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Dyr og samfund

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  • af Cheryl Moss
    199,95 kr.

    A pig named Pickle faces a grim future on a factory farm, until a sudden storm changes his destiny.

  • af Richard H. Schwartz
    199,95 kr.

    "Judaism and Global Survival discusses the challenges facing humanity and the Jewish teachings related to these challenges, in order to galvanize Jews to help repair the world (tikkun olam), as required by Jewish law. It argues that we don't need to discover new values and approaches to address current global threats. What is needed is a rediscovery and application of basic Jewish teachings and mandates, such as to pursue peace and justice, to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to act as co-workers with God in protecting and preserving the world. Judaism and Global Survival is meant to be a wake-up call, the strongest that one can make, on the urgency of addressing climate threats and other environmental threats, and the importance of Jews applying Jewish values in addressing these threats. Among the issues discussed in the book are the following: Jews are to guardians of the earth, partners and co-workers with God in working toward tikkun olam, the healing repair and proper transforming of the world; climate change is an existential threat to the world and the only hope to avert a climate catastrophe is through a major shift to plant-based diets, as that would enable reforestation of the vast areas now used for animal agriculture, reducing atmospheric CO2 to a much safer level; vegetarianism, and even mores veganism, is the diet most consistent with Jewish teachings on preserving our health, treating animals with compassion, protecting the environment, conserving natural resources, and hoping hungry people"--

  • af Anouk Frolic
    199,95 kr.

    A collection of poems for each letter of the alphabet, that encourage children to pay attention and care for all the different animals they share the planet with.

  • af Michel Vandenbosch
    212,95 kr.

    "This provocative book informs, inspires, and opens debates about cultivated meat. An amazing collection of visionary and respected contributors powerfully present the latest research and opinions regarding its potential for solving our current planetary crises. Cultivated Meats to Secure Our Future features an amazing collection of visionary and respected contributors. Each powerfully presents the latest research and opinions regarding its potential for solving our current planetary crises. Contributors include Isha Datar of New Harvest, Chase Purdy, author of Billion Dollar Burger and Hanna Tuomisto one of the world's leading researchers in the field of environmental sustainability assessment of cell-cultured food production technologies. Also included is a thought-provoking foreword by Ira van Eelen, daughter of Willem van Eelen the godfather of cultivated meat, and CEO of CEO of KindEarth.Tech and RESPECTfarms. "--

  • af Melanie Joy
    146,95 kr.

    "In her newest book, How to End Injustice Everywhere, psychologist Melanie Joy reveals the common denominator driving all forms of injustice, from sexism to speciesism to abusive interpersonal relationships and group dynamics. Joy explains that all injustices-such as racism, patriarchy, animal exploitation, environmental degradation, and domestic abuse-share a common denominator, which is relational dysfunction, or dysfunctional ways of relating: to other individuals, between social groups, and to nonhuman animals and the environment. Relational dysfunction stems from a particular psychology, a "nonrelational mentality." This mentality causes us to think, feel, and act in ways that violate integrity, harm dignity and lead to unjust power imbalances. Joy sheds light on the nonrelational mentality and explains how it shapes and is shaped by the various oppressive, or "nonrelational" systems in our world that cause widespread injustice. Until those of us who are helping to bring about justice understand relational dysfunction and know how to change it, we risk recreating injustice even as we work to end it, and our movements are at risk of cannibalizing themselves. How to End Injustice Everywhere is a call for anyone working toward justice for humans, animals, or the environment to unify behind a shared "metamission" of creating a more relational world. The book provides an empowering and unique approach to ending injustice, and it offers not only an examination of nonrelational systems and behaviors, but also practical tools to help raise awareness, reduce infighting, and build more resilient and impactful justice movements"--

  • af Brigid Brophy
    117,95 kr.

  • af Lucie Rico
    189,95 kr.

