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Engang bestod dansk politi af én enkelt mand i København. I dag er politiet en organisation med 14.000 ansatte med opgaver både inden for og uden for strafferetsplejen, og både nationalt og internationalt. Politi 1682-2007 fortæller historien om denne dramatiske udvikling.Dansk politis over 300 år lange historie har været turbulent, og gennem tiderne har det været pålagt mange, meget forskellige opgaver. Under enevælden omfattede politietatens kerneopgaver bl.a. bekæmpelse af frås og luksus samt beskyttelse af ærbarheden og den luthersk-evangeliske tro. Senere under forfatningskampen tjente politiet som et forhadt politisk redskab for den siddende højre-regering til at kontrollere sine kritikere. Ikke desto mindre var politiet allerede da i færd med at blive afpolitiseret og integreret i retsstaten og dens tredeling af magten.I dag hører det danske politi til en af de politistyrker i verden, der nyder størst tillid i befolkningen. I bogen viser Henrik Stevnsborg dog, at vejen til dertil ikke har været nem eller uden tilbagefald. Politiets aktive deltagelse i interneringen af de danske kommunister under besættelse står som det grelleste eksempel, men også urolighederne på Nørrebro den 18. maj 1993 svækkede den brede befolknings tillid til politiet.Samtidig er dansk politis historie en fortælling om en politistyrke, der efter afslutningen af den Kolde Krig har fået flere og flere opgaver, der rækker ud over Danmarks grænser. Det gælder både i forhold til bekæmpelse af kvindehandel, narkotika og terrorisme og for deltagelsen i fredsbevarende opgaver i bl.a. Congo, Palæstina og på Balkan samt ikke mindst i Afghanistan og Irak.
ENHVER KONTAKT EFTERLADER SPOR følger en ung betjents vej fra politiskolen i København til drabsafdelingen. Arbejdet er ikke uden omkostninger. Det sætter sig i psyken. Kynismen trænger sig på, og han må hele tiden minde sig selv om, at ofrene er mere end sagsakter. De er mennesker med navne, familier og hårde skæbner. Martin Wittrup Enggaards politidigte stiller et grundlæggende spørgsmål: Hvordan holder man sammen på sig selv og troen på at kunne gøre forskel i mødet med en endeløs række af tragedier på samfundets bund?Læseren bliver ikke efterladt med et entydigt svar, men med en klump i halsen og et uafrysteligt portræt af en del af samfundet, vi alt for ofte lukker øjnene for. Martin Wittrup Enggaard (f. 1985) er drabsefterforsker i København og del af politiets nationale drabsgruppe. I 2023 blev hans borgerforslag om genetisk slægtsforskning vedtaget i Folketinget. Dette førte i år til, at der blev rejst tiltale mod en mand i sagen om Hanne With, der blev dræbt i 1990. En sag, som Martin Wittrup Enggaard havde efterforsket siden 2018.
Danmarkshistoriens første kidnapningssag. Æresdrabet på Ghazala Khan i Slagelse. Tønder-sagen.Arne Woythal har i sin 40-årige karriere i politiet været med til at opklare en lang række spektakulære forbrydelser. I 25 år var han drabsefterforsker i Gladsaxe Kriminalpoliti, Rejseholdet og Københavns Vestegns Politi. Og så har han sideløbende fungeret som international instruktør for Rigspolitiet i blandt andet Irak og Afghanistan.I På min vagt beretter han om de mange opsigtsvækkende sager foruden sin voldsomme start på tiden som gadebetjent i Ballerup i 1982, om sine oplevelser med at levere dødsbud, om at assistere fremmede landes drabsafdelinger og om anholdelse af bevæbnede røvere.Arne Woythal er forfatter og pensioneret politimand med en fortid som drabsefterforsker. Med sine fem kriminalromaner om kriminalassistent Rasmus Berg og Drabsafdelingen samt senest de to første bind i Kongsvig-serien har han bragt en ny grad af realisme ind i genren.
