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The ultimate 'How To' book to end all 'How To' books Masala Chai for the Soul is not the sattvik cousin of the hallowed 'Chicken Soup' and does not contain any amino acids to nurse your soul back to health. Instead, this soul-full chai brewed by Jairam N. Menon is an out-and-out ROFL. Infused with masala wisdom from Aristotle to Zen, and from Shakespeare to stand-up comedians, with the occasional diversions to Bollywood and the tea vendor down the road, this special masala chai ought to be brewed every day in millions of tea stalls and homes in maha-Bharat. Jairam's cheery stimulant tells you how to: ¿ spot and stop a bore at fifteen paces (sometimes less, if the bore is yourself) ¿ manage your boss while giving the impression that he/she/it is managing you ¿ discover that a lazy Sunday spent in bed is the best way to save the planet ¿ learn that to procrastinate makes better sense than to pre-empt ¿ succinctly sum up your innermost feelings as 'F***' or 'S***' This beverage by a satiric wordsmith will make you realize that there is more to masala chai than meets the eye!
Anlass für dieses Buchs sind die zunehmende Kälte im Umgang der Bürger miteinander und ihre mangelnde Empathie: normenverletzendes Handeln zulasten der Mitmenschen, Hassausbrüche in sozialen Netzen, Übergriffigkeiten jeder Art. Oft wird vor einem Auseinanderfallen des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhangs gewarnt, manche Protestformen gewinnen gar bürgerkriegsähnlichen Charakter. Welche Rolle spielen dabei hedonistischer Konsum, Identitätszweifel, die Suche nach Selbstwert und eskapistisches Verhalten? Wo die Ursachen dieses Sozialklimawandels zu suchen sind, untersucht das Buch anhand zeittypischen Verhaltens.
La Turchia è una terra che attira e appassiona. Si rimane spesso sorpresi su alcuni modi di fare molto vicini alla cultura europea mentre per altri ci si interroga e si rimane affascinati. Togliersi le scarpe prima di entrare in casa, gettare acqua dietro l'auto di una persona cara che si mette in viaggio, o mettere il sale nel caffè prima del matrimonio turco, sono solo alcune delle curiosità che troverete in questo libro. La mia Turchia attraverso curiosità, usanze e tradizioni popolari è un affascinante viaggio nella cultura turca. Grazie ai racconti avvincenti dell'autrice del blog Il Salotto Turco, esploreremo le usanze culinarie della cucina turca, le tradizioni e le credenze popolari che costellano la vita quotidiana di questo straordinario paese, come per esempio leggere il futuro nel fondo del caffè, toccarsi i denti dopo uno spavento, o ancora l'usanza del baciamano. Ma il libro va oltre, scopriremo anche alcuni personaggi storici e dei luoghi unici come Efeso, la Cappadocia e l'imprescindibile Istanbul, definita la città dei gatti. E parleremo anche di superstizioni attraverso simboli indiscussi come il Nazar. La mia Turchia attraverso curiosità, usanze e tradizioni popolari è un'opera che cattura l'anima della Turchia, intrecciando storie anche personali con la magnificenza dei luoghi e delle tradizioni.
This edited book brings together new perspectives on fashion, the body, and politics. The intention of this collection is to explore the cultural intersection between bodies, fashion, and transgression, often in the most unlikely of locations. Bodies are political players in culture and the authors gathered here ask a range of pressing questions. What role do fashioned bodies play in resistance, in meeting governmental boundaries or institutional power? Arguably, fashion is an aspect of modern warfare and style can defend and attack in cultural space. So, how do fashioned bodies occupy the grey area between social control and the resistance to power? This book is interdisciplinary and international, with contributors situated within a broad range of disciplines including Art History and Critical Practice, Cultural Studies, Fashion Critical Studies, Film and Literary Studies, Performance Studies, Politics and International Studies, Sociology, Gender, Queer, LGBTI, andCritical Race Studies.
"What can we expect from the study of Chinese philosophy ?« In the philosophical systems of the Hindoos and the Chinese there are still hidden treasures, in which the anticipation of scientific discoveries, the results of thousands of years of occidental research, is most striking.Such are the words of Edward von Hartmann, the most famous living German philosopher1. Much labour has been spent in Europe on the Indian Vedanta philosophy, which had such a marked influence on Arthur Schopenhauer.« The Upanishads, says the author of the Parerga and Paralipomena, are the outcome of the highest human wisdom.... They afford the most remunerative and sublime reading possible in this world, which has been the consolation of my life, as it will be that of my death 2.I do not see why the many germs scattered over the vast field of Chinese philosophy should not have a similar fertilizing influence on some philosophical European mind also. The deep impression caused by the Tao-tê-king will support my view. But much work remains to be done before Chinese philosophy will take its proper place in the history of philosophy. The burden of this task lies with us who are living in China and studying her language and literature, for, while great care is bestowed on all her sister languages in Europe and America, Chinese, the oldest of all, but the youngest in the curriculum of our high-schools, is treated as a step-child by public opinion. This paper is meant as a move in the direction just indicated."
