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  • - 10 grunde til at vi misforstår verden - og hvorfor den er bedre end vi tror
    af Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling & Anna Rosling Rönnlund
    93,95 - 227,95 kr.

    FACTFULNESS handler om verden, og hvordan vi kan blive bedre til at forstå den, som den virkelig er. Når man stiller folk simple spørgsmål om globale tendenser, giver de altid de forkerte svar. Hvor mange piger går for eksempel i skole? Hvor stor vil Jordens befolkning være i 2050? Og lever størstedelen i rige eller fattige lande? I FACTFULNESS viser Hans Rosling sammen med Ola Rosling og Anna Rosling Rönnlund, hvorfor misforståelserne sker. De beskriver 10 fundamentale menneskelige instinkter, som konsekvent forhindrer os i at have et faktabaseret verdenssyn. Læs denne bog, og dit syn på verden vil blive forandret for altid. "En af de vigtigste bøger jeg nogensinde har læst - en uundværlig vejledning i at tænke klart om verden." Bill Gates

  • af Gary Stevenson
    165,95 kr.

    *NO.1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER*'An unforgettable story of greed, financial madness and moral decay' Rory Stewart'Hilarious, shocking and deeply sad - often in the same sentence' Sunday Times'The Wolf of Wall Street with a moral compass' Irvine WelshAn outrageous, white-knuckle journey to the dark heart of an intoxicating world - from someone who survived the trading game and then blew it all wide open'If you were gonna rob a bank, and you saw the vault door there, left open, what would you do? Would you wait around?Ever since he was a kid, kicking broken footballs on the streets of East London in the shadow of Canary Wharf's skyscrapers, Gary wanted something better. Something a whole lot bigger.Then he won a competition run by a bank: 'The Trading Game'. The prize: a golden ticket to a new life, as the youngest trader in the whole city. A place where you could make more money than you'd ever imagined. Where your colleagues are dysfunctional maths geniuses, overfed public schoolboys and borderline psychopaths, yet they start to feel like family. Where soon you're the bank's most profitable trader, dealing in nearly a trillion dollars. A day. Where you dream of numbers in your sleep - and then stop sleeping at all.But what happens when winning starts to feel like losing? When the easiest way to make money is to bet on millions becoming poorer and poorer - and, as the economy starts slipping off a precipice, your own sanity starts slipping with it? You want to stop, but you can't. Because nobody ever leaves.Would you stick, or quit? Even if it meant risking everything?Number 1 Sunday Times bestseller, March 2024

  • af Ben Judah
    147,95 - 193,95 kr.

  • - skabelsen af uværdigt trængende borgere
    af Mathias Herup Nielsen
    327,95 kr.

    ’Hvis man kan, så skal man!’ Sådan lyder argumentet ofte, når politikere argumenterer for at skrue ned for ydelsesstørrelsen eller op for de krav, der stilles til udsatte borgere. Gruppen af udsatte, der vurderes godt at kunne, ekspanderer løbende. Udsatte borgere ses nemlig ikke længere som skæbner, der er ramt af vanskeligheder, men med et optimistisk blik som mennesker, der rummer ressourcer og potentialer, som kan bruges på arbejdsmarkedet.Systemet har, så at sige, taget ja-hatten på. Et nyt og langt mere positivt sprog har over de seneste årtier gradvist indtaget socialpolitikken og fortrængt tidligere tiders sprog. Færre end tidligere får tilkendt førtidspension, og i dag beskrives selv de mest udsatte mennesker i kontanthjælpssystemet som ’aktivitetsparate’.Konsekvensen er, at flere og flere udsatte betragtes som uværdigt trængende: Som mennesker, der godt kan, men alligevel ikke gør, og som det derfor er legitimt at møde med kontante midler. Dernæst retter det politiske system krav imod udsatte borgere – krav, som de oplever, at de er ude af stand til at honorere. Bogen dokumenterer denne udvikling og viser, hvordan skiftet frem imod et mere og mere positivt syn på den udsatte borger gradvist har vundet frem over de seneste årtier. Den udpeger nogle af de konsekvenser, udviklingen har haft.Mathias Herup Nielsen (født 1984) er kandidat i forvaltning fra Roskilde Universitet og ph.d. i Statskundskab fra Aalborg Universitet. Han arbejder som forsker og underviser i samfundsvidenskab på Aalborg Universitet.