Hvordan er det at være politimand i Danmark?Som dreng oplevede jeg stor respekt for politiet, og for mange var det et kald at blive politimand.For mig var det en barndomsdrøm, der blev opfyldt, da jeg blev ansat. Desværre er respekten for en politimand ikke den samme i dag.Jeg har haft 42 spændende år i politiet med talrige spændende oplevelser, heraf flere på den mørke side af Retsplejeloven.I min historie vil jeg forsøge at give læserne et indblik i de mange forskellige og spændende sager, en politimand kan komme til at arbejde med. Jeg har arbejdet med stort set alt lige fra færdselsloven til kvindehandel og drab. Jeg har arbejdet undercover på Vesterbro.Jeg har været kriminalpolitiets kontaktmand til Christiania.Jeg har gennem ni år været kontaktmand til prostitutionsmiljøet.Jeg har været livvagt for kongehuset og adskillige sikkerhedstruede personer.
Bogen er en fortælling om Hans V. Toftes (1918-1987) liv under 2. verdenskrig, hvor han blev udnævnt som krigshelt, og hans senere karriere inden for den amerikanske efterretningstjeneste CIA. Bogen er baseret på interviews med Tofte samt dagbogsnotater og dokumenter frigivet af CIA.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlHenrik Krüger er en dansk forfatter, der fik sin bogdebut med værket "Action, mand! Rockerliv i Danmark" i 1976. Han er kendt for sine mange forskellige værker (både faglitteratur og fiktion), som tager udgangspunkt i samfundsrelevante emner – såsom rockerfænomenet og Christiania.
De hjælper med at bringe børn til verden i ambulancen om formiddagen. De skærer selvmordere ned fra loftskrogen om eftermiddagen. En ambulanceredders job bliver aldrig rutine. Svend Gørup Magnussen fortæller om sine 20 år som falckredder.Han har set chokket og tragedien i øjnene på bilister og passagerer, når ulykken lige var sket, han har reddet folk fra druknedøden og transporteret et utal af mennesker på deres sidste køretur til Restmedicinsk Institut.Magnussen tager dig med i forreste linje, når ulykken er indtrådt. Forfatteren beretter med overskud, nærvær og humor, mens han reflekterer over det spændende, men til tider også ekstremt krævende job.Bogen udkom første gang i 2007. Denne nye udgave slutter af med et interview med paramediciner Torsten Kristensen, der har været ansat i Falk gennem 14 år. Kristensen fortæller bl.a. om, hvordan mobiltelefoner og tilskuernes ønske om mobilfotos og Facebook-dokumentation har ændret vilkårene for redningsarbejderne. Interviewet er foretaget af DR-journalist Jakob Andresen.Bogen henvender sig til alle med interesse for virkelighedens dramaer.
Gennem seks år lever Tony Lindkold et dobbeltliv som undercoveragent for Politiets Efterretningstjeneste. I denne bog fortæller han om, hvad der kræves for at blive undercoveragent - og om den pris han betaler for at leve under falsk identitet. Tony Lindkold fortæller også om sin tid i Aktionsstyrken, som træner ham i at præstere under ekstremt pres, og om hvad han lærer, da han som den første udlænding gennemfører FBIs undercoverkursus i USA. Da en stor europæisk operation er tæt på at gå i vasken, siger han ja til en opgave hjemme i København - velvidende at der er en enorm risiko for at blive afsløret. Det får da også store konsekvenser for ham, og han tvinges til at tage sit liv som undercoveragent op til revision. Undercover er et indblik i en verden af organiseret kriminalitet, hvor der kræves menneskelig indsigt og helt særlige metoder for at afsløre bagmændene.
