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  • - Om at komme ovenpå efter en svær barndom med incest
    af Carsten Graff & Malene Lauritsen
    138,95 kr.

    ET GODT LIV - trods 1460 voldtægter som barn!I dag er Malene 34 år, har et velfungerende familieliv med mand og fire børn og er en succesfuld iværksætter inden for møbelsalg.Helt ublufærdigt fortæller Malene om sin barndom, om sit forhold til familien, om store op- og nedture og om, hvordan hun fik kræfter til at køre en retssag imod sin far. Der er tale om læsning, der ikke henvender sig til sarte sjæle, men også om en smuk historie der vender op og ned på vores forståelse af, hvad der skal til for at komme igennem en krise.Malene så ganske tidligt, at det psykiatriske system ikke kunne hjælpe hende, men kun trak hende ned. For at komme ovenpå gik hun sine egne veje. Igennem hårdt arbejde kom hun fri af familiens destruktive mønstre og formåede at få succes med karrieren samt at søge imod det glansbillede af et familieliv, der hele barndommen holdt hende i live.”En enestående bog! Selvom man efter nogle af passagerne væmmes, så kan bogen noget meget sjældent. Malene står så stærkt, at hun er i stand til at fortælle, hvordan det er sådan rigtigt at blive misbrugt. Jeg kan nærmest lugte ham faren med alkoholånden og de rådne tænder… Læs bogen – den vedkommer os alle!”Mette Møllevang Journalist og forfatter til bogen: ”Er der en mor til stede?”Malene Lauritsen: Født 1983. Iværksætter, forfatter, foredragsholder og debattør med fokus på børn med omsorgssvigt. Malene holder gerne foredrag eller medvirker i debatter for børn, pædagoger og behandlere. Malenes foredrag tager udgangspunkt i hendes personlige historie og den indsigt, hun har fået ved at mærke tingene på egen krop.Malene kan kontaktes via: brevtilmor.dkFølg hende på:

  • Spar 17%
    - Vrede er mit mellemnavn
    af Lisbeth Zornig Andersen
    248,95 kr.

    Genudgivelse i pocket-format Denne nye udgave af Zornig indeholder et nyt kapitel med opdateringer. Zornig er den hudløst ærlige beretning om, hvordan et barn i det moderne velfærdsdanmark overlevede en opvækst fyldt med svigt, vold og overgreb fra de voksne omkring hende. Lisbeth Zornig Andersen skildrer med barnets øjne sin egen opvæks med hverdagens rædsler i det under-Danmark, som er skjult for de fleste. En hverdag fyldt med knytnæver, blod, misbrug, straf, sult, stank og frygt. En far, der forsvandt, en stedfar, der gjorde ondt, en mor, der svigtede. Vi følger skridt for skridt hvordan hendes brødre bliver brudt ned i et hjem, hvor man fik noget at spise, hvis man kunne samle maden op fra kogende vand, hvor et enkelt ord ved middagsbordet betød sengen, hvor en plukket blomme i haven betød røvfuld i enerum – og det, der var værre. En barndom tilbragt på værtshuse, på børnehjem og på ungdomsinstitutioner. Usentimentalt og uhyggeligt detaljeret folder Lisbeth Zornig Andersen en brutal virkelighed ud, hvor ingen voksne greb ind for hjælpe den altid tavse, snavsede, magre pige med vorter på hænderne og kronisk øjenbetændelse. Indtil hun blev gammel nok til at bruge vreden og tage livet i egne hænder. Det er også Lisbeth Zornig Andersens opråb til os andre. Hvad enten man professionelt arbejder med børn eller bare er en medborger. Hjælp disse børn!

  • Spar 17%
    - Om at hjælpe brændte børn til at bryde mønsteret
    af Mikael R. Lindholm, Lisbeth Zornig Andersen & Lotus Maria Turèll
    248,95 kr.