  • af Charles Dickens
    347,95 kr.

    England i 1800-tallet var absolut ikke et godt sted, hvis man var fattig som en kirkerotte. Der var ingen hjælp at hente og forskellen mellem rig og fattig var ufattelig stor. En mørk regnfuld aften føder en unge kvinde en dreng på Sognets fattiggård. Lægen og fødselshjælperen Sally mener ikke, at drengen har mange chancer i livet. Pludselig beder moderen om at se sin nyfødte søn, inden hun dør. Sludder, siger de to, men rækker alligevel drengen til moderen. Hun krammer kærligt sin lille dreng og dør kort efter. Oliver vokser op under grumme forhold. En dag beslutter han sig for at flygte ud i den barske verden. Udmarvet af træthed og sult ankommer Oliver til Londons hektiske liv. Her bliver han hurtigt spottet af en af Fagins drenge, som tager ham med hjem, for at blive oplært som lommetyv. Oliver flygter igen og havner hos en venlig mand. Men Fagin vil ikke slippe Oliver og søger med lys og lygte efter den værdifulde dreng.slxCharles Dickens (1812-70) er et af de helt store navne i engelsk litteratur. Hans bøger læses stadig flittigt og lever videre på både teatret og filmlærredet. I hans bøger fokuserer han ofte på klasseskel og den lille mands kår, til tider tilsat en god portion humor. Foruden romaner har han forfattet mange kortere prosatekster samt skuespil, rejsebøger og børnebøger.

  • af Monica Potts
    167,95 kr.

    RADIO 4 BOOK OF THE WEEKTHE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER'I couldn't put it down. . . an important book, raw and simple enough that you can't help but feel it deeply' James Rebanks, author of The Shepherd's LifeTalented and ambitious, Monica Potts and her best friend, Darci, were both determined to make something of themselves. How did their lives turn out so different? Growing up gifted and working-class in the foothills of the Ozarks, Monica and Darci became fast friends. Bonding over a shared love of learning, they pored over the giant map in their classroom, tracing their fingers over the world that awaited them, vowing to escape their broken town. In the end, Monica left Clinton for university and fulfilled her dreams. Darci, along with many in their circle of friends, did not. Years later, working as a journalist covering poverty, Monica discovers what she already intuitively knew about the women in Arkansas. Their life expectancy had steeply declined -- the sharpest such fall in a century. As she returns to Clinton to report the story, she reconnects with Darci, and finds that her once talented and ambitious best friend is now a statistic: a single mother of two, addicted to meth, jobless and nearly homeless. Deeply aware that Darci's fate could have been hers, she retraces the moments in each of their lives that led such similar women toward such different destinies. Why did Monica make it out while Darci became ensnared in a cycle of poverty and opioid abuse? Gripping and unforgettable, The Forgotten Girls is a story of friendship and lost promise in 21st century America.

  • af Matthew Desmond
    157,95 - 217,95 kr.

