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Politi og sikkerhedstjenester

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  • af Michael Connelly
    127,95 kr.

    Harry Bosch arbejder med uafsluttede og kolde sager.En berømt mexikansk mariachi-musiker Orlando Merced blev tilfældigt skudt ned på en åben plads midt i Los Angelses for længe siden. Han blev lammet fra livet og ned og dør nu ti år efter af sine skader. Under obduktionen dukker kuglen i rygsøjlen op.Harry Bosch og hans nye, unge partner Lucia Soto opdager, at kuglen stammer fra en langtgående jagtriffel, og at musikeren altså ikke er blevet skudt under et bandeopgør, som man har henlagt sagen under. Derimod ligner det et planlagt mord. Snart peger sagen op ad mod toppen i samfundet … Lucia Soto – med en strålende karriere foran sig og belønnet med korpsets tapperhedsmedalje – opfører sig meget mærkværdigt, føler Bosch. Snart opdager han, at hun er i gang med sin helt egen undersøgelse af en mordbrand, som hun selv overlevede …

  • - Nye sager
    af Ove Dahl i samarbejde med Stine Bolther
    137,95 kr.

    I Drabschefen – nye sager fortæller tidligere drabschef for Københavns Politi, Ove Dahl, om efterforskningsarbejdet ved de mest opsigtsvækkende mord, han har stået i spidsen for at opklare. Han beskriver en række nye sager, der har domineret i medierne, og hvis råhed og brutalitet har gjort et stærkt indtryk på den garvede efterforskningsleder. I bogen tager Ove Dahl læserne med tæt på den barske virkelighed og giver et unikt indblik i politiets arbejde. Bl.a. fortæller han om opklaringen af drabet på en norsk stewardesse på SAS-hotellet i København, om hue-mordet, hvor en ung mand bliver slået ihjel på Strøget, fordi han ikke vil af med sin hue og om Amagermand-sagen, hvor en 45-årig familiefar er dømt for seks voldtægter og to mord. Efter 40 år i politiet ser Ove Dahl tilbage på et arbejde, hvor forbrydelser og drab er hverdagen, og han reflekterer ærligt over sine oplevelser med bl.a. udenlandske kriminelle, åbne landegrænser, bandekrigen og den udskældte politireform. Om forfatterne Ove Dahl, f. 1949, gik på pension i sommeren 2011 efter at have været 40 år i politikorpset, de sidste otte år var han drabschef i Københavns Politi. Stine Bolther, f. 1976, er tidligere kriminalreporter på Ekstra Bladet og siden august 2011 tv-vært på Kanal 5´s kriminalprogram KRIMI5. Ud over Drabschefen (2006) har hun blandt andet skrevet krimien Hævn (2009).

  • - Vejen til forreste højre sæde
    af Thomas René Hougaard
    87,95 - 292,95 kr.

    Jeg har valgt at sammensætte denne bog, da alt for mange indenfor sikkerhedsbranchen bliver draget til denne livvagts niche af de forkerte årsager: tomme tilsagn om let arbejde, hurtige penge eller tanken om en spændende livsstil. Bogen her er en guide til forreste højre sæde, som typisk er den position, livvagten befinder sig i under kørsel - hvis han da ikke er den, der kører. Positionen er også den, der i større teams typisk er besat af teamlederen eller PPO'en. Så med andre ord den position, du sikkert stræber efter, hvis du overvejer en karriere som livvagt.Det er vigtigt for mig at slå fast, at bogen altså ikke er en manual i, hvordan du udfører arbejdet som livvagt, men at bogen kun omhandler, hvordan du bliver livvagt og får succes med det.Bogen er inddelt i følgende 4 sektioner: 1. Så du vil være livvagt: Denne sektion klarlægger, hvad livvagt er for en størrelse, og hvad dette karrierevalg fører med sig af betydning for din livsstil og dine tætte relationer - og i det hele taget medvirke til at afklare , om livvagt vil være et fornuftigt karrierevalg for dig. 2. Uddannelse: Denne del af bogen hjælper dig til at finde din vej i branchen og giver de redskaber, der skal til for at vælge den rette uddannelse og udbyder for at nå det ønskede mål.3. Finde arbejde: Denne sektion giver en ærlig beskrivelse af, hvor svært det er at finde arbejde og ikke mindst, hvad der skal til for at komme i betragtning til kontrakterne. 4. On the Job: I den sidste del af bogen giver jeg dig nogle redskaber og gode ideer, som du kan tage med i overvejelserne til dit første job. Redskaber, som kan hjælpe til at få en god start og succes på den nye karrieresti.. Emnerne, jeg har valgt at skrive om, er generelle overordnede ting, du som ny livvagt vil kunne have gavn af at have kendskab til og være afklaret omkring inden din første arbejdsdag.