Usandsynlighedernes sammensværgelse handler om karakteren Karim Khamoud, der må flygte fra Irak da han som 11-årig ser sin far blive myrdet på bestialsk vis. Hanintegreres efterfølgende i Danmark, hvor han på et tidspunkt ender medjob i politiet og herunder også i deres livvagts afdeling i PET.Dette er en beretning om Karims liv, hvor hans blinde medpassagerhedder PTSD. En farlig følgesvend, der over tid bliver til pga. mængdensamt ikke mindst voldsomheden af de hændelser der rammer ham, specielt fordi hanikke får mentalt restitueret. Det skaber en masse kritiske situationerbl.a fordi hans moralske kompas kommer helt ud af kurs. Dette er en højspændt fiktionsroman med rødder ud i det virkelige liv. Bogen er den første i rækken af en trilogi om karakteren Karim.
Immerse yourself in the heart-pounding narratives of high-profile cases, including the intensity of the Broadwater Farm riots, the relentless pursuit of serial murderers, the cloak-and-dagger world of undercover operations, and the delicate art of negotiations during harrowing kidnappings.
With worsening climate change worldwide, the use of coal energy must be reevaluated. Lessons from highly optimized experiences in developed countries, along with innovative statistical tools, are ready to be employed in the coal energy field. Leveraging these resources can enhance efficiency, reduce waste, and promote sustainable practices in coal utilization. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the coal energy industry in the 21st century. It includes six chapters organized into three sections on the past and future of coal energy, application of statistical tools, and application technologies. Chapters address such topics as the pros and cons of coal energy, current clean coal technologies, the application of statistical tools to improve productivity and effectiveness in the coal energy industry, utilization of waste coal fly ash, and more.
This book analyzes the factors that have sparked pandemics over the past 2000 years, from the Antonine Plague to COVID-19.It is noteworthy that the frequency of pandemics has increased over the past 2000 years. The authors identify three main drivers for the development of pandemics: transportation, human development, and changes in natural ecosystems. It is important to note that with the advent of the industrial age, the length of time it takes for a pandemic to develop has decreased. COVID-19 is certainly not the last pandemic we will face. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to learn from the past 2000 years to help educate general community and public health officials about pandemic risks and help governments prepare for the next pandemic.The book is also very useful in low and middle-income countries where, in the last several decades, viruses with potential for pandemics have originated. It's comprehensiveness and didactic style make this book a valuable read for government health agencies, private organizations, health care professionals and students.
"A leading authority on sheriffs in America investigates the impunity with which sheriffs police their communities, alongside the troubling role they play in American life, law enforcement, and, increasingly, national politics. What should be of grave concern to us all is that sheriffs are wholly unaccountable. They do not report to federal, state, or local executives, and sheriffs' duties are often enshrined in state constitutions, making them effectively "above the law." Sheriffs have become a flashpoint in the current politics of toxic masculinity, guns, white supremacy, and rural resentment. They played a role in the January 6 insurrection-their anti-federal government stance coming into perfect alignment with both far-right militia groups and former President Donald Trump. This rise of the sheriff in national politics and their increasing right-wing radicalization has been assisted by the revival of the so-called Constitutional Sheriff movement, which casts sheriffs as the "last line of defense" between citizens and a libertarian definition of freedom in this country. Such sheriffs have been embraced by white nationalists, the far right, and most factions of the GOP, who seek to attain and maintain power at all costs. More than 95 percent of America's three thousand sheriffs are white men. They employ 25 percent of sworn law enforcement officers. They are the only elected law enforcement, but nearly 60 percent of all sheriffs run unopposed, and because they have no term limits, many serve for decades. They patrol the streets, make traffic stops, execute arrest warrants, and investigate crimes. They run county jails that admit 4.9 million people every year, which puts them in contact with some of the most vulnerable and disenfranchised people in the community. Journalist Jessica Pishko deploys a real gumshoe reporting style and prefers to be in the room to get her story. She's spent hours with the sheriffs she reports on. She's attended far-right rallies where prominent sheriffs blast their rallying cries in order to get a sense of the audiences they're reaching. She has signed up for Constitutional Sheriff training programs to immerse herself in the rhetoric. The result is a ground-shaking revelation about how this militant and unchecked law enforcement contingent sees itself and sees the rest of us"--
