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  • af Judith Keim
    197,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Lance D. Williams
    132,95 kr.

    Over the years, I've had conversations with men willing to share their experiences of being victims in different circumstances. I hope that when people read this book, they'll be open-minded and try to understand that just because you're a man, you can be a victim too. Men can be victims of domestic violence. Men can be victims of sexual assault. Men can be victims of false allegations. Men can be victims of many things. Men don't always get fair coverage when those things happen. It's time for people to take it more seriously and show support.

  • af Arlene Lehmann
    167,95 kr.

  • af Lance D. Williams
    152,95 kr.

    Even though we're becoming a more open-minded society when it comes to certain things. There are still plenty of people who will judge or question why someone is doing something. Whether you agree with someone or not, having conversations is important before judging them. Trying to get a better understanding with more information can be helpful. In this book, I wanted a variety of people to tell me why they do it. Whether it's adult entertainment, OnlyFans, a phone sex worker, or being a sugar baby. It was interesting to learn why they did it.

  • af Gilbert McLaughlin
    1.587,95 kr.

    Radicalisation is a conceptual investigation within Western liberal democratic societies that follows an analytical framework linking expertise theory to discourse analysis.

  • af Yifat Carmel
    334,95 - 1.587,95 kr.

  • - En biografi om Signe Nordal fortalt til Bodil Johanne Jørgensen
    af Bodil Johanne Jørgensen & Signe Nordal
    137,95 - 197,95 kr.

    Kaffe & østers er et portræt af iværksætteren Signe Nordal og udviklingen i firmaet Nordal. Fortællingen er et korsstingsbroderi, der viser den gode fortælling om barndom, ungdom og en traditionel kernefamilie i et parcelhus. Men idyllen brydes. Signe bliver efter en skilsmisse forelsket i en ny mand og ”fuldstændig solgt” til en voldelig kæreste. I virksomheden har hun succes, mens hendes privatliv ligger i ruiner. I firmaet dækker hun over volden. Signe kommer efter flere års forsøg ud af det voldelige forhold med erfaringer om grænseoverskridende kontrol, magt og afmagt. Efter bruddet oplever hun en stalkingperiode på halvandet år. I den tid vidste Signe aldrig, hvad hun kom hjem til, og derfor havde hun i en periode ansat en privat vagt i sit hjem. I bogen fortæller Signe, at det på trods af en helt almindelig opvækst i velfærdssamfundet kan ske, at man bliver blind og forelsket og ikke ser tegn på manipulation og kontrol fra ens kæreste, men tolker det som beskyttelse og omsorg. Han ville jo bare passe på mig. Jeg følte mig feminin og var ikke opmærksom. Men jeg skulle blive klogere, siger Signe.

  • af S. O. Strenuo
    197,95 kr.

  • af Dakota Frandsen
    142,95 kr.

    "Suviving Survivor's Guilt" is a beacon of light for those grappling with the aftermath of tragedy, providing an unwavering hand to hold onto in the darkest moments. Dakota Frandsen's empathetic voice and expert guidance make this book a must-read for survivors, their loved ones, and anyone seeking to understand and support those dealing with survivor's guilt.If you or someone you know is struggling to overcome the weight of survivor's guilt, this book is your steadfast companion on the path to healing, growth, and rediscovery of life's precious gifts.

  • af Manuela Ribeiro
    272,95 kr.

    Liberte-se do Ciclo Narcisista! O Guia Definitivo para Superar a Codependência e Romper com o Abuso Emocional nas Relações.Cansado de se sentir preso em um relacionamento narcisista e abusivo?Deseja sair da armadilha da codependência e recuperar o controle emocional da sua vida?Este livro é para todos aqueles que buscam resolver relações narcisistas e se libertar do ciclo vicioso da codependência. Embarque em uma jornada transformadora de autoconhecimento e crescimento pessoal. Descubra como romper padrões abusivos e recuperar a força emocional necessária para viver uma vida plena, livre do abuso emocional.Explore as chaves para libertar-se do ciclo narcisista e alcance:Aprender a reconhecer e superar relações narcisistas que prejudicam o seu bem-estar.Fortalecer sua autoestima e autoconfiança para estabelecer limites saudáveis nas relações.Desenvolver habilidades de comunicação assertiva e autêntica.Recuperar sua independência emocional e liberdade pessoal.Cultivar um amor-próprio genuíno e uma vida mais autêntica e satisfatória.Está pronto para abraçar uma nova versão de si mesmo e viver uma vida livre de abusos emocionais? Com "Codependência nas Relações", você finalmente poderá romper os padrões que o mantêm preso e redescobrir o poder de tomar as rédeas da sua vida.Não perca mais tempo preso na armadilha do abuso emocional. Adquira este livro agora e resolva suas relações narcisistas de uma vez por todas!