    Paule er vokset op på sin mors hønseri et sted i det sydligste Frankrig. Hun er i trediverne og har for længst taget storbylivet til sig, levet som vegetar i årevis. Men da moren dør, står hun med en hel flok høns, som hun er nødt til at tage stilling til; slagte og sælge. Hun skaffer en stadeplads på det lokale marked, og grebet af pludselig inspiration begynder hun at skrive små biografier om kyllingerne, som hun klistrer på indpakningen. Det bliver en bragende succes, og Paule begynder at drømme om at forbedre hønsenes eksistens. Hun vender tilbage til byen og bygger i samarbejde med en entreprenant supermarkedsdirektør en kunstig landidyl af kafkaske dimensioner. Men opskaleringen til industriel skala er ikke uden risici, og det narrativ, Paule har skabt, skrider i retning af det absurde…Den vakuumpakkede kyllings kaglen er en vegansk øko-thriller, et sort-humoristisk take på den moderne forbruger og vores forkvaklede forhold til dyrevelfærd. Lucie Rico (f. 1988) er forfatter og filmskaber. Hun er født og opvokset i Sydfrankrig, men bor i dag i Paris, hvor hun skriver bøger og filmmanuskripter, instruerer og underviser i creative writing. Den vakuumpakkede kyllings kaglen (2020) er hendes debutroman. Den fik stor opmærksomhed for sit skarpe blik på det 21. århundredes dyreetik og forbrugeradfærd. I efteråret 2022 slog hun yderligere sin status fast som en af Frankrigs nye, vigtige stemmer med sin anden roman GPS, der handler om virtuel voyeurisme og mobilafhængighed. Den er også på vej på dansk her på Etcetera. ‘En vellykket roman, hvor latteren afløses af en skurrende uro, som en pippen lige inden slagtningen.’ Télérama‘Et moderne eventyr, en skælmsk og fjerprydet debutroman, som udfolder industrikyllingens særegne poesi, dette uskyldige symbol på vores ligegyldige, vakuumpakkede liv.’ ELLE‘Lucie Rico balancerer i sin marketing-fabel på en knivsæg, uden nogensinde at falde i hverken antropomorfismens eller rædslens fælde.’ Libération

  • af Grant Hayter-Menzies
    242,95 kr.

    The moving memoir of a writer¿a biographer of historical animals¿whose life was forever changed when a rescue dog named Freddie came into his life.

  • af Danilo Russo
    1.315,95 kr.

    A Natural History of Bat Foraging: Evolution, Physiology, Ecology, Behavior, and Conservation offers an all-inclusive resource on all aspects encompassing the vital process of foraging for bats. The book explores knowledge in the field, including sensory ecology, the development of cognitive maps, bat microbiomes, and molecular approaches to studying a bat's diet. It covers the importance of foraging in biology, from evolution and natural selection, to physiology, behavior, ecology, and natural history. In addition, it provides a unique focus on the implications of bat foraging for conservation purposes, including the role that molecular biology can play in preventing species depletion or extinction. With over 1,400 species, bats are among the most diverse vertebrate groups, having evolved an astonishingly broad range of foraging strategies to adapt to nearly all global regions and environments. The book assesses manmade and environmental issues that bats must overcome to ensure survival and prevent extinction. Written by international leaders in bat research, this is the ideal resource for bat specialists and conservationists, as well as zoologists, animal behaviorists, and academics associated with such disciplines.

  • af Steve (University of Leicester) Cooke
    110,95 kr.

    How should we treat animals? The long-held belief that other animals exist solely for human use has undergone radical challenge in the past half century. How much further do we need to go to minimize, and even eliminate, animal suffering? The field of animal rights raises big questions about how humans treat the other animals with which we share the planet. These questions are becoming more pressing as livestock farming exerts an ever-greater toll on the planet and the animals themselves, and we learn more about their capacity to think and experience pain. This book shows why animals ought to have greater rights and what the world might look like if they did.

  • af Stanley D. Gehrt
    297,95 kr.

    An eye-opening volume of research and photographs exploring one of North America's most persistent-and misunderstood-predators. The coyote. Even its image conjures up more myth than fact. From its depictions as the "trickster" in ancient fables to its portrayal as a threat to humans and their pets in modern news sources, coyotes are rarely shown in a favorable light. Now, the Urban Coyote Research Project pulls back the curtain on the defamed coyote, revealing the surprising truth about this unique creature.  Though harassed and hunted for generations, today the coyote persists and even thrives. With an innate ability to adjust to new climates and environments, the coyote has developed an expansive range. Once confined to the American West, it now lives in forty-nine states, across lower Canada, throughout Mexico, and all the way to Costa Rica. Its habitat ranges from rural prairie to urban overpasses; it is the largest animal to regularly live wild within city limits. The coyote continues to overcome the ceaseless intrusion of urban development to create a bright and flourishing future, providing its human neighbors a surprising number of benefits. With stunning images of coyotes within their surprising habitats, Coyotes Among Us draws from decades of experience to dispel coyote myths, highlight the benefits of living with coyotes, and embrace the coyote as a brilliant survivor against all odds.