    Jægersoldater fra Underdanmark kan allerede i ung alder klare sig alene uden mad og søvn i dagevis. De har lært, at man ikke kan stole på nogen, allermindst sine forældre, og det at overleve er op til en selv. Støtte og omsorg kender de ikke til. Zornig, Lindholm og Turéll har sat sig for at finde frem til de karaktertræk, som kendetegner de stærke brændte børn, Underdanmarks jægersoldater, så vi af dem kan lære, hvordan vi bliver bedre til at hjælpe alle udsatte børn. Gennem samtaler med ti voksne supermønsterbrydere om deres barske opvækst hører vi om deres livsstrategier og overlevelsesmekanismer, og hvad der har gjort en forskel for dem og hjulpet dem til at bryde mønsteret. I bogen medvirker politiker Pia Olsen Dyhr, arkitekt Gitte Andersen, professor Jørgen Lange, bokser Dennis Ceylan, borgmester Erik Nielsen, debattør Mads Holger, journalist Claus Elgaard, forfatter Kristian Ditlev Jensen, lærer Karin Schwartz og sikkerhedssupervisor Lasse Mortensen.

  • af Paris Hilton
    138,95 - 233,95 kr.

  • af Camille Kouchner
    188,95 kr.

    I La familia grande skildrer Camille Kouchner en privilegeret barndom i et frigjort parisisk venstrefløjsmiljø i 1980’erne. Hendes berømte mor og stedfar udgør sammen med familie og venner en indflydelsesrig klan med magt, succes og gode forbindelser: la familia grande. Da Camilles tvillingbror, Victor, i teenagealderen bliver udsat for seksuelle overgreb af den højtelskede stedfar, bryder børnenes verden sammen. Camille må love sin bror at tie om overgrebet, men tavshedsløftet vikler hende ind i et spind af løgn og skyld og skam. Hun trækker sig mere og mere ind i sig selv, og et fortroligt forhold til andre mennesker bliver umuligt. Først efter sin mors død i 2017 besluttede Camille Kouchner at fortælle sin og sin brors historie. La familia grande er en bog om incest og de voldsomme følger, det har at tie om det. Udgivelsen har ført til en stor debat om seksuelle overgreb i Frankrig. "Bogen, der fik Frankrig til at tale om incest. Kraftfuld læsning." Børsen, 5 stjerner"Nådesløst portræt af den franske kulturelites svigt." Jyllands-Posten, 5 stjerner"Camille Kouchner er en fremragende forfatter. Bogen - der lader sig læse som en god, lille roman - er fuld af smukke billeder og frapperende beskrivelser." - Weekendavisen"Bogen åbner endnu en dør til urfamiliens mørkekammer." Politiken, 4 hjerter

  • - - fortællinger fra hjertet
    af Lise Andersen
    188,95 kr.

    Interviewbaseret bog om omsorgssvigtede børn i Grønland. Gennem Børnehjemmet Uummannaq fik forfatter og sundhedsplejerske Lise Andersen kontakt til ti tidligere børnehjemsbeboere, som åbent har fortalt om deres barndom, opvækst og voksenliv. Disse stærke beretninger er bogens omdrejningspunkt. Fortællingerne forankres i pædagogiske og terapeutiske overvejelser og refleksioner omkring Børnehjemmet Uummannaqs særlige forhold, struktur, pædagogik og mærkesager.

  • - En fortælling om en familie. Inspireret af virkeligheden
    af Jens John Jakobsen
    118,95 kr.

    I en lille bygd på Færøerne svirrer rygterne. Det siges, at flere mænd har begået overgreb mod børn. I en bestemt familie skal det være foregået gennem flere generationer. En af de mænd, der hviskes om, er Thormund, men kan det virkelig passe? Han er ellers sådan en pæn mand. Hans søster Pia kan i hvert fald ikke få sig selv til at tro det.Bogen fortæller Thormunds historie og viser, at hvis den slags ikke skal fortsætte, fordi ofrene selv begår overgreb som voksne, er man nødt til at tale åbent om det, så det kan blive stoppet.

  • af Tammy René
    223,95 kr.