  • af Lydia Arenas
    262,95 kr.

    Libérate de la Codependencia y Recupera tu Poder Personal con este Poderoso Libro Transformador.¿Listo para liberarte de los vínculos tóxicos y recuperar el control de tu vida?¿Deseas cultivar relaciones auténticas y saludables que te empoderen?Este libro es para todos aquellos que desean liberarse de la codependencia y construir relaciones significativas. Sumérgete en una transformadora exploración hacia el autodescubrimiento y el crecimiento personal. Descubre cómo superar patrones dañinos y reclamar tu poder interior para vivir una vida plena y auténtica.Embárcate en un viaje de autolibertad y autodominio mientras desentrañas los secretos de la codependencia transformada. Este libro te brinda herramientas prácticas y estrategias efectivas para:Identificar y liberarte de vínculos tóxicos que limitan tu bienestar.Fortalecer tu autoestima y confianza para construir relaciones saludables.Establecer límites claros y saludables en tus relaciones interpersonales.Desarrollar habilidades de comunicación asertiva y respetuosa.Cultivar un amor propio genuino que te empodere en todas las áreas de tu vida.¿Estás listo para abrazar una nueva versión de ti mismo y vivir en plenitud y libertad? Con "Codependencia Transformada", finalmente podrás liberarte de los patrones que te retienen y redescubrir el poder de ser dueño de tu vida.¡Convierte la adversidad en oportunidad y adquiere este libro hoy mismo! La transformación te espera al alcance de tus manos.

  • af Charles Wheatley
    222,95 kr.

    You will understand the specific weapons and tactics that are used by manipulators to achieve their own selfish ends. You will be given a complete toolkit in order to regain control over your own life and stop anyone from having unfair power over you ever again. You have a simple choice. You can ignore this book and the valuable information it contains and go through life at risk of being used by others for their own selfish ends. Or, you can read on, apply the information, and live a happy life that is within your own control. A few things you are going to learn from the book:Different types of abuseThe severity and frequency of an abusive relationshipA list of behaviors the abusers may showA look into how the victims may feelHelp with getting out of an abusive relationshipAnd much, much more...Beginning with a discussion of the magnitude of the problem of domestic violence, the authors present a fictional narrative of whose relationship with her intimate partner dissolves into abuse and violence, both physical and emotional. What follows is expert commentary on her story by law enforcement, a judge and former district attorney, victim advocate, therapist, and survivor, which provide a unique exploration of the tragedy of abuse and potential means by which it can be addressed. The main theme of the book is the tendency to "blame the victim" for staying in an abusive relationship and the need to understand why leaving can be so difficult and dangerous.

  • af Johanna Crawford
    162,95 kr.

  • af Tonya Holland
    262,95 kr.

    I invite you to journey with me as I share my personal story, from pain to purpose. It is my hope that it serves as a catalyst to cause a shift in your life and land you at a place called destiny.

  • af Fauneil Fremont
    159,95 kr.

    In Confused, Fauneil Fremont tells the story of Brio as a warning to would-be victims of scammers. Brio, a lively middle-aged woman, finds herself gradually controlled and manipulated by Richie, a younger man whom she mistakenly and tragically trusts during a desolate period of her life. Richie's constant switching between a sweet and generous nature and an abusive and callous nature deeply confuses Brio, leaving her weary and, at times, utterly terrified. During thirty months of physical, emotional, and financial abuse, Brio gradually learns to know the "true Richie." But, is it too late? Will life ever return to normalcy for her? Fauneil has lived in Nebraska, Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas. She has a BSc in Ed from the University of Nebraska, an MEd from the University of Arizona, and a BA and MA from San Jose State University. In 2023, Fauneil returned to California, where she currently resides in Stockton. She has had careers as an English teacher and a pipe organist, both described in her writing, along with a study tour of Europe sponsored by the University of South Dakota. Since beginning her third career as a writer, she has published with Xulon the following books: I Didn't Really Know Him 2019 The Seeds of the Prairie 2021 The Spirit of the Prairie, a sequel 2022 Confused 2023

  • af Marianne Guillemin
    242,95 kr.

    Married for years to a narcissistic pervert, Marianne Guillemin offers a thoughtful account of the mechanisms of this psychological disorder, of the withdrawal she experienced, and urges women to stop keeping silent.

