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Migration, immigration og emigration

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  • af Jamaica Kincaid
    197,95 kr.

    Den caribiske teenagepige Lucy kommer til New York for at arbejde som au pair hjemme hos Lewis og Mariah og deres fire børn. Parret lever på over- fladen et velsignet liv, de er smukke, rige og fremstår glade. Men alligevel fornemmer Lucy fra starten revner i facaden. Med en blanding af vrede og medfølelse gransker Lucy fejlslutnin- ger og sandheder i sine arbejdsgiveres tilværelse og sammenligner dem med virkeligheden hvor hun kommer fra. Lucy har ingen illusioner om sin fortid, men er heller ikke indstillet på at blive ført bag lyset af den amerikanske drøm. Selv bærer Lucy på en fortælling om opbrud fra hjemmet og et stærkt ønske om at skabe sin egen skæbne – en fortælling som ingen andre end hun selv kender til. Lucy er en af Kincaids mest læste romaner, et stærkt og originalt portræt af en ung kvinde som opdager og opfinder sig selv.Lucy er smukt oversat af Camilla Christensen og udkom første gang på dansk i 1993.

  • af Tahar Ben Jelloun
    211,95 - 214,95 kr.

    Ifølge islam er det tilladt en mand, som er på rejse, at indgå ægteskab af fastsat varighed for at forhindre, at han bliver fristet til at opsøge prostituerede. Man kalder det ”lystægteskab”. Amir forelsker sig i den sorte kvinde, Nabou, og tager hende med til Marokko. Her bliver hun hans anden hustru til stor forbitrelse for hans første hustru. Racismen lurer under overfladen. Romanen begynder i 1940’ernes Marokko og fortsætter frem til vor tids aktuelle strøm af migranter.

  • af Klaus Rothstein
    205,95 kr.

    Flugten til Europa er højaktuel reportage og politisk kommentar om presset på de europæiske grænser og det humanitære dilemma som opstår når hundredtusindvis af mennesker bryder op i Mellemøsten og Afrika på grund af krige forfølgelser og fattigdom.Vi kan ikke åbne grænserne for dem alle. Vi kan ikke leve med at de drukner i vores hav eller vandrer på vores veje. Europa mellem afmagt og fornuft. Med udgangspunkt i et ophold på den italienske ø Lampedusa der ligger i Middelhavet midt mellem Afrika og Europa skildrer Klaus Rothstein et af de mest påtrængende politiske problemer i og omkring vores verdensdel netop nu. I kølvandet på borgerkrige etniske konflikter politiske forfølgelser og udsigtsløs fattigdom søger flere og flere en fremtid i Europa. I tusindvis sejler flygtningene ud fra kysterne i Tyrkiet med kurs mod de græske ferieøer eller fra den sammenbrudte stat Libyen med Italien som mål.Klaus Rothstein er forfatter til flere essaysamlinger samt kritiker kommentator og journalist på Weekendavisen og studievært på det litterære radiomagasin Skønlitteratur på P1. Hans seneste bogudgivelser er erindringsessayet Det der var (2015) Soldatens år Afghanistan-krigen i dansk litteratur (2014) og Ord og handling. Essays om litteratur (2013).

  • - A Contemporary Overview
    af Joydev Maity
    377,95 - 1.057,95 kr.

    This edited volume is a detailed and critical study of Indian diaspora writings and its diverse themes. It focuses on dynamics and contemporary perspectives of Indian diaspora writings and analyzes emerging themes of this field like the experience of the Bihari diaspora, migration to Gulf countries, the relation between diasporic experience and self-translation, uprootedness and resistance discourse through ecocritical praxis and many more. With the aid of a subtle theoretical framework, the volume closely examines some of the key texts such as 'Goat Days, Baumgartner's Bombay, An Atlas of Impossible Longing, The Circle of Reason', and authors including Shauna Singh Baldwin, M.G. Vassanji, Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay, V.S. Naipaul and others. The book also explores diaspora literature written in regional language and later translated into English and how they align with the fundamental Indian diaspora writings. A significant contribution to Indian diaspora writings; this volume will be of great importance to scholars and researchers of diaspora literature, migration and border studies, cultural, memory, and translation studies.

  • af Vilhelm Moberg
    297,95 kr.

