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Etiske dilemmaer og debatter

Her finder du spændende bøger om Etiske dilemmaer og debatter. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 381 bøger om emnet. Det er også her du finder emner som Dødshjælp, abort, fødselskontrol, sexindustri, pornografi, censurering, genmodificering osv. Som etiske dilemmaer Se også: PSAD QDTQ.
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  • af Bo Seo
    106,95 - 200,95 kr.

  • af David S. Caudill
    473,95 kr.

    As the crisis of expertise continues to be a global issue, this book shows that it is not a 'scientific' controversy, but an ideological dispute with believers on both sides. If the advocates of consensus science acknowledge the uncertainties of even the best science, it is possible to open a pathway towards communication between world views.

  • af Tina Sikka
    918,95 kr.

    This volume examines the latest health and genetic technologies, explores the representation, communication, and internalization of health knowledge and reveals the economic and cultural inequalities that result from these technologies.

  • af Goran Sundqvist & Linda Soneryd
    297,95 kr.

  • af Laia Abril
    395,95 kr.

    'On Rape' is a visualisation of the origin of gender stereotypes and myths, as well as the failing structures of law and order, that perpetuate rape culture. Abril interweaves testimonies, political proclamations, historical archives, popular and traditional beliefs, to explore society's failure to deal with sexual violence.

  • af Naomi M. Jackson
    283,95 kr.

    Dance and Ethics: Moving Towards a More Humane Culture is an introductory study of ethical issues as applied to the history and field of Western theatrical dance. It is the first sustained work of its kind, inspired by the belief that there are serious issues to be illuminated by examining dance in relation to ethics and to the changing values in the dance world itself, especially as faced by young dancers entering the profession.Since the 1960s and gathering momentum with the #metoo movement, scholars and practitioners, especially from the fields of dance education, somatics and the realms of postmodern dance and ballet, have increasingly believed that attitudes and practices involving psychological, physical and sexual mistreatment of students and dancers must be challenged. Dance and Ethics examines key ethical issues related to the dance field, primarily within the United States, and how those directly impact different aspects of the lives of dance artists over the span of their careers. The issues discussed include the basic ethical choices facing a dance artist in terms of whether to care about ethics or separate art from morality; ethical issues involved in student-teacher and dancer-choreographer relationships; how ethical concerns relate to the creation and reception of choreographic work; ethical aspects of the critical assessment of dance and dancers; and ethical issues related to presenting systems and institutional infrastructures within the dance field.While there is a clear bias towards greater humanism within the dance field, Naomi Jackson is sensitive to the variety of moral stances available in any given situation. Readers are invited to consider that ethical options exist other than those that are usually promoted, that while sometimes there are no clear right and wrong answers, there are better and worse positions to be explored and defended and that it is important for the dance field and broader culture to consciously address ethical issues in relation to dance in a sustained, thoughtful and creative manner.The book focuses on theatrical dance forms of ballet, modern/postmodern dance and theatrical jazz, but also extends to commercial dance, dance for the camera/internet and social/vernacular/folk dance when relevant to the main argument.Dance and Ethics will appeal primarily to educators and students as well as young professional dancers. It is designed for undergraduate and graduate students in dance studies, American studies, performance studies and cultural studies. It will be useful for undergraduate and graduate dance courses focused on pedagogy, choreography, criticism, community engagement, politics and aesthetics.

  • af Tatiana Konrad
    942,95 kr.

    The first comprehensive study of plastics, from the moment they were invented to the present day

  • af Gaia (Seton Hall University Bernstein
    188,95 kr.

  • af Katie Engelhart
    198,95 - 262,95 kr.

    A riveting, incisive, and wide-ranging book about the Right to Die movement, and the doctors, patients, and activists at the heart of this increasingly urgent issue.*Finalist for the New York Public Library's 2022 Helen Bernstein Book Award for Excellence in Journalism "A remarkably nuanced, empathetic, and well-crafted work of journalism."-Brooke Jarvis, The New YorkerMore states and countries are passing right-to-die laws that allow the sick and suffering to end their lives at pre-planned moments, with the help of physicians. But The Inevitable moves beyond margins of the law to the people who are meticulously planning their final hours-far from medical offices, legislative chambers, hospital ethics committees, and polite conversation. Further still, it shines a light on the people who help them: loved ones and, sometimes, clandestine groups on the Internet that together form the "euthanasia underground."Katie Engelhart, a veteran journalist, focuses on six people representing different aspects of the right to die debate. Two are doctors: a California physician who runs a boutique assisted death clinic and has written more lethal prescriptions than anyone else in the U.S.; an Australian named Philip Nitschke who lost his medical license for teaching people how to end their lives painlessly and peacefully at "DIY Death" workshops. The other four chapters belong to people who said they wanted to die because they were suffering unbearably-of old age, chronic illness, dementia, and mental anguish-and saw suicide as their only option.Spanning North America, Europe, and Australia, The Inevitable offers a deeply reported and fearless look at a morally tangled subject. It introduces readers to ordinary people who are fighting to find dignity and authenticity in the final hours of their lives.

  • af Coretha Gantling
    123,95 - 133,95 kr.

  • af Ardyce West
    118,95 kr.

    Ardyce West's compelling narrative examines the grief, pain and regret suffered by women and men who hide in the dark shadows of abortion. While acknowledging the pointed issues and opinions of both pro-life and pro-choice, West remains apolitical and non judgmental, conceding that many women and men involved in abortion successfully move on comfortably resolved to their decision. "I Never Heard You Cry" in fact never approaches political edict or social commentary regarding abortion. West focuses rather on the substantial number of people who do struggle with complex and deeply emotional post-abortion issues.In addition to relating the heartrending story of her own struggles and triumphs, West interviews a number of abortion survivors who have transcended the emotional, social, and political stigmas attached to this volatile issue. Interspersed are effective techniques designed to achieve self-forgiveness and spiritual healing.

  • af Anja Pinborg & Lone Schmidt
    58,95 kr.

    Mange kvinder og mænd får ikke de børn, de ønsker sig – infertilitet er den næsthyppigste kroniske sygdom blandt folk i den reproduktive alder. Alligevel behandler vi fortsat infertilitet, som om det var et luksusproblem og ikke en sygdom: Over halvdelen af alle fertilitetsbehandlinger varetages i den private sektor, hvilket skaber en enorm ulighed i behandlingstilbuddet. Hvis vi skal styrke den reproduktive sundhed, kræver det mere oplysning henvendt til unge, strukturelle forandringer samt opdaterede rammer for behandling i offentligt regi.Lone Schmidt er læge og professor mso i nedsat frugtbarhed og folkesundhedsvidenskab ved Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet.Anja Pinborg er professor i gynækologi og obstetrik og ledende overlæge på Afdeling for Fertilitet på Rigshospitalet. Anja Pinborg er desuden assisterende redaktør for Ugeskrift for Læger. Moderne Ideer er støttet af Lundbeckfonden, Augustinus Fonden og Statens Kunstfond. I bøgerne gør førerende forskere deres viden tilgængelig og leverer deres bud på, hvordan vi løser tidens største udfordringer.

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