    Tammy René is a survivor of extreme childhood abuse. She has found healing from its effects and shares her journey to instill hope in other victims and understanding in communities.If you are asking how to heal from childhood trauma, or if it's even possible, Miracles in the Dark: How a Childhood Cult and Abuse Survivor Reclaimed the Light can help answer those questions. It is a compelling and raw story of overcoming the trauma of childhood abuse. In Miracles in the Dark you will gain insights about:The power in accepting and processing the pain of abuseInsights into healing from spiritual abuseHow the kind acts of others -no matter how small- can play a key role in the healing journeyThe reality that healing from childhood trauma is possible"Regardless of the pains and heartache we are called to go through, all of us can find light and hope, ultimately thriving in a life that is uniquely our own." Tammy RenéWhat people are saying:"Tammy's life is proof of the promise 'that all things work together for good to them that love God' (Romans 2:28). The tragic and heartbreaking physical and sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of those who were supposed to protect her may have bruised her, but it did not break her. This powerful story reminds us that even in times of great anguish, God sends angels to give us hope! A truly touching and beautiful demonstration of the strength of the human spirit!"Jodi Orgill Brown, Resilience Expert, Award-winning Professional Speaker & Author

  • af Maurice Heffernan
    218,95 kr.

    A compelling and poignant memoir about the struggles and triumphs of survivors, and for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of life within the Residential Institutions. Prepare to be moved by this powerful and unforgettable story.

  • af Faith Eurie-Turner
    228,95 kr.

    This book is a personal journey of saying no to family trauma and yes to God's blessing. My testimony is as a first hand witness of his goodness and miraculous works in my life.

  • af Cj Scarlet
    198,95 kr.

    Do you love your kids and loathe bad people who want to harm them? If you've ever lost sleep worrying about your kid's safety, you're not alone. You may want to wrap your tween/teen in a protective bubble and defend them from every harm but doing so could emotionally cripple them and make them more, not less, vulnerable to bullies and other predators.In Raising Badass Kids, danger expert CJ Scarlet teaches you how to empower your kid from 10 to 18 to avoid predators and handle themselves in scary situations ranging from bullying/cyberbullying and online dangers to sexual abuse and sex trafficking. Here's some of what the book covers:Who the predators are and the sneaky but effective lures they use to groom kids.How you can teach your kid to spot and avoid predators so he doesn't become their next victim.Easy and effective ways to "bully-proof" your child.The types of dangers your kid might encounter online and how to flag and block inappropriate activity that could endanger her.Sexual molestation and assault-signs, symptoms, and what to do if your kid is a victim.How to empower kids with disabilities to keep them safe. (An entire chapter!)Why You Need to Read This Book NOWThis super informative, unputdownable book (with TONS of downloadable bonus content!) is the new bible for parents looking to raise safe, savvy, confident kids.Not teaching your child how to protect themselves makes them less safe and puts them at risk! You (and your kid) have more power to protect them than you think. Raising Badass Kids is a genuine lifesaver, so read it now and be the parent your child deserves!

  • af Patricia Lee
    308,95 kr.

    Shattered Innocence: Unveiling the Lifelong Impact of Childhood Sexual AbuseDiscover the profound insights that "Shattered Innocence" brings to light as it delves into the long-term repercussions of childhood sexual abuse. This groundbreaking study, meticulously conducted by [Author's Name], unravels the complex relationship between early traumatic experiences and their enduring impact on the lives of college women.Key Findings1. Psychosocial Challenges:2. Social Support Disparities:3. Academic Performance Dynamics:4. Learning Styles and School Perceptions:Implications and Recommendations"Shattered Innocence" not only uncovers critical insights into the lifelong effects of childhood sexual abuse but also highlights the pressing need for attention, awareness, and targeted interventions. The findings contribute to the existing body of research in this crucial area, paving the way for a better understanding of the challenges faced by survivors.Future Directions and LimitationsThe book doesn't stop at revealing the impact; it goes further to discuss future directions for research and acknowledges the study's limitations. This comprehensive approach ensures that readers gain a holistic understanding of the subject matter.Act NowEmpower yourself with knowledge and contribute to the dialogue surrounding childhood sexual abuse. "Shattered Innocence" is not just a book; it's a catalyst for change and a beacon of support for those affected.Order your copy today and embark on a journey of enlightenment and advocacy.

  • af Rose Anne Martin
    278,95 kr.