THE TRUE STORY OF AN INTERNATIONAL CRIME RING AND ITS DOWNFALLIn 1957, as the Cold War raged, Ian Fleming took a respite from writing James Bond to craft a work of nonfiction every bit as tense as a Bond adventure. Aided by an ex-MI5 agent and International Diamond Security Organization operative going by the alias "John Blaize," Fleming chronicled the IDSO's infiltration of the "million-carat network"―the world's most notorious diamond smuggling ring.Every year, a shadowy band of racketeers pirated a fortune in diamonds out of Africa, and the majority of the stolen gems wound up in the hands of Communist nations. In response, the IDSO commissioned a private army, led by legendary British spymaster Sir Percy Sillitoe, to penetrate and topple the ring.When the operation was complete, the Sunday Times gave the story to Fleming, who had impressed Sillitoe with his earlier Bond adventure Diamonds Are Forever. A remarkable feat of investigative journalism, The Diamond Smugglers is the thrilling true story behind one of the greatest spy operations in history.
Two perspectives. A retired Cold Case Homicide detective, Jason Palamara, and acclaimed author and thanatologist, Barbara Rubel, whose parents were police officers. As you read this book on law enforcement wellness, you'll notice that each chapter begins with Palamara's memoir, "In My Experience and Lessons Learned" and describes how he coped with on the job traumatic experiences, such as 9/11, homicide of young victims, and LODD. Rubel's section, "My Story and Evidence-Based Practices" follows, and includes cutting-edge science, research-based practices, and personal insight. She shares her childhood stories of living blue, as well as the devastating loss of her father, a retired sergeant, who died by suicide while she was awaiting the birth of triplets. What sets this book apart is its approach to vicarious trauma-informed practices based on the personal experiences of the authors, and that of over 70 law enforcement professionals and experts in mental health. Living Blue is designed to increase wellness in officers, their families, and ultimately, their communities. In Living Blue, you will learn how to:Incorporate a vicarious trauma-informed approach to policing.Manage compassion fatigue, burnout, secondary trauma, and moral injury.Change the culture and stigma that prevents law enforcement professionals from getting help.Boost resilience and achieve posttraumatic growth. Prevent law enforcement officer suicide.
Firefighters in the United States are at risk for developing a range of concerns given thephysical and psychological risks of their job duties (Farnsworth & Sewell, 2011; Lourel,Abdellaoui, Chevaleyre, Paltrier, & Gana, 2008; McFarlane & Bryant, 2007; Wagner, McFee, &Martin, 2010). Additionally, the risk for suicide may be higher in this population than thegeneral population (Savia, 2008). This phenomenological qualitative research study aimed to related crises, including how they wereimpacted across domains (e.g., emotional, cognitive, physical, relational), how they coped in theaftermath, and their use of social support. Therefore, 10 professional, active firefighters wereinterviewed in order to gain insights into their experiences. Additionally, an online survey wasused as a sampling strategy, and to gain information on the types of events they experienced andthose they find most distressing. The survey yielded a total of 132 completed responses with anadditional 18 partial responses. The findings of this study included the identification of 11cluster themes related to impact, coping strategies, and social support. Impact cluster themesincluded: different types of negative impact, different types of positive impact, circumstances ofevent, and cumulative impact of event. The themes related to coping strategies included:emotion-focused coping skills, problem-focused coping skills, and factors that are unhelpful tocoping with an event. Lastly, social support themes included: types of support utilized,differences in support from firefighters and non-firefighters, barriers to using social support, andattitudes towards professional mental health services.