  • af Loren Wedrien
    257,95 kr.

    A gripping tale that talks about a real-life journey of a mother who has walked through the traumas of Domestic Violence within her marriage. A true heartfelt testimony of the journey that Loren has walked through and how she has overcome her experiences, fought one of the biggest battles of her life and protected her children along the way all while allowing God to work through her in bringing her into full healing. As she tells her story, allow it to speak to you as you read through each page and how it can help you also walk out your own journey. Through walking through adversity, remember that you are stronger than you give yourself credit for and if you allow God to meet you where you are, He can help bring you true healing that will last a lifetime.

  • af Catherine Brown
    147,95 kr.

    This emotionally powerful memoir is the story of Catherine Brown, a survivor of child abuse and domestic violence.As a child, Catherine felt invisible. However, she went on to find her voice and today sees a future that brims with purpose, meaning and joy. Catherine now wants to use what she learned from her experiences to help others. 'The dreadful things that I suffered have made me into the woman I am today but, finally, I like that woman,' she says.'If you have experienced abuse, I need to tell you that you can break free. You have to be brave and push yourself to be able to recover. But there is always light at the end of that darkest tunnel, and my story is proof of that.'

  • af Jazmin Galloway
    117,95 kr.

    In this harrowing tale, of loss, and new beginnings, Jazmin Galloway explores the theft of life as we know it, through the lens of a scary but beautiful world.Larceny is a collection of readings following the sudden death of a woman's partner and his death's aftermath on her life, her child, and their suddenly dark future. Larceny is the theft of the life one has come to know, in lieu of an unknown future. This collection speaks on finding peace within oneself, moving on, and facing those hidden demons of grief. At the same time, exploring a woman's pain in motherhood.

  • af Ruthie Shaun Goss
    162,95 kr.

    Today I begin to share my testimony, my truth, my story of how a season of my life I had to first love and live with a narcissist. Second, I had to know and understand the narcissist. Third, and more importantly, I had to learn to survive the narcissist.There were so many warning signs, and the longer I ignored what my gut, eyes, and ears were telling me, the more I began to talk myself into why I should stay in the relationship and why he needed me.

  • af Cândido Edison
    227,95 kr.

    Quer melhorar a sua relação?Gostaria de criar uma ligação mais forte e duradoura com o seu parceiro? Se a sua resposta é sim, então continue a ler... Vários estudos demonstram que, numa relação de casal sólida e duradoura, é possível desfrutar de um apoio emocional constante, melhorar a autoestima e a saúde mental e alcançar uma felicidade duradoura na vida. O objetivo deste livro de exercícios é levar a sua relação para o próximo nível em apenas 12 semanas, através de exercícios, perguntas e actividades práticas baseadas em estudos científicos que ajudaram milhares de casais. Tópicos abordados:Semana 1-2: Como melhorar a comunicação do casal desde os primeiros diasSemana 3-4: Como gerir lutas sem sentido e aumentar a intimidadeSemana 5-6: Como gerir o trabalho, as carreiras e as relações sociaisSemana 7-8: Como gerir o tempo livre e as actividades extra-trabalho em casalSemana 9-10: Como gerir eficazmente a coabitação para viverem felizesSemana 11-12: Como gerir a confiança mútua e viver em paz

  • af Klish T. Kinderman
    182,95 kr.

    "Healing from a Narcissistic Man: Reclaiming Your Self-Worth and Thriving After Abuse" Are you tired of feeling trapped in a toxic relationship with a narcissistic man? Do you long to break free from the cycle of emotional manipulation and reclaim your sense of self? If so, "Healing from a Narcissistic Man" is the guide you've been searching for. This empowering book is a comprehensive roadmap for anyone who has endured the devastating effects of narcissistic abuse. Drawing on the latest research and expert insights, it offers a compassionate and practical approach to help you navigate the healing journey and rebuild your life with strength and resilience. Inside, you'll discover: Deep Understanding: Gain a clear understanding of narcissism and its impact on relationships. Learn to recognize the characteristics and behaviors of narcissistic men, empowering you to break free from their emotional grip. Unveiling the Abuse: Explore the insidious nature of narcissistic abuse and its profound effects on your mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. Identify the signs and red flags of narcissistic abuse to reclaim your personal power. Find solace and guidance as you embark on the healing journey. Discover effective techniques for emotional release, processing trauma, and building healthy boundaries to protect yourself from further harm. Reclaiming Your Identity: Rediscover who you truly are beyond the trauma. Embrace the process of reconnecting with your personal identity, nurturing your inner child, and rebuilding self-esteem and self-confidence. Transforming Relationships: Learn how to establish healthy boundaries, rebuild trust, and create nurturing relationships based on mutual respect and genuine intimacy. Discover the power of forgiveness and letting go as you free yourself from the emotional chains of the past. Embracing a Bright Future: Step into a life filled with purpose, joy, and authenticity. Embrace the tools, strategies, and self-care practices that will empower you to thrive beyond the abuser and create a future defined by love, growth, and personal fulfillment. "Healing from a Narcissistic Man" is not just a book; it's a lifeline for those seeking to break free from the toxic grip of narcissistic abuse. Whether you are currently in a relationship with a narcissistic man or are on the path to recovery, this book offers compassionate guidance and practical advice that will inspire and empower you. If you are ready to reclaim your self-worth, heal your wounds, and build a life of true happiness and fulfillment, "Healing from a Narcissistic Man" is the transformative resource you need

