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Mobning og chikane

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  • af Paris Hilton
    113,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • - Mit møde med had og mobning på sociale medier og hvordan vi lærer at håndtere det
    af Silas Holst
    72,95 - 207,95 kr.

    En dag lægger Silas Holst et billede op på sin Facebookside af sig selv i bar overkrop, hvor han stolt fortæller, at han har tabt 14 kilo. Men minuttet efter begynder det. De hadske kommentarer og vrede beskeder vælter ind. Vildtfremmede mennesker skriver til Silas Holst, at han ligner en kz-fange og er et bøssesvin, der helst skal dø. Én håber endda, at han har AIDS.Silas Holst er vant til, at folk skriver grove ting om ham på sociale medier, og at nogle decideret mobber ham. Men den dag ændrer alt for den populære danser og skuespiller. Han har fået nok!I NOK undersøger Silas Holst, hvorfor der er så meget had og mobning på de sociale medier og hvad der skal til, for at vi ændrer tonen. Han fortæller ærligt om de mange episoder, hvor han selv er blevet skudt verbalt sønder og sammen i den virtuelle verden, og så taler han med en lang række mennesker om vreden på Instagram, Facebook og alle de andre platforme. Hvad skal forældre for eksempel gøre, når deres børn bliver udsat for rå mobning i den digitale verden?I bogen medvirker også børnepsykologen Ulla Dyrløv, politikeren Søren Pape, præsten Michael Brautsch, debattøren Özlem Cekic, en skolelærer, politibetjenten og mange flere. Tilsammen bidrager de med vigtige råd og fortællinger i en debat, der aldrig har været mere aktuel end nu.

  • - Özlem Cekic og Jair Melchior
    af Anne Knudsen & Steen Valgreen-Voigt
    198,95 kr.

  • af Bjarne Broberg
    80,95 - 137,95 kr.

    Bjarne Broberg giver her sit besyv med til debatten om det alvorlige problem med de mange frustrerede og ulykkelige unge mennesker i dagens Danmark, som på grund af vedholdende og alvorlig mobning på de sociale medier ikke aner deres levende råd lige ved indgangen til deres voksenliv. Gennem billedlige eksempler fra sin egen barndom og tidlige ungdom giver forfatteren sit eget bud på en mulig retning, som unge mennesker i en fortvivlende situation kunne tage for om ikke lige frem at finde lykken, så dog at starte på en gladere og mere balanceret voksentilværelse. For hvad er lykken egentlig? Det siges jo, at lykken står den kække bi, men hvor kæk skal man være, før lykken står én bi? Mange såkaldte eksperter har allerede forsøgt at råde de unge, men er der overhovedet en ekspert, som endegyldigt og gældende for alle kan definere: Hvad er lykken? Ekspertvældet og forældreskabet bliver der således også skubbet en del til i bogen.

  • af Magnusson
    122,95 kr.

    The CirclePoint Method describes a set of ten integrated mechanisms that enable educators to effectively and efficiently prevent and resolve bullying issues in schools. The mechanisms are designed to address bullying problems in ways that result in personal growth for the students involved and to account for what harmed students need in terms of healing and avoiding future bullying. The mechanisms are easy to implement, save educators significant time, and are designed to allow educators to resolve bullying issues while maintaining compliance with district-mandated policies. The unique mechanisms of the Method include: - Constructive Consequences: a direct replacement for punitive discipline, this mechanism is highly effective at stopping bullying with no risk of retaliation by the aggressor and saves administrators significant time by eliminating the need for lengthy investigations and parent meetings- Chain of Custody Awareness: provides an incentive for aggressors to change their behavior and ensures targets feel safe while allowing educators to focus only on the aggression that require monitoring- Classroom Strategies: describes ways that teachers can effect positive change and prevent bullying among their students, improving the learning environment- Education: a comprehensive education on bullying for educators to eliminate myths and misinformation and provide a clear explanation for the drivers of bullying behaviors and the harm caused to targets- Target Support: a five-step framework that all educators can learn for providing support to bullied students to help them heal, reverse the harm caused by the bullying, and empower them to deal more effectively with future aggression- Removal of Barriers to Reporting: concrete steps educators can take to eliminate the reasons why students don't report bullying so administrators will know about the bullying issues in their schoolsWhen applied with fidelity, the mechanisms allow educators to resolve bullying issues quickly and create a safe school environment. The Method results in outcomes that are satisfactory to all involved, including parents. Over time, the mechanisms should transform the school environment to make bullying less accepted by students. Additional related resources educate and empower parents and students, resulting in a whole school community working in partnership to ensure that all students have a positive educational experience.