  • af Katherine Boo
    197,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • NATIONAL BOOK AWARD WINNER • NAMED ONE OF TIME'S TEN BEST NONFICTION BOOKS OF THE DECADE"Inspiring . . . extraordinary . . . [Katherine Boo] shows us how people in the most desperate circumstances can find the resilience to hang on to their humanity. Just as important, she makes us care."-PeopleNAMED ONE OF THE TEN BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The New York Times • The Washington Post • O: The Oprah Magazine • USA Today • New York • The Miami Herald • San Francisco Chronicle • NewsdayIn this brilliant, breathtaking book by Pulitzer Prize winner Katherine Boo, a bewildering age of global change and inequality is made human through the dramatic story of families striving toward a better life in Annawadi, a makeshift settlement in the shadow of luxury hotels near the Mumbai airport.As India starts to prosper, the residents of Annawadi are electric with hope. Abdul, an enterprising teenager, sees "a fortune beyond counting" in the recyclable garbage that richer people throw away. Meanwhile Asha, a woman of formidable ambition, has identified a shadier route to the middle class. With a little luck, her beautiful daughter, Annawadi's "most-everything girl," might become its first female college graduate. And even the poorest children, like the young thief Kalu, feel themselves inching closer to their dreams. But then Abdul is falsely accused in a shocking tragedy; terror and global recession rock the city; and suppressed tensions over religion, caste, sex, power, and economic envy turn brutal. With intelligence, humor, and deep insight into what connects people to one another in an era of tumultuous change, Behind the Beautiful Forevers, based on years of uncompromising reporting, carries the reader headlong into one of the twenty-first century's hidden worlds-and into the hearts of families impossible to forget. WINNER OF: The PEN/John Kenneth Galbraith Award • The Los Angeles Times Book Prize • The American Academy of Arts and Letters Award • The New York Public Library's Helen Bernstein Book AwardNAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The New Yorker • People • Entertainment Weekly • The Wall Street Journal • The Boston Globe • The Economist • Financial Times • Newsweek/The Daily Beast • Foreign Policy • The Seattle Times • The Nation • St. Louis Post-Dispatch • The Denver Post • Minneapolis Star Tribune • Salon • The Plain Dealer • The Week • Kansas City Star • Slate • Time Out New York • Publishers Weekly

  • af Andrea Elliott
    152,95 kr.

    A vivid and devastating (The New York Times) portrait of an indomitable girl-from Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Andrea Elliott From its first indelible pages to its rich and startling conclusion, Invisible Child had me, by turns, stricken, inspired, outraged, illuminated, in tears, and hungering for reimmersion in its Dickensian depths. -Ayad Akhtar, author of Homeland Elegies ONE OF THE TEN BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR: The New York Times * ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR: The Atlantic, The New York Times Book Review, Time, NPR, Library Journal In Invisible Child, Pulitzer Prize winner Andrea Elliott follows eight dramatic years in the life of Dasani, a girl whose imagination is as soaring as the skyscrapers near her Brooklyn shelter. In this sweeping narrative, Elliott weaves the story of Dasani's childhood with the history of her ancestors, tracing their passage from slavery to the Great Migration north. As Dasani comes of age, New York City's homeless crisis has exploded, deepening the chasm between rich and poor. She must guide her siblings through a world riddled by hunger, violence, racism, drug addiction, and the threat of foster care. Out on the street, Dasani becomes a fierce fighter to protect those who I love. When she finally escapes city life to enroll in a boarding school, she faces an impossible question: What if leaving poverty means abandoning your family, and yourself? A work of luminous and riveting prose, Elliott's Invisible Child reads like a page-turning novel. It is an astonishing story about the power of resilience, the importance of family and the cost of inequality-told through the crucible of one remarkable girl. Finalist for the PEN/John Kenneth Galbraith Award.

  • af George Orwell
    197,95 kr.