Just prior to the flight of Mark Dake's parents from Toronto to visit him in Seoul - where he was teaching English - his mother phoned to ask if they needed to get inoculated for disease. Realizing how little North Americans know about South Korea, Dake decided to write a travel book, to introduce the country to foreigners. He purchased an old car, and, with his best friend, Kim Heju as translator, spent an intensive, exhaustive four months driving 5,000 miles through the nation's villages, towns, mountains, plains and islands.Along the way, he discovered some strange things: an island of lepers; a Shangril-La where locals live past 100; a seaside village where everyone is a diver. He kidnapped a dog destined to be stew, and he swam in waters where a 2,500-pound great white shark had been hauled aboard a fishing trawler. He interviewed a would-be king and an elderly woman imprisoned during the Japanese occupation. Citing overwork, Heju temporarily quit the journey after six weeks. Two other translators bailed prematurely. Dake had a million places to explore and needed answers. If fellow travelers couldn't keep up, tough luck, it was full-steam ahead! Dake, a former reporter, has spent about twenty years between 1995 and 2022 living and working in South Korea. He leaves no stones unturned on this fascinating journey through an ancient and modern land.
Dieses Open-Access-Buch gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über die Verfahren und Abläufe der nationalen Umsetzung der UNESCO-Konvention zur Erhaltung des immateriellen Kulturerbes in Deutschland. Die Untersuchung konzentriert sich auf die Jahre unmittelbar vor und nach dem deutschen Beitritt zum Übereinkommen im Jahre 2013. Durch eine Politikfeldanalyse wird insbesondere der Frage nachgegangen, ob und wie die neue Aufgabe vom übergreifenden Ziel des Politikfelds, kulturelle Teilhabe zu steigern, beeinflusst wurde. Die Kombination aus einer Insiderperspektive des Autors mit einem analytischen Forschungsansatz dürfte für Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Praxis des deutschen Mehrebenensystems der Kulturpolitik ebenso interessant sein wie für andere Forschende im Feld.
"Volume I introduces The Cambridge History of International Law series, offering a critical discussion of the development and current state of international law history writing across the world. Steering away from traditional Western historiography, this volume will interest scholars of international law across various disciplines"--
Den offentlige sektor er ikke i stand til at levere den velfærd, som danskerne har ønsker om og behov for. Det skyldes, at velfærdsstaten primært er designet til at løse de problemer, befolkningen havde i industrisamfundet, og ikke er egnet til at afhjælpe de nye sociale problemer som for eksempel ensomhed og mistrivsel. Denne bog giver et bud på, hvordan vi kan skabe et bedre og mere omsorgsfuldt velfærdssamfund – og for de samme penge, som vi anvender i dag – ved at involvere frivillige og de civile organisationer. På baggrund af sine mangeårige erfaringer fortæller Mads Roke Clausen om succesrige samarbejder samt om de faldgruber, som øget involvering af frivillige organisationer også indebærer. Han giver også eksempler på civile organisationer, som har skabt bedre vilkår både for mennesker rundtom i verden og kan tjene som inspiration. Bogen er et redskab for de mange, der organiserer og leder foreninger, projekter og sociale tiltag – og for de offentlige institutioner, som vil have gavn af et større samarbejde om velfærd på tværs af sektorer.
