESCO Member States. This politicalgridlock is often shown to result in the organisation overstating its ability to safeguard or restore heritage, with promises not being followed up with action. Since 2015, UNESCO has expressed a stronger intent to be a key player in heritage protection during armed conflict, however as long as cultural heritage protection is not considered a humanitarian concern, UNESCO will not be able to circumvent much of the political and bureaucratic barriers facing intergovernmental organisations during conflict, which prevent emergency action from being implemented. In order to ensure heritage safeguarding is permitted during periods of significant unrest, regardless of political discord, it is crucial that UNESCO promote a people-centred approach to its cultural heritage protection initiatives. This book evidences that focusing on livelihoods and meaningful and practical connections between populations and their local heritage to be UNESCO's optimal methodological approach forjustifying cultural heritage protection as a humanitarian necessity. The book's readership includes academics, researchers, and practitioners in the fields of political science, law and heritage studies.

  • af Andrea Kupfer Schneider
    172,95 kr.

    The Gare d'Orsay train station, designed by French architect Victor Laloux, opened in Paris in 1900 to much fanfare. In fact, it was so beautiful that the French painter Edouard Détaille felt it would be more appropriate as a museum. Eighty-six years later, after a complex and controversial decision-making process, the French government finally transformed the station into the Musée d'Orsay, now one of the most dramatic and popular museums in Paris. Professor Andrea Kupfer Schneider uses her expertise in decision-making analysis and negotiation to present the fascinating history of the creation of the Musée d'Orsay and the battles among the prominent politicians, curators, and historians over the architecture, collections, and concept of the museum.

  • af Kristin Ann Hass
    187,95 kr.

    A field guide to the memorials, museums, and practices that commemorate white supremacy in the United States—and how to reimagine a more deeply shared cultural infrastructure for the futureCultural infrastructure has been designed to maintain structures of inequality, and while it doesn’t seem to be explicitly about race, it often is. Blunt Instruments helps readers identify, contextualize, and name elements of our everyday landscapes and cultural practices that are designed to seem benign or natural but which, in fact, work tirelessly to tell us vital stories about who we are, how we came to be, and who belongs.Examining landmark moments such as the erection of the first American museum and Colin Kaepernick’s kneeling pledge of allegiance, historian Kristin Hass explores the complicated histories of sites of cultural infrastructure, such as:· the American Museum of Natural History· the Bridge to Freedom in Selma· the Washington Monument· Mount Auburn Cemetery· Kehinde Wiley’s 2019 sculpture Rumors of War· the Victory Highway· the Alamo CenotaphWith sharp analysis and a broad lens, Hass makes the undeniable case that understanding what cultural infrastructure is, and the deep and broad impact that it has, is essential to understanding how structures of inequity are maintained and how they might be dismantled.

  • af Xiao Li
    1.051,95 kr.

    The book explores largely overlooked areas of Silk Road studies by searching for multidisciplinary evidence on the connotations of Silk Road culture and by rewriting social complexities along the Silk Road in different historical periods. It investigates the impacts of conflicts and communication between Silk Road civilizations, presents the latest archaeological discoveries and research findings in the field of Silk Road studies, and develops a new Silk Road archaeological system. By doing so, it defines a new direction for Silk Road archaeological studies.

  • af Stella Rollig
    479,95 kr.

    Anniversary publication of the Belvedere The Belvedere in Vienna epitomizes the changes that have taken place over the course of three centuries in the concept of what constitutes a museum. Originally built by Prince Eugene of Savoy to enhance his prestige as a prince, under Maria Theresa, the Upper Belvedere became one of the world's first public museums. The idea of presenting Austrian art in an international context, which in 1903 motivated the establishment of the Modern Gallery in the Lower Belvedere, remains the key objective of this world-famous cultural institution. In this critical homage, renowned authors explore enduring questions that transcend the different epochs, such as¿: What ordering concepts are evident in art presentation¿? How contemporary were these presentations in an international context¿? What kind of public were they aimed at¿? Anniversary publication of the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere: a critical homage to a place of art with a diverse history spanning centuries Exhibition until January 7, 2024 With contributions from Johanna Aufreiter, Björn Blauensteiner, Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer, Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, Christiane Erharter, Nora Fischer, Anna Frasca-Rath, Antoinette Friedenthal, Martin Fritz, Thomas W. Gaehtgens, Sabine Grabner, Katinka Gratzer-Baumgärtner, Cäcilia Henrichs, Alice Hoppe-Harnoncourt, Christian Huemer, Georg Lechner, Stefan Lehner, Gernot Mayer, Monika Mayer, Sabine Plakolm-Forsthuber, Georg Plattner, Matthew Rampley, Luise Reitstätter, Stella Rollig, Claudia Slanar, Franz Smola, Nora Sternfeld, Silvia Tammaro, Wolfgang Ullrich, Leonhard Weidinger, Christian Witt-Dörring, Luisa Ziaja, and Christoph Zuschlag

  • af Karen Lloyd
    1.237,95 kr.

    New insights into the changing human attitudes towards wild nature through the depiction of wolves in human culture and heritage.

  • af Gabriel Moshenska
    247,95 - 1.064,95 kr.

  • af Therese Quinn & Elisa Soto
    247,95 - 277,95 kr.

  • af Vanessa Tünsmeyer
    1.191,95 - 1.540,95 kr.

  • af Rosa Patricia Larios-Francia
    1.107,95 kr.

    Fashion, and the growth of fashion, are presented as the manifestation of a process of civilization, within a capitalist culture (capital understood as material possessions) that has become global and imperialist, of which - in an economic sense - the industry (or the fashion system?) functions as one of its main instruments of exploitation. And with respect to design, Arturo Escobar said:"Can design detach itself from its roots in modernist practices of unsustainability and defuturization and reorient itself towards other commitments, practices, narratives and ontological enactions? Moreover, can design be part of the toolkit for the transition to the pluriverze (i.e. a world in which many worlds can fit)?"This book presents the importance of cultural sustainability in the textiles and fashion industry, decolonizing fashion system and promotes the design for transitions.

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