    “Ægte genialitet … al hans vrede og frustration fandt deres første rigtige udtryksmiddel i Vejen til Wigan Pier.” – Peter Ackroyd, The TimesVejen til Wigan Pier er en berømt reportageroman af George Orwell. Bogen har ikke tidligere været oversat til dansk og udkommer her for første gang på dansk.Bogens første del er en af Orwells mest berømte reportager fra hans ophold blandt kulminearbejdere i Nordengland i vinteren 1936. I sin usædvanligt klare og enkle stil beskriver han minearbejdernes hårde arbejde, den usle løn og de elendige boligforhold, som han også prøvede på egen krop.Bogens anden del er et essay, hvor Orwell beskriver og analyserer det engelske klassesamfund med afsæt i skildringer af sit eget liv og opvækst. Med et eminent blik for detaljerne viser han, hvordan de skarpe klasseskel står i vejen for socialismens fodfæste i England, hvilket han anser for et tvingende nødvendigt værn mod fascismens fremmarch.Opholdet i Wigan gjorde Orwell til overbevist socialist, idet han så den økonomiske ulighed, kapitalismen kunne medføre. Han var dog kritisk overfor flere af de socialistiske bevægelser og spidder i bogen den overfladiske socialisme, hvor man sympatiserer med arbejderne, men ikke omgås dem. Resultatet var, at Orwell provokerede både det politiske venstre og højre, der begge tog afstand fra ham eller brugte ham ved at tage ham til indtægt for egne synspunkter.Vejen til Wigan Pier er nr. 39 på The Guardians liste '100 best nonfiction books of all time'."... fremragende reportage fra Nordenglands barske kulminer (...) Kulminekapitlerne vokser til en blændende karakteristik af det britiske klassesamfund (...) hvis man vil ind under huden på manden, som skrev nogle af det tyvende århundredes væsentligste romaner – 'Animal Farm' (senest udsendt på dansk under titlen 'Dyregården') samt '1984', hans klassiker om Storebror-samfundet – er det denne bogs anden halvdel, man skal læse." – Jes Stein Pedersen, Politiken ❤❤❤❤❤ Langt om længe udkommer George Orwells The Road to Wigan Pier på dansk. En kras reportage fra klassesamfundets mørkeland og et sylespidst opgør med salonsocialismen … reportagejournalistik i mesterklassen … en kongenial oversættelse af Lærke Pade og med et indsigtsfuldt efterord af Per Stig Møller … Hvis man holder af 1984 og Dyregården, som begge blev genudgivet i fjor, vil man ved læsningen af Vejen til Wigan Pier se tegningen til den kritik af masseforførelse og underkastelse, som begge disse klassikere på forskellig vis kredser om.” – Adam Holm, Weekendavisen“I dette år, 1936, blev George Orwell med sine rejser til Wigan og Barcelona til den George Orwell, der skrev sig ind historien.” – Per Stig Møller, Efterord, Vejen til Wigan Pier“Orwells originalitet som forfatter består i uvilligheden til at acceptere udsagn og teorier, som ikke har bund i det selvoplevede. (…) Som en vigtig påmindelse om, at vores samfundsmæssige virkelighed nok er mere speget og indfældet, og vi mennesker repræsenterer langt mere kultur og vaner og religion, end vi normalt er klar over, er Orwells bog pligtlæsning.” – Henrik Gade Jensen,“Lyden af en stor forfatter, der finder sin autentiske stemme.” – Robert McCrum, The Guardian“Reportageromanen er intensiv læsning fra start til slut, og der er uden tvivl meget visdom at hente i Orwells ord (...) Det intense i livet, der bliver beskrevet, er eviggyldigt, og hans tanker om vores verden og samfund er lige så gyldige nu, som de var det dengang.” ­– Louise Trankjær, Skriv for livet“Orwell er en forfatter med en exceptionel umiddelbarhed, friskhed og energi – han er påståelig og dristig, skiftevis vred og meget blid … kvaliteterne i Orwells prosa er først og fremmest, at den normalt er forbilledlig klar og enkel.” – Richard Hoggart, Introduction, The Road to Wigan Pier, Penguin, 1989“Afskyeligheden i indledningen … er uovertruffen. Han synes at påvirke den moderne verden, som Engels påvirkede 1840-50’ernes verden. Men med den forskel, at Orwell er en født forfatter, hvor Engels, trods sin fyrige og strålende karakter, ganske enkelt ikke var forfatter.” – Edith Sitwell

  • af Abhijit Banerjee
    162,95 kr.

    From the award-winning founders of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab at MIT: A transformative reappraisal of the world of the extreme poor, their lives, desires, and frustrations

  • - Individuelle og strukturelle forhold bag udsathed
    af Rockwool Fondens Forskningsenhed, Signe Hald Andersen, Jan Rose Skaksen & mfl.
    137,95 kr.

