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  • - en bog om sjælesorg
    af Rita Nielsen
    147,95 - 307,95 kr.

    Bogen giver en grundig indføring i fagområdet sjælesorg og viser, hvordan man kan være sjælesørger for et andet menneske. Hvad sker der, når livet bliver vanskeligt? Hvad gør vi selv, og hvad kan vi gøre, når livet rammer os? Hvordan kan vi støtte og hjælpe hinanden, når livet bliver svært? ’Det nødvendige nærvær’ vil forsøge at give nogle af svarene på spørgsmålene ovenfor – med et skiftende fokus på teori og praksis. Bogen rummer teoretiske afsnit om f.eks. sorgteorier og kommunikationsmodeller, men har også en række case eksempler, der gør den praksisnær. Den handler først og fremmest om, hvordan man kan være sjælesørger for et andet menneske, men der er også hjælp at hente til, hvad man selv kan gøre, når livet opleves vanskeligt. Bogen er skrevet til præster og sundhedspersonale, der i deres arbejde møder sårbare og udsatte mennesker. Men målgruppen er også den frivillige i besøgstjenesten, lederen af en sorggruppe, en kirkeligt ansat som kirke-og kulturmedarbejder, kordegn eller lignende, og de de mennesker, der gerne vil have brugbare redskaber til bedre at kunne hjælpe naboen, veninden eller kollegaen. Rita Nielsen er sygeplejerske, underviser og foredragsholder. Hun har en uddannelse som samtaleterapeut og en master i etik og religionsfilosofi med speciale i åndelig omsorg fra Københavns Universitet. Har udgivet flere bøger om sjælesorg og åndelig omsorg: I dødsskyggens dal (2000/2012), At være sig selv (2005), Livets afslutning (2015) og Venteværelset (2010).

  • af Debra Kostiw
    212,95 kr.

  • af Svend Danielsen & Rie Thoustrup Sørensen
    1.382,95 kr.

    Den demografiske udvikling viser, at antallet af ældre stiger. Deres retsforhold har voksende betydning. Med denne nye, opdaterede udgave af Værgemålsloven med kommentarer søger forfatterne at dække nogle væsentlige og praktisk vigtige juridiske problemstillinger, som opstår i kølvandet på det, der i folkemunde kaldes ældrebyrden.I bogen er der foretaget en ajourføring og bearbejdelse. Den indeholder nye afgørelser og nyvurderinger. Formålet har været at udfylde et beskrivelsesmæssigt tomrum med omfattende og dybtgående redegørelser, som forhåbentlig indeholder fyldestgørende svar på de fleste spørgsmål, som opstår.Bogen henvender sig til de faggrupper, som i det daglige beskæftiger sig med værgemål for voksne samt med børns og unges økonomiske forhold. Det gælder advokater, dommere, revisorer, bankrådgivere og forvaltningsafdelingerne, som administrerer formuerne, samt socialrådgivere, kommunalt ansatte, hospitals- og plejepersonale. De kan komme til at vurdere, om der er behov for værgemål og i bekræftende fald hvilket, ligesom der senere skal samarbejdes med værgerne. Også de pårørende kan have behov for svar på opståede spørgsmål.Lovkommentaren er forfattet af Svend Danielsen, der er kendt for sin interesse for området, bl.a. som formand for værgemålsudvalget, hvis betænkning dannede grundlag for loven fra 1996, og som forfatter af førsteudgaven fra 2006. Derudover Rie Thoustrup Sørensen, der er kontorchef i Statsforvaltningens værgemålskontor, og som tidligere var kontorchef i Civilstyrelsen.IndholdForordVærgemålslovenVærgemålsbekendtgørelsenSagsbehandlingsbekendtgørelsenIndledningKapitel 1. Værgemål for børn og ungeKapitel 2. Værgemål for voksneKapitel 3. Behandlingen af værgemåls- og værgesager vedrørende voksneKapitel 4. Værgens beføjelser og pligterKapitel 5. Formuens forvaltning og anbringelse m.v.Kapitel 6. Umyndiges selvstændige rådighed og næringKapitel 7. Ugyldige aftalerKapitel 8. Særlige værgemålKapitel 9. Internationale aftalerKapitel 10. Ikrafttræden m.v.Retsplejelovens kapitel 43 - VærgemålssagerAfgørelsesregisterStikordsregister

  • - Kulturværdier og religion i plejen af den etniske ældre
    af Anne Ehlers & Grethe Hjul Mandrup
    97,95 kr.

