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Som oftest er en graviditet forbundet med glæde, forventninger og drømme om den lykkelige familieforøgelse. Glæden kan dog slukkes med et fingerknips, når en rutinescanning viser, at noget er galt.Med nutidens muligheder for fosterdiagnostik opstår der ikke sjældent et etisk dilemma, når det lille menneske i maven er sygt. Hvor naturen ville gå sin gang uden menneskelig indblanding, bliver vi nu stillet over for nogle valg og beslutninger, som vi gerne ville være foruden.Sorg, mit barn er forfatteren Lisas egen fortælling om den alt for tidlige fødsel af hendes datter Smilla. Fortællingen om et forløb, hvor Lisa mod sin vilje blev herre over sin egen datters liv og død. For Smilla ville måske kunne bæres graviditeten ud, men hun ville ikke kunne leve.Lisas historie er langt fra unik. Flere og flere bliver stillet over for de umenneskelige beslutninger, som skal træffes, når videnskaben møder det menneskelige sind.Sorg, mit barn er langt mere end blot en trist historie om et kort liv. Gennem interviews med fagpersoner – blandt andre en jordemoder, en antropolog, en filosof, en præst og flere psykologer – får forfatteren sat ord og følelser på svære begreber som skam, eksistens og etiske overvejelser.Bogen vil kunne bruges af alle, der har prøvet at miste et ufødt barn – og deres pårørende, men også af fagpersoner i berøring med de familier, der bliver stillet over for de svære beslutninger.
Indigo Brun er enlig mor til fem og nyudnævnt chef for whistleblower-ordningen i medicinalfirmaet PharmaGrande. En dag forsvinder hendes ældste datter, Anna, på mystisk vis. Kort efter modtager Indigo et anonymt tip, som kæder datterens forsvinden sammen med et af konkurrenternes produkter: den omstridte abortpille.Indigo går til politiet med tippet, men de afviser det som falsk og står i øvrigt på bar bund. Der er ikke andre spor at gå efter, intet åbenlyst motiv, og ingen har tilsyneladende set noget.Uret tikker, tiden går, og Indigo bliver mere og mere desperat. Hvor er Anna? Hvem har taget hende? Og hvorfor?KAINS PILLE er 2. selvstændige bind i PharmaGrande-serien, en helt ny krimi- og spændingsserie om den lidt anderledes læge, Indigo Brun, og hendes venner, Knallert-Lars og Ling. Serien følger de tre personer og deres færden ind og ud af medicinalindustriens kroge og afkroge.Bøgerne kan læses uafhængigt af hinanden.- - -Det skrev anmelderne om ADAMS OFFER, 1. bind i serien:En virkelig imponerende krimidebut - Dansk BibliotekscenterLovende krimipotentiale - JyllandspostenGryden holdes i kog hele vejen igennem - Fru Thulstrup
Med sin personlige øjenvidneskildring af 1970'ernes kvindebevægelser giver Vibeke Vasbo én lang forhistorie og hyldest til den kamp for ret til abort, ligeløn, antivold og minoritetsbeskyttelse, som vi måske først nu for alvor ser udfolde sig i 2020'ernes retsligt skrøbelige demokratier.Forfatteren Vibeke Vasbo (f. 1944) er en af kvindekampens superaktivister, hun har været virksom deltager i studenteroprøret, medstifter af rødstrømperne i Danmark, blandt initiativtagerne til den første kvindelejr på Femø, er tidligere sygehjælper, kranfører, lærer og meget andet.
