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Mellemmenneskelig kommunikation og færdigheder

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  • af Ole Vadum Dahl
    318,95 kr.

    "Grundbog i NLP kommunikation og terapi- bind 1"I langt de fleste situationer er kommunikationen vigtig for forståelsen mellem mennesker.Der findes utallige teorier om, hvordan kommunikation fungerer og indenfor NLP er der fokus på situationen, der opstår, når et budskab går igennem til modtageren.I "Grundbog i NLP - kommunikation og terapi" får du en introduktion og guide til, hvordan du kan styre din tilstand og forstå baggrunden for andres menneskers adfærd og den bagvedliggende hensigt.Bogen giver en vejledning i, hvordan du kan lære at styre sin hjerne til bevidst at arbejde med sanseindtryk og derved ændre holdning til dig selv og dine omgivelser.Dette første bind af "Grundbog i NLP kommunikation og terapi" har undertitlen "Personlighedens sprog".Bogen er sammen med Bind 2 i Grundbog i NLP fortsat den vigtigste danske lærebog indenfor sit område og anvendes bredt indenfor personlig udvikling.

  • - Bind 2:Personligheden i udvikling
    af Ole Vadum Dahl
    318,95 kr.

    "Grundbog i NLP kommunikation og terapi- bind 2"Personligheden i udvikling" er en grundbog i neurolingvistisk programmering, der viser, hvordan man kan lære at styre sin hjerne til at bearbejde sanseindtryk og gennem dette ændre holdning til sig selv og sine omgivelser.Dette andet bind af "Grundbog i NLP kommunikation og terapI" har undertitlen "Personligheden i udvikling" og fortsætter, hvor første bind "Personlighedens sprog" slap.Grundbog i NLP bind 1 og 2 betragtes stadig som den vigtigste danske lærebog indenfor NLP og indgår bredt i undervisningen på diverse uddannelser indenfor personlig udvikling.

  • af June Eding
    115,95 kr.

    How to Love the Difficult People in Your LifeMost of us know someone who, for whatever reason, always seems to cause problems, irritate others, or incite conflict. Often, these people are a part of our daily lives. The truth is that these trouble makers haven't necessarily asked to be this way. Sometimes we need to learn new approaches to deal with people who are harder to get along with or love.How to Hug a Porcupine: Easy Ways to Love Difficult People in Your Life, explains that making peace with others isn't as tough or terrible as we think it is-especially when you can use an adorable animal analogy and apply it to real-life problems.How to Hug a Porcupine provides tips for calming the quills of parents, children, siblings, strangers, and other prickly people you may encounter. Among other tips, How to Hug a Porcupine includes: *Three easy ways to end an argument*How to spot the porcupine in others *How to spot the porcupine in ourselvesWith a foreword by noted psychotherapist Dr. Debbie Ellis, widow of Dr. Albert Ellis, How to Hug a Porcupine is a truly special book.

  • - Et forsvar for arbejdsfællesskabet
    af Pernille Steen Pedersen
    224,95 kr.

    Stress, depression og angst udgør i dag op mod halvdelen af det samlede sygefravær på det danske arbejdsmarked. Coaches og kurser i arbejdsglæde er blevet populære våben mod disse psykiske problemer – men hvorfor bliver færre så ikke syge? Forfatter og forsker Pernille Steen Pedersen mener, at vi savner en helt grundlæggende forståelse for, hvilke præmisser vi arbejder under. Mange af os arbejder ikke bare for at tjene penge, men for at tilfredsstille et basalt, menneskeligt behov for anerkendelse. Arbejdet er blevet vores identitet. Her gør vi os særlig sårbare over for de store foranderinger, ethvert arbejdsliv er præget af. Skam er blevet en faktor, vi skal lære at håndtere. Bogen præsenterer anvendelige eksempler på, hvordan vi bedst investerer i hinanden på arbejdspladsen for at undgå stress. Vi bør genopdage fællesskabet og de gode relationer. Om forfatteren Pernille Steen Pedersen, født 1976, er ph.d. fra CBS på en afhandling om forholdet mellem skamfølelse og stress.