    SO MANY QUESTIONS - WERE THERE ANY ANSWERS?Rose existed in dark, painful confusion. Who was she? Was she a part of the human race? If so, why couldn't she be normal like other people? Why did she need so many beatings? Why was she so stupid? Why couldn't she remember her early childhood?Almost half a century later, the darkness began to lift, and the mysteries of her childhood unfolded; liberating light pierced through the shadowy past, revealing horrific memories. This is a true story of redemption and healing from overwhelming trauma; a story of hope for those in despair.

  • af Robert Kolker
    213,95 kr.

    The New York Times bestseller--With an Afterword and a New Epilogue by the AuthorA New York Times Notable Book--Now a Netflix Film"Meticulously reported and beautifully written . . . a haunting and powerful crime story that gives voice to those who can no longer be heard."--David Grann, author of Killers of the Flower Moon and The Wager"Rich, tragic . . . monumental . . . true-crime reporting at its best."--Washington PostOne late spring evening in 2010, Shannan Gilbert ran through the oceanfront community of Oak Beach screaming for her life and was never seen again. No one thought much about what had happened to the twenty-four-year-old: she was a Craigslist escort who had been fleeing a scene--of what, no one could be sure. The Suffolk County police, too, seemed to have paid little attention--until seven months later, when an unexpected discovery in a bramble alongside a nearby highway turned up four bodies, all evenly spaced, all wrapped in burlap. But none of them Shannan's.There was Maureen Brainard-Barnes, last seen at Penn Station in Manhattan three years earlier, and Melissa Barthelemy, last seen in the Bronx in 2009. There was Megan Waterman, last seen leaving a hotel in Hauppauge, Long Island, just a month after Shannon's disappearance in 2010, and Amber Lynn Costello, last seen leaving a house in West Babylon a few months later that same year. Like Shannan, all four women were petite, in their twenties, and had come from out of town to work as escorts, and they all had advertised on Craigslist and its competitor, Backpage.Lost Girls is a portrait of the victims of the Long Island Serial Killer, of the underside of the Internet, and of the secrets we keep without admitting to ourselves that we keep them. Long considered "one of the best true-crime books of all time" (Time), this editionfeatures an afterword including the shocking fate of Mari Gilbert, Shannan's mother, for whom this case became the crusade of a lifetime, a new epilogue covering the most recent developments in the Long Island Serial Killer case, including the arrest, the missteps of the police investigation, and an updated timeline.

  • af Kasalobi
    240,95 kr.

    In America Come and Get It, his second release, Mr. Kasalobi finds himself in a big legal fight to regain back the custody of his two daughters. Loylla, the youngest, is eight months old when Sheebah, their mother, abandons them. She comes back eight years later and kidnaps both of them with the help of the Hurst Police Department. For his daughters, Kasalobi moves skies and empties seas, but because it is believed that girls are better off with their mother, lawyers refuse to take the case, while the Child Protective Services closes their eyes to the cruel mistreatments these two little girls are going through. The worst of all is the fact that it is the hands of their own mother that are administrating these violent abuses. As days go by, the fighting becomes bigger and bascules itself on one side, the mother's side. Mr. Kasalobi doesn't get desperate. He doesn't give up even when he finds himself alone doing legal battles to everyone and against every established institution possible. He only gets a break when the lawyer Violet Nwokoye enters the family court on his side. At the end of the day, did he get both children back? He is talking about this new journey in America, Come and Get It.

  • af Bülent Somay
    208,95 kr.

    Beginning by declaring 'Familia delenda est!' or "the Family is (to be) destroyed" Bülent Somay argues that the nuclear family is repressive and regressive and needs to be replaced."The family has now become a hindrance against expanding our horizons, increasing our knowledge, imagining and experimenting new modes of existence, not only for women, but also for children who will become men, women, straight and gay persons, transgender and fluid-gender people, in short, all of us."Bulent Somay's previous books include Something is Missing: Things We Don't Want to Know about Love, Sex and Life, The End of Truth, The Psychopolitics of the Oriental Father and The View from the Masthead

  • af Albert Grieve
    268,95 kr.