  • - 40 år i dansk politi
    af Arne Woythal
    217,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Danmarkshistoriens første kidnapningssag. Æresdrabet på Ghazala Khan i Slagelse. Tønder-sagen.Arne Woythal har i sin 40-årige karriere i politiet været med til at opklare en lang række spektakulære forbrydelser. I 25 år var han drabsefterforsker i Gladsaxe Kriminalpoliti, Rejseholdet og Københavns Vestegns Politi. Og så har han sideløbende fungeret som international instruktør for Rigspolitiet i blandt andet Irak og Afghanistan.I På min vagt beretter han om de mange opsigtsvækkende sager foruden sin voldsomme start på tiden som gadebetjent i Ballerup i 1982, om sine oplevelser med at levere dødsbud, om at assistere fremmede landes drabsafdelinger og om anholdelse af bevæbnede røvere.Arne Woythal er forfatter og pensioneret politimand med en fortid som drabsefterforsker. Med sine fem kriminalromaner om kriminalassistent Rasmus Berg og Drabsafdelingen samt senest de to første bind i Kongsvig-serien har han bragt en ny grad af realisme ind i genren.

  • af Erik Hauervig
    147,95 - 257,95 kr.

    Hvordan er det at være politimand i Danmark?Som dreng oplevede jeg stor respekt for politiet, og for mange var det et kald at blive politimand.For mig var det en barndomsdrøm, der blev opfyldt, da jeg blev ansat. Desværre er respekten for en politimand ikke den samme i dag.Jeg har haft 42 spændende år i politiet med talrige spændende oplevelser, heraf flere på den mørke side af Retsplejeloven.I min historie vil jeg forsøge at give læserne et indblik i de mange forskellige og spændende sager, en politimand kan komme til at arbejde med. Jeg har arbejdet med stort set alt lige fra færdselsloven til kvindehandel og drab. Jeg har arbejdet undercover på Vesterbro.Jeg har været kriminalpolitiets kontaktmand til Christiania.Jeg har gennem ni år været kontaktmand til prostitutionsmiljøet.Jeg har været livvagt for kongehuset og adskillige sikkerhedstruede personer.

  • - Taking Down the World's Most-Wanted Drug-Lord
    af Douglas Century & Andrew Hogan
    95,95 - 217,95 kr.

    The incredible, untold story of the American agent who captured El Chapo, the world's most-wanted drug-lord.

  • af Henrik Krüger
    317,95 kr.

    Bogen er en fortælling om Hans V. Toftes (1918-1987) liv under 2. verdenskrig, hvor han blev udnævnt som krigshelt, og hans senere karriere inden for den amerikanske efterretningstjeneste CIA. Bogen er baseret på interviews med Tofte samt dagbogsnotater og dokumenter frigivet af CIA.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlHenrik Krüger er en dansk forfatter, der fik sin bogdebut med værket "Action, mand! Rockerliv i Danmark" i 1976. Han er kendt for sine mange forskellige værker (både faglitteratur og fiktion), som tager udgangspunkt i samfundsrelevante emner – såsom rockerfænomenet og Christiania.

  • - anekdoter, fordomme og kultursammenstød
    af Per Andreasen
    224,95 kr.

  • af Martin Wittrup Enggaard
    161,95 - 247,95 kr.

    ENHVER KONTAKT EFTERLADER SPOR følger en ung betjents vej fra politiskolen i København til drabsafdelingen. Arbejdet er ikke uden omkostninger. Det sætter sig i psyken. Kynismen trænger sig på, og han må hele tiden minde sig selv om, at ofrene er mere end sagsakter. De er mennesker med navne, familier og hårde skæbner. Martin Wittrup Enggaards politidigte stiller et grundlæggende spørgsmål: Hvordan holder man sammen på sig selv og troen på at kunne gøre forskel i mødet med en endeløs række af tragedier på samfundets bund?Læseren bliver ikke efterladt med et entydigt svar, men med en klump i halsen og et uafrysteligt portræt af en del af samfundet, vi alt for ofte lukker øjnene for. Martin Wittrup Enggaard (f. 1985) er drabsefterforsker i København og del af politiets nationale drabsgruppe. I 2023 blev hans borgerforslag om genetisk slægtsforskning vedtaget i Folketinget. Dette førte i år til, at der blev rejst tiltale mod en mand i sagen om Hanne With, der blev dræbt i 1990. En sag, som Martin Wittrup Enggaard havde efterforsket siden 2018.

