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Etiske dilemmaer: abort og prævention

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  • af Lisa Meisner Kofoed
    218,95 kr.

    Som oftest er en graviditet forbundet med glæde, forventninger og drømme om den lykkelige familieforøgelse. Glæden kan dog slukkes med et fingerknips, når en rutinescanning viser, at noget er galt.Med nutidens muligheder for fosterdiagnostik opstår der ikke sjældent et etisk dilemma, når det lille menneske i maven er sygt. Hvor naturen ville gå sin gang uden menneskelig indblanding, bliver vi nu stillet over for nogle valg og beslutninger, som vi gerne ville være foruden.Sorg, mit barn er forfatteren Lisas egen fortælling om den alt for tidlige fødsel af hendes datter Smilla. Fortællingen om et forløb, hvor Lisa mod sin vilje blev herre over sin egen datters liv og død. For Smilla ville måske kunne bæres graviditeten ud, men hun ville ikke kunne leve.Lisas historie er langt fra unik. Flere og flere bliver stillet over for de umenneskelige beslutninger, som skal træffes, når videnskaben møder det menneskelige sind.Sorg, mit barn er langt mere end blot en trist historie om et kort liv. Gennem interviews med fagpersoner – blandt andre en jordemoder, en antropolog, en filosof, en præst og flere psykologer – får forfatteren sat ord og følelser på svære begreber som skam, eksistens og etiske overvejelser.Bogen vil kunne bruges af alle, der har prøvet at miste et ufødt barn – og deres pårørende, men også af fagpersoner i berøring med de familier, der bliver stillet over for de svære beslutninger.

  • af Sarah E Hill
    133,95 kr.

  • af Anet Elga
    188,95 kr.

    Indigo Brun er enlig mor til fem og nyudnævnt chef for whistleblower-ordningen i medicinalfirmaet PharmaGrande. En dag forsvinder hendes ældste datter, Anna, på mystisk vis. Kort efter modtager Indigo et anonymt tip, som kæder datterens forsvinden sammen med et af konkurrenternes produkter: den omstridte abortpille.Indigo går til politiet med tippet, men de afviser det som falsk og står i øvrigt på bar bund. Der er ikke andre spor at gå efter, intet åbenlyst motiv, og ingen har tilsyneladende set noget.Uret tikker, tiden går, og Indigo bliver mere og mere desperat. Hvor er Anna? Hvem har taget hende? Og hvorfor?KAINS PILLE er 2. selvstændige bind i PharmaGrande-serien, en helt ny krimi- og spændingsserie om den lidt anderledes læge, Indigo Brun, og hendes venner, Knallert-Lars og Ling. Serien følger de tre personer og deres færden ind og ud af medicinalindustriens kroge og afkroge.Bøgerne kan læses uafhængigt af hinanden.- - -Det skrev anmelderne om ADAMS OFFER, 1. bind i serien:En virkelig imponerende krimidebut - Dansk BibliotekscenterLovende krimipotentiale - JyllandspostenGryden holdes i kog hele vejen igennem - Fru Thulstrup

  • af Vibeke Vasbo
    289,95 kr.

    Med sin personlige øjenvidneskildring af 1970'ernes kvindebevægelser giver Vibeke Vasbo én lang forhistorie og hyldest til den kamp for ret til abort, ligeløn, antivold og minoritetsbeskyttelse, som vi måske først nu for alvor ser udfolde sig i 2020'ernes retsligt skrøbelige demokratier.Forfatteren Vibeke Vasbo (f. 1944) er en af kvindekampens superaktivister, hun har været virksom deltager i studenteroprøret, medstifter af rødstrømperne i Danmark, blandt initiativtagerne til den første kvindelejr på Femø, er tidligere sygehjælper, kranfører, lærer og meget andet.

  • af James M. Cavanaugh
    168,95 kr.