Die Jahre 2007/2008 brachten eine Preiskrise für Agrarprodukte und Nahrungsmittel, wie seit Jahrzehnten nicht mehr bekannt. Weltweit litten bis zu 115 Mio. Menschen zusätzlich Hunger. Unerhört war, dass die Krise im Vorfeld unerkannt blieb: Produktion und Verbrauch wurden wie in den Vorjahren angemessen prognostiziert, nicht aber die Preisspitzen und die Volatilität. Das Buch untersucht die Zusammenhänge, die zu dieser Preisekrise führten sowie auch die Gründe, warum deren Ursachen so lange unerkannt blieben.Während in der Wissenschaft, in der Politikberatung und in den Medien ganz überwiegend ¿realwirtschaftliche¿ Faktoren von Störungen bei Angebot und Nachfrage (unzureichende Ernten in einzelnen Ländern, geringe Bevorratung, Biosprit-Boom, Nachfrageerhöhung v.a. in Asien) diskutiert wurden, lassen sich diese Argumente leicht dekonstruieren. Weder einzeln noch im Zusammenwirken können realwirtschaftliche Faktoren die Höhe und v.a. die Volatilität der Preise auch nur annähernd erklären.Dem gegenüber beklagen langjährige Akteure auf den Terminmärkten das zunehmende Auftreten neuer Akteure, die gewaltige Finanzvolumen einsetzen. Sie nutzen Terminbörsen für Rohstoffe ¿ darunter Agrarrohstoffe ¿ zur Absicherung ihrer Anlagen in anderen Märkten, da sich die Werte bei Rohstoffen angeblich gegenläufig zu anderen Anlageklassen bewegen. Zudem scheint es bei Terminkontrakten auf Rohstoffe eine Strategie zu geben, wie sich risikoarm verlässliche Renditen erzielen lassen.Eine unrühmliche Rolle kommt langjährig ausgewiesenen Vertretern der Wissenschaft zu: Sie legen theoretisch und empirisch dar, dass Spekulation auf den Terminmärkten ganz überwiegend keine signifikant (negative) Rolle bei den Preisentwicklungen zuzumessen ist. Diese Sichtweise setzt sich in den Internationalen Organisationen durch. Lediglich der Untersuchungsausschuss des US-Senats folgt den Einwänden der Praktiker, die auf folgende Sachverhalte verweisen: Die Wissenschaft nutzt eine völlig unangemessene Datenbasis, die nicht geeignet ist, übermäßige Spekulation aufzudecken. Sie setzt zur Analyse methodische Werkzeuge ein, die gerade bei hoher Volatilität der Preise unangemessen sind. Sie nutzten Theorien, die nur in idealen (theoretischen) Umgebungen Erklärungsgehalt bieten und in der Praxis keinerlei Relevanz besitzen.
While the surge of populism in the West has attracted considerable public attention, countries often considered to be on Europe's 'periphery' have largely escaped both scholarly and general interest. Political developments in Armenia, Albania, Bosnia, Georgia, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia are poorly understood politically and often opaque to non-specialists. Yet the societies, economies, politics and the aspirations of the people in these countries remain closely intertwined with the rest of Europe and its development. From the perspectives of scholars from the region, this book offers an informed assessment of the role, causes and political consequences of populism in areas that are important but often ignored parts of the European political landscape.With contributions byAshot Aleksanyan | Nane Aleksanyan | Aneta Cekikj | Simon Clarke | Ruben Elamiryan | Reinhard Heinisch | Despot Kovacevic | Klaudia Koxha | David Matsaberidze | SlaviSa Orlovic | Maja Savic-Bojanic | Avdi Smajljaj | Daniel Smilov | Ruzha Smilova | Nemanja Stankov
**Society of American Travel Writers Foundation GOLD Award Winner** For every fan of kung fu, steamed dumplings, Confucius and giant skyscrapers, A Geek in China is a hip, smart and concise guide to the Middle Kingdom. Packed with photographs and short articles on all aspects of Chinese culture, past and present, A Geek in China introduces readers to everything from Taoism and Confucianism to pop music and China's new middle class. A mix of traditional culture, such as highlights of Chinese history, significant historical and mythological figures, traditional medicine, how the Chinese language works, real Chinese food, martial arts, and how the Chinese Communist Party works, is complemented with information on what makes China unique today. Chapters discuss why China is so crowded, what it's like to work in an office, internet and cell phone culture, dating and marriage practices, top movies and movie stars, the contemporary art scene, China's incredible new architecture and infrastructure, and popular holidays. It also contains chapters on what makes the Chinese tick, such as the importance of harmony in society, the practice of humility, and the importance of hierarchy. For visitors to the country, the author includes sections on what to see, both common cultural sites and off-the-beaten-track sites, and how to get around in China. Sections on visiting Hong Kong and Taiwan are also included. This China travel guide is a unique guide to the world's most populous and longest continuous culture. Readers will learn essential information about China's past and present to be able to understand the many references to history, politics, and pop culture that come up in everyday conversation and the media.