  • af Jesper Palm Lundorf
    299,95 kr.

    Usandsynlighedernes sammensværgelse handler om karakteren Karim Khamoud, der må flygte fra Irak da han som 11-årig ser sin far blive myrdet på bestialsk vis. Han integreres efterfølgende i Danmark, hvor han på et tidspunkt ender med job i politiet og herunder også i deres livvagts afdeling i PET.Dette er en beretning om Karims liv, hvor hans blinde medpassager hedder PTSD. En farlig følgesvend, der over tid bliver til pga. mængden samt ikke mindst voldsomheden af de hændelser der rammer ham, specielt fordi han ikke får mentalt restitueret. Det skaber en masse kritiske situationer bl.a fordi hans moralske kompas kommer helt ud af kurs. Dette er en højspændt fiktionsroman med rødder ud i det virkelige liv. Bogen er den første i rækken af en trilogi om karakteren Karim.

  • - Infiltrating the KKK and Exposing the Evil Among Us
    af Joe Moore
    327,95 kr.

    In this shocking memoir, a former FBI informant reveals what he learned from successfully infiltrating the Ku Klux Klan in the backwoods of the Sunshine State, uncovering details about the hate group's structure and its modern far-right spinoffs which are operating to achieve the same goal: inciting a second civil war by whatever violent means necessary."We need you back."It was a call FBI informant and former Army sniper Joe Moore never expected to get. He'd already infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan once before, and his contributions prevented an assassination attempt targeting then-presidential candidate Barack Obama. Moore nearly lost his life in the process. But now, the FBI needed Moore's help once again.In White Robes and Broken Badges, Moore reveals the astounding true story of how he became one of the most entrenched and valuable undercover agents in the FBI's history. Gripping, told with astonishing detail, this heart pounding and darkly propulsive memoir vividly recounts how he infiltrated the "Invisible Empire" at the highest levels--not once, but twice--becoming a Grand Knighthawk, overseeing security, defense, and internal communications for the domestic terrorist group across Florida and Georgia. Moore makes clear how the seeds of violence and hate spawned the tragedy in Charlottesville, the failed January 6 Capitol coup, and the growing threat posed by extremist militias--including the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, Three Percenters, and others.Going undercover, Moore discovered the shocking connections between the KKK and law enforcement across Florida--police officers, prison guards, and sheriff's deputies who all belonged to the Klan--and eventually exposed the terrifying presence of right-wing extremists throughout law enforcement today. Moore reflects on the steep personal costs of immersing himself in the Klan's racist ideology and twisted rituals--and its effect on himself and his family--while secretly providing the FBI with invaluable information on the Klan's inner workings, murderous plots, and plans for civil war.With a foreword by Congressman Jamie Raskin and illustrated with 8-pages of color photos, White Robes and Broken Badges is a comprehensive and unprecedented look at a growing threat in America and an urgent call-to-action--because ultimately, the answers to healing the divides in this country lie in its perilous history.

  • af John Foust
    2.077,95 - 3.787,95 kr.

    This text approaches law enforcement administration from a concept approach, which is somewhat different from approaches found in traditional textbooks on the topic. In Concepts of Law Enforcement Administration, John Foust focuses on concepts that are essential to effective administration, as opposed to convoluted theory found in other books. In this book, you will find ten basic concepts that will help any administrator excel in his or her position. Concepts presented in this book are: understanding the basics of administration; how to be an effective leader and manager; building relations, both internally and externally; establishing sound practices of accountability; managing your resources efficiently; instituting positive values and ethical guidelines; hiring and managing your personnel effectively; understanding major personnel legal issues; keeping your organization healthy; and protecting your agency from liability. To fully address the meaning of each concept, several readings are presented in each category, with over fifty readings found in the text. The reader will leave this text with a comprehensive grasp of the issues involved in law enforcement administration. John Foust is employed as a Special Assistant to the Chief of the the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C. He has previously worked as a senior-level manger in the training division, in the department's Professional Development Bureau. Prior to moving to Washington, Mr. Foust was the director of the Del Mar Regional Police Academy in Corpus Christi, Texas. He began his career in law enforcement in New Mexico in 1978. He holds a bachelor's degree in criminology and a master's degree in criminal justice. He teaches classes part time in criminal justice for the University of Maryland University College and the University of Maryland, College Park.