  • af Judith Jeschke
    234,95 kr.

    In ¿Ich habe euch überlebt¿, nimmt uns Judith Jeschke mit auf eine erschütternde Reise durch ihre schwierige Kindheit. Von Anfang an ist das Leben bei ihrer Mutter kompliziert, aber die wahre Hölle beginnt erst, als sie zu einer Pflegefamilie kommt. Trotz der Grausamkeiten, die sie erlebt, bleibt Judith eine Kämpferin, ein Mensch voller Lebenslust und Fröhlichkeit. Sie gibt nicht auf.Mit beeindruckender Stärke und Mut entscheidet sich Judith viele Jahre später, sich ihrer schmerzvollen Vergangenheit zu stellen und ihren Peinigern gegenüberzutreten.¿Ich habe euch überlebt¿ ist nicht nur eine Geschichte des Überlebens, sondern auch eine Geschichte der Hoffnung und der Selbstliebe. Es ist ein bewegendes Zeugnis dafür, wie man trotz widrigster Umstände die Liebe zum Leben und zu sich selbst bewahren kann.Dieses Buch ist ein leuchtendes Beispiel für den unzerstörbaren menschlichen Geist und die Kraft der Widerstandsfähigkeit.

  • af Allolding
    367,95 kr.

    Are you ready to become an iconic leader, fearless in your decisions, and inclusive in your approach?"Leadership Skills Unleashed " is a definitive guide for those who aspire to transform their leadership journey. Leadership is not just a role; it's a responsibility that demands courage, determination, and an inclusive mindset.This book tackles the complexities of leadership with a two-pronged approach.BOOK #1First, it addresses the inner battles: self-doubt, lack of confidence, fear of failure, and gender biases. It offers 9 empowering strategies to overcome these obstacles and emerge as a fearless leader. Discover the importance of authenticity in gaining trust and respect, essential soft skills for career advancement, effective growth mindset techniques, and practical tools to conquer imposter syndrome.BOOK #2Then, the book pivots to the vital topic of inclusive leadership in today's diverse global landscape. It's not just about acknowledging DEI, but actively integrating these principles to create environments where everyone thrives. Learn to understand DEI thoroughly, assess its need in the workplace, and prepare strategies to implement it effectively. The book provides 9 practical strategies plus bonus activities for fostering diversity and creating an equitable workspace. It emphasizes the leader's role in leading by example and being accountable for the changes they wish to see.Leading by example, this book encourages leaders to be accountable for the changes they wish to see. From overcoming workplace discrimination to welcoming diversity with open arms, this book covers it all.Whether you're feeling overwhelmed, overworked, or eager to make a real impact, this book is your roadmap to becoming a fearless, successful, and inclusive leader. Embrace your journey and transform not only your career but also the ethos of your organization.Unleash your leadership skills now!

  • af Clemmie Barnes
    152,95 kr.

    Janet: "Today has been a very long work day, and I am exhausted. I cannot wait to get home; kick off these heels; take a long, relaxing bubble bath; and climb into my bed. Since my husband, Troy, had the day off, I am sure he has fed our children, made sure their homework was done, and they had their baths and they are in bed."Troy: "Where in the hell is that useless wife of mine? She should have been home hours ago! Wait till her sorry behind gets in this door."

  • af Carsten Burkhardt
    192,95 kr.

    Linda, ein 15-jähriges Mädchen und Mobbingopfer, macht eine schwere Zeit durch. Täglich ist sie einer Tortur aus physischer und psychischer Gewalt ausgesetzt. Doch auch ihre Peiniger haben es nicht leicht. Dieses Buch ist ein Blick hinter die Kulissen der einzelnen Charaktere und wirft grundlegende Fragen auf. Hätte Linda eine bessere Schulzeit, wenn die Täter ein anderes Leben hätten? Wie bekämpft man Mobbing an Schulen, wenn jene, welche die Macht haben etwas dagegen zu tun, wegsehen? Wer kann den Schweigenden die Angst und Scham nehmen, an die Öffentlichkeit zu treten? Diese Geschichte ist fiktiv, aber für viele Kinder und Jugendliche ist sie bittere Realität. Gespräche mit Opfern, Eltern und Betreuern, sowie das Studieren diverser Beiträge und Erfahrungsberichte waren die Motivation für dieses Buch.Am Ende dieses tiefgründigen und aufschlussreichen Buches über die komplexen Dynamiken von Mobbing findet sich ein besonderes Element: Ein Mobbingtagebuch. Dieses Tagebuch dient als interaktives Werkzeug, das Lesern ¿ ob sie nun direkt oder indirekt von Mobbing betroffen sind ¿ hilft, ihre Gedanken, Erfahrungen und Gefühle zu dokumentieren und zu reflektieren. Es bietet strukturierte Seiten mit Leitfragen und Anregungen, die zum Nachdenken über eigene Erlebnisse oder Beobachtungen anregen, und dient somit als persönlicher Begleiter auf dem Weg zur Verarbeitung und Bewältigung von Mobbing-Erfahrungen. Das Tagebuch ist nicht nur ein Raum für persönliche Reflexion, sondern auch ein praktisches Werkzeug für Lehrer, Betreuer und Eltern, um das Thema Mobbing zu verstehen und effektiv zu adressieren. Es schließt das Buch ab, indem es den Lesern ermöglicht, aktiv Teil des Dialogs zu werden und ihre eigene Geschichte im Kontext des Gelesenen zu sehen und zu bearbeiten.