    Hvordan bør kommunens plejepersonale møde ældre med en anden etnisk herkomst end dansk, fortrinsvis muslimske ældre? Det er nemlig ikke altid lige let for både personale og de ældre. Sproglige forbistringer, kulturelle misforståelser og skuffede forventninger til hinanden skaber ofte konflikter og problemer.I "Krop og religion. Kulturværdier og religion i plejen af den etniske ældre" finder man svar på de mange spørgsmål. Det er en spændende, velskrevet og vedkommende bog, der leverer brugbare løsninger til gavn for personalet. Bogen er skrevet med indlevelse og indsigt og indeholder en afbalanceret blanding af praksis og teori.

  • - Konkrete greb til praksis
    af Iben Ljungmann
    313,95 kr.

    "Faglig ledelse i ældreplejen" giver et konkret og praksisnært indblik i, hvordan man:skaber et trygt og fagligt udviklende arbejdsmiljøarbejder personcentreret, så man bedre kan levere den omsorg, de ældre har brug forinddrager individuelle og fælles refleksioner over praksis i en travl hverdag.Det er en praksisorienteret bog med masser af eksempler undervejs. Det er den første af sin art, fordi den specifikt beskæftiger sig med ledelse af ældreplejen og de særlige udfordringer, der gælder på netop dette område."Iben Ljungmann har skrevet en bog, som lederne i ældreplejen vil kunne læse igen og igen i mange år, fordi de hver gang kan hente hjælp til at udvide deres ledelsesmæssige råderum [...] Nye ledere vil garanteret sluge bogen og prøve at huske det hele. Erfarne ledere vil blive bekræftet i de greb, som de allerede bruger, og de vil finde nye greb, som de måske ville ønske, at de havde kendt tidligere. De, der overvejer at blive ledere, kan blive forsikret om, at faglig ledelse er lige så udfordrende, som det er givende." - Dorthe Birkmose i bogens forord

    334,95 kr.

    The Social Contract between the Generations is the visible and invisible contract that binds generations together in caring for children, educating children and young adults, and providing for elderly parents. Yet the balance between the generations in Denmark – and the rest of the world – is undergoing dynamic changes, putting the social contract up for debate and renegotiation. There is a need for a new understanding –particularly between the young generation and the old – in anticipation of pension, labor market, healthcare and economic reforms. Bjarne Hastrup pinpoints the wide spectrum of options to consider when creating a new social contract, that will benefit future generations. He reviews the history and the future foundations of the social contract and proposes strategic tools for the debate.

  • af Christine P Brown
    183,95 kr.

    Kay has Dementia.In 2021 sisters Stephanie and Christine Brown embarked on a road trip across Australia with their mother Kay.They didn't want to put their mother in a home so decided to do something different. They wanted to give her adventures, love & happiness while she could still enjoy it all.This is a diary of their journey together and a story of their experience with dementia andthe ways they dealt with the ever-changing world dementia brings. It is also a story of love, family, joy and community.Those with dementia are not lost, nor burdens. They are people with as much opportunity for meaningful moments as anyone.because love matters.

  • af Tim Bauerschmidt
    172,95 kr.

    When Miss Norma was diagnosed with uterine cancer, she was advised to undergo surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. But instead of confining herself to a hospital bed for what could be her last stay, Miss Norma?newly widowed after nearly seven decades of marriage?rose to her full height of five feet and told the doctor, ?I'm ninety years old. I'm hitting the road.? And so Miss Norma took off on an unforgettable around-the-country journey in a thirty-six-foot motor home with her retired son Tim, his wife Ramie, and their dog Ringo. As this once timid woman says ?yes? to living in the face of death, she tries regional foods for the first time, reaches for the clouds in a hot air balloon, and mounts up for a horseback ride. With each passing mile (and one educational visit to a cannabis dispensary), Miss Norma's health improves and conversations that had once been taboo begin to unfold. Norma, Tim, and Ramie bond in ways they had never done before, and their definitions of home, family, and friendship expand. Stop by stop, state by state, they meet countless people from all walks of life?strangers who become fast friends and welcome them with kindness and open hearts.Infused with this irrepressible nonagenarian's wisdom, courage, and generous spirit, Driving Miss Norma is the charming, infectiously joyous chronicle of their experiences on the road. It portrays a transformative journey of living life on your own terms that shows us it is never too late to begin an adventure, inspire hope, or become a trailblazer.