  • af Temple Grandin
    587,95 kr.

    Temple Grandin is famous for her groundbreaking approach to decoding animal behavior. Her 40 + years of experience in observing animals is detailed in The Animal Welfare Journals. Her professional training as a scientist and her history as a person with autism have given her a perspective like that of no other expert in the field of animal science.

  • af Karen Lloyd
    1.166,95 kr.

    New insights into the changing human attitudes towards wild nature through the depiction of wolves in human culture and heritage.

  • af Katherine Rundell
    105,95 kr.

  • af Joshua Paul Dale
    147,95 kr.

    A BBC Radio 4 'Book of the Week''Fascinating ... you'll never look at a Hello Kitty or a Pokémon the same way again' Mail on SundayWhy are some things cute, and others not? What happens to our brains when we see something cute? And how did cuteness go global, from Hello Kitty to Disney characters?Cuteness is an area where culture and biology get tangled up. Seeing a cute animal triggers some of the most powerful psychological instincts we have - the ones that elicit our care and protection - but there is a deeper story behind the broad appeal of Japanese cats and saccharine greetings cards.Joshua Paul Dale, a pioneer in the burgeoning field of cuteness studies, explains how the cute aesthetic spread around the globe, from pop brands to Lolita fashion, kids' cartoons and the unstoppable rise of Hello Kitty. Irresistible delves into the surprisingly ancient origins of Japan's kawaii culture, and uncovers the cross-cultural pollination of the globalised world. Understanding the psychology of cuteness can help answer some of the biggest questions in evolutionary history and the mysterious origins of animal domestication.This is the fascinating cultural history of cuteness, and a revealing look at how our most powerful psychological impulses have remade global style and culture.

  • af Kristoffer Hattleland Endresen
    215,95 kr.

    "In this lively and fascinating book, a guilt-ridden, bacon-loving journalist finds work at an industrial pig farm as he researches the long and torrid history of humans and swine. After convincing a skeptical pig farmer to take him on as a hired hand for six months, journalist Kristoffer Endresen follows a litter of piglets from birth to slaughter, all in the hopes of understanding what goes on inside an industrial pig farm and whether humans can ethically justify eating pork ... which just so happens to be the most consumed animal protein in the world."--

  • af Ken Pye
    155,95 kr.

    Animals have featured in the lives and cultures of the people of Merseyside since the dawn of time, and in so many ways. Beastly Merseyside describes this, and tells wonderful stories about these animals, and about the roles they have played. Horses have carried us and our weaponry into battle for millennia, right up to the wars of the twentieth century. They have ploughed our fields, carried our goods, and pulled our carts, wagons, carriages, stagecoaches, canal barges, buses, trams, and ambulances. We have been racing horses on Merseyside for centuries. We have hunted animals for food, from rabbits and ducks to those great leviathans of the sea, the whales. Liverpool's whaling fleet was once one of the most important in Britain. We have also hunted, and in some cases still hunt, animals simply for 'sport'. This has included dog-fighting, cockfighting, bear and bull baiting, as well as fox hunting, hare coursing, and shooting. Animals have entertained us on the streets, in the days of dancing bears and organ grinders' monkeys; in circuses; and in the very many zoos we have had on Merseyside, again over many centuries. Animals have also rescued us, provided comfort to us, and helped us to see and hear. In Beastly Merseyside, popular local historian Ken Pye tells tales about the likes of Mickey the Chimp, Liverpool's own 'King Kong'; the execution of Rajah the Elephant; Pongo the Man Monkey; the amazing Hale Duck Decoy; the 'Lion in the Wheelbarrow'; the nineteenth-century Knowsley Great Aviary and the modern safari park; and why and how the Liver Bird became the emblem of Liverpool. Full of well-researched, informative, and entertaining facts, this book really shows just how vital a role animals of all kinds have played, and continue to play, in our lives and communities.

  • af John Purdy
    1.315,95 kr.