    Kristina og hendes mand, Karl-Oskar, er med deres familie ankommet til det store ukendte Amerika for at skabe sig en bedre tilværelse end den, de opgav i Sverige. De forbløffes over den enorme teknologiske udvikling i pulserende New York City og begiver sig vestpå for at finde et sted, hvor de kan slå sig ned som bønder. Undervejs rejser Karl-Oskars bror Robert og hans trofaste ven Arvid fra dem med kurs mod Californiens guldminer på jagt efter eventyr og rigdom. Livet i guldminerne byder imidlertid på lige så mange hårde prøver som det landliv, resten af familien efterstræber.”Indvandrerne” udkom oprindeligt i 1952 og er andet bind i Vilhelm Mobergs historiske romanserie ”Udvandrersagaen”.Udvandrersagaen Vilhelm Mobergs historiske romanserie ”Udvandrersagaen” fortæller den spændende historie om en svensk familie, der i midten af 1800-tallet rejser til Amerika for at få sig et bedre liv. Romanerne er filmatiseret flere gange, senest af Erik Poppe i 2021. Den svenske journalist, dramatiker og forfatter Vilhelm Moberg (1898-1973) er særligt kendt og elsket for serien ”Udvandrersagaen” om de svenske udvandrere, der rejste til Amerika i midten af 1800-tallet. Vilhelm Moberg opnåede inden sin død i 1973 stor anerkendelse i både Sverige og udlandet.

  • af Vilhelm Moberg
    297,95 kr.

    De svenske indvandrere, Kristina og hendes mand, Karl-Oskar, ankommer til Minnesota, hvor deres landsmænd slår ring omkring dem og gør, hvad de kan for at byde den nye familie velkommen. Kristina og Karl-Oskar møder nye venner i det lille samfund, men nogle af de samme religiøse stridigheder, som familien lagde bag sig i Sverige, ulmer også her. Livet tager endnu en drejning, da Karl-Oskars lillebror, Robert, vender tilbage fra Californiens guldminer med både en masse penge og spændende historier om sine bedrifter. Efterhånden går det dog op for Karl-Oskar og hans familie, at turen til Californien er gået helt anderledes, end Robert fortæller.”Nybyggerne” er oprindelig udgivet i 1956 og er tredje bind i Vilhelm Mobergs historiske romanserie ”Udvandrersagaen”. Udvandrersagaen Vilhelm Mobergs historiske romanserie ”Udvandrersagaen” fortæller den spændende historie om en svensk familie, der i midten af 1800-tallet rejser til Amerika for at få sig et bedre liv. Romanerne er filmatiseret flere gange, senest af Erik Poppe i 2021. Den svenske journalist, dramatiker og forfatter Vilhelm Moberg (1898-1973) er særligt kendt og elsket for serien ”Udvandrersagaen” om de svenske udvandrere, der rejste til Amerika i midten af 1800-tallet. Vilhelm Moberg opnåede inden sin død i 1973 stor anerkendelse i både Sverige og udlandet.

  • af Vilhelm Moberg
    297,95 kr.

    Kristina og Karl-Oskar har efterhånden slået rødder i Minnesota, og deres børn, som var små, da de ankom til Amerika, har glemt både hjemlandet og det svenske sprog. Kun Kristina længes stadig hjem. Som rigtige amerikanere tager de også en del i den blodige amerikanske borgerkrig og Sioux-opstanden i 1862, der får fatale konsekvenser for både nybyggerne og de indfødte. ”Amerikanerne” udkom oprindelig i 1959 og er fjerde og sidste bind i Vilhelm Mobergs historiske romanserie ”Udvandrersagaen”. UdvandrersagaenVilhelm Mobergs historiske romanserie ”Udvandrersagaen” fortæller den spændende historie om en svensk familie, der i midten af 1800-tallet rejser til Amerika for at få sig et bedre liv. Romanerne er filmatiseret flere gange, senest af Erik Poppe i 2021. Den svenske journalist, dramatiker og forfatter Vilhelm Moberg (1898-1973) er særligt kendt og elsket for serien ”Udvandrersagaen” om de svenske udvandrere, der rejste til Amerika i midten af 1800-tallet. Vilhelm Moberg opnåede inden sin død i 1973 stor anerkendelse i både Sverige og udlandet.

  • - Opbrud fra bygden og Bønder på havet
    af Vilhelm Moberg
    297,95 kr.