  • af Elizabeth Savage
    207,95 kr.

    "No Trespassing" is Elizabeth Navarette Savage's personal memoir and "gift" to survivors of domestic violence, as well as anyone who has experienced a traumatic loss in his/her life. Elizabeth met what she thought was "the love of her life" in high school, never imagining that her dream boyfriend would be her living nightmare.Like so many victims, Elizabeth ignored the warning signs, and by the time the abuse started, she had already given birth to her first child, was pregnant with another, and married to her tormenter. For eight years after that, she was beaten and mentally abused at the hands of her husband and the father of her children.Elizabeth's debut book chronicles her journey through a tumultuous relationship with a chronic abuser, which turned her life upside down and ultimately ended with the devastating loss of three of her children. Through it all, Elizabeth was determined to break the cycle of her abuse and loss by turning her pain into purpose, which she has masterfully done by telling her life-altering story in "No Trespassing." In sharing her story, Elizabeth's goal is to empower women, men, and teens to break the cycle of abuse and live the lives that God pre-ordained for them. "No Trespassing" will give hope to the hopeless that they, too, can overcome what may seem like insurmountable odds without looking back!Elizabeth Navarette Savage is a native of El Paso, Texas but raised in Amarillo (TX) and CEO of the Stand Together Against Nationwide Domestic Violence organization, also known as S.T.A.N.D, which she founded in 2010. The goal of S.T.A.N.D. is to uplift and inspire broken women, men, and teens who have experienced challenges in their lives. As part of her commitment to inspiring and bringing hope to those who have been victims of sexual and domestic violence, Elizabeth has penned her debut book, "No Trespassing" in which she shares her painful experience with domestic violence as well as the heartbreaking loss of her three children. When Elizabeth is not running the day-to-day operation of S.T.A.N.D, she is traveling all over the country, speaking to a variety of audiences on the dangers of being in a domestic violence relationship as well as the warning signs to look for. Elizabeth also volunteers with the Arlington Police Department through their Arlington Clergy and Police Partnership program. Lastly, she is a wife to her husband Dennis, a mother to daughter Marcella and son Jay and grandmother to five grandchildren. You can learn more about Elizabeth's S.T.A.N.D. organization and its mission at >

  • af Klish T. Kinderman
    182,95 kr.

    Domestic violence is a pervasive issue that affects countless women around the world.Behind closed doors, the profound impact of this form of abuse can leave lasting scars on a woman's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. The trauma experienced in an abusive relationship can shatter one's sense of safety, trust, and self-worth, often leaving deep wounds that require dedicated efforts to heal.The journey of healing from the trauma of domestic violence is a courageous and empowering process that requires support, understanding, and compassionate guidance. And That is Where This Book Comes in … This book aims to provide women who have survived domestic violence with valuable insights, practical strategies, and resources to navigate the path toward healing and reclaiming their lives. Whether you are currently trapped in an abusive relationship, have recently escaped, or are supporting someone on their healing journey, this book provides the guidance, inspiration, and practical tools needed to take transformative action.Inside these pages, you'll discover proven techniques for identifying toxic behaviors, setting boundaries, and cultivating self-love. You'll also learn how to recognize the signs of gaslighting and understand how it impacts your mental health. Whether you're just beginning your recovery or seeking ongoing support, this book is an essential resource that will help you heal from the trauma of domestic violence through:Building resilience and inner strengthSetting Boundaries and Asserting YourselfEmbracing personal growth and empowermentEngaging in Positive AffirmationsAddressing Anxiety and Panic DisordersCoping with Depression and Mood DisturbancesRecognizing Domestic Violence Red Flags in RelationshipsEngaging in Healthy RelationshipsDealing with Dissociation and FlashbacksRebuilding Self-Esteem and IdentityAnd So Much More...If you're ready to take control of your life and find true happiness again, don't wait any longer. This is the time to unleash the power within, and claim your rightful place of strength and freedom.Your story of triumph begins here.

