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Etiske dilemmaer: videnskabelige, teknologiske og medicinske udviklinger

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  • af Sarma Bikash
    688,95 kr.

    Definition: Ethical responsibility is the ability to recognize, interpret and act upon multiple principles and values according to the standards within a given field and/or context.

  • af B.T. (Loughborough University) Lawson
    978,95 kr.

    "Do numbers have a life of their own or do we give them meaning? How do data play a role in constructing people's perceptions of the world around them? How far can we trust numbers to speak truth to power? The COVID-19 pandemic offers a unique moment to answer these questions. This book examines how politicians, experts and journalists gave meaning to data through the story of seven iconic numbers from the pandemic. Shedding light on a new dawn of data, this book makes a valuable contribution to our understanding of the relationship between numbers, meaning and society."--

  • af Johannes Van Vloten, Jan Pieter Nicolaas Land & Benedictus de Spinoza
    238,95 - 398,95 kr.

  • af Sarah Worley-James
    215,95 kr.

    This essential book explores the practical and technical requirements, and also, importantly, the relational issues of counselling online. It covers video, audio and text-based counselling, using vivid vignettes, case examples and practical exercises to help you gain confidence in using these emerging media to their full creative potential.

  • af Kabani P. S.
    648,95 kr.

    TITANIUM DIOXIDE Titanium dioxide also known as titania, is the most commonly used oxide of titanium with chemical formula Ti02. Pure titanium dioxide does not occur in nature but is derived from ilmenite (FeTiOsJ^or leucoxene ores. Titanium dioxide is extracted from ilmenite by chemical processes via sulfate or chloride route [John et al, 1999; Itoh et al, 2006]. It is also readily mined as rutile, its crystal modifications from mineral sand. The paramount interest in TiOa by researchers is due to the physical and chemical stability, non-toxicity, chemical and biological inertness, resistance to corrosion and low cost [Hung et al, 2007]. Titania has wide range of apphcation as pigment to provide whiteness and opacity to products such as paints, coatings, plastics, paper, inks, foods, medicines as well as in most of the toothpastes because of its brightness and veiy high refractive index [n = 2.7). Titania is used in cosmetics and skin care products, both as a pigment and a thickener. Almost every sunscreen preparation contains titania as a physical blocker due to the high refractive index, strong UV light absorbing capabilities and resistance to decoloration under UV light. As a result of high refractive index, titania is used as an anti-reflection coating in solar cells and in many thin-film optical devices. Because of the high photoreactivity and the photostability, titania is capable of decomposing large varieties of liquid and gas phase organic and inorganic compounds [Wang et

  • af Frank H. Laukien
    293,95 kr.

    The concept of "evolution" has historically been applied to the origins and adaptation of biological traits and species. But what if the notion of evolution is more pervasive and multifaceted?The concept of "evolution" has historically been applied to the origins and adaptation of biological traits and species.But what if the notion of evolution is more pervasive and multifaceted?In his groundbreaking earlier book, Active Biological Evolution, Frank Laukien made a startling, evidence-based assertion: While random mutations were the primary change mechanism of evolution during early life and remain relevant in pathobiology, in the era of modernbiology...Adaptive evolution via genomic and epigenetic changes prior to Darwinian selection is primarily the result of active cell biology processes.In short, Laukien concluded: The processes of adaptive evolution are, themselves, evolving.In Origins & Evolution, his follow-up work, Laukien continues to challenge conventional wisdom and offer novel insights. Employing the frameworkof evolution, he explores feedback-driven processes in the realms of cosmological, planetary, geological, and climate evolution and their effects on life and organismal evolution.Laukien delves into:The origins of molecular evolvability and cellular life, as well as of astrobiology with putative exoplanet lifeEarth's tumultuous evolution with frozen episodes and warm periods with carbon dioxide levels five times higher than todayThe evolutionary impact of six mass extinctions in the last 600 million years and the chances of future mass extinctionsOur evolving climate-with over 50 near-regular Northern ice ages in the last 3 million years, along with the unpredictable consequences of anthropogenic climate changeEusociality in homo sapiens-the only intelligent species with a technological civilization that has evolved on Earth in 3.8 billion years among 100 million speciesThe concept of a lifetime of species in evolution, from ten thousands to millions of years, and the implications for the evolution of future hominin species and hybridsA must-read for anyone pondering the evolutionary history and future of life, as well as of Homo sapiens and the meaning of our existence.