    I 1840erne slår høsten i Sverige fejl flere år i træk, og livet i de små landsbyer bliver stadig hårdere. I Småland mærker familierne hungersnøden, og Karl-Oskar forsøger ihærdigt at overtale sin kone, Kristina, til at forlade sit hjemland og rejse til Amerika for at starte på en frisk. Kristina er modvillig, for hun ved, at hvis hun rejser, vil hun aldrig se sin familie igen. Da deres ældste barn dør, går det imidlertid op for hende, hvor farlig og dyster fremtiden er i Sverige. Sammen med en række bekendte og slægtninge begiver familien sig ud på den farlige rejse mod det store ukendte land.”Udvandrerne” udkom oprindelig i 1949 og er første bind i Vilhelm Mobergs historiske romanserie ”Udvandrersagaen”. UdvandrersagaenVilhelm Mobergs historiske romanserie ”Udvandrersagaen” fortæller historien om en svensk familie, der i midten af 1800-tallet rejser til Amerika for at få sig et bedre liv. Romanerne er filmatiseret flere gange, senest af Erik Poppe i 2021. Den svenske journalist, dramatiker og forfatter Vilhelm Moberg (1898-1973) er særligt kendt og elsket for serien ”Udvandrersagaen” om de svenske udvandrere, der rejste til Amerika i midten af 1800-tallet. Vilhelm Moberg opnåede inden sin død i 1973 stor anerkendelse i både Sverige og udlandet.

  • af Garth Stahl
    383,95 kr.

    This book surveys and critiques existing empirical and theoretical literature on the Bourdieu-informed concept of transnational habitus. The term "transnational¿ has been used widely in studies of migration research where it has allowed scholars to have a deeper understanding of the practices not only of migrants moving across national borders but also of agents taking positions in transnational spaces without necessarily criss-crossing different nation states. Focusing on the potential of transnational habitus as an analytical tool, the authors propose a model of transnational habitus to identify integral key factors for the operationalisation in research. Drawing on reflexivity, the authors analyse transnational selves and map transnational spaces of classification. Identifying strengths, inconsistencies and key problems in this rapidly developing body of literature, this interdisciplinary and international book will be of interest to students and scholars in sociology, anthropology, migration studies, cultural studies, human geography, as well as diaspora studies.

  • af Catherine Barnard
    473,95 - 887,95 kr.

  • af Souchou Yao
    1.295,95 kr.

    This book is a study of an ethnic-Chinese family in Malaysia as it struggled with the upheavals in China during the Land Reform (1945-1953) and the Great Leap Forward (1958-1962). Based on fieldwork in Malaysia and in a village in Dabu County, Southern China, it tells a story of a family whose existence straddled two nations, two political systems. Emigration is shown to be both a positive experience and a source of despair. The study redefines the conventional narrative about the Chinese diaspora as economically driven and politically expedient; mobility, personal freedom and transnational journeying were a part of their cultural history. The book highlights the fact that Chinese homeland, even under communist rule, offered the people a means of identification under difficult circumstances. During the time of radical reform, the diaspora adapted themselves to the conditions in the homeland, and for some China remained a place of longing and emotional attachment.

  • af Noo Saro-Wiwa
    112,95 - 145,95 kr.

    The travel memoir of a Nigerian woman in China exploring the intersections and divides between the two cultures and the lives of African economic migrants in the bustling People's RepublicA FINANCIAL TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR: TRAVEL China today is a land of opportunity for African people blocked from commerce with most of Europe and Northern America. It is also an intersection of racism and prejudice. Noo Saro-Wiwa goes in search of China's 'Black Ghosts', African economic migrants in the People's Republic. Living in clustered communities, they are key to the trade between the continents. Her fascinating encounters include a cardiac surgeon, a drug dealer, a visa overstayer and men married to Chinese women who speak English with Nigerian accents. This is a story of intersecting cultures told with candour and compassion, focusing on the shared humanity between the sojourner and their hosts.

  • af Isaac Stanley-Becker
    294,95 kr.