    This book goes beyond Albert's journey through adverse childhood experiences and explores a firsthand account using records obtained from social services and knowledge gained working in this field. As a Guardian ad Litem and former social services attorney, he demonstrates that there is much more to be done. Sadly, his story is not unique, but it is preventable. This book will aid practitioners and clinicians in becoming more effective, show survivors there is hope, and empower society to become more engaged.

  • af Ulla Burges
    211,95 kr.

    Der vorliegende Roman setzt sich, in Anlehnung an einen Tatsachenbericht, exemplarisch mit den Themen Missbrauch, Misshandlung, Vernachlässigung und Manipulation auseinander. Er kann, was die prominenten zwischenmenschlichen Bereiche Gewalt und Abhängigkeit betrifft, als symptomatisch für eine gesamtgesellschaftliche zivilisatorische Erscheinung gesehen werden.

  • af Graham Robinson
    168,95 kr.

    "Bloodshot eyes dart around the room, searching for something or someone, then fix upon you. Stepping inside, the wooden door creaks behind him, the rasp of the bolt loud in the silence."What happens to a child unloved and abused by their father?Graham's innocence is shattered at age five by the person who should have cherished him. At thirteen, out of home and school, Graham embarks on an extraordinary journey that defies the odds.Pain, Loss & Desire is a raw and intimate account of Graham's experiences and their profound impact on his existence, told with honesty, courage and humour. It is essential reading for anyone who has experienced childhood trauma and a powerful testament to the strength and resilience of survivors of child abuse. It serves as a lifeline, revealing they are not alone in their struggle.In a world where the scars of childhood trauma are hidden, Pain, Loss & Desire is a reminder that these stories must be heard, acknowledged, and understood.

  • af Michael Reh
    178,95 kr.

    No puedes cambiar lo que pasó, pero puedes cambiar cómo lo afrontas. Puedes tomar nuevos caminos. ¿Cómo afecta la violencia sexual a una persona y a su entorno? Michael Reh, superviviente de años de abusos sexuales, responde a esta pregunta con sus nueve mandamientos. El reputado fotógrafo y autor, habla acerca de cómo se desarrolla el trauma, qué procesos ayudan a los afectados a reprimir, procesar y sobrevivir, qué pueden hacer los familiares y amigos y qué opciones tienen las víctimas para aprender a lidiar con este tabú social. En esta guía personal, Reh no sólo analiza las complejas estructuras psicológicas y sociales que hacen posible el abuso sexual, sino que también hace partícipe al lector de sus propias experiencias y muestra algunos de los caminos que pueden ayudarte a salir del aislamiento, la vergüenza y el oprobio. Abierto, sin rodeos, sanador... Una verdadera catarsis.

  • af Eden Paul
    243,95 - 363,95 kr.

  • af Pierre Vallon
    288,95 kr.

    A harrowing story about a little girl's traumatic sexual assault, and the years of recovery that followed.Six-year-old Erica is bullied at school. Upset, she decides to walk home. She never arrives. The next morning, a search party finds her naked and unconscious in the dry sand under the bridge at Sandy Creek. Victim of a brutal perverted assault, and with catastrophic life-threatening injuries, she is rushed to hospital by helicopter and placed on life support.Ruined For Life? follows Erica and her father, Colin, after her traumatic assault. While Erica is in hospital in a coma, the local community is angry and focusses on Colin. He is arrested for raping and strangling his daughter. He is beaten up in prison. When the police discover he is innocent, he is released. Weeks after the event, Erica emerges from her coma and fearfully reveals to her father who the true perpetrator was. Colin and the community are stunned. After an arrest, Erica and her father begin her difficult healing journey.This is a challenging and controversial story of a young girl moving on from horror.'I can lie down and cry and hate what was done to me. Or I can get up and live my life ... Mind you, I won't forget. It'll never go away.' ========================= "... a compelling read and I particularly like your use of the Judith Herman framework for healing and recovery from serious trauma." -Rosamund Thorpe -Emeritus Professor of Social Work, James Cook University.

  • af Sibnath (Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development Deb
    582,95 - 1.813,95 kr.

  • af Katie Wright
    546,95 kr.

