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Museumsvidenskab og kulturarvsstudier

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  • af Hind Al-Shoubaki
    1.176,95 - 1.185,95 kr.

    This book analyzes the role of integrated spatial planning in constructing eco-sustainable urban housing in post-conflict scenarios and investigates two different spaces in an emergency: Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan and Damascus city in Syria. The book presents a new innovative tool that assists in building a successful and sustainable reconstruction after emergencies which corresponds to the planning approach's heterogeneous nature within emergency situations. The same innovative theoretical framework also covers the ramifications of climate change on the urban built environment and reduces its sociological impact on the stricken communities.This book is intended for researchers, academics, students, spatial planners, policy makers, think tank groups, and public entities who are interested in post-disaster reconstruction and the issues of refugee camps.

  • af Leslie F. Zubieta
    1.050,95 kr.

    This book shares timely and thought-provoking methodological and theoretical approaches from perspectives concerning landscape, gender, cognition, neural networks, material culture and ontology in order to comprehend rock art's role in memorisation processes, collective memory, and the intergenerational circulation of knowledge. The case studies offered here stem from human experiences from around the globe-Africa, Australia, Europe, North and South America-, which reflects the authors' diverse interpretative stances. While some of the approaches deal with mnemonics, new digital technologies and statistical analysis, others examine performances, sensory engagement, language, and political disputes, giving the reader a comprehensive view of the myriad connections between memory studies and rock art. Indigenous interlocutors participate as collaborators and authors, creating space for Indigenous narratives of memory. These narratives merge with Western versions of past and recent memories in order to construct jointly novel inter-epistemic understandings of images made on rock. Each chapter demonstrates the commitment of rock art studies to strengthen and enrich the field by exploring how communities and cultures across time have perceived and entangled rock images with a broad range of material culture, nonhumans, people, emotions, performances, sounds and narratives. Such relations are pivotal to understanding the universe behind the intersections of memory and rock art and to generating future interdisciplinary collaborative studies.

  • af Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás
    573,95 kr.

    Exhibition spaces are physical places of knowledge productionand exchange. Their spatial properties play an importantrole in contextualizing information. Virtual stagings ofexhibitions should therefore retain these properties. TheBeyond Matter research project (2019-23) aims to unravelthe intertwining of physical and virtual structures and theirimpact on spatial aspects in art production, curating, andart education, and thus to identify ways to preserve culturalheritage in the digital age.This publication offers a comprehensive overview of thediverse research activities, exhibition and book projects,and symposia that have taken place or emerged in thecourse of the international Beyond Matter project at thevarious partner institutions.

  • af Bronwyn Carlson & Terri Farrelly
    2.367,95 kr.

    The Palgrave Handbook on Rethinking Colonial Commemorations explores global efforts, particularly from Indigenous and Bla(c)k communities, to dismantle colonial commemorations, monuments, and memorials. Across the world, many Indigenous and Bla(c)k communities have taken action to remove, rectify and/or re-imagine colonial commemorations. These efforts have had the support of some non-Indigenous and white community members, but very often they have faced fierce opposition. In spite of this, many have succeeded, and this work aims to acknowledge and honour these efforts. As a current and much-debated issue, this book will present fresh findings and analyses of recent and historical events, including #RhodesMustFall, Anzac Day protests, and the transferral of confederate monuments to museums. Comprising of chapters written by Indigenous, Bla(c)k and non-Indigenous authors, from a wide variety of locations, backgrounds and purposes, this topical volume is atimely and important contribution to the fields of memory studies, Indigenous Studies, and cultural heritage.

  • af Eyup Ozveren
    1.196,95 kr.

    This book studies the change in Mediterranean port cities, from the nineteenth century when they flourished as a result of international economic relations and advances in transportation technology, through the twentieth century when the nation-states were at their prime time. This trajectory with two distinct parts belongs as a whole to what we call the modern times. Whereas in the first phase, Mediterranean port cities became hubs of spontaneous urban complexity and social diversity thanks to reciprocal relations that made them the places of cultural exchange, where people from different parts of the Mediterranean met one another, during the second, because of the interruption of such connectivities and major demographic changes the same cities experienced by way of massive migration, they became less and less unlike other cities with which they shared the same geography in general and the nation-state territory, in particular. Over the last few decades, with a new roundof globalization, port cities increasingly find themselves facing new opportunities and connectivities, the realization of which would make them once again different, albeit in variegated ways and to degrees. Our narrative foregrounds contexts and connectivities with specific attention paid to mobility, fragility, and precarity. The purpose of this book is to highlight commonalities of and differences among the select Mediterranean port cities, with a focus on the role of social actors, changing economic relations and spatial characteristics and practices.