  • af Dan Selness
    137,95 kr.

    Because of the intensity and pace of our professional lives, many of us feel as if we're on a galloping horse going at high speed. The perpetual incessantness of our daily life, with too many things to do and not enough hours in the day, the pressures to produce and accomplish activities on a daily basis, all appear to have an influence on our quality and direction.It is possible to alter your approach to your day. The only requirement is a willingness to take a smaller approach. It may appear simple, but it can be challenging. We frequently wrongly believe that eating less makes us lazy and leads to lower productivity. We are better off doing less. We can reduce the amount of needless

  • af Kelly D Roberts
    197,95 kr.

    What a bad day! Jake has a terrible day at school.I try to open my milk. SPLASH!After lunch, I struggle with the computer mouse.SWERVE! SWIVEL! SHAKE!The afternoon with Gramma doesn't start out much better.Playing video games helps me relax. I try to hold the controller still...SHAKE! JUGGLE! JIGGLE! JUMP!I drop the controller and punch the pillow beside me.But Gramma has other plans.Gramma hugs me. "Let's make cookies!""Turn up the music, Jake. I love this song!"I giggle as Gramma limps into a jig.SHAKE! SASHAY! SHIMMY!Sometimes his Essential Tremor overwhelms Jake. An afternoon with Gramma in "Shaky Quaky Jake" gives him a chance to regroup. The compassionate relationship between Jake and Gramma is heartwarming, and children learn a lot about how struggling with a disability can still lead to a better day...tomorrow.TIMELESS TOPIC: Classic with the wisdom of a grandparent but with a fresh look at a little-known disability, this book touches on truly universal topics. Kindness, acceptance, inclusion, and imagination are front and center as the main character struggles to find his place in his classroom and, ultimately, life.READ ALOUD: This picture book is perfect for read aloud occasions, bedtime, or any moment a kid needs cheering up and being reminded with perseverance and imagination, you can solve any problem and thinking outside of the box can be the answer if you are not afraid to step into the unknown and just do it!SELF-RELIANCE: This book also emphasizes the value of remaining positive in facing life's various difficulties. You can be upset and still be a regular person; you can have a bad day with all the entailing emotions.REASSURANCE: Perfect for kids who are nervous about their struggles with a disability and any child who has less-than-ideal moments in life. The best we can do is keep trying!EDUCATIONAL INFO INCLUDED: A note from the author tells a little about Essential Tremor. And a bonus list of how to RESPECT others is included in the back of the book.Perfect for:A read-aloud option for parents, teachers, and librarians looking at books about overcoming adversity and persistence in everyday lifeReassuring book for kids who experience anxiety or struggle to get through bad daysFans of books that celebrate big feelings and triumphs in everyday life

  • af Diana P. Lawrence
    264,95 kr.

    Dive into "Be Real - Feel Real" by Diana P. Lawrence, an enlightening journey towards self-acceptance. This captivating book unearths the often-hidden struggles of seeking approval and validation in our lives. From childhood to the digital age, Lawrence eloquently unravels the intricate balance between individuality and societal expectations. Engaging and thought-provoking, it's a must-read for anyone seeking to embrace their authentic self amidst the noise of external influences. Perfect for those yearning to break free from the shackles of conformity and live genuinely.

  • af Christa Kordy
    264,95 kr.