  • af Jennifer Jacquet
    106,95 kr.

  • af Anna Kent
    96,95 kr.

  • af Louis Fouche
    233,95 kr.

    Figura destacada de la resistencia frente a la avalancha de medidas contra la libertad en Francia, el Dr. Louis Fouché es el iniciador del colectivo Reinfo-Covid. En este libro, nos ofrece un claro análisis de las mutaciones del sistema sanitario hacia una lógica tecnocrática y deshumanizadora. Expone el sufrimiento psicológico y social que resulta de las políticas incoherentes y represivas a las que hemos sido sometidos y nos da posibles soluciones para recrear una sociedad próspera, colaborativa y respetuosa de la vida.

  • af Justin Gregg
    168,95 - 216,95 kr.

  • af Gary Smith
    303,95 kr.

  • af David S. Caudill
    473,95 kr.

    As the crisis of expertise continues to be a global issue, this book shows that it is not a 'scientific' controversy, but an ideological dispute with believers on both sides. If the advocates of consensus science acknowledge the uncertainties of even the best science, it is possible to open a pathway towards communication between world views.

  • af Tina Sikka
    918,95 kr.

    This volume examines the latest health and genetic technologies, explores the representation, communication, and internalization of health knowledge and reveals the economic and cultural inequalities that result from these technologies.

  • af Goran Sundqvist & Linda Soneryd
    297,95 kr.

  • af Tatiana Konrad
    942,95 kr.

    The first comprehensive study of plastics, from the moment they were invented to the present day

  • af Gaia (Seton Hall University Bernstein
    188,95 kr.

  • af Anja Pinborg & Lone Schmidt
    58,95 kr.

    Mange kvinder og mænd får ikke de børn, de ønsker sig – infertilitet er den næsthyppigste kroniske sygdom blandt folk i den reproduktive alder. Alligevel behandler vi fortsat infertilitet, som om det var et luksusproblem og ikke en sygdom: Over halvdelen af alle fertilitetsbehandlinger varetages i den private sektor, hvilket skaber en enorm ulighed i behandlingstilbuddet. Hvis vi skal styrke den reproduktive sundhed, kræver det mere oplysning henvendt til unge, strukturelle forandringer samt opdaterede rammer for behandling i offentligt regi.Lone Schmidt er læge og professor mso i nedsat frugtbarhed og folkesundhedsvidenskab ved Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet.Anja Pinborg er professor i gynækologi og obstetrik og ledende overlæge på Afdeling for Fertilitet på Rigshospitalet. Anja Pinborg er desuden assisterende redaktør for Ugeskrift for Læger. Moderne Ideer er støttet af Lundbeckfonden, Augustinus Fonden og Statens Kunstfond. I bøgerne gør førerende forskere deres viden tilgængelig og leverer deres bud på, hvordan vi løser tidens største udfordringer.

  • af Lilian Zøllner
    188,95 kr.

    LØGSTRUP OG LÆGEGERNINGENK.E. Løgstrups originale og indflydelsesrige bidrag til en etisk tænkning har vundet indpas blandt mange fagprofessioner, herunder sygeplejersker og pædagoger. Denne håndbogs dominerende intention er at præsentere Løgstrups tanker for læger og kommende læger, at slå en dør op og gøre Løgstrups begreber tilgængelige i en medicinsk praksis.Mange af Løgstrups grundbegreber – tillid, magt, barmhjertighed, interdependens, suveræne livsytringer mv. – og prægnante formuleringer præsenteres og uddybes i bogen af Lilian Zøllner og sættes samtidig i en medicinsk ramme i relation til arbejdet med patienter, pårørende, sundhedspolitikere og embedsværket.