  • af Anna Visvizi, Asmaa Ibrahim, Mohammed Fekry, mfl.
    2.367,95 kr.

    Against a backdrop of environmental and societal concerns, best captured by the UN¿s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this book brings together the leading voices on Mosque architecture to make a case for its role as a purveyor of culture, heritage, and sustainability in the modern world. The Mosque, as an institution, continues to serve as the epicenter of spiritual, moral, and cultural life in Muslim societies. Recognizing that the popular understanding of Muslim culture and archetypes is, at best, minimal among the broader public worldwide, this book has two objectives: i.e., (i) to explore Masjid architecture as a carrier of culture, heritage, and the sustainability of Muslim communities; and (ii) to offer a bias-free introduction to the intricacies of Muslim architecture, culture, and heritage today. The papers featured in this collection were presented at the 5th Memaryat International Conference (MIC), held at Effat University, Jeddah. The MIC¿s objective is to build bridges between research communities engaged with diverse aspects of science, technology, and innovation, seen as the key levers for attaining the SDGs.

  • af Nedson Pophiwa
    1.288,95 kr.

    This book examines the national borders and borderlands of Zimbabwe through the presentation of empirically rich case studies. It delves into the lived experiences, both past and present, of populations residing along the borders between Zimbabwe and its neighbours, i.e., Zambia, Botswana, South Africa and Mozambique. It locates these lived experiences within the political economy of Zimbabwe, and highlights a wide range of themes pertinent to borders, including health, COVID-19, marginalisation, resource access, conservation, human-wildlife conflicts, civil wars, politico-economic crises, border jumping and cross border trade. The borderland communities discussed also include ethnic minorities such as the Tonga, San, Ndau, Shangane, and Kalanga. Overall, the book demonstrates the centrality of borders to the Zimbabwean nation-state and the importance of reading history, politics and society from the borderlands.The book fits into the wider prevailing literature of border and borderlands in Africa and beyond and thus has appeal far beyond Zimbabwe. Its diverse themes also relate to topics covered in multiple disciplines, including history, anthropology, and sociology. Academics, development specialists and policy makers will benefit in different ways from the depth and breadth of the analysis in the book.

  • af Ricardo Rozzi
    1.561,95 kr.

    This fifth volume in the Ecology and Ethics series integrates key concepts of the previous four volumes by addressing biocultural conservation through novel educational methods. In Field Environmental Philosophy (FEP), the authors undertake two complementary tasks. First, they address a problematic facet of education as an indirect driver of a global change and biocultural homogenization. Second, they contribute to solve the former problems by introducing the FEP method as well as other educational approaches from around the world that value and foster conservation of biological and cultural diversity. A particular emphasis is therefore on the integration of sciences, arts, humanities, and ethics into educational practices that involve the participation of local communities with their diverse forms of ecological knowledge and practices. The book is divided into four parts. Part I introduces FEP concepts and practices that involve a 4-step cycle of transdisciplinary research, poeticcommunication through composition of metaphors, design of field activities guided with an ecological and ethical orientation, and participation in biocultural conservation activities. Part II exposes problems as well as solutions in formal education (from preschool to higher education) and non-formal education to respect biocultural diversity. Parts III & IV provide case studies developed at long-term socio-ecological research (LTSER) sites, botanical gardens, and other platforms for non-formal education that contribute to biocultural conservation.This book supports a paradigm shift addressing still understudied indirect drivers of global change to foster the conservation of biological and cultural diversity. It is a valuable asset for scientists and practitioners in science and humanities education.

  • af Heather Pressman
    566,95 - 1.327,95 kr.

  • af Francesco Alberti
    1.732,95 - 2.747,95 kr.

    This book incorporates a wealth of research focused on the more and more urgent challenges that urban planning and architectural design all over the world must cope with: from climate change to environmental decay, from an increasing urban population to an increasing poverty. In detail, this book aims at providing innovative approaches, tool and case study examples that, in line with the agenda of 2030, may better drive human settlements toward a sustainable, inclusive and resilient development. To this aim, the book includes heterogeneous regional perspectives and different methodologies and suggests development models capable of limiting further urban growth and re-shaping existing cities to improve both environmental quality and the overall quality of life of people, also taking account the more and more close relationships among urban planning and technological innovation.

  • af Philip Zimmerman
    610,95 kr.