    Mastering Conflict Resolution: Transform Challenges into OpportunitiesDiscover the art of transforming conflicts into opportunities with Christa Kordy's insightful book, "Creative Conflict Resolution in Private and Professional Life." This guide delves into the complexities of conflicts in both personal and professional settings, providing effective strategies for constructive resolution. Kordy demonstrates that conflicts, often seen as obstacles, are actually catalysts for growth, innovation, and deeper understanding.Learn to navigate disagreements with finesse, turning them into constructive dialogues. This book is not just a manual; it's a transformative journey towards empowerment, teaching you to harness conflicts for personal and professional development.Join Christa Kordy in redefining conflict resolution and turn every challenge into a stepping stone towards a harmonious and fulfilling life.

  • af Evelyn M. Field
    282,95 kr.

    This insightful and practical guide delves deep into the complex issue of school bullying. Completely revised and updated, this edition of Field's best-selling resource explains what bullying is, the injuries and trauma it inflicts, the underlying reasons behind it and the need for more effective interventions.Field presents valuable tools and tactics that busy teachers, parents and counsellors can use to empower students to effectively manage bullying. These skills and strategies can be applied in various contexts, whether by mental health professionals, educators, parents, or even peers who want to support bullied students.Despite the seemingly daunting nature of school bullying, Bully Blocking offers hope and a path forward. Field's evidence-based approach and practical solutions make this book an essential resource for anyone looking to help students navigate the challenging terrain of bullying, equipping them with the social survival skills they need to thrive in today's complex social landscapes.

  • af Geri Miller
    682,95 - 957,95 kr.

  • af James Thomas
    177,95 kr.

    Information about bullying has become more and more accessible. A bully is mean, scary, intimidating, and sometimes hard to avoid. A bully uses strength, power, or influence to intimidate others. Every child who experiences physical, verbal, social, racial, or even cyber bullying needs to know what to do and how to deal with it. Bullying is in our streets, jobs, school system and in our homes - appearing privately and publicly. An exampleof a healthy coping mechanism that allows those who experience bullying to overcome depression, anxiety, and emotional trauma is playing sports.This story is centered around Kevin, a quiet and shy kid who experiences bullying at home, in school, and on his basketball team. Kevin has to overcome his fears, self-esteem and other issues to make it through his first year at Lincoln Junior High School. Kevin's goal is to gain enough courage to help himself understand how to deal with his emotions around his physical appearance through basketball and discovering his personal support team. By using sports to deal with his anxiety, trauma, embarrassment, and being different, Kevin sets a healthy example for others to follow. In the this story, the reader will take on this emotional journey with Kevin and reflect on their own experiences by answering a series of comprehension questions after each "Quarter."

  • af Michelle Adams
    282,95 kr.

    The easy way for kids to develop social skills and make friends in 7 simple steps by involving the kids and their parents. Raising bright, confident, and socially competent children is every parent's top priority.We want our kids to live, laugh, and love without abandon. We want to see them grow and prosper in any environment. That includes social settings. However, socializing doesn't come easily to everybody. Some kids are shyer than others. Some kids simply thrive on social energy. Some kids prefer small friend groups. Some kids love being in the middle of a crowd. This is why it's difficult finding a one-size-fits-all solution to helping kids socialize. Heck, it's downright impossible! Every kid is different, after all. That's what sets this book apart. It celebrates that difference by providing multiple age-appropriate tips, tools, and strategies to help every kid out. From natural leaders to quiet, creative souls, from energetic little scamps to soft, sensitive doves... there's an approach in this book that'll work for them all. There are 45 fun activities in this book, all separated according to skills and then further separated into age groups: babies, toddlers, preschoolers, elementary and middle schoolers. The specific development stage of each child is considered. No one is excluded. Aside from discovering the 7 Main Social Skills Every Child Needs to Develop, you'll also learn: ¿ The 3 Main Types of Self-Esteem-and which one you should help your child nurture¿ The crucial difference between controlling emotions and suppressing them¿ How to recognize and label different emotions... in us and in others¿ What it means to model - and why we, as parents, should always watch our words, tones, and reactions around our kids¿ Why it's okay to let kids make mistakes and face the consequences (sometimes)¿ Why kids are never too young to master empathy¿ The crucial, tell-tale signs of bullying and what you can do if your child is being bullied - or if they are the bully¿ The hidden power in asking a toddler, "This or that?"¿ Why you should ask your child for their opinions more often¿ Why over-praising can actually damage a child's self-esteem ... and many, many more. This book also highlights how the 7 social skills are interconnected. What's self-esteem got to do with bullying, and what's decision-making got to do with self-esteem? You'll have to read it to find out! Navigating social situations can be difficult for both kids and adults alike. Kids have more energy; adults have more experience. By working together with your child, you can help them grow and mature into emotionally intelligent, well-balanced individuals.

  • af Ken Woods
    207,95 kr.