  • af Kevin O'Leary
    244,95 kr.

    Immerse yourself in the heart-pounding narratives of high-profile cases, including the intensity of the Broadwater Farm riots, the relentless pursuit of serial murderers, the cloak-and-dagger world of undercover operations, and the delicate art of negotiations during harrowing kidnappings.

  • af Steve Miller
    107,95 kr.

  • af Wesley Lowery
    207,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER?American Whitelash is indispensable. Really. It is.? ? Ibram X. Kendi, author of How to Be an AntiracistPulitzer Prize?winning journalist Wesley Lowery confronts the sickness at the heart of American society: the cyclical pattern of violence that has marred every moment of racial progress in this country, and whose bloodshed began anew following Obama's 2008 election.In 2008, Barack Obama's historic victory was heralded as a turning point for the country. And so it would be?just not in the way that most Americans hoped. The election of the nation's first Black president fanned long-burning embers of white supremacy, igniting a new and frightening phase in a historical American cycle of racial progress and white backlash.In American Whitelash, Pulitzer Prize?winning journalist and best-selling author Wesley Lowery charts the return of this blood-stained trend, showing how the forces of white power retaliated against Obama's victory?and both profited from, and helped to propel, the rise of Donald Trump. Interweaving deep historical analysis with gripping firsthand reporting on both victims and perpetrators of violence, Lowery uncovers how this vicious cycle is carrying us into ever more perilous territory, how the federal government has failed to intervene, and how we still might find a route of escape.

  • af Kathryn Casey
    103,95 kr.

    A man of God . . . driven by the devilTo his parishioners, minister Matt Baker seemed a pious and good man. To his wife, Kari, he was a devoted husband and caring father. Always sunny and vivacious, Kari never questioned their frequent relocations from one small Texas Baptist church to another. Even when tragedy struck, Kari remained strong?until one day, inexplicably, she took her own life.To friends and family, Kari's suicide made no sense?and they struggled with questions they couldn't answer. Why couldn't Matt hold a job with any one church? Why did he cut off all contact with Kari's devastated parents soon after her death? And who was the blond companion he began appearing with just days after the funeral? But it would take a team of investigators and dogged determination to bring Matt Baker's dark secrets to light?revealing a shocking history of lies, infidelity, cruelty, and sexual obsession that may have led a serial predator cloaked in God's word to commit murder.

  • af Joe McGinniss
    87,95 kr.

  • af Milton Berge Ignatius
    382,95 - 385,95 kr.

    The Financing of Public Service Corporations is a book written by Ignatius, Milton Berge in 1918. The book discusses the financial structure of public service corporations, such as gas, electric, water, and transportation companies. It explores the various methods of financing these corporations, including bonds, stocks, and other securities, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of each method. The book also covers the regulation of public service corporations by government agencies, and the impact of regulation on their financial operations. The author provides case studies and examples to illustrate his points and offers recommendations for improving the financing and regulation of public service corporations. The book is a valuable resource for students, scholars, and professionals in the fields of finance, economics, and public policy.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Franklin Fiske Heard
    334,95 - 336,95 kr.

    ""The Principles of Pleading in Civil Actions"" is a legal text written by Franklin Fiske Heard in 1880. The book provides a comprehensive guide to the rules and principles of pleading in civil actions, including the proper form and content of pleadings, the different types of pleadings, and the rules governing the amendment of pleadings. The author also discusses the role of the judge and jury in the pleading process, as well as the importance of procedural rules and the consequences of noncompliance. This text is an essential resource for law students, attorneys, and anyone interested in the history and development of civil procedure in the United States.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - On Points Of Order, Rules Of Debate, And The General Practice Of The House (1881)
    af Edwin Gordon Blackmore
    257,95 - 259,95 kr.