    Uncover the Heart of Humanity: A Bold Manifesto for Caring, Love, and Protection of the Unborn, Transforming Perspectives for a Better Tomorrow!In the groundbreaking To Protect Those Unable To Protect Themselves: Saving The Unborn, James M Cavanaugh offers a transformative exploration of the abortion debate, transcending divisive rhetoric to focus on compassion, understanding, and actionable solutions.For Women of all ages grappling with choices, Cavanaugh provides a sensitive and enlightening perspective, fostering an environment of love and respect for both the unborn and the women making these profound decisions. Men of all ages are invited to join this dialogue, gaining insights that contribute to a more empathetic and supportive society.Middle and High School Teachers will find this book a valuable resource, addressing complex moral and legal dimensions with clarity. It sparks critical thinking and promotes respectful discussions on a topic often shrouded in controversy. Religious leaders will appreciate Cavanaugh's thoughtful approach, aligning the discussion with faith values while encouraging open-minded dialogue within their communities.Pro-Life advocates will discover a manifesto that goes beyond ideology, offering tangible pathways to protect the defenseless unborn. Cavanaugh's comprehensive examination of abortion's history, legal landscape, and societal intricacies provides a foundation for informed advocacy. It explores the nuances of recognizing the unborn as human, demystifies birth control methods, and distinguishes between a woman's power and her right to choose.Cavanaugh's call to action comes with a roadmap for change, urging society to abandon divisive debates and embrace a new era of compassion, love, and protection for those unable to protect themselves. For anyone seeking a profound and empathetic perspective on abortion, To Protect Those Unable To Protect Themselves is an indispensable guide for a more compassionate world.

  • af Stephanie Gorton
    338,95 kr.

    "In the 1910s, as the birth control movement was born, two leaders emerged: Margaret Sanger and Mary Ware Dennett. While Sanger would go on to found Planned Parenthood, Dennett's name has largely faded from public knowledge. Each held a radically different vision for what reproductive autonomy and birth control access should look like in America. ... Meticulously researched and vividly drawn, [this book] reveals how and why these two women came to activism, the origins of the clash between them, and the ways in which their missteps and breakthroughs have reverberated across American society for generations"--

  • af Shefali Luthra
    318,95 kr.

    "An urgent investigation into the experience of seeking an abortion after the fall of Roe v. Wade, and the life-threatening consequences of being denied reproductive freedom. On June 24, 2022, Roe v. Wade was overturned, and the impact was immediate: by 2023, abortion was virtually unavailable or significantly restricted in 21 states. In Undue Burden, reporter Shefali Luthra traces the unforgettable stories of patients faced with one of the most personal decisions of their lives. Outside of Houston, there's a 16-year-old girl who becomes pregnant well before she intends to. A 21-year-old mother barely making ends meet has to travel hundreds of miles in secret for medical treatment in another state. A 42-year-old woman with a life-threatening condition wants nothing more than to safely carry her pregnancy to term, but her home state's abortion ban fails to provide her with the options she needs to make an informed decision. And a 19-year-old trans man struggles to access care in Florida as abortion bans radiate across the American South. Before Dobbs, it was a common misconception that abortion restrictions affected only people in certain states but left one's own life untouched. Since the fall of Roe, a domino effect has cascaded across the entire country. As the landscape of abortion rights continues to shift, the experiences of these patients--who crossed state lines to seek life-saving care, who risked everything in pursuit of their own bodily autonomy, and who were unable to plan their reproductive future in the way they deserved--illustrate how fragile the system is, and how devastating the consequences can be. A revelatory portrait of inequality in America, Undue Burden examines abortion not as a footnote or a political pawn, but as a basic human right, something worthy of our collective attention and with immense power to transform our lives, families, and futures"--

  • af Ana Elena Correa
    193,95 kr.