  • af Aileen A. Gronewold
    162,95 kr.

    Three traumatic events in a matter of weeks jolted Aileen Gronewold from career professional to amateur caregiver. For the next six years and countless episodes of The Lawrence Welk Show, she learned the art of caregiving in times both tender and difficult. As her mother's dementia deepened, she began navigating the Long Goodbye while struggling to balance her marriage, sibling conflicts, and her own loss of identity. Walking Mama Home reveals both the joys and sacrifices of caring for a parent at the end of life. This moving narrative celebrates the strength of family and unconditional love, even as it offers abundant grace for mistakes along the way. Aileen writes with candor and compassion to encourage those navigating their own caregiving journey.

  • af Terri Leedom
    212,95 kr.

  • af Lizann Grupalo
    192,95 - 267,95 kr.

  • af Sylvia Bryden-Stock
    122,95 kr.

    Life is full of challenges that affect our emotions. One could say that through life we are constantly riding a roller coaster of emotional ups and downs.I don't know of anyone who has not experienced at least one situation during their life that has dramatically challenged the way they handle things.Things are going well according to our perception of this earthly life until suddenly we are like a pet budgerigar that has fallen off his perch and landed smack bang to the bottom of the cage!So, what do we do now?This book looks at some of the emotion's carers will experience along with including some of the author's emotional challenges that had to be faced as she journeyed with her husband throughout his Young Onset Alzheimer's Disease. Well-illustrated, it shows how the mind and the brain work together to create emotional response memories and how stored past emotional response memory can influence your responses to the current challenge of caring. Sharing her own reaction to suddenly having to ride a new emotional roller coaster is reassuring for the reader. There are some quotes from famous people that will uplift and encourage A book that is based around personal experience. Primarily for carers, this book can help others understand some basic neuroscience and how emotional response memory is laid down in the brain tissue. How to best negotiate the emotional roller coaster life suddenly forces you to ride.

  • af Robert A. Dietmair
    135,95 kr.

    Viele ältere Menschen, insbesondere jene, die ihren Lebensabend in Senioren- oder Pflegeheimen verbringen, laufen Gefahr, vergessen zu werden und möglicherweise in ihrer Einzigartigkeit unbeachtet zu bleiben. Dieses Buch verfolgt das Ziel, interessierten Lesern eine detaillierte Anleitung zur Verfügung zu stellen, wie sie die Lebensgeschichten ihrer nahestehenden Personen aufzeichnen können. Es fungiert als ein wertvolles Werkzeug, um Biografiearbeit sowohl im beruflichen als auch im persönlichen Kontext erfolgreich umzusetzen.Die Essenz dieses Werkes liegt darin, den Lesern dabei zu helfen, die reichen Lebenserfahrungen von Senioren festzuhalten, um ihnen nicht nur ein greifbares Erbe zu hinterlassen, sondern auch eine wertschätzende und einfühlsame Betreuung zu ermöglichen. Durch die Bereitstellung von fundierten Tipps und praxisnahen Anleitungen unterstützt das Buch die Leser dabei, die Nuancen der Biografiearbeit zu verstehen und in ihrem täglichen Umgang mit älteren Menschen zu integrieren.Von der Kunst des einfühlsamen Zuhörens bis hin zur richtigen Fragetechnik bietet dieses Buch eine umfassende Anleitung für diejenigen, die sich der Aufgabe verschrieben haben, die reichen Lebensgeschichten der älteren Generation zu bewahren. Es schafft eine Brücke zwischen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, zwischen Erinnerung und Fürsorge, und ermutigt dazu, die Lebenswege der Senioren als Quelle der Inspiration und Weisheit zu erkennen. Insgesamt ist dieses Buch eine nützliche Ressource für all jene, die sich dem Ziel verschrieben haben, die Geschichten ihrer älteren Mitmenschen mit Respekt, Empathie und Bedacht zu würdigen.

  • af Beate Mayr
    822,95 kr.