  • - høst frugten af din egen og andres vrede
    af Marshall B. Rosenberg
    89,50 kr.

    Læs hvordan du kan håndtere både din egen og andres vrede konstruktivt, ved at skifte fokus fra skyld til behov.Hvad fortæller din vrede dig?Du kan mærke, når den rammer dig. Dit ansigt blusser op, og dit synsfelt indsnævres. Din puls øges i takt med at dømmende tanker skyller gennem dit sind. Din vrede er blevet udløst, og du er på vej til at sige eller gøre noget, som sandsynligvis vil gøre det værre.• Vreden er en alarmklokke, der fortæller, at behov ikke er opfyldt.• Du kan bruge vreden til at nå dine mål og få opfyldt dine behov uden at råbe og skrige og fægte med armene.• Ved at blive klar over dine og andres behov, kan du finde løsninger, der er tilfredsstillende for alle parter.• Strategier, der har til formål at opfylde dine behov, kan transformere vrede til positive handlinger.Processerne, der beskrives i denne bog, kan bruges i forbindelse med:• uddannelse• erhvervslivet• socialt arbejde• politik• familie• personlige forhold"Tal i vrede, og du holder den bedste tale, du nogensinde har fortrudt." Winston Churchill»Vrede er et tragisk udtryk for uopfyldte behov.«- Marshall B. Rosenberg.

  • - Kommunikation, interaktion, dialog, anerkendelse og narrativer
    af Ole Løw
    168,95 kr.

    RELATIONER er en bog om relationer som kontekst for professionsudøvelse. Den har fokus på betydningen af sociale relationer mellem mennesker i almindelighed og mellem fagpersoner og den Anden i særdeleshed. Det gælder, hvad enten den Anden er barnet, eleverne, patienten eller borgeren.Den grundlæggende konstellation i professionsudøvelsen bestemmes i bogen som en treleddet størrelse mellem Dig - Et Fælles Tredje (det de er sammen om: indholdet ) - den Anden. Denne triade belyses gennem bogens fem kapitler. Det er fremstillingens præmis, at udøvelsen af de forskellige relationsprofessioner indebærer kommunikation, interaktion og narrativer, og at det ideelt bør indebære dialog og anerkendelse også. De fem områder har fået hver deres kapitel i bogen:Kommunikation i relationerInteraktion i relationerDialog i relationerAnerkendelse i relationerNarrativer i relationerDe enkelte kapitler kan læses hver for sig eller sammenhængende som fem perspektiver på relationer og professionsudøvelse. Hvert kapitel formulerer nogle relationelle forholdemåder og færdigheder, hvis enhed siges at kendetegne en professionel professionsudøvelse.Bogen henvender sig til alle relationsprofessioner, hvilket i første omgang omfatter pædagoger, lærere, sygeplejersker, socialrådgivere og studerende, der er under uddannelse eller efteruddannelse. Bogen er desuden relevant for andre faggrupper, hvor karakteren af relationen har afgørende betydning for professionsudøvelsen.

  • - i hvilken en meget vigtig bjørn og hans venner bliver indført i et meget vigtigt emne
    af Roger E. Allen
    198,95 kr.

    Endelig !! -en hurtig, nem og sjov bog om basal ledelse.Hvis du vil nå op på øverste trin på lederstigen (med andre ord: .... Hvis du vil ha fat i honningen), så følg PlysManglende forståelse af grundlæggende ledelse giver ofte store udfordringer i selv de mest succesrige virksomheder.Med det for øje bruger ManagementkonsulentRoger E. Allen de elskede Peter Plys historier og figurer til at illustrere vigtige forretningsprincipper, såsom etablering af klare mål og stærkt lederskab, behovet for nøjagtige oplysninger og andre forsømte aspekter af forsigtig forvaltning.Denne bestseller giver læseren en fantastisk, skæv, enkel og inspirerende tilgang til ledelsesmæssige problemstillinger, som kombineres med humoristiske sammenligninger og retorik fra den klassiske børnebog.Peter Plys om ledelse er et "must-read" for alle, der søger en ny, men også alternativ inspiration om ledelsesudvikling.Ved at bruge Peter Plys og hans venners oplevelser og historier til at illustrere emner som målformulering, personaleudvikling, nødvendigheden af præcis information og god kommunikation, præsenteres læseren for grundlæggende ledelsesfunktioner på en overbevisende og fængslende måde. En velskrevet og underholdende international bestseller, der helt gør op med japansk ledelsesform, MBA-guruer m.m.