    The contested creation of free movement—for people and goods—in the Schengen area of EuropeEurope is a place of free movement among nations—or is it? The Schengen area, established in 1985 and today encompassing twenty-seven European countries, allows people, goods, and capital to cross borders without restraint. Schengen transformed European life, advancing both a democratic project of transnational citizenship and a neoliberal project of international free trade. But the right of free movement always excluded non-Europeans, especially migrants of color from former colonies of the Schengen states. In Europe without Borders, Isaac Stanley-Becker explores the contested creation of free movement in Schengen, from treatymaking at European summits and disputes in international courts to the street protests of undocumented immigrants who claimed free movement as a human right.Schengen laid the groundwork for the making of a single market and the founding of the European Union. Yet its emergence is one of the great untold stories of modern European history, one hidden in archives long embargoed. Stanley-Becker is among the first to have access to records of the treatymaking—such as letters between France’s François Mitterrand and West Germany’s Helmut Kohl—and Europe Without Borders offers a pathbreaking account of Schengen’s creation. Stanley-Becker argues that Schengen gave a humanist cast to a market paradigm; but even in pairing the border crossing of human beings with the principles of free-market exchange, this vision of free movement was hedged by alarm about foreign migrants. Meanwhile, these migrants—the sans papiers—saw in the promise of a borderless Europe only a neocolonial enterprise.

  • af Javier Zamora
    197,95 kr.

    "When Javier Zamora was nine, he traveled unaccompanied by bus, boat, and foot from El Salvador to the United States to reunite with his parents. This is his memoir of that dangerous journey, a nine-week odyssey that nearly ended in calamity on multiple occasions. It's a miracle that Javier survived the crossing and a miracle that he has the talent to now tell his story so masterfully. While Solito is Javier's story, it's also the story of millions of others who have risked so much to come to this country. A memoir that reads like a novel, rooted in precise and authentic detail, Solito is destined to be a classic of the immigration experience"--

  • af Soledad O'Brien
    252,95 kr.

  • af Jorge Ramos
    172,95 kr.

    On May 14, 2003, a familiar risk-filled journey, taken by hopeful Mexican immigrants attempting to illegally cross into the United States, took a tragic turn. Inside a sweltering truck abandoned in Texas, authorities found at least 74 people packed into a "human heap of desperation." After months of investigation, a 25-year-old Honduran-born woman named Karla Chavez was found responsible for leading the human trafficking cell that led to this grisly tragedy in which 19 people died.Through interviews with survivors who had the courage to share their stories and conversations with the victims' families, and in examining the political implications of the incident for both U.S. and Mexican immigration policies, Jorge Ramos tells the story of one of the most heartbreaking episodes of our nation's turbulent history of immigration.

  • af Barry Moreno
    237,95 kr.

  • af Elliott O'Donnell
    275,95 - 422,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Megan Dennis
    714,95 kr.

    "Queer Migration Studies: LGBTQ+ Experiences in Global Migration and Diaspora" offers a comprehensive exploration of the historical, social, and policy dimensions of queer migration, highlighting the intersections of gender, sexuality, and immigration. From pre-modern perspectives to contemporary challenges, this book uncovers the diverse experiences and struggles faced by LGBTQ+ individuals on their migratory journeys. Through a critical lens, it examines the legal and policy frameworks affecting LGBTQ+ migration, the formation of queer diasporas, economic injustice and labor exploitation, the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ migrants, and the importance of education and empowerment in fostering queer liberation in migration. With its expansive scope and thought-provoking analysis, this book is an essential resource for scholars, activists, and policymakers interested in LGBTQ+ migration and diaspora.

  • af Nelson González Ortega
    317,95 kr.

    The 21st century has witnessed some of the largest human migrations in history. Europe in particular has seen a major influx of refugees, redefining notions of borders and national identity. This interdisciplinary volume brings together leading international scholars of migration from perspectives as varied as literature, linguistics, area and cultural studies, media and communication, visual arts, and film studies. Together, they offer innovative interpretations of migrants and contemporary migration to Europe, enriching today's political and media landscape, and engaging with the ongoing debate on forced mobility and rights of both extra-European migrants and European citizens.

  • - Or Legislation Relating To Chinese Immigration To The United States (1916)
    af Tien-Lu Li
    229,95 - 282,95 kr.

    The book ""Congressional Policy of Chinese Immigration: Or Legislation Relating to Chinese Immigration to the United States"" was written by Tien-Lu Li and published in 1916. The book provides a comprehensive analysis of the policies and laws related to Chinese immigration to the United States from the mid-19th century until the early 20th century. The author examines the various congressional debates, laws, and policies related to Chinese immigration, including the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, which prohibited Chinese laborers from entering the country. The book also explores the reasons behind the anti-Chinese sentiment in the United States during that time, including economic and political factors.Li analyzes the impact of these policies on Chinese immigrants and their families, including the separation of families due to exclusion laws and the difficulties faced by Chinese immigrants in finding work and establishing themselves in American society. The author also provides a historical context for the policies, discussing the relationship between the United States and China during this time period.Overall, ""Congressional Policy of Chinese Immigration"" is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history of Chinese immigration to the United States and the development of immigration policies in the country. It provides a detailed and insightful analysis of the political, economic, and social factors that shaped these policies and their impact on Chinese immigrants and American society.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Joss Sheldon
    207,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Yeonsil Yoo
    142,95 - 227,95 kr.