    Op mod 7 procent af en ungdomsårgang begynder voksen livet uden at være i uddannelse eller have en stabil tilknytning tilarbejdsmarkedet. En stor andel af disse unge vil fortsætte uden arbejde og uddannelse som voksne.Et liv på kanten af samfundet giver først og fremmest en socialt og materielt set fattigere tilværelse for den enkelte. Men deter også forbundet med store økonomiske omkostninger for fællesskabet i form af tabte skatteindtægter og øgede udgiftertil overførselsindkomster. Udsatte unge er derfor en af de helt store udfordringer for et socialt og økonomisk bæredygtigt velfærdssamfund.ROCKWOOL Fonden styrker gennem forskning og sociale interventioner vores viden om de udsatte unge. Det sker bl.a. gennemanalyser af deres baggrund og livssituation, hvilket netop er temaet i denne anden udgivelse på Gyldendal med en lettilgængelig præsentation af den løbende forskning i emnet.I bogen analyseres betydningen af sociale begivenheder fx i form af forældres skilsmisse eller af et liv i en familie med lavindkomst for den senere eksponering for udsathed. Måske er indretningen af arbejdsmarkedet et problem i sig selv, hvilkettages op i bogen. Andre kapitler analyserer, hvem de udsatte unge konkurrerer med på arbejdsmarkedet, og hvilken økonomiskgevinst, de unge kan se frem til, hvis de tager en uddannelse.

  • af Selwyn Stanley
    424,95 - 1.466,95 kr.

    Explores a wide range of social problems in the UK using a range of psychosocial theories to generate an understanding of various causal factors and to examine the linkages between different social problems. Government policy and legislation, remedial measures, preventive approaches, and strategies of intervention are also considered.

  • af Joy Maracke
    560,95 kr.

    Eine intensive wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit den Familiendarstellungen in den Angestelltenromanen der Weimarer Republik ist bislang nicht erfolgt. Es ist die Motivation der vorliegenden Untersuchung, einen Beitrag zum Schließen dieser Forschungslücke zu leisten. Die Leitfrage lautet, wie und mit welcher Intention die Familien und andere persönliche Beziehungen in den Romanen dargestellt werden. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass diese Darstellungen wesentliche Funktionen innerhalb der Romane übernehmen, da die Autorinnen und Autoren mit ihrer Hilfe die prekäre Situation der Familie und der Angestellten offenlegen, beide kritisch hinterfragen und auch Zusammenhänge herstellen. Dem soziologischen bzw. literatursoziologischen Interesse der Arbeit folgend dienen kontextorientierte Methodenansätze dabei als Grundlage.

  • - Skam, ære og nedtur i København 1750-1850
    af Peter Wessel Hansen
    218,95 - 273,95 kr.

    Tiggere, kriminelle og tvangsarbejdere. Det vrimlede med folk på sultegrænsen i 1700- og 1800-tallets København. Men fattigdom var ikke kun et problem for underklassen. Også de husarme – fattige fra middelstanden med egen husstand – levede med frygten for, at ulykker, sygdom eller alder skulle sende dem på en social rutsjetur. Gik det helt galt, kunne de ende i tiggeri, på fattiggård eller i tvangsarbejdshus.Den slags ville de husarme for alt i verden undgå. For de følte sig anderledes end andre fattige. De husarme skammede sig over deres fattigdom og ville hverken tigge eller have offentlig hjælp. Det handlede om at holde facaden, redde æren og fremstå som respektable borgere. Ellers var alt tabt.Den skjulte fattigdom har fokus på usynlige fattige og viser, at debatten om relativ fattigdom ikke kun finder sted i vore dage. Man kan godt være fattig, selv om man har tag over hovedet og får nødtørftig mad på bordet.

  • af Luz Milena Ospina Escobar
    127,95 kr.

    Cuando apenas era una estudiante universitaria, recuerdo cómo mi corazón se oprimió al observar la carita de dolor de un niño de la calle, una carita marcada por el abandono, la soledad y una gran tristeza; su única compañía era una botella de pegante y me pregunté: ¿por qué el gobierno no los protege?, ¡no hay derecho a tanta miseria!, ¡ellos tienen el derecho a vivir dignamente!, pero el abandono estatal, la guerra interna que desplaza familias campesinas que deben huir, dejando todas sus pertenencias, a mendigar en las ciudades el pan que en su tierra se ganaban.Esta historia está basada en muchos eventos que escucha-mos a diario sobre los diversos actos de corrupción que enlodan al país y que devastan familias. Lo poco que de ellas queda, debe huir, correr para salvar sus vidas.Los invito para que nos unamos y luchemos por la paz y el orden que solo se logra cuando se aplica justicia, para que muchos niños puedan tener una vida digna.A mis lectores, que Dios los bendiga.