    "There are many women like Belén whose names we don’t know, but whose stories are just as important. An uplifting chronicle of one woman’s fight for justice."—Kirkus Reviews (starred review)Foreword by Margaret AtwoodThe heartbreaking true story of an Argentinian woman imprisoned for having a miscarriage—an injustice that galvanized a feminist movement and became a global rallying cry in the fight for reproductive rights.In 2014, Belén, a twenty-five-year-old woman living in rural Argentina, went to the hospital for a stomachache—and soon found herself in prison. While at the hospital she had a miscarriage—without knowing she was pregnant. Because of the nation’s repressive laws surrounding abortion and reproductive rights, the doctors were forced to report her to the authorities. Despite her protestations, Belén was convicted and sentenced to two years for homicide.Belén’s imprisonment is a glaring example of how women’s health care has become increasingly criminalized, putting the most vulnerable—BIPOC, rural, and low-income—women at greater risk of prosecution. Belén’s cause became the centerpiece of a movement to achieve greater protections for all women. After two failed attempts to clear her name, Belén met feminist lawyer Soledad Deza, who quickly rallied Amnesty International and ignited an international feminist movement around #niunamas—not one more—symbolized by thousands of demonstrators around the globe donning white masks, the same kind of mask Belén wore when leaving prison. The #niunamas movement was instrumental in pressuring Argentine president Alberto Fernández to decriminalize abortion in 2021. In this gripping and personal account of the case and its impact on local law, Ana Correa, one of Argentina’s leading journalists and activists, makes clear that what happened to Belén could happen to any woman—and that we all have the power to raise our collective voices and demand change.Translated by Julia Sanches

  • af Renee Bracey Sherman
    250,95 kr.

    "A galvanizing history of abortion recentering people of color to put forth a timely argument that we must liberate abortion for all"--

  • af Saara Nousiainen
    288,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Arnulf Burckhardt
    123,95 kr.

    In einer Welt, in der im Jahr 2023 etwa 8 Milliarden Menschen die Erde bevölkern, stehen wir vor einer drängenden Herausforderung. Unsere kostbaren Ressourcen schwinden, einige von ihnen sind bereits erschöpft, und das ungebremste Wachstum der Bevölkerung ist nicht länger nachhaltig.Die bisher ergriffenen Maßnahmen haben die unausweichlichen Spannungen zwischen Ressourcenknappheit und Bevölkerungszuwachs nicht wirksam gelöst. Es finden Verteilungskämpfe statt.Die Lösung dieser weltweiten Widersprüche erfordert einen freiwilligen, friedlichen undsozial verträglichen Rückgang der Geburtenrate. Diese entscheidende Veränderung liegtin den Händen von Frauen, entweder kein oder nur ein Kind in die Welt zu bringen. Es ist vonentscheidender Bedeutung, dass Frauen überall auf der Welt die Möglichkeit dazu haben.Dies ist eine der Schlüsselfragen, die unsere globale Gesellschaft heute bewegen.

    188,95 kr.

    Poems and personal essays about abortion, motherhood, abuse, and other women's issues written by Bellingham's Wildhaven Writers in response to Roe V. Wade being overturned.

  • af Jeremy B. Sims
    118,95 kr.

    You open a book that promises to guide you through the myriad emotions and situations many face after making choices, often hastily. As you delve deeper, you're drawn into the complexities of the human psyche, exploring why people act the way they do and the profound impact of societal judgment. "The Morning After" isn't just about the immediate regret; it's about the ripples it creates in your life and society. Each chapter feels like a mirror, reflecting back to you stories that could be yours or someone you know. From the surge of feelings post-casual encounters to the profound weight of decisions like abortions, this book doesn't shy away from any topic. It embraces them, and, in turn, you feel embraced, understood, and less alone. The narrative touches you deeply, addressing subjects like addiction, risky behaviors, and the societal chains that often bind and judge. You see the broader picture, the global perspectives, understanding that regardless of where one hails from, the human heart's battles are universal. You're given tools, strategies, and stories of transformation that inspire. They remind you of your inner strength and the ability to overcome, change, and grow.You're left with an empowered feeling, realizing that every "Morning After" is not an end but a new beginning. By the time you reach the appendices, you feel equipped. Resources, further readings, and author insights provide a sense of community and direction. This book becomes more than just a read; it's a companion on your journey towards understanding, healing, and transformation.