    A Storied Past: Collections of the Historic Odessa captures the historical character and significance of two important late-18th-century houses, each of which retains a high percentage of original furnishings and locally made objects.

  • af Frank Feltens
    172,95 kr.

    "Experience art and design as never before with 101 imaginative, mindfulness-based practices"--

  • af Shuchi Dave
    424,95 kr.

    The anticancer activity of A Squamosa seeds was evaluated at Regional Research Laboratory, Jammu. Cytotoxicity assay for assessment of growth inhibition was performed using Sulphorhodamine B (SRB) assay following National Cancer Institute (NCI) guidelines. The anti cancer assay was performed using sulphorhodamine B assay method on various cancer cell lines i.e. MCF-7, SiHa, HT, Ovcar-5, and HepG2. The maximum anticancer activity was observed with ovary cancer lines and minimum anticancer activity was observed in the adenocarcinoma cell lines.

  • af Violeta Bokan Bosiljkov
    2.182,95 kr.

    This book gathers the latest advances, innovations and applications in the field of historic mortars and masonry structures conservation and restoration, as presented by international researchers and professionals at the 6th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC), held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on September 21¿23, 2022. It covers topics such as characterization of historic mortars and masonry structures¿sampling and test methods; historic production, processing and application of mortars, renders and grouts; assessment of historic renders and plasters; conservation and preventing conservation case studies; repair mortars and grouts¿requirements and design, compatibility issues, durability and effectiveness and adequacy of testing procedures. Special attention is given to historic mortars where one of the binders or the only binder is Portland cement and to the structures in which these materials are used. The contributions, which were selected through a rigorous international peer-review process, share new knowledge and exciting ideas that will help protect heritage buildings more efficiently and foster new multidisciplinary collaborations in this area.Chapter Performance Evaluation of Patch Repairs on Historic Concrete Structures (PEPS): An Overview of the Assessment Methodology is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

  • af Ahmad Osman
    2.437,95 kr.

    Based on the success of the first published book on "e;Nondestructive Evaluation and Monitoring Technologies, Documentation, Diagnosis and Preservation of Cultural Heritage"e;,  this book will includes peer reviewed papers submitted to the conference in form of single independent chapters. Each chapter will highlight the benefits of one or more Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) methods, image processing and data analysis methods and their applications on cultural heritage sites. This book demonstrates Non-destructive sensing technologies and inspection modules as main tools for documentation, diagnosis, characterization, preservation planning, monitoring and quality of restoration, assessment and evaluation of material and preservation work.   Within this book, the benefits of NDT methods and their applications will be demonstrated on diverse and important cultural heritage sites and monuments around the world. NDT sensing technologies and inspection modules are becoming main tools for the documentation, diagnosis, characterization, preservation planning, monitoring and quality control of restoration, assessment and evaluation of materials and preservation works.Distinguished scientists and representatives of the National Geographic Society, the Cultural Heritage Finance Alliance, the International Council of Monuments and Sites ICOMOS, the Organization of World Heritage Cities OWHC, the European Society for Engineering Education SEFI, the European Construction Technology Platform ECTP, the International Federation of Surveyors FIG, the International Committee CIPA Heritage Documentation, the World Monuments Fund and other major International and European Organizations, Associations, networks Universities and Research Centers in the field of cultural heritage preservation, participate in to the International Steering Committee which had successfully organized the 1st TMM_CH Conference as well.

  • af Anne Bessette
    312,95 kr.

    Quelles perspectives la rencontre de la muséologie, de l¿histoire de l¿art et dela sociologie nous livre-t-elle sur les problématiques de recherche en cours au musée ? À partirde trois thématiques ¿ la collection, la gouvernance et les archives ¿, des personnalités issuesde la recherche, de la conservation, des archives, de l¿analyse économique ou de l¿administrationlivrent dans cet ouvrage leurs analyses et témoignages, nourris par des années d¿expérienceset de pratiques partagées. Réunies autour d¿un lieu qui les rassemble, le Louvre, leurs échangesfont apparaître des outils nouveaux pour s¿interroger sur les définitions individuelles,communautaires, historiques, sociétales ou encore politiques des musées.

  • af Catharine Titi
    1.773,95 kr.