    The Foraging Behavior of the Honeybee (Apis mellifera, L.)provides a scholarly resource for knowledge on the regulation, communication, resource allocation, learning and characteristics of honeybee foraging behavior at the individual and colony level. Foraging, in this context, is the exploration of the environment around a honey bee hive and the collection of resources (pollen, nectar, water, etc.) by bees in the worker caste of a colony. Honeybees have the unique ability to balance conflicting and changing resource needs in rapidly changing environments, thus their characterization as "superorganisms? made up of individuals who act in the interest of the whole.This book explores the fascinating world of honey bees in their struggle to obtain food and resources in the ecosystem and environment around the hive. Written by a team of international experts on honey bee behavior and ecology, this book covers current and historical knowledge, research methods and modeling used in the field of study and includes estimates of key parameters of energy utilization, quantities of materials collected, and identifies inconsistencies or gaps in current knowledge in the field.

  • af Vikki Koplick
    197,95 - 267,95 kr.

  • af M. D. Usher
    152,95 kr.

    An entertaining and enlightening anthology of classical Greek and Roman writings on animals-and our vital relationships with themHow to Care about Animals is a fascinating menagerie of passages from classical literature about animals and the lives we share with them. Drawing on ancient writers from Aesop to Ovid, classicist and farmer M. D. Usher has gathered a healthy litter of selections that reveal some of the ways Greeks and Romans thought about everything from lions, bears, and wolves to birds, octopuses, and snails-and that might inspire us to rethink our own relationships with our fellow creatures. Presented in lively new translations, with the original texts on facing pages, these pieces are filled with surprises-anticipating but also offering new perspectives on many of our current feelings and ideas about animals.Here, Porphyry makes a compelling argument for vegetarianism and asserts that the just treatment of animals makes us better people; Pliny the Elder praises the virtuosity of songbirds and the virtuousness of elephants; Plutarch has one of Circe's pigs from the Odyssey make a serio-comic case for the dignity of the beasts of the field; Aristotle puts the study of animals on par with anthropology; we read timeless Aesopian fables, including "The Hen That Laid the Golden Egg" and "The Fox and the Grapes"; and there is much, much more.A Noah's Ark of a book, How to Care about Animals is guaranteed to charm and inspire anyone who loves animals.

  • af Peter Singer
    197,95 kr.

    ?Peter Singer may be the most controversial philosopher alive; he is certainly among the most influential.??The New Yorker?A most important book that will change the way many of us look at animals?and, ultimately, at ourselves.??Chicago TribuneUpdated for the first time in nearly 50 years, this mainstay of the animal rights movement includes the most recent information about humanity's relationship to animals, including the explosion of factory farming worldwide, and why our cruelty towards them persists.One of the most influential books of the past half century, Peter Singer's Animal Liberation has only grown in relevance and popularity since its original publication in 1975. Named one of Time magazine's ?All-Time 100 Best Nonfiction Books,? this groundbreaking work has awakened millions to ?speciesism??humans' systematic disregard of nonhuman animals. Singer inspired a worldwide movement, transforming our careless attitude toward animals and helping to reduce and hopefully eliminate the cruelty we inflict on them. In Animal Liberation, Singer exposes the chilling realities of today's factory farms and product-testing procedures, destroying the spurious justifications behind them and exposing just how woefully we have been misled.Now, in this updated edition?revised from top to bottom?Singer brings us to the current moment, covering important reforms in the European Union and individual U.S. states. But he shows us how these measures are offset by the explosion of factory farming caused by unprecedented demand for animal products in China. Singer also explores how meat consumption is negatively impacting the earth, and reveals how factory farms pose a profound risk for spreading new viruses worse than Covid-19. In addition, Singer offers alternatives we can use to address this profound environmental, social, and moral issue.

  • af Caroline Freeman-Cuerden
    272,95 kr.

  • af Silke Ruthenberg
    469,95 kr.

  • af Frederick Courteney Selous
    211,95 - 332,95 kr.

  • af Victor Teo
    1.526,95 kr.

    This book examines the theme of human-animal interactions contextualized against the idea of the Anthropocene.

  • af Charis Mather
    77,95 kr.

  • af T. The Australian Herpetological Society
    452,95 kr.

  • af Jonathan W. Thurston-Torres
    552,95 kr.

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