  • af Trista Hendren
    223,95 kr.

    June 24, 2022 will stand in infamy as the Supreme Court of the United States overturned the landmark case known as Roe v. Wade which gave women sovereignty over their own bodies with regard to abortion. That sovereignty is now being given back to the States and women will have no say as to what happens to them.This turning back of the clock is not just in America. Women all over the world are nothing more than a commodity and we are still being raped and plundered; our right to do with our bodies as we choose once again on the chopping block.As women from around the world and from a variety of situations weigh in on this new attack, Women's Sovereignty and Body Autonomy Beyond Roe v. Wade addresses the concerns and opinions of women from around the planet. Through art and poetry, prose and personal accounts, this shared atrocity that continues to be forced on women is brought into a new light with a rebel resolve that screams "NO MORE"!

  • af Arlene Lehmann
    173,95 kr.

    There is a connection between domestic abuse and coerced abortion. Women who go through these experiences often struggle with tremendous feelings of guilt, shame, grief, anger, depression, and trauma. Inthis book, you will find stories of women who endured domestic violence and underwent abortion-often under pressure, coercion, or intimidation. You will read about the pain they endured as well as how they found freedom, healing, and peace.Healing Hidden Bruises also takes readers through their own restorative process. Full of encouragement for personal reflection, exercises, prayers, and group discussion questions, this book is designed to take women through a complete process of recovery, freedom, forgiveness, healing, and wholeness.Specific topics readers will walk through include: Examining the Dynamics of Domestic ViolenceGetting Free and Staying SafeFinding Your Voice AgainUnderstanding Traumatic BondingBreaking Soul TiesStarting Healthy RelationshipsWorking through the Different Phases of the Grief ProcessFinding ForgivenessUnderstanding How God Sees YouAcceptance and Making Peace with the PastAre you ready to start your healing process?

  • af Justin McCarthy
    1.648,95 kr.

    Contraception is a method of preventing pregnancy. It generally prevents the egg and sperm from fusing together, which results in pregnancy. Vaginal rings, female and male sterilization, oral contraceptive pills, intra uterine devices (IUDs), injectables, lactational amenorrhea techniques, and implants are the most common forms of contraception. These techniques work through various mechanisms and are successful in preventing an unwanted pregnancy. Condoms are the only contraceptive method that can stop a pregnancy, as well as the spread of sexually transmitted infections such as HIV. Females have a number of choices for birth control, which range from intrauterine devices and patches to pills, while males have only two effective birth control methods, namely, vasectomy and condoms. This book explores all the important aspects of female and male contraception. It consists of contributions made by international experts. This book will prove to be immensely beneficial to students and researchers in this field.

  • af Emerson Burton
    1.618,95 kr.

    Birth control is a method or device used for preventing pregnancy. Reproductive medicine is a sub field of medicine associated with the male and female reproductive systems. It covers a wide range of reproductive conditions, such as the methods of birth control and assessment. It also deals with the treatment and prognosis of reproductive health disorders. There are several birth control measures such as sterilization, hormonal birth control, barrier methods, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and behavioral methods. All these birth control measures are used before or during sexual intercourse. Emergency contraceptive is another method used to prevent pregnancy following unprotected sexual intercourse or when other methods of regular contraception have been used in an improper manner. This book provides significant information of this discipline to help develop a good understanding of birth control and reproductive medicine. It is a resource guide for researchers as well as students involved in the this area of study.

  • af R E Fulton
    318,95 kr.

    "A microhistory of abortion in nineteenth-century United States, which tells the story of Josephine McCarty, an abortionist and female physician tried for murder in upstate New York in 1872"--

  • af Ellen Ryg Olsen
    248,95 kr.