  • af Tara Trantham
    197,95 kr.

    "If you knew me at the time, you'd think I was a high-powered, have-it-all-together superwoman. Everyone did. But inside, I was anything but. I didn't want to admit it, and it took a real "rise and fall" event before I could take an honest look at myself. But today, I'm proud not only to have survived but to have freed myself from the burden of my secret; I was sick, emotionally and mentally. My intention is that as you read this book, you'll begin to see yourself in a different light, just like I did. I'm going to share with you how we can better deal with broken, dysfunctional, and even abusive relationships, and how to better deal with toxic people, both at work and in your personal life. Together we'll pave new roads for you to gain more confidence, more joy, and overcome the depression and anxiety that's been inside your soul for too long."

  • af Dana S. Diaz
    227,95 kr.

    Some cycles are hard to break.Forced out of an unhappy home at a young age, Dana S. Diaz swears to make it on her own and never fall victim to the same abuse she witnessed growing up. But that's before she falls for Darren. It doesn't take long, however, for Dana to meet the darker version of Darren-a narcissist who seeks to control Dana in every way. Despite her best efforts, she is caught in the cycle of trauma once again. But how can she free herself from Darren's stranglehold?In Gasping for Air, Dana invites readers along on her odyssey of healing and empowerment as she breaks free from the grasp of her 25-year-long abusive relationship. She fearlessly delves into old wounds to reveal the truth behind a lifetime of lies and stitches them closed as a new and resilient woman.An inspiring true story filled with strife and revelation, Gasping for Air exposes the raw truth of emotional, psychological and physical trauma, and is a bold testament of survival.

  • af T. Ann DeCarlo
    217,95 kr.

    The purpose of this book is to help you accurately assess your situation and guide you safely along the path to both physical and mental freedom and onto a new and wonderful life.A well-researched, comprehensive roadmap to freedom, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking the way out of an abusive relationship. I wish it had been available when I needed it. It is spot on. -Rose Booth, abuse survivor and strong, independent womanA fantastic book. Transforming. I couldn't stop reading. The vast majority of my clients are abused women. I will recommend this book to all of them! -Kathleen L. Quinlan, LMT, Transformational Heart and Soul Healing If you are (or suspect you are) being abused, this book was written for you. Abuse victims can be rich or poor; young or old; married or in a relationship; college grads, high school dropouts, or in between. With or without children. Working within and/or outside the home. Of any race or ethnicity, religious or cultural tradition. Regardless of your past or current life circumstances, no one deserves abuse. NO ONE! And help is available for all! Acknowledging the abuse and finding the courage to leave your abuser are the first steps on your journey to a new life. No More Abuse has the information you need to assess your situation, get the help you need to exit safely, move forward into a new life, and rediscover yourself. Within these pages, you will learn: How an abuser slowly changes his partner's status from person to possession and why no woman can ever meet his ever-changing, unrealistic, cruel expectations. How to realistically assess your situation and determine the level of danger posed by your relationship.Why couples counseling with an abusive partner is not recommended and why the mental state of abusers makes their chances of rehabilitation and change slim to none. How one phone call can connect you with free services that help you create a plan, escape safely with your kids and animals, file a restraining order, relocate, get a divorce, and obtain the skills and resources you need to begin again. How to acknowledge and embrace your basic relationship rights, create and maintain boundaries, and avoid past mistakes.How to navigate safely in today's dating world, investigate a potential partner via the Internet, and choose a truly good man.Filled with helpful resources, No More Abuse provides insight and practical advice from a woman who faced domestic abuse and stared it down. I wish this book had been available when I was counseling parishioners and clients suffering from abuse.-Rev. Allen E. Schenk (ret.), M.Div., STM, Clinical Fellow AAPC, Clinical Diplomat APA Graduate of an eastern university, T. Ann DeCarlo had a decades-long career in the housewares, printing, and construction industries before starting her own business. For the first decade of that career, she was also in an abusive marriage, but until she left her husband, no one, not even her family or closest friends, knew the truth. Today she is dedicated to helping other women find the courage and resources they need to escape their abusers and build a better tomorrow. This is her first book.

  • af Cheryl Davenport
    262,95 kr.

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