  • af Ryan Holiday
    188,95 kr.

    "A thoughtfully curated daily devotional full of inspiring quotes and advice, from the bestselling author of THE DAILY STOIC-for any dad as they navigate the most important journey of their life What does it mean to be a great father? And then, how do you become one? Parenting is a role filled with incredible meaning and purpose, one that men have a responsibility to take seriously. But every father needs guidance. Men need someone to inspire and challenge them to go the distance, because being a parent is something you do every day. Instead of a parenting book you read one time as a sleep-deprived new parent (and instantly forget among all the other things you're now supposed to remember), THE DAILY DAD provides 366 accessible meditations on fatherhood, a manageable slice for each day. From bestselling author Ryan Holiday, a father of two himself, this daily devotional will help dads old and new to find inspiration and advice on a day-to-day basis in the lifelong job of being a dad. Drawing quotes from history, pop culture, literature, and psychological research, each entry will provide a memorable lesson on being the role model your child needs, rooted in timeless principles. From Socrates to Martin Luther King Jr., Jerry Seinfeld to Jesus, THE DAILY DAD will draw on wisdom from mothers and fathers, heroes and celebrities, ancient philosophy and contemporary figures, in order to help each dad face the daily challenges of parenting, and ultimately become the best father they can be"--

  • - om konflikter og deres fredelige løsning med Ikkevoldelig Kommunikation¤en samtale med Gabriele Seils
    af Marshall B. Rosenberg
    165,95 kr.

    Denne bog er lavet på baggrund af en række samtaler mellem den internationalt anerkendte fredsmægler og konfliktekspert, psykologen Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.d. og den tyske journalist og kommunikations-træner Gabrielle Seils.»Dette er den vigtigste kommunikations-proces du nogensinde kommer til at lære!«- William Ury, forfatter til bogen Få ´ja´ når du forhandler.»Rosenbergs medfølende og inspirerende budskab skærer lige til benet af vellykket kommunikation«- Anthony Robbins, business coach og forfatter.»Det er især Rosenbergs mange historier og eksempler fra sit eget liv og arbejde, der gør denne bog så levende, så let at forstå ... og så herlig at læse.«- Katrin Schumacher, WDR Radio."Denne bog er en appetitvækker for folk, som ikke kender noget til Ikkevoldelig Kommunikation, som jeg i øvrigt bedst kan lide at kalde "Girafsprog" ... og for mig har den været et behageligt gensyn med en mand, der oprigtigt arbejder på at gøre verden til et bedre sted at være."- Lane Lind

  • - om det spirituelle grundlag for Ikkevoldelig Kommunikation
    af Marshall B. Rosenberg
    88,95 kr.

    Denne bog giver et konkret bud på, hvordan vi med Ikkevoldelig Kommunikation bevidst kan vælge en livsberigende spiritualitet.Marshall B. Rosenberg viser vej til en praktisk spiritualitet. For ham manifesterer det Guddommelige sig i det der sker, når vi overkommer fjendebilleder og kampe og i stedet vælger at møde hinanden med empati og ærlighed.Spiritualitet i praksis er en guide til at integrere spiritualiteten i vores liv og derfra vinde kraft til at skabe konkrete sociale forandringer.Processen, der beskrives i denne bog, anvendes over hele verden i forbindelse med:▶ personlig udvikling▶ uddannelse▶ erhvervsliv▶ socialt arbejde▶ retssystem▶ sundhed▶ familie▶ personlige relationer

  • af Daniel Goleman
    166,95 - 196,95 kr.

  • af Ryel Kestano
    158,95 kr.

  • - med empatien som vejviser
    af Ianneia Meldgaard
    288,95 kr.