  • af Marc Steen
    253,95 - 1.221,95 kr.

  • af Mark Coeckelbergh
    188,95 kr.

    "A concise overview of the ethical issues that are likely to emerge as robots become more social and more integrated into human life."--

  • af Giovanni Rubeis
    468,95 kr.

    Digitale Technologien transformieren Praktiken und Strukturen im Pflegebereich. Die ethischen Implikationen dieses Transformationsprozesses sind vielfältig und durch die intersektorale Struktur der Pflege mitbestimmt. Die ethische Analyse und Bewertung einer digitalisierten Pflege setzt daher einen interdisziplinären Forschungsansatz voraus, der über Sektorengrenzen hinausblickt. Ziel des vorliegenden Bandes ist es, Perspektiven aus der Ethik, Geschichte, Medizininformatik, Robotik, den Pflegewissenschaften sowie den Sozialwissenschaften zusammenzuführen. Die ethischen und sozialen Aspekte digitaler Technologien in der Pflege werden aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln beleuchtet, um so der Komplexität der Pflege und der Technologien gerecht zu werden. Digital technologies are transforming practices and structures in nursing care. The ethical implications of this transformation process are multifaceted, and are in part determined by the cross-sectoral organization of nursing care. Therefore, an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach is needed in order to analyze the ethical aspects of digitalized nursing care. It is the aim of this volume to gather perspectives from ethics, history, medical informatics and engineering science, nursing science, and social sciences. Given the complexity of nursing care and digital technologies, this allows for a more holistic analysis of the ethical and social aspects of digitally enhanced nursing care.

  • af Mark Oberländer
    258,95 kr.

    Verkaufsware Gesundheit! Der Arzt als Verkäufer! DRG-System (Diagnosis Related Groups) "Das rücksichtslose geldgierige System" der Fallpauschalen! 230, 297, 441 MilliardenDrei Zahlen nicht mehr und nicht weniger und doch so aussagekräftig. Diese drei Zahlen zeigen ganz deutlich, dass unser schönes Gesundheitssystem nach Einführung des DRG-Systems im Jahre 2003 zu einem Wirtschaftszweig verkommen ist. Einem Wirtschaftszweig, in dem Operieren an erster Stelle steht, der Patient in Gewinn bringend und Gewinn schmälernd eingeteilt und das Pflegepersonal als Kostenfaktor angesehen wird. Das Ziel der rücksichtslosen Gewinnmaximierung wird hierbei auf dem Rücken bzw. im Rücken der Patienten durch oftmals unnötige Operationen ausgetragen. 20 Millionen Operationen (stationär/ambulant)Diesem, aus Geldgier entstandenen, Operationswahnsinn wird Ihnen der Autor, Mark Oberländer, basierend auf seiner eigenen 22-jährigen Patientenkarriere und durch aussagekräftige Statistiken eindrucksvoll und lebendig näher bringen. Weiterhin wird er sehr viele Professoren und Ärzte zitieren, die dieses unnötige Operieren, mit Sorge betrachten. Vorab ein Zitat eines Professors auf die Frage, warum so viel operiert wird: "Weil unser Gesundheitswesen so organisiert ist, dass Operieren deutlich besser vergütet wird als eine konservative Behandlung. Dadurch wird natürlich automatisch mehr operiert, um einfach Umsatz und Gewinn eines Krankenhauses zu steigern". Was sagen Sie dazu? Die Meinung des Autors ist dazu kurz und knapp: "Dieses Verhalten ist einfach nur abartig!" Nachdem Sie dieses Buch gelesen haben, werden Sie erkennen, dass Tag für Tag tausende Male im Wirtschaftszweig "Gesundheit" gegen zwei Artikel unseres Grundgesetzes sowie gegen zwei Paragrafen des Strafgesetzbuches verstoßen wird. Es wird Ihnen die Augen öffnen! Stoppt das DRG-System! Stoppt den Operationswahnsinn!

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