    Immer mehr Menschen verbringen ihren Lebensabend in Einrichtungen der Altenpflege. Zusätzlich zur Sorge um physische, psychische und soziale Belange gilt es, deren spirituelle Bedürfnisse zu berücksichtigen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die spirituellen Bedürfnisse von alten Menschen in Langzeitpflegeeinrichtungen zu erfassen. Gleichzeitig wurde untersucht, welche spirituellen Bedürfnisse Pflegende bei den ihnen anvertrauten Bewohner/-innen wahrnehmen. Dabei wurden Übereinstimmungen bzw. Unterschiede identifiziert. Daten aus 28 Einzelinterviews mit Bewohnerinnen und Bewohnern und 9 Fokusgruppeninterviews mit Mitarbeitenden wurden mittels Qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet und unter die Kernkategorien "Sinn", "Verbundenheit", "Transzendenz" kategorisiert. Die Kategorien beider Befragtengruppen wurden einem Vergleich unterzogen. Trotz zahlreicher Übereinstimmungen in den Aussagen beider Gruppen bleiben Defizite in der Wahrnehmung von Pflegenden. Aus den Ergebnissen der Arbeit werden Schlussfolgerungen für die Einbeziehung der spirituellen Dimension der alten Menschen in die pflegerische Arbeit im Seniorenheim gezogen und Empfehlungen ausgesprochen.

  • - De pårørendes stemme
    af Anita Justesen
    257,95 kr.

    ”Det er en hård dag i dag! Kan jeg virkelig være den eneste pårørende til en kræftramt, der i perioder bliver fyldt med afmagt, træthed og en stor følelse af ensomhed? Sygdommen har taget kontrollen over vores fælles liv."Pårørende til kræftpatienter er en overset gruppe i sundhedsvæsnet og på arbejdsmarkedet. Gennem en spørgeundersøgelse og otte interviews dokumenterer forfatter Anita Justesen, hvor vigtige de pårørende er for den kræftsyge, og hvor stor en byrde, der bæres af denne gruppe. I bogen fortælles om tabubelagte følelser, om et sundhedsvæsen, der har spillet fallit, om arbejdspladsers manglende forståelse og om venner og familie, der trækker sig.Endelig samles trådene i bogen til en række anbefalinger, der kan støtte op om de pårørende.Om forfatterenAnita Justesen (f. 1959), cand.mag. i historie og erhvervsøkonomi, stoppede med at arbejde, da hendes mand blev ramt af kræft. Denne bog er hendes personlige og kærlige opråb til omverdenen om, at man som pårørende har behov for at blive hørt, set og anerkendt for den indsats, man gør.

  • af Daniel Mason
    367,95 kr.

    Order Your Copy of The New You: The Only Chair Yoga For Seniors Program You'll Ever Need Today!

  • af Murphy V. S. Anderson
    337,95 - 497,95 kr.

  • af Tine Rostgaard
    510,95 - 1.459,95 kr.

    Our societies are ageing, and we need to identify sustainable and person-centred solutions for supporting frail older people in their homes. Reablement offers a radical new integrated care approach which supports older people to regain and maintain functioning and independence. This interdisciplinary book provides an introduction to the remarkable, if haphazard, international growth in reablement policies and practices in aged care over the past 20 years. Incorporating theoretical and empirical research, it considers benefits for clients and care workers, cost-saving potentials and reablement provision for people with dementia. Finally, the book reflects on key findings, challenges and the way forward for long-term care for older people.

  • af Martha H. Robertson
    177,95 kr.

    Caregiving is the most humbling yet rewarding of all callings if you go into it with your eyes wide open. Like all life-altering events, it requires research and support from both professionals and those in your circle who have already grown into this role.For the Love of God and Family is intended to draw you into the reality of what God has chosen to bless you with during this chapter in your life. Boy, the idea of this as a blessing from God just seems wrong! Yet you will see how approaching this time in your life with a complete sense of what your role is and who your care receiver is in this new relationship will help you come alongside your loved one with understanding and compassion. Your heart will forever be tender toward this season in your loved one's life.This book is all about jump-starting this journey by helping you find the confidence and courage to step out and give yourself the freedom to find your joy and give your care receiver permission to feel his or her own joy. That, in its own right, is a God-given blessing beyond anything you have ever experienced. For the Love of God and Family will give you the tools you need to guard your heart and protect that joy while living in this precious season of life. You will see where it will be necessary to console yourself to flexibility toward ever-changing challenges.Martha will use this book to help you discover the hard questions that need to be asked, and the answers you should expect to gather the information and help you are going to require. Martha draws from scripture support and confidence while sharing her story.