    Hvordan kommer vi videre med begrebet ’anerkendelse’?Hvordan kan vi kommunikere mere autentisk og tydeligt?Hvordan kan vi kommunikere ud fra vores behov og ønsker?Hvordan kan vi sige nej på en anerkendende måde?Hvordan kan vi lytte empatisk til den andens brokog frustration?Denne bog er en vejviser i anerkendende kommunikation. Den er til dig, der ønsker at arbejde bevidst med din kommunikation. Bogen viser nye veje i vores måder at være sammen og kommunikere på.Forfatteren tager afsæt i det bedste fra Ikkevoldelig Kommunikation og Appreciative Inquiry. På den baggrund skaber hun sine 3 principper i anerkendende kommunikation.Bogen viser, hvordan vi bedre kan identificere de behov og værdier, der er på spil i en samtale eller konflikt og dermed være mere tydelige og autentiske i vores kommunikation med både børn og voksne.Den er skrevet til pædagoger, lærere, terapeuter, psykologer, socialrådgivere og alle andre, der arbejder med – eller bare omgås – mennesker.Ianneia Meldgaard har siden 2007 arbejdet som selvstændig konsulent med kurser, foredrag og coaching for pædagogiske samt social- og sundhedsfaglige personalegrupper. Hun er cand.mag. i kommunikation og musik fra Aalborg Universitet og har mangeårig erfaring med undervisning i begge fag, senest som lektor på Skipper Clement Seminariet i Aalborg (nu Pædagoguddannelsen i Aalborg, UCN).

  • - How to Raise Your Standards, Find Your Person, and Live Happily (No Matter What)
    af Matthew Hussey
    243,95 kr.

    The leading dating and confidence coach and New York Times bestselling author shares his wisdom and audience-tested advice on finding love through deep confidence, clear boundaries, and a love for life that leaves you fulfilled both within a relationship and before you've found one.In Love Life, relationship coach and expert Matthew Hussey explores the most important and foundational relationship of all--the one we have with ourselves.More than a book about navigating our love lives, Hussey's new book is about the deeper issues our love lives reveal. Love isn't the answer to our problems, Hussey explains. It's a doorway to them; not a way out, but a way in. Like most of us, Hussey has gone through major changes over the past decade, and he shares some of those experiences, vulnerabilities, and mistakes.What happens when we date, fall in love, or when we are faced with loneliness? What decisions do we make that cause us more pain and send us further adrift from what we want? Who hasn't shied away from taking risks because they feared rejection? Who hasn't put up with the wrong behavior because they're afraid of losing someone or of expressing what they really need? Who hasn't lived with the fear and anxiety of not being good enough for their partner? Or knowing their partner isn't good for them, but stay in a bad relationship that is ultimately self-harming? In Love Life Hussey addresses these questions and more.Our love lives hold the uncanny power to elevate or eradicate all the adjacent joy in our lives. The deeper purpose of Love Life is to ensure your love for your life will never be dependent on your relationship status. It's about finding your love for life even while still on the journey to finding your person.

  • af David McRaney
    138,95 kr.

  • af Marshall B. Rosenberg
    68,95 kr.

    Hvis du som forældre har ledt efter tips til at forbedre dynamikken i din familie, så er du ikke alene. Denne både effektive og praktiske lille bog, tilbyder enestående færdigheder og perspektiver gennem Ikkevoldelig Kommunikation (IVK). Den giver inspiration til nytænkning for forældre, familievejledere, og enhver som omgås eller arbejder med børn.IVK vil sætte dig istand til at:Motivere uden trussel om straf eller løfte om belønning.Lytte så andre oplever sig hørt.Styrke din følelsesmæssige kontakt med din partner og dine børn.Høre behovene bag, uanset hvad andre siger eller gør.Forblive i kontakt med dine værdier i enhver udveksling.Formindske konflikter i familien og søskende jalousi.

  • af Jessica Baum
    173,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Douglas Stone
    233,95 kr.