This book shows how in nineteenth-century Britain, confronted with the newly industrialized and urbanized modern world, writers, artists, journalists and impresarios tried to gain an overview of contemporary history. They drew on two successive but competing conceptual models of overview: the panorama and the compilation. Both models claimed to offer a holistic picture of the present moment, but took very different approaches. This book shows that panoramas (360° views previously associated with the Romantic period) and compilations (big data projects previously associated with the Victorian fin de siècle) are intertwined, relevant across the entire century, and often remediated, making them crucial lenses through which to view a broad range of genre and forms. It brings together interdisciplinary research materials belonging to different period silos to create new understandings of how nineteenth-century audiences dealt with information overload. It argues for a new politics of distance: one that recognizes the value of immersing oneself in a situation, event or phenomenon, but which also does not chastise us for trying to see the big picture. This book is essential reading for students and scholars of nineteenth-century literature, history, visual culture and information studies.
From climate catastrophes to sudden wars, the world faces conflicts of unprecedented scale. Yet around the globe, Indigenous leaders continue to move forward with determination and hope. Leaders demand change, resisting the destruction of the environment and suggesting solutions to today¿s global crisis. Age-old practices are experiencing a cultural revival and the lessons call for all of us to walk alongside Indigenous peoples. In the face of crisis and the progress of technology, this book shows how to stand with Indigenous peoples through uncertainty and chaos. How to stand with Indigenous peoples is about how to listen, how to walk together and how to act.
For the past 9,000 years, people lived and flourished along the 1,000-mile Aleutian archipelago reaching from the American continent nearly to Asia. The Aleutian chain and surrounding waters supported 40,000 or more people before the Russians arrived. Despite the antiquity of continuous human occupation, the size of the area, and the fascinating and complex social organization, the region has received scant notice from the public. This volume provides a thorough review describing the varied cultures of the ancestral Unangax¿, using archaeological reports, articles, and unpublished data; documented Unangax¿ oral histories, and ethnohistories from early European and American visitors, assessed through the authors¿ multi-decade experience working in the Aleutian Archipelago.Unangam Tanangin ilan Unangax¿/Aliguutax¿ Maqax¿singin ama Kadaangim Tanangin Anag¿ix¿taqangis (Culture and Archaeology of the Ancestral Unangax¿/Aleut of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska) begins with a description of the physical and biological world (The Physical Environment and The Living Environment) of which the Unangax¿ are part, followed by a description of the archaeological research in the region (The People). The rest of the book addresses ancestral Unangax¿ life including settlement on the land, and the characteristics of sites based on the activities that took place there (People on the Landscape). From this broad perspective, the view narrows to the people making a living through hunting, fishing, and collecting food along the shore-line, making their intricate tools, storing and cooking food, and sewing and weaving (Making a Living); household life including house construction, households, and the work done within the home (Life at Home); and the personal changes an individual goes through from the time they are born through death, including spiritual transitions and ceremonies (Transitions), and the evidence for these events in the material record. This bookis written in gratitude to the Unangax¿ and Aleut people for the opportunity to work in Unangam Tanangin or the Aleutian Islands, and to learn about your culture. We hope you find this book useful. The purpose of this book is to introduce the broader public to the cultures of this North Pacific archipelago in a single source, while simultaneously providing researchers a comprehensive synthesis of archaeology in the region.
This proceedings book addresses the main issues of contemporary political geography and international relations, providing a platform for discussion and collaboration of experts in the fields of Political Geography, Geopolitics, International Relations, etc. Participants from all over the world consider the controversies and challenges posed by globalization, focusing, in particular, on the ideologies of globalization and regionalism, migration crises, prevention of ethnic conflicts, and measures to promote sustainable development. The content of the book may be interesting to expert community, academics and popular audience.
This book provides a thorough analysis focused on the sound expression produced by human-crafted musical instrument ¿ a pipe organ, in which various components blend into a complex whole to produce a wide range of timbres. The sound produced by wooden and metal pipes of a variety of sizes is an integral part of the instrument¿s unique character, while the organ stop is like its signature, from which one can judge about the size and style of the instrument, an organ building school or even an organ master, to which it is attributable. Precise identification of the name of the stop in accordance to both the pipework itself and the authentic inscriptions on the pipes is instrumental in investigating the geographic origins and authorship of an organ. The monograph focuses on the craftsmanship of complex and historically influential organ stop Vox humana. Its research and definition provides specific information distinguishing particular features in the variety of organ building traditions and discussing the differences in organ sound perception and production. The volume is aimed at art and music historians, as well as musicologists and scholars researching restoration techniques.The book contains supplemental material with video and audio material as well as photo-documentation of authentic Vox humana examples. The material is placed in the online catalog, which may be accessed by scanning the QR code in the appendix of the book.dsgdsgds
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