  • af Elizabeth Roth
    242,95 - 357,95 kr.

  • af Al-Chalabi
    167,95 kr.

    Am în¿eles c¿ ei au scris fiecare ce au crezut de cuviin¿¿, respectând, totüi, o anumit¿ linie ideatic¿/ tematic¿. A¿a de mult seam¿n¿ - în expresii - Petre Don cu Hedir Al-chalabi - încât par amândoi un fel de alter ego unul al altuia. De altfel, story-ul c¿r¿ii reproduce dialoguri imaginare sau ba, între o fiic¿ ¿i tat¿l ei.¿tefan Doru D¿ncü

  • af Nicole J. Smith
    207,95 kr.

    Nicole J. Smith was blindsided by her mother's post-pandemic mental decline. A year later, after a neurological exam and follow-up, her mother was officially diagnosed: she had Alzheimer's. As the denial and drama escalated, Nicole and her Aunt Nancy created a transcontinental plan to find their loved one a safe, secure senior residence. From a daughter's point of view, Nicole tells their story of shock, research, worry, discovery, and ultimate success. She also shares information and tips to help others find their way through one of life's most difficult passages.

  • af Toni Claire Gitles
    267,95 kr.

    Most of us are untrained in caring for a family member. Caregiving should be considered a life event like getting married, having children, establishing a career, and planning for retirement.

  • af Jean Marmoreo
    207,95 kr.

    NATIONAL BESTSELLER*SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2022 WRITERS' TRUST BALSILLIE PRIZE FOR PUBLIC POLICY*An urgently important exploration of the human stories behind Canada's evolving acceptance of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), from one of its first and most thoughtful practitioners.Dr. Jean Marmoreo spent her career keeping people alive. But when the Supreme Court of Canada gave the green light to Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) in 2016, she became one of a small group of doctors who chose to immediately train themselves in this new field. Over the course of a single year, Marmoreo learns about end-of-life practices in bustling Toronto hospitals, in hospices, and in the facilities of smaller communities. She found that the needed services were often minimal—or non-existent.The Last Doctor recounts Marmoreo's crash course in MAiD and introduces a range of very different and memorable patients, some aged, some suffering from degenerative conditions or with a terminal disease, some surrounded by supportive love, some quite alone, who ask her help to end their suffering with dignity and on their own terms.Dr. Marmoreo also shares her own emotional transformation as she climbs a steep learning curve and learns the intimate truths of the vast range of end-of-life situations. What she experiences with MAiD shakes her to her core, makes her think deeply about pain, loneliness, and joy, and brings her closer to life’s most profound questions.At a time when end-of-life care and its quality are more in the public eye than ever before, The Last Doctor provides an accessibly personal, deeply humane, and authoritative guide through this difficult subject.

  • af Silvia Perel-Levin
    1.262,95 kr.

    Ageing of the Oppressed: A Pandemic of Intersectional Injustice explores what it is like to grow older with accumulating and intersecting discrimination. It condemns ageism and other "isms." Despite its visibility during the COVID-19 pandemic, ageism is not a new phenomenon but one that has been ignored for too long by policymakers and the general population. The negative language used to describe population ageing adds fuel to the fire by filling people¿s minds with ageist images that permeate all levels and sectors of society. We should all be recognized as full human rights holders, no matter our age, ability, disability, gender or sexual orientation, race, or socio-economic or any other status. This book combines theoretical models and academic essays by top experts with the real-life experience of older persons and activists. It is a must-read for advocates for human rights; policymakers; service providers; students of social and health sciences, the humanities, and law; and anybody willing to challenge assumptions and practices. The proposed UN Convention on the human rights of older persons will be a step forward to providing older persons with a remedy for daily and often life-long oppression.Silvia Perel-Levin, a highly respected international expert and leading advocate on human rights and ageing, has brought together contributors from around the world and from different disciplines to reflect on ageing, human rights, and oppression in its many forms. The book offers provocative, moving, and powerful stories and analyses of marginalization in older age and the interaction of age and other forms of discrimination in the denial of human rights. The book demands of its readers that they reflect deeply on their own ageism, prejudices, and complacency. A must-have for anyone interested in ageing, human rights, law, and structures of power in our societies. ¿Andrew Byrnes, Emeritus Professor of Law, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia As an eminent global advocate for the improvement of human rights of all citizens and most especially older people, Silvia Perel-Levin is well qualified to bring together leading experts in their field to convey through storytelling the manifest urgency for formal recognition and collective action against unjust treatment in all its forms. Each narrative will leave an imprint on your soul of the pain of being human yet most importantly the innate power in voice and meaningful engagement. ¿Jane Barratt, Secretary General, International Federation on Ageing