    The Parthenon marbles case is the most famous international cultural heritage dispute concerning repatriation of looted antiquities, the Parthenon marbles in the British Museum¿s ¿Elgin Collection¿. The case has polarised observers ever since Elgin had the marbles hacked out of the ancient temple at the turn of the 19th century in Ottoman-occupied Athens. In 1816, a debt-stricken Elgin sold the marbles to the British government, which subsequently entrusted them to the British Museum, where they have remained since then.Much ink has been spilled on the Parthenon marbles. The ethical and cultural merits of their repatriation have been fiercely debated for years. But what has generally not been considered are the legal merits of their return in light of contemporary international law. This book is the first in legal scholarship to provide an international law perspective of the cause célèbre of international cultural heritage disputes and, in doing so, toclarify the new customary international law on the return of cultural property unlawfully removed from its original context.The book, which includes a foreword by Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, is a unique reference work on the legal case for the return of the Parthenon marbles and the new normative framework for the protection of cultural heritage.

  • af Duncan Phillips
    272,95 kr.

  • af Vicky Kämpfe
    965,95 kr.

    This book contributes to the growing scientific literature on ¿intangible cultural heritage¿ ¿ determined by UNESCO to be particularly worthy of safeguarding and transmission ¿ by advancing a theoretical-analytical framework for the (in)tangible cultural heritage of dance. By exploring the potential of the ¿intangible materiality¿ of dance practice the book argues that implementing the concept of a ¿performative dance-archive¿ creates a new analytic field: research in praxis.The concept of the ¿performative dance-archive¿ draws out the potential for safeguarding and transmission of dance heritage, but also the challenges of the opposition between living heritage and the codifying of cultural inventories. This book uses the formal and contextual transformation of Argentine tango and German modern dance to discuss this ambiguity of intangible heritage and how the ¿performative dance-archive¿ creates a cognitive, empractical approach to determine, archive, and distribute danceknowledge.This is a timely methodological intervention in the context of the increasing importance of the intangible cultural heritage. It enables us to re-revise the concept of (im)materiality and the specific knowledges within cultural practice as a necessary fundamental category for research-processes and societal growth. This book is directed both to researchers in the field of intangible cultural heritage and to practitioners and researchers searching for new ways of investigating methods and perspectives to understand 'immaterial materialities'.

  • af Marco Garcia-Vaquero
    2.437,95 kr.

    This text comprehensively covers the rituals, traditions and receipts of ancestral processes of bread making from multiple countries, including the scientific and technological character of the science of bread making and sourdough biotechnology. Individual chapters cover the scientific aspects of bread making in different cultures and traditions as well as the technological phenomena occurring during the bread making process, utilizing the full network of SOURDOMICS from the COST initiative.Pictures and illustrations are used to explain the science behind bread making processes and the cultural, historical and traditional elements associated with bread making in multiple countries. Authored by bread making experts from the breadth of Europe, the process of bread fermentation in each country and region is covered in detail. The traditions surrounding bread making are simply the empirical know-how passed between generations, and this book's main purpose is to perpetuate these traditions and know-how.Provides a description of the culture of European peoples with respect to the technology of bread making and sourdough biotechnology;Explains the process of bread fermentation using simple language combined with scientific rigor;High quality pictures and illustrations enrich the scientific and cultural elements mentioned in each chapter.

  • af Katja Kaiser
    317,95 kr.

    Im Zuge der Debatte über Sammlungsgut aus kolonialen Kontexten steht Georg Zenker (1855-1922) exemplarisch für eine Generation von Sammlern, die in der Hochphase des Imperialismus disziplinenübergreifend Sammlungen für die Berliner Museen zusammenbrachten. Zenker gilt dabei als eine zentrale und zugleich sehr ambivalente Person in der Geschichte des deutschen Kolonialismus in Westafrika. Basierend auf umfangreichem Quellenmaterial nähert sich die vorliegende Publikation der Biografie sowie den Sammelpraktiken, Objekten und Netzwerken Georg Zenkers.Mit dem vorliegenden dreisprachigen Band auf Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch sollen die Erkenntnisse über Zenker für einen größeren Interessentenkreis zugänglich gemacht werden. In the course of the debate on collections from colonial contexts, Georg Zenker (1855-1922) is exemplary for a generation of collectors who brought together interdisciplinary collections for the Berlin museums during the heyday of imperialism. Zenker is considered a central and at the same time very ambivalent figure in the history of German colonialism in West Africa. Based on extensive source material, this publication approaches the biography as well as the collecting practices, objects and networks of Georg Zenker.With this trilingual volume in German, English and French, the findings on Zenker are to be made accessible to a wider circle of interested parties. Dans le cadre du débat sur les collections provenant de contextes coloniaux, Georg Zenker (1855-1922) est un exemple de la génération de collectionneurs qui, à l'apogée de l'impérialisme, ont réuni des collections interdisciplinaires pour les musées berlinois. Zenker est considéré comme une personne à la fois centrale et très ambivalente dans l'histoire du colonialisme allemand en Afrique de l'Ouest. Se basant sur de nombreuses sources, la présente publication aborde la biographie ainsi que les pratiques de collecte, les objets et les réseaux de Georg Zenker.Le présent ouvrage trilingue en allemand, anglais et français vise à rendre les connaissances sur Zenker accessibles à un plus grand nombre d'intéressés.