  • af Diane Andrews Henningfeld
    358,95 kr.

    One in six people in America face hunger, but famine is a worldwide issue. Millions of people are starving across the globe. Give your readers an understanding of the ways we are blessed if we never go hungry. Essays will discuss the global food crisis and famine's relationship to natural disasters, politics, and the world economy. Readers will evaluate whether the responses to famine are enough, and what we should be doing to combat it. With the majority of the material reflecting stances of countries other than the United States, readers are provided with a truly panoramic view. Helpful features include an annotated table of contents, a world map and country index, bibliography, and subject index.

  • af Siddharth Joshi
    287,95 kr.

    Education Equality: Why It Is Important in Today's SocietyEducation equality is not just an ideal, but an essential need in today's society. It is a principle that guarantees everyone, regardless of their background, socioeconomic status, or ability, the right to access a quality education. It is based on the belief that every child has the potential to learn and succeed in society, and that the education system should be tailored to meet their unique needs and talents.Why is education equality important? We can understand the answer by looking at the society around us. Inequality in education access, due to social inequality, also leads to inequality in economic development and the distribution of opportunities. Children from low-income families often attend schools with fewer resources, where the teacher-student ratio is higher, facilities are inadequate, and the quality of education is low. This ensures that their knowledge base and skill development are less than those of children who attend better schools. This cycle continues from generation to generation, strengthening the web of inequality.Education equality is not only personally important for economically or socially disadvantaged children, but it is also beneficial for the whole society. An educated and skilled population promotes economic growth, facilitates innovation, and helps to solve social problems. When everyone is given the opportunity to reach their full potential, it makes everyone's lives better and contributes to building a more stable, just, and prosperous society.Specific examples of how education equality can benefit society include:· Improved economic productivity: A more educated workforce is more productive, which can lead to higher economic growth and prosperity.· Reduced poverty: Education can help people to earn higher wages and escape poverty.· Improved health: Education can help people to make healthier choices about their lifestyle, which can lead to a healthier population.· Reduced crime: Education can help people to develop the skills and knowledge they need to lead productive and law-abiding lives.

  • af Cornel Stemley
    257,95 kr.

    "Explore 'Unveiling the Unseen: A Novel Approach to Homelessness' on Lulu Book Publishing and major bookstores worldwide. Authored by Dr. Cornel D. Stemley, this self-published work provides fresh insights into homelessness, analyzing Homeless Outreach Team perspectives. From historical roots to effective solutions, this book offers a compelling narrative.

  • af Angelika Rohr
    400,95 kr.

    Kindeswohlgefährdung in deiner Trennungssituation?Du bist nicht sicher, ob dein Kind durch das Verhalten anderer gefährdet ist? Der Wille des Kindes widerspricht den gesetzlichen Regelungen? Das Kontaktrecht ist nicht geregelt? In diesem Buch kannst du nachlesen, wie Kindeswohl tatsächlich definiert ist, wo genau Kindeswohlgefährdung beginnt und wo du Hilfe bekommst.Aus dem Inhalt:Kompakt, informativ und mit dem Blick auf das Wohl deines Kindes bekommst du einen tollen Überblick über Österreichs Rechtssystem:Trennungen und ScheidungenObsorge und KontaktrechtFamilien- und StrafrechtFamiliengerichtshilfeElternberatungBesuchsbegleitungWelche Form von Unterstützung, Beratung und Begleitung es für dein Kind in Trennungssituationen gibt, wird ausführlich beleuchtet:KinderschutzorganisationenArmutsgefährdungAußergewöhnliche WeltanschauungenPsychotherapieMobile BegleitungUnterstützung für MütterAus dem Leben der betroffenen Eltern oder Kinder berichten dir vier Erwachsene, die das Buch mit ihren Erlebnissen, Erfahrungen und den damit verbundenen Emotionen abrunden.

  • af Dean Karlan
    212,95 kr.