  • af Marc Alderdice
    177,95 kr.

    DON'T FORGET TO DANCE: A Unique Alzheimer's Journey - from Bizarre to Blissful is a memoir about Marc's wife Mary being diagnosed with early onset (or young onset) Alzheimer's disease. The book shows their journey related to this debilitating dementia where they suffered unpredictable and unimaginable traumas and heartaches. It also shows how, together, they overcame both anticipated and unforeseen complications and made it through bizarre times in unique ways-as well as being a unique love story showing how they made their way back to happiness and serenity.Since several of her relatives had Alzheimer's, Mary knew she had a higher probability of getting the disease. From her observations, she felt that what was deep in one's heart is what would surface as there was less and less thought and control. She wanted whatever came from her-if Alzheimer's was to be her fate-"to be kind and loving and gentle and even a blessing to others if possible." Thus, she consciously prepared her heart, mind and spirit for the possibility for over eight years before any problems surfaced, to ensure kind words and actions would come from her. This preparation provided an unexplainable inner peace and love for others during later years.After the diagnosis, Mary had a live-life-to-the-fullest approach, striving to ensure ongoing happiness, which allowed her and Marc to make the best of living with Alzheimer's. Her progression was normal for the first couple of years and life was good overall, with Mary trying new activities, including horse riding lessons, and doing things she always wanted to do. She didn't let her diagnosis run her life or ruin their life together.Marc took care of her at home for the first two and a half years, and they were doing well and had a good life together. But then Mary experienced some bizarre illness. She knew something strange was going on and it was bad. She then rapidly started having a lot of illogical thoughts, behaviors and obsessions, along with many irrational fears, delusions and hallucinations.Mary also started having psychiatric problems that she had never had before. She developed dissociative identity disorder, or multiple personalities. Marc discerned four distinct identities within her that surfaced, in addition to her "normal" self at the time, one of which was a sweet little girl who seemed to be about five-years old.Problems escalated over a horrendous three-month period filled with a lot of distress and near disasters that turned the couple's lives upside down. Significant safety issues arose when Mary tried to jump out of a moving car on numerous occasions. Problems continued to escalate and both of them arrived at a breaking point. Something had to change!Mary then moved to an assisted living facility memory care facility where she could receive the help she needed. Once Mary's psychiatric issues subsided, she's been happy over the subsequent years. The couple had great experiences together and they had a renewed "love affair."Marc had his own problems and shares his many emotional and physical struggles honestly from a husband's perspective as primary caregiver along the way.DON'T FORGET TO DANCE-at times heart-warming, heart-wrenching and humorous-is an encouraging memoir providing a positive approach of hope that reminds everyone you can make the best of a bad situation that will make life better for both the person with Alzheimer's and their loved ones.

  • af Caroline de L. Davies
    194,95 - 254,95 kr.

  • af Susan Morse
    342,95 kr.

    Four-time Edgar Award–winning author Lawrence Block’s definitive essay collection on the art of writing fictionFor ten years, crime novelist Lawrence Block funneled his wealth of writing expertise into a monthly column for Writer’s Digest. Collected here for the first time are those pieces illuminating the tricks of the authorial trade, from creating vibrant characters and generating seamless plots, to conquering writer’s block and experimenting with self-publishing.Filled with wit and insight, The Liar’s Bible is a must-read for experts, amateurs, and anyone interested in learning to craft great fiction from one of the field’s modern masters.This ebook features an illustrated biography of Lawrence Block, including rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the author’s personal collection.

  • af Fabian Sachs
    326,95 - 433,95 kr.

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