  • af Howell G. M. Edwards
    1.391,95 - 1.784,95 kr.

    Armorial porcelains comprised the output of most European ceramics factories in the 18th and 19th Centuries in response to the large quantity of armorial porcelain services that were being imported from China bearing the coats of arms and crests of aristocratic families. Whereas these armorial services have been identified and covered for most porcelain manufactories the information relevant to their production by the two relatively short-lived Nantgarw and Swansea China Works has not been addressed as a theme until now. As an integral  component  of  the holistic forensic appraisal of porcelain, a functional and decorative artwork manifestly part of our cultural heritage and its ongoing preservation ,  the recording and identification of such artefacts is material for the future establishment of a database of factory production . The Nantgarw and Swansea factories only operated for a limited period in the second decade of the 19th Century and their porcelains were much appreciated  for their high quality and desirability by Georgian households. Today, examples are to be found in many museums and  ceramics collections and continue to excite the interest of specialists and the general public . This text provides the first comprehensive assessment of armorial porcelains from these two factories and the methodology and procedure for the identification of unknown armorial bearings and crests is illustrated; individual bearings are discussed  in detail and existing incorrect assignments in the literature are re-appraised. The difficulties in attribution of armorial heraldic achievements that are only minimally depicted are considered and directions for further studies using historical documentation are invoked. This book therefore fills a currently existing gap in the ceramics literature of the 19th Century. 

  • af Museum National
    547,95 kr.

    Als erstes Museum weltweit hat sich das National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C. ausschließlich dem Engagement für Frauen mit den Mitteln der Kunst verschrieben. Die Sammlung umspannt Werke aus fünf Jahrhunderten von Künstlerinnen aus sechs Kontinenten. Der Band stellt Neuerwerbungen und langjährige Publikumslieblinge vor und führt Leserinnen und Leser dank seiner thematischen Gliederung zu überraschenden Entdeckungen.Der Katalog neuer Highlights in der NMWA-Sammlung macht kunstgeschichtliche Zusammenhänge transparent und erleichtert das Kennenlernen von Künstlerinnen. Der prachtvolle Bildband präsentiert Schlüsselwerke von Louise Bourgeois, Lalla Essaydi, Frida Kahlo, Hung Liu, Clara Peeters, Faith Ringgold, Niki de Saint Phalle, Amy Sherald, Alma Woodsey Thomas und vielen anderen. Dem Museum angehörende Autorinnen und über dreißig Gäste aus Kunst und Forschung beleuchten schlaglichtartig die einmaligen Werke und die Mission des NMWA.

  • af Antonella Versaci
    2.407,95 - 2.752,95 kr.

    This book discusses the fundamentals and practical applications of heritage conservation as an important tool of a city's development. It presents case studies that demonstrate how to achieve a balance between the promotion of tourism industry and the generation of income while also seeking optimum sustainable methods for Conserving the City's Tradition and Identity. The book in hand offers useful insights to a wide array of audience aware of the need to preserve the architectural beauty of cities, such as architects, policymakers, investors and even the wide public who is interested in ways of conserving and protecting cultural sites.

  • af Feras Hammami & Evren Uzer
    1.282,95 kr.

    301,95 kr.

    Ausgehend von den Artists for Democracy (AFD) untersucht die Publikation die Verflechtung von künstlerischer Aktion mit transnationaler, durch Migration und politische Mobilisierung geprägte Solidarität. Die AFD wurde 1974 in London gegründet, um "Befreiungsbewegungen weltweit materiell und kulturell zu unterstützen". Mittels detaillierter Recherche, der Beauftragung von Wissenschaftlern und Künstlern sowie einer umfangreichen Archivdokumentation nähert sich Precarious Solidarities diesen Zusammenhängen - künstlerisch, sozial, politisch, historisch und geografisch -, um aktuelle Sachverhalte zu erkennen.Text: Cuong Pham with An Viet Archive, Wing Chan, Hannah Healey, Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, María José Lemaitre & Caroll Yasky (Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende), Courtney J. Martin, David Medalla, David Morris, Yaiza Hernández Velázquez, Vijay Prashad, and Cecilia Vicuña.

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