    A Black Man's Guide for Working in Corporate America will serve as a roadmap for navigating the landscape of the corporate environment. It not only illuminates the unique challenges that come with joining the workforce as a Black male, but it also highlights effective strategies and solutions to succeed in spite of obstacles put before you. In addition, the guide will help you understand your worth and focus on logic instead of emotion when solving problems.

  • af Julio C. Canedo
    637,95 - 1.132,95 kr.

  • af Eddie Pate
    282,95 kr.

    True inclusion happens when leaders stop relying on HR practitioners to own full responsibility for DEI initiatives. The small, intentional daily leadership practices in this book are the key to creating truly inclusive organizations.Diversity and inclusion training and books have flooded the market, but the gap between what is promised and what is delivered is beginning to undermine the progress that has been made.There are millions of people who strive to make a difference in workplace diversity and inclusion. And with this practical, leader-friendly framework, Daily Practices of Inclusive Leaders will equip readers with the actionable tools they’ve been searching for.Leaders will learn:●      Why they are the key to inclusion●      Insights for the lifelong journey●      Successful practices they can start today●      And moreWith the era of big DEI coming to an end, leaders will make big strides through small daily changes in their processes that lead to creating an inclusive workplace culture. With this toolkit of actions, activities, and tactics leaders will become the foundation of diversity and inclusion in their organization.

  • af Ken Rigby
    192,95 kr.

    In Interventions in Cases of Bullying in Schools: A Training Manual for Teachers and Counsellors, renowned bullying expert Dr Ken Rigby OAM draws on five decades of practice and research to help schools tackle the seemingly intractable problem of bullying.Designed to be deployed alongside policy development and preventive programs, this essential training manual sets out nine evidence-based methods of intervention. Using a series of role-plays and prompts for discussion, Interventions in Cases of Bullying in Schools supports practitioners in selecting and applying the most appropriate method for each unique case of bullying. It also features a practical framework for recording and evaluating the application of interventions in your unique context, as well as suggestions of dozens of resources that will further develop your understanding of bullying.Practical, easy to use and focused firmly on solutions, Dr Rigby's Interventions in Cases of Bullying in Schools is your indispensable guide to addressing one of the most vexed issues facing educators today.

  • af James C. Williams
    117,95 kr.

  • af Tammy Pickert
    167,95 kr.

    This is about a magical place called Pickertville Falls, where young kids get magic powers from to help make the world a much better place. Addi is dealing with a bully and comes to realize that bullies have feelings also. They usually become bullies because they are hurting and want everyone to feel as bad as they do. Addi then uses the magical power she got from the falls--which is love--and uses it to help the bully not hurt anymore. Helping one person can make a better world.

  • af Jim Lyngvild, Ghita Nørby & Anne Sophia Hermansen
    177,95 - 237,95 kr.

    Hvordan er det at være en del af den offentlige debat og blive hvirvlet ind i den ene shitstorm efter den anden både med og mod sin vilje? Ghita Nørby, Jim Lyngvild og Anne Sophia Hermansen deler ud af deres erfaringer om at stå midt i stormens øje. Bogen består af fire dele, hvoraf de tre første er individuelle essays fra de enkelte forfattere med deres personlige take på shitstormen.

  • af James Foley
    217,95 kr.

  • af Aryanne Oade
    232,95 kr.

    In this invaluable guide, psychologist and executive coach Aryanne Oade provides insights, tools, strategies and tactics anyone can use to deal with any bullying situation at work.

  • af Jane Hyun
    297,95 kr.

    "Breakthrough strategies to help Asian Americans in the workplace build their personal leadership acumen and map a career advancement path that is achievable, authentic, and culturally relevant. 17 years after Jane Hyun wrote her groundbreaking book, Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling, Asians remain grossly underrepresented in the upper ranks of American organizations. Asians are 12% of the workforce, but just 1.5% of Fortune 500 corporate officers. Hyun says for Asians to lead authentically, they need to move away from "code switching" and "getting along by going along." This workbook is built around her three-part framework for developing an intentional, courageous, culturally grounded approach to working and leading: ASSESS: Identify your personal and professional values, assets, and style. EQUIP: Learn to navigate the organizational environment-push back against stereotypes, find mentors and advisors, develop your professional networks, and more. TRANSFORM: Pull it all together to create your own leadership blueprint. The Toolkit is full of activities to help readers put ideas into action. It also includes inspiring real-life lessons from Asian executives and leaders. The Asian Leadership Toolkit acknowledges the wide range of cultures, identities, and experiences that exist within Asian America, and sees the particulars of identity not as impediments but as integral to crafting a bespoke leadership journey"--

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