    The book titled ""The Decisions Of The Right Honorable Evelyn Denison: On Points Of Order, Rules Of Debate, And The General Practice Of The House (1881)"" is a compilation of the rulings and decisions made by the former Speaker of the House of Commons, Evelyn Denison. The book is authored by Edwin Gordon Blackmore and was published in 1881. The book is primarily focused on the parliamentary procedures and practices of the House of Commons in the United Kingdom during the 19th century. It includes a detailed analysis of the rules of debate, points of order, and other general practices of the House. The author has meticulously compiled and organized the decisions made by Denison during his tenure as Speaker of the House of Commons, which spanned from 1857 to 1872. The book is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the history of parliamentary procedures and the role of the Speaker in the House of Commons.Overall, ""The Decisions Of The Right Honorable Evelyn Denison: On Points Of Order, Rules Of Debate, And The General Practice Of The House (1881)"" is a comprehensive and insightful book that sheds light on the workings of the House of Commons during the 19th century.The Decisions Of The Right Honorable Evelyn Denison, Speaker Of The House Of Commons, April 30, 1857 To February 8, 1872.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Waterman Lester Williams
    324,95 - 392,95 kr.

    Statutory Torts In Massachusetts is a legal book written by Waterman Lester Williams and published in 1906. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the statutory torts in Massachusetts, which are civil wrongs that are created by state statutes rather than common law. The author explains the various types of statutory torts, including those related to negligence, nuisance, and trespass, and provides examples of cases where these torts have been applied in Massachusetts courts. The book also discusses the history and development of statutory tort law in Massachusetts, as well as the legal framework and principles that govern these types of cases. This book is a valuable resource for legal professionals, scholars, and anyone interested in understanding the complex world of statutory torts in Massachusetts.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Judge Wiglittle
    266,95 - 268,95 kr.

    Ten Years A Police Court Judge is a memoir written by Judge Wiglittle about his experiences serving as a judge in a police court for a decade. The book is a detailed account of the author's observations and experiences in the court system, as he presided over various cases dealing with crimes such as theft, assault, and prostitution. The author shares his insights into the legal system, including the challenges faced by judges, the role of lawyers and police officers, and the impact of social and economic factors on crime. He also offers his reflections on the moral and ethical dilemmas that arise in the course of dispensing justice. The book provides a fascinating glimpse into the workings of the legal system in the late 19th century, as well as the social and cultural context in which it operated. It is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history of law and order, as well as the social and political issues of the time.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Lin Devecchio
    107,95 kr.

    FBI agent Lin DeVecchio was a key player in the New York mafia wars from the late seventies through the early nineties. Yet despite his stunning success fighting organized crime, DeVecchio was accused of switching sides. Now, DeVecchio and bestselling author Charles Brandt, tell the story of a law enforcement officer who beat the mob bosses, only to end up fighting for his own freedom.

  • af Steve Hodel
    97,95 kr.

  • af Diana Montane
    87,95 kr.

  • af Peter Davidson
    87,95 kr.

  • af Kevin Flynn
    87,95 kr.

    The true story of a teenage killer and the silence of a small New England town. For twenty years Daniel Paquette's murder in New Hampshire went unsolved. It remained a secret between two high school friends until Eric Windhurst's arrest in 2005. What was revealed was a crime born of adolescent passion between Eric and Daniel's stepdaughter, Melanie- redefining the meaning of loyalty, justice, and revenge.

  • af Tim Eggebraaten
    187,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Ramesh Nyberg
    222,95 kr.

    "The most absobring cop memoir you will read this year--maybe ever." - TJ English, NY Times Bestselling author (Havana Nocturne, The Westies). Retired Homicide Detective Ramesh Nyberg describes in rich detail his remarkable journey growing up in Miami as the child of an Indian school teacher and Swedish boat-builder. Nyberg considers Miami his only real sibling, and weaves jarring stories of murder and cocaine smugglers into poignant memories of his childhood and life lessons he learned sailing the waters of south Florida. Ramesh spares no details as he brings the reader into crime scenes and the horrors of real violence, while also conveying the ironies and often humorous aspects of law enforcement. This book is filled with riveting stories, bizarre and often dangerous pursuits of violent offenders, heart-wrenching scenes of grieving families, and gripping behind-the-scenes descriptions of suspects' confessions. The book flashes back frequently to pivotal moments of Ramesh's childhood that luminesce later in his life as guiding lessons in his career as a law enforcement officer. This is unlike any police memoir in existence; it is brutal, honest, and revealing, highlighting a colorful--and violent--time in Miami's history that will likely never occur again.

  • af Kevin Flynn
    107,95 kr.

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