"In the 1910s, as the birth control movement was born, two leaders emerged: Margaret Sanger and Mary Ware Dennett. While Sanger would go on to found Planned Parenthood, Dennett's name has largely faded from public knowledge. Each held a radically different vision for what reproductive autonomy and birth control access should look like in America. ... Meticulously researched and vividly drawn, [this book] reveals how and why these two women came to activism, the origins of the clash between them, and the ways in which their missteps and breakthroughs have reverberated across American society for generations"--
"An urgent investigation into the experience of seeking an abortion after the fall of Roe v. Wade, and the life-threatening consequences of being denied reproductive freedom. On June 24, 2022, Roe v. Wade was overturned, and the impact was immediate: by 2023, abortion was virtually unavailable or significantly restricted in 21 states. In Undue Burden, reporter Shefali Luthra traces the unforgettable stories of patients faced with one of the most personal decisions of their lives. Outside of Houston, there's a 16-year-old girl who becomes pregnant well before she intends to. A 21-year-old mother barely making ends meet has to travel hundreds of miles in secret for medical treatment in another state. A 42-year-old woman with a life-threatening condition wants nothing more than to safely carry her pregnancy to term, but her home state's abortion ban fails to provide her with the options she needs to make an informed decision. And a 19-year-old trans man struggles to access care in Florida as abortion bans radiate across the American South. Before Dobbs, it was a common misconception that abortion restrictions affected only people in certain states but left one's own life untouched. Since the fall of Roe, a domino effect has cascaded across the entire country. As the landscape of abortion rights continues to shift, the experiences of these patients--who crossed state lines to seek life-saving care, who risked everything in pursuit of their own bodily autonomy, and who were unable to plan their reproductive future in the way they deserved--illustrate how fragile the system is, and how devastating the consequences can be. A revelatory portrait of inequality in America, Undue Burden examines abortion not as a footnote or a political pawn, but as a basic human right, something worthy of our collective attention and with immense power to transform our lives, families, and futures"--
"There are many women like Belén whose names we don't know, but whose stories are just as important. An uplifting chronicle of one woman's fight for justice."--Kirkus Reviews (starred review)Foreword by Margaret AtwoodThe heartbreaking true story of an Argentinian woman imprisoned for having a miscarriage--an injustice that galvanized a feminist movement and became a global rallying cry in the fight for reproductive rights.In 2014, Belén, a twenty-five-year-old woman living in rural Argentina, went to the hospital for a stomachache--and soon found herself in prison. While at the hospital she had a miscarriage--without knowing she was pregnant. Because of the nation's repressive laws surrounding abortion and reproductive rights, the doctors were forced to report her to the authorities. Despite her protestations, Belén was convicted and sentenced to two years for homicide.Belén's imprisonment is a glaring example of how women's health care has become increasingly criminalized, putting the most vulnerable--BIPOC, rural, and low-income--women at greater risk of prosecution. Belén's cause became the centerpiece of a movement to achieve greater protections for all women. After two failed attempts to clear her name, Belén met feminist lawyer Soledad Deza, who quickly rallied Amnesty International and ignited an international feminist movement around #niunamas--not one more--symbolized by thousands of demonstrators around the globe donning white masks, the same kind of mask Belén wore when leaving prison. The #niunamas movement was instrumental in pressuring Argentine president Alberto Fernández to decriminalize abortion in 2021. In this gripping and personal account of the case and its impact on local law, Ana Correa, one of Argentina's leading journalists and activists, makes clear that what happened to Belén could happen to any woman--and that we all have the power to raise our collective voices and demand change.Translated by Julia Sanches
"A galvanizing history of abortion recentering people of color to put forth a timely argument that we must liberate abortion for all"--
In einer Welt, in der im Jahr 2023 etwa 8 Milliarden Menschen die Erde bevölkern, stehen wir vor einer drängenden Herausforderung. Unsere kostbaren Ressourcen schwinden, einige von ihnen sind bereits erschöpft, und das ungebremste Wachstum der Bevölkerung ist nicht länger nachhaltig.Die bisher ergriffenen Maßnahmen haben die unausweichlichen Spannungen zwischen Ressourcenknappheit und Bevölkerungszuwachs nicht wirksam gelöst. Es finden Verteilungskämpfe statt.Die Lösung dieser weltweiten Widersprüche erfordert einen freiwilligen, friedlichen undsozial verträglichen Rückgang der Geburtenrate. Diese entscheidende Veränderung liegtin den Händen von Frauen, entweder kein oder nur ein Kind in die Welt zu bringen. Es ist vonentscheidender Bedeutung, dass Frauen überall auf der Welt die Möglichkeit dazu haben.Dies ist eine der Schlüsselfragen, die unsere globale Gesellschaft heute bewegen.
"A microhistory of abortion in nineteenth-century United States, which tells the story of Josephine McCarty, an abortionist and female physician tried for murder in upstate New York in 1872"--
STRIKKEPINDE OG SÆBEVAND Kvindeliv i Danmark i tiden før den fri abort Bogen indeholder en samling breve skrevet af kvinder, som levede i tiden, før aborten blev fri. Det liv, som kvinderne beskriver, er domineret af snævre sociale forhold og af en graviditets- og seksualitetsangst, som først for alvor lettede ved indførelsen af den fri abort i 1973. Brevene viser kvindernes mod og styrke, deres svagheder og fortrydelser. Ud fra brevene vælder der en fortabthed og rådvildhed, men også en kunnen og en undergrundsviden, som kvinderne lærte sig, når de kom “i ulykke”. Kvinderne var så pressede, fortvivlede og modige, at de satte deres helbred og i sidste instans også deres liv på spil.