    A revolutionary approach to poverty that takes human irrationality into account-and unlocks the mystery of making philanthropic spending really work. American individuals and institutions spent billions of dollars to ease global poverty and accomplished almost nothing. At last we have a realistic way forward. Presenting innovative and successful development interventions around the globe, Dean Karlan and Jacob Appel show how empirical analysis coupled with the latest thinking in behavioral economics can make a profound difference. From Kenya, where teenagers reduced their risk of contracting AIDS by having more unprotected sex with partners their own age, to Mexico, where giving kids a one-dollar deworming pill boosted school attendance better than paying their families to send them, More Than Good Intentions reveals how to invest those billions far more effectively and begin transforming the well-being of the world.

  • af Rick Bragg
    207,95 kr.

    A New York Times Notable Book of the YearThis haunting, harrowing, gloriously moving recollection of a life on the American margin is the story of Rick Bragg, who grew up dirt-poor in northeastern Alabama, seemingly destined for either the cotton mills or the penitentiary, and instead became a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for The New York Times. It is the story of Bragg's father, a hard-drinking man with a murderous temper and the habit of running out on the people who needed him most.But at the center of this soaring memoir is Bragg's mother, who went eighteen years without a new dress so that her sons could have school clothes and picked other people's cotton so that her children wouldn't have to live on welfare alone. Evoking these lives--and the country that shaped and nourished them--with artistry, honesty, and compassion, Rick Bragg brings home the love and suffering that lie at the heart of every family. The result is unforgettable.

  • af Susan Sheehan
    197,95 kr.

  • af Marcia A. Murphy
    152,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • af Samuel Burgum
    226,95 kr.

    We are, all of us, intimately familiar with inequalities. Whether finding somewhere to live, walking in the street, following the news, negotiating international travel, or in our working and personal lives, subtle and crude hierarchies shape our lived experience. How the other half lives contributes detailed, multidisciplinary and qualitative explorations of the everyday social and spatial realities of inequality, drawing new lines from Manchester to Milan, from Brighton to Bologna. How the other half lives is a resource to navigate an unequal world, oriented around three key understandings of inequality as contingent, as intersectional and as interrelated. The book focuses attention on the differences, similarities and in-between points where 'the other halves' meet, to provoke new and useful perspectives on inequalities. It considers the connections between the accumulation of profound wealth and impoverished communities, the banal decisions by those in the seats of power and increasing levels of violence in austerity-wracked neighbourhoods, and between a world of smooth mobility and oppressive borders. How the other half lives is uniquely structured as a series of oppositions between peaks and troughs, with each chapter focusing on a specific subject, including: housing, urban design, place-making, the state, cultures of inequality and transnational mobility. With a preface from the Guardian's Zoe Williams and concluding remarks from Professor Rowland Atkinson, this book will appeal to undergraduates and academic readers in the social sciences who are interested in contemporary social and spatial inequalities.

  • af C. P. Kumar
    157,95 kr.

    "Addressing Social Issues in India" offers a comprehensive exploration of the myriad challenges shaping the socio-cultural fabric of the nation. The book delves into the diverse landscape of social issues, beginning with an insightful overview in the first chapter. Subsequent chapters meticulously dissect the influence of government policies, the pivotal role played by NGOs and grassroots movements, and the impact of media on public perceptions. The narrative extends to encompass the dynamic contributions of youth activism and the persistent struggles against poverty, educational inequities, gender inequality, and the historical legacy of the caste system. The book investigates religious harmony, healthcare challenges, environmental stewardship, corruption, child labor, human trafficking, LGBTQ+ rights, and the repercussions of rapid urbanization. The concluding chapters envision a more inclusive future, synthesizing collective efforts and proposing a roadmap for a socially just and equitable India. "Addressing Social Issues in India" serves as an indispensable resource for scholars, policymakers, and activists committed to fostering positive change in the country.

  • af Andy Brown
    227,95 kr.

    A boy drowns in the sewers of Victorian London...His death leads to the orphaning of his surviving brothers, Arthur and Silas, in a grim Dickensian underworld. Overcoming the odds, the brothers' fates shift from grinding poverty to reversals of fortune that play out in conflicting and emotional ways. Which of them will make the right decision for their future, and at what cost? Painting vivid images of destitution, family ties, the dignity of work, and social responsibility, The Midnight Mechanic explores a man's relentless pursuit to better himself, to escape the muck and make amends, while raising pressing environmental issues that are still pertinent today.

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