    STRIKKEPINDE OG SÆBEVAND Kvindeliv i Danmark i tiden før den fri abort Bogen indeholder en samling breve skrevet af kvinder, som levede i tiden, før aborten blev fri. Det liv, som kvinderne beskriver, er domineret af snævre sociale forhold og af en graviditets- og seksualitetsangst, som først for alvor lettede ved indførelsen af den fri abort i 1973. Brevene viser kvindernes mod og styrke, deres svagheder og fortrydelser. Ud fra brevene vælder der en fortabthed og rådvildhed, men også en kunnen og en undergrundsviden, som kvinderne lærte sig, når de kom “i ulykke”. Kvinderne var så pressede, fortvivlede og modige, at de satte deres helbred og i sidste instans også deres liv på spil.

  • af Cornelia Kaminski
    208,95 kr.

    Der Umgang mit Konfliktschwangerschaften und die verschiedenen Lösungsmöglichkeiten sind Kernthemen im Religions- und Ethikunterricht an weiterführenden Schulen. Dieses Buch leistet einen authentischen Beitrag zur Behandlung des Themas im Unterricht: Die dargestellten Fälle und Situationen sind überwiegend dem wirklichen Leben entnommen. Sie regen zum Nachdenken und Diskutieren an und betrachten den Konflikt aus verschiedenen Perspektiven. Zudem beinhaltet das Buch zahlreiche Informationen zur vorgeburtlichen Entwicklung, zur Rechtslage im Bezug auf Schwangerschaftsabbrüche in Deutschland und zur besonderen Situation von Menschen mit Einschränkungen. Wichtig: Konkrete Tipps und Hinweise dazu, wo Hilfe, Rat und Tat im Fall einer unerwarteten Schwangerschaft angeboten werden. Damit ist das Buch ein Mutmacher und Nachlagewerk.

  • af Angie Leventis Lourgos
    438,95 kr.

  • af Gabrielle Blair
    198,95 kr.

    "In a series of 28 brief arguments, Blair deftly makes the case for moving the abortion debate away from controlling and legislating women's bodies and instead directs the focus on men's lack of accountability in preventing unwanted pregnancies."--

  • af Lorraine Dusky
    463,95 kr.

    Hole in My Heart is a memoir of love, loss, and redemption. Meticulously researched, the book shows how Dusky became a major force in changing laws to give adopted adults access to their birth records.

  • af Lorraine Dusky
    358,95 - 408,95 kr.

  • af Kimberly I. Lewis
    183,95 kr.

    Has Abortion Affected Your Life?Have you ever felt a numbness, an ache deep inside that seems to never go away? Do you feel a sadness and a loss? Is there a deep secret you've kept hidden because it's too painful to face? Have you wanted to reach out and talk to someone but are too ashamed? This book is for every woman who has experienced abortion…no matter if it was last week or decades ago. God can and will heal you from the pain of your abortion. God has healed me and he can heal you. There is hope, healing and forgiveness after abortion! If you are a woman or man who has gone through an abortion, or you know a friend, a spouse, a girlfriend, or a family member, this book would greatly help them!

  • af Naomi Braine
    146,95 kr.

    The feminists across Latin America, Africa, and Europe making self-managed abortion available to all - and the transnational movement they have built along the way

  • af Fiona Bloomer
    1.292,95 kr.

    In this book, faith leaders, scholars and activists from around the globe provide their perspective on faith and abortion. They reflect on examples of faith organisations which have provided leadership on the issue as well as examining religious approaches from Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim and interfaith perspectives. Challenging the assumption that all people of faith are anti-abortion, this book provides a counterpoint to right-wing faith perspectives and outlines how faith communities reimagine abortion as an issue of social, pastoral and theological concern. Providing perspectives from the global North and South, it includes settings where abortion is legal, and where it is restricted, and settings where abortion stigma is ever-present to settings where abortion is normalised. It also demonstrates the complex connections between faith and abortion, how women and pregnant people are positioned in society and how morality is claimed and challenged.

  • af Gina Rushton
    298,95 kr.

    "... a bold, feminist investigation into the decision whether or not to become a parent"--

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