Der Umgang mit Konfliktschwangerschaften und die verschiedenen Lösungsmöglichkeiten sind Kernthemen im Religions- und Ethikunterricht an weiterführenden Schulen. Dieses Buch leistet einen authentischen Beitrag zur Behandlung des Themas im Unterricht: Die dargestellten Fälle und Situationen sind überwiegend dem wirklichen Leben entnommen. Sie regen zum Nachdenken und Diskutieren an und betrachten den Konflikt aus verschiedenen Perspektiven. Zudem beinhaltet das Buch zahlreiche Informationen zur vorgeburtlichen Entwicklung, zur Rechtslage im Bezug auf Schwangerschaftsabbrüche in Deutschland und zur besonderen Situation von Menschen mit Einschränkungen. Wichtig: Konkrete Tipps und Hinweise dazu, wo Hilfe, Rat und Tat im Fall einer unerwarteten Schwangerschaft angeboten werden. Damit ist das Buch ein Mutmacher und Nachlagewerk.
Hole in My Heart is a memoir of love, loss, and redemption. Meticulously researched, the book shows how Dusky became a major force in changing laws to give adopted adults access to their birth records.
The feminists across Latin America, Africa, and Europe making self-managed abortion available to all - and the transnational movement they have built along the way
In this book, faith leaders, scholars and activists from around the globe provide their perspective on faith and abortion. They reflect on examples of faith organisations which have provided leadership on the issue as well as examining religious approaches from Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim and interfaith perspectives. Challenging the assumption that all people of faith are anti-abortion, this book provides a counterpoint to right-wing faith perspectives and outlines how faith communities reimagine abortion as an issue of social, pastoral and theological concern. Providing perspectives from the global North and South, it includes settings where abortion is legal, and where it is restricted, and settings where abortion stigma is ever-present to settings where abortion is normalised. It also demonstrates the complex connections between faith and abortion, how women and pregnant people are positioned in society and how morality is claimed and challenged.
'How better to honour the women who have fought for abortion rights, those who are still fighting around the world, those who have suffered from its illegality, those who still suffer from its limitations, than to continue to talk about it?'In this timely essay, Pauline Harmange provides an intimate, detailed account of her abortion. Reminiscent of Annie Ernaux's Happening, Abortion is nuanced, complex, honest, and precise. Harmange gives voice to the emotions, reflections, and contradictions that someone could experience when they choose to terminate a pregnancy. At a time in which women's reproductive rights are being called into question around the world, Abortion is a clarion call, a powerful personal testimony, and a resolutely political vision: to restore power to our experiences, all our experiences, by sharing them, and to transform society for the better.
In the wake of the Supreme Court overturning Roe V. Wade and a country divided, a pioneer in the pro-choice movement and women’s healthcare offers an unapologetic and authoritative take on abortion—“the front line and the bottom line of women’s freedom and liberty.”
Public Morality and the Culture Wars: The Triple Divide is an academically rigorous and strictly non-polemical analysis of the intellectual and ideological conflicts at the heart of the 'culture wars'.
En 1999, Paulina Ramírez, de tan sólo trece años, fue violada y quedó embarazada. Con el apoyo de su familia, acudió a la clínica de su localidad para interrumpir la gestación, pero ni su corta edad ni las circunstancias violentas en las que se dio su embarazo le garantizaron ese derecho. Los médicos que la atendieron argumentaron objeción de conciencia, empecinados en defender sus creencias religiosas, y se negaron a practicar el aborto, dejando a Paulina y a su familia en una encrucijada vital. Elena Poniatowska ofrece en este libro la crónica conmovedora de un caso que generó indignación y alimentó la lucha por los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres mexicanas.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONIn 1999, Paulina Ramírez, only thirteen years of age, was raped and got pregnant. With her family’s support, she went to her local clinic to terminate her pregnancy, but neither her young age nor the violent circumstances in which she became pregnant granted her this right. The doctors argued a conscientious objection, determined to stand by their religious believes, and refused to perform the abortion, leaving Paulina and her family at a vital crossroads. Elena Poniatowska presents the moving chronicle of a case that sparked outrage and fused the struggle for Mexican women’s reproductive rights.
Há uma terrível confusão entre os casais cristãos, que, devido à influência antinatalista do mundo, se casam acreditando que devem "se importar" em ter filhos e, como não querem ofender a Deus, escolhem um método "natural" para faça isso. A verdade é que a Igreja aprova o uso de métodos naturais desde que haja uma razão proporcionalmente séria para espaçar os nascimentos e que não se baseie no egoísmo. O autor analisa quais poderiam ser esses motivos graves.
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