This book includes six chapters on wind turbine icing. For wind turbines operating in cold regions, icing often occurs on blade surfaces in winter. This ice accretion can change the aerodynamic shape of the blade airfoil, causing performance degradation and loss of power generation, even leading to operational accidents. This book focuses on the recent research progress on wind turbine icing. Chapters address such topics as the effect of icing conditions on the icing distribution characteristics of a blade airfoil for vertical-axis wind turbines, power loss estimation in wind turbines due to icing, wind turbine icing prediction methods, especially those using machine learning, the icing process of a single water droplet on a cold aluminum plate surface, the main theories of the icing adhesive mechanism, and theoretical and experimental studies on the ultrasonic de-icing method for wind turbine blades. This book is a valuable reference for researchers and engineers engaged in wind turbine icing and anti-icing research.
In this shocking memoir, a former FBI informant reveals what he learned from successfully infiltrating the Ku Klux Klan in the backwoods of the Sunshine State, uncovering details about the hate group's structure and its modern far-right spinoffs which are operating to achieve the same goal: inciting a second civil war by whatever violent means necessary."We need you back."It was a call FBI informant and former Army sniper Joe Moore never expected to get. He'd already infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan once before, and his contributions prevented an assassination attempt targeting then-presidential candidate Barack Obama. Moore nearly lost his life in the process. But now, the FBI needed Moore's help once again.In White Robes and Broken Badges, Moore reveals the astounding true story of how he became one of the most entrenched and valuable undercover agents in the FBI's history. Gripping, told with astonishing detail, this heart pounding and darkly propulsive memoir vividly recounts how he infiltrated the "Invisible Empire" at the highest levels--not once, but twice--becoming a Grand Knighthawk, overseeing security, defense, and internal communications for the domestic terrorist group across Florida and Georgia. Moore makes clear how the seeds of violence and hate spawned the tragedy in Charlottesville, the failed January 6 Capitol coup, and the growing threat posed by extremist militias--including the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, Three Percenters, and others.Going undercover, Moore discovered the shocking connections between the KKK and law enforcement across Florida--police officers, prison guards, and sheriff's deputies who all belonged to the Klan--and eventually exposed the terrifying presence of right-wing extremists throughout law enforcement today. Moore reflects on the steep personal costs of immersing himself in the Klan's racist ideology and twisted rituals--and its effect on himself and his family--while secretly providing the FBI with invaluable information on the Klan's inner workings, murderous plots, and plans for civil war.With a foreword by Congressman Jamie Raskin and illustrated with 8-pages of color photos, White Robes and Broken Badges is a comprehensive and unprecedented look at a growing threat in America and an urgent call-to-action--because ultimately, the answers to healing the divides in this country lie in its perilous history.
"March 31, 1985. Two white patrol officers in search of a gang member followed a pickup truck carrying seven young Black men up a dirt driveway in the Encanto neighborhood of Southeastern San Diego. Minutes later, gunshots rang out, and the truck's driver, Sagon Penn, fled the scene in an officer's patrol car. The incident stunned the city. What followed would change it forever. Penn was an idealist who believed in the power of Buddhist chants to bring about the oneness of humanity. The two police officers were rising stars in one of the most progressive police departments in the country, yet one that had suffered more officers killed in the line of duty than any other. While the facts of the case were never in dispute, what remained unresolved was what, if anything, could justify such a violent confrontation?"--
Memoirs of Monsieur Claude Chief of Police Under the Second Empire is an essential source for anyone interested in 19th century French history and culture. Written by the legendary chief of the Parisian police force during the reign of Napoleon III, it provides a unique insight into the workings of the French criminal justice system and the social and political climate of the time. The book is full of fascinating characters, including prostitutes, anarchists, and aristocrats, and is a gripping tale of adventure and intrigue.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
This book is a fascinating look at the life of a police magistrate in the early twentieth century. It explores the challenges and rewards of the job, and provides insights into the criminal justice system of the time. From petty thieves to murderers, this book provides an illuminating look at the cases that came before the magistrate, and the impact they had on his life and career.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
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