    "The 10th-anniversary edition of the New York Times business bestseller-now updated with 'Answers to Ten Questions People Ask' We attempt or avoid difficult conversations every day-whether dealing with an underperforming employee, disagreeing with a spouse, or negotiating with a client. From the Harvard Negotiation Project, the organization that brought you Getting to Yes, Difficult Conversations provides a step-by-step approach to having those tough conversations with less stress and more success. You'll learn how to: ] Decipher the underlying structure of every difficult conversation ] Start a conversation without defensiveness ] Listen for the meaning of what is not said ] Stay balanced in the face of attacks and accusations ] Move from emotion to productive problem solving"--

  • af Dale Carnegie
    285,95 kr.

    This new edition of the most influential self-help book of the last century has been updated under the care of Dale's daughter, Donna, introducing changes that keep the book fresh for today's readers, with priceless material restored from the original 1936 text.

  • af Gabriel Grayson
    148,95 kr.

    *** OVER 1 MILLION COPIES SOLD *** Imagine meeting someone for the first time and within minutes--without a word being said--having the ability to tell what that person is thinking. Magic? Not quite. Whether people are aware of it or not, their body movements clearly express their attitudes and motives. These simple gestures, which most of us don't even notice, can communicate key information that is invaluable in a range of situations.How to Read a Person Like a Book is designed to teach you how to interpret and respond to the nonverbal signals of business associates, friends, loved ones, and even strangers. Best-selling authors Gerard Nierenberg, Henry Calero, and Gabriel Grayson have collaborated to put their working knowledge of body language into this practical guide to recognizing, understanding, and using nonverbal communication. With ​​How to Read a Person Like a Book, you will learn: * How to tell if someone is not being truthful.* When to push forward or back off during a negotiation.* How to identify an aggressive or submissive handshake.* When someone has lost interest in what you are saying.* How to put people at ease by mirroring their gestures.* Why your body language can make or break a deal. Whether in an office, on a date, or on a family outing, the simple technique of reading body language is a unique skill that offers real and important benefits--and How to Read a Person Like a Book will help you hone that skill.

  • af Ali Fenwick
    166,95 kr.

    Whether you love the drama or avoid it like the plague, this is a book for you - a modern manual for acing all social interactions that will teach you how to handle the trickiest of people and situations. A major green flag.- Thomas Erikson, bestselling author of 'Surrounded by Idiots'Pre-order now and discover the tools to identify healthy and toxic behaviours in all areas of life and separate the red flags from the green, from TikTok psychologist Dr Ali Fenwick @moderndaypsychologist__________In an increasingly fast-paced world, equally fast decision-making skills are seen as a strength. When we are constantly presented with so many options to choose from, a quick and dirty decision doesn't always seem like a bad thing.When it comes to things we don't like in friends, family, work, or relationships we are often fast to judge and label them as red flags.What we don't realise, however, is that this mindset is causing us to lose our ability to manage difficult situations. Decisions taken in the heat of the moment can also prevent us from achieving a greater understanding of ourselves.Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Innovation Dr Ali Fenwick is here to guide you through critical life situations, providing you with the knowledge to unpack the psychology behind each one and ultimately make the best and healthiest decisions about dating, relationships, friends, family, work, wellbeing, and success.Red Flags, Green Flags is here to help you break this cycle of unhealthy behaviour by equipping you with the tools to identify the good and the bad signs in your life, show you what these signals say about people and, more importantly, what they say about you.__________

  • af Frank G Anderson
    288,95 kr.

    "Trauma blocks love. Love heals trauma. Frank was just six years old when he learned there was something wrong with him. Seriously wrong. But no one told him what it was. Instead, between attending weekly therapy sessions, navigating the passion and violence of his home life, and reading between the lines of dark family secrets, he was left to figure out for himself what the world expected him to be. Despite an unstable childhood, his remarkable intelligence, caring nature, and desperation for love and acceptance carried him from the top of his high school class to the elite residency program at Harvard University, where he ultimately became one of the world's leading experts in the treatment of trauma. Along the way, his encounters with those suffering from abuse, addiction, and mental illness inspired a sense of purpose... and an earth-shattering awakening of his authentic self. Ignited by this newfound identity, Frank embarked on a profound, sometimes painful, and redemptive journey that brought the love and acceptance he always longed for. In To Be Loved, renowned trauma expert Dr. Frank G. Anderson shares the complicated experience of growing up gay in an Italian-American home that was at once fiercely loving and culturally close-knit while at the same time unaccepting, abusive, and rife with secret shame. With compassion, humor, and disarming honesty, Frank invites the reader into his formative experiences: coming out amid the LGBTQ+ carnival atmosphere of 1990s Provincetown, finding love and forming a family within the staid Boston suburbs, and coming home to confront his family's legacy of abuse. By forging paths for forgiveness, he found that his truth and tenacious spirit were stronger than his trauma"--

  • af David Robson
    188,95 kr.