    This volume provides a comprehensive analysis of the work of the The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (2013-17) and its social, psychological, legal and discursive impact.

  • af Lisa Kessler-Peters
    133,95 kr.

    Shining light into the depths of darkness... "Lisa Kessler-Peters invites you on a healing journey in her new book, How I Learned to Hide. Lisa's deep brokenness began as a child and continued into adulthood. Reading her healing process will start to break the stronghold of pain, giving you hope and practical steps to receive your healing." -Cindy Stewart, Author and Senior Leader at The Gathering with Jesus In this book, Lisa pulls from her own experiences and education-breaking down walls of misinformation-and revealing a transparent method of healing from childhood trauma and building healthy relationships. She explains how layers of shame can lead young victims to addictions, dangerous survival methods as adults, and repetitious behavior through the generations. Her story is raw and straightforward as she shares details about neglect and abuse-and the effects those have on one's mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Her words serve as a guide to other victims and professionals as she inspires people to rise above the trauma and bondage-through the power of forgiveness-and discover a new self-worth amid God's love. Lisa is a wife, mother, mentor, speaker, and an advocate for social justice. She has dedicated her life to spreading the gift of hope and inspiring those who struggle or contemplate giving up.

  • af Marjorie R. Reece
    298,95 kr.

    Childhood emotional abuse and neglect can result in permanent changes to the developing human brain. These changes in brain structure appear to be significant enough to potentially cause psychological and emotional problems in adulthood, such as psychological disorders and substance misuse.Around 14% of Americans report experiencing emotional abuse or neglect during their childhood.

  • af Mia Campbell
    108,95 kr.

    Join Mia Campbell on an extraordinary journey through her gripping memoir, Innocent Victims. From the turbulent streets of 1960s and 1970s Glasgow to her triumph over abuse, trauma, and mental illness, Mia's story is an inspiring testament to the power of resilience and healing. This book offers solace, hope, and practical self-help strategies for women navigating mental health challenges and recovering from childhood abuse and loss. Mia Campbell spent her childhood in one of the most deprived areas of Glasgow, notorious for its gangland culture, poverty and violence. One of seven, Mia had a chaotic childhood as her alcoholic parents moved from place to place to escape the debt collectors; she had very little schooling and was often so hungry that she'd have to raid the middens in search of sustenance. Mia tells of a life characterised by abuse, mental illness and heartache. Experience Mia's remarkable journey of resilience and healing in a story that the reader will find profoundly moving. Innocent Victims is a powerful memoir that will touch your heart and inspire your own path to recovery.

  • af Linda Knight
    158,95 kr.

    This is the story of a grandfather, a daughter, and a granddaughter - an honest and caring innocent who gets caught up in lies, deception, neglect, and cruelty.

  • af Christine Varnavas
    213,95 kr.

    Heal Your Sh!t Find Your Happy is a call to action for women who manage anxiety, who gracefully (or not) handle the overwhelm and stress of life, maybe depression, who have felt like they were spinning out of control, who've ever been called "too much," or who've often thought, "what is wrong with me?" It's for adult survivors of childhood sexual assault and the people who love them. Author Christine Varnavas educates the reader on how stress and trauma work and how it affects us and those around us if not released; she also shares parts of her story, some not so fun things, and the amazing somatic (body-based) tools that showed up in her life to help her feel and heal just when she needed them. The invitation is to do the work in your body, in this lifetime, on this planet, right now, to heal and break the chain of generational trauma, using the wicked wisdom of our bodies and maybe have some fun doing it!READER REVIEWS"Christy shares a memoir of her journey to MOVE through the fragmenting thoughts and emotions of FEAR, following a childhood trauma, to remember her wholeness. She relates her experiences with courage and compassion for herself and all the travelers on this road." ~ Carleen Sterner, Ayurvedic Health Practitioner"As someone who had a front-row seat to much of Christine's story, I found myself transfixed to the pages. Christine's story is one that not only informs the mind but also the heart. It is an amazing book to keep close to you, to return to repeatedly, whether you are healing or, like I am, in the profession of helping others to heal, this book is for you."~ Dr. Amy Schlieve, Schlieve Consulting

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