  • af Aleksej Kalc
    661,95 kr.

    In the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century, nearly one-third of the population of today¿s Slovenia permanently settled in countries around the world. Many more were traveling back and forth, searching for work to ensure the survival of the family members left behind at home and the prosperity for the families and communities they were creating abroad. From one of the smallest nations in Europe, barely reaching one and a half million inhabitants at the time, people departed in numbers reaching 440,000. This book tells their stories, about the "daring dreams of the future," as the Slovenian poet Oton ¿upanc¿ic¿¿whose words open the book¿so beautifully put it. The people who left took recipes for their foods, accordions for their music, and love for their culture and language, which was, and has remained, a linguistic island between Vienna and Venice. In their new communities, they built homes, churches, and cultural institutions that have survived until today.

  • af Alice Stefanelli
    1.057,95 kr.

    The city of Beirut is increasingly congested, polluted and suffocating. Its already limited green public spaces are under growing threat of privatisation and redevelopment. The State Otherwise examines the difficult predicament of Beirut's public green spaces from the vantage point of the civic campaign to reopen Horsh al Sanawbar, the city's largest public park. Analysing the relationship between neoliberal sectarianism, private interest and political action, the book asks questions about the nature of privatisation of public property, civic society's potential to mobilise individuals and the role of public authorities in promoting the public good.

  • af Sophie Andreetta
    1.057,95 kr.

    To better understand migration governance and the concrete, daily practices of civil servants tasked with enforcing state laws and policies, it is important to focus on documents, which are core artefacts of bureaucratic work. These can include certificates, letters, reports, case files, decisions, internal guidelines and judgements, in both digital and paper form. Based on ethnographic studies in various geographical and bureaucratic contexts, this collection shows how civil servants produce statehood, restrict migrants' movements and engage with migrants' strategies to make themselves legible. It contributes to the study of the state as documentary practice and highlights the role of paperwork as a powerful practice of migration control.

  • af Herbary Cheung
    1.025,95 kr.

    Drawing on ethnographic research conducted with the Thai migrant community in Hong Kong between 2016 and 2020, this book provides original insights into the complexity and diversity of identity negotiation, ethnicity navigation, and womanhood reinvention of Thai migrant women in Hong Kong. Allowing research to move beyond standard stories of victimized migrants and domestic workers by focusing on the increasing number of Southeast Asians moving into the middle-class, this ethnographic study of the everyday lived experience of Thai migrant women in Hong Kong will advance a new understanding of transnational migration and mobility at the intersections of gender, ethnicity, class, generation, and religion. This book illustrates the influence of transnationalism and multiculturalism on migrant women's meaning-making and accentuates the importance of diversity within a migrant population ¿ in particular, the importance of maintaining an intersectional perspective to understand the broader phenomenon of contemporary middle-class and professional migration within Southeast Asia.

  • af Satveer Kaur-Gill
    1.225,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

  • af Ute Fendler
    1.400,95 kr.

    This book provides an insight into the complex entanglements between African countries and India, China, and South Korea from multidisciplinary perspectives connecting approaches from cultural, anthropological, literary, and music studies and art history. The three parts present a regional focus, namely Africa-India, Africa-South Korea, and Africa-China while the single contributions speak to each other and offer complementary insights. At the same time, the chapters also link across the regional realms as they deal with similar topics, such as travelling music genres. In part I, for Pombo material culture is the starting point to investigate the connections between the islands of the Indian Ocean and India by questioning the construction of memory. It highlights various aspects of the multilayered history of connections between Africa, the islands, and India. Part II gathers contributions that are complimentary to each other and therefore contribute to the understanding of the complex entanglements in area studies. Part III (Africa-South Korea) explores the impact of African-American arts and artists on South Korea's popular culture as well as the changing perception of artists of African descent in visual popular culture. It shows the impact of Korean content in South Africa.

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