    In the early 1960s scientists at the University of California, Berkeley set out to establish the key factors effecting health and longevity. Their results, known as the ?Alameda 7', you already know: don't smoke, drink in moderation, sleep seven to eight hours a night, exercise, eat regular meals, maintain a moderate weight, eat breakfast. Years later, however, the same team discovered an eighth factor, one that proved more important than all the others: social connection.When we form meaningful bonds with others, our wounds heal faster, we shake off infections more quickly and our blood pressure drops. We are less likely to have Alzheimer's, heart attacks or strokes. When people feel that they have strong social support, they perform better on tests of mental focus, memory and problem solving. Greater connection can fuel creativity, increase our financial stability and enhance our work productivity. But making friends can also be daunting.In The Laws of Connection, David Robson does two important things: he takes us through the fascinating science behind the effects of social connection and he unpacks the research that shows that we are all better at being social than we might think. We will meet ideas such as ?the liking gap' and ?the gratitude gap', learn to recognise ?frenemies' and discover a powerful conversational strategy known as the ?fast-friends procedure' that promotes instant rapport. Being social doesn't have to mean having dozens of friends, it can also mean having one true, deep connection with another person. As Robson shows, we can all benefit from the laws of connection.

  • af Nicole LePera
    206,95 kr.

    From Dr. Nicole LePera, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller How to Do the Work comes a groundbreaking guide to strengthening relationships, beginning with the one you have with yourself.

  • - - en guide til ekspertkommunikation og interessevaretagelse i et digitalt mediebillede
    af Troels Johannesen
    161,95 kr.

    Der er stigende krav til, at virksomheder og organisationer skal kunne bruge deres eksperter og andre talspersoner offensivt i kommunikationen. I et fragmenteret mediebillede, hvor der er brug for at kunne spille på mange tangenter i den eksterne kommunikation, er tydelige eksperter guld værd for organisationens kommunikation og interessevaretagelse.Ekspertstemmer er guiden til eksperter og deres kolleger i danske presse- og kommunikationsafdelinger, der gerne vil have en tydeligere stemme på deres område og vinde markedsandele i kampen om synlighed, kendskab og bedre omdømme.I bogen møder du cases, eksempler og interviews med nogle af de mest fremtrædende talspersoner i danske organisationer. Deres erfaringer bliver i bogen krydret med konkrete råd og vejledning til, hvordan man arbejder med at styrke sin ekspertkommunikation som individ og som organisation, og hvordan man sætter arbejdet i system.Bogen rummer hands on-rådgivning om at optræde i medierne og være aktiv på Twitter og LinkedIn til de talspersoner, der eksekverer organisationens faglige budskaber, og den rummer råd til implementering og udvikling til de kommunikationsmedarbejdere, der skal understøtte ekspertstemmerne i det daglige.

  • af Erwin Raphael McManus
    243,95 kr.

    "Mental toughness, mental clarity, and mental health all have one thing in common: The journey begins in your mind. In this radical guide, the award-winning author of The Last Arrow illuminates a surprising path toward personal fulfillment and optimal performance. Throughout his thirty years of work as a mindset expert and leadership coach, Erwin Raphael McManus has been obsessed with these questions: Why do some people succeed despite having all the odds stacked against them? How do others achieve the unthinkable, only to watch their lives slip away? Are there mental structures for failure and success? McManus has come to realize that too many of us have "near-life" experiences. We almost pursue our dreams. We almost make the decision that changes everything. We are always one choice away. If we want to live without regret, we need to make a mind shift-trading beliefs that limit our potential for ones that help us move toward optimal performance and pursue the success of being fully alive. We must move from a life of obligation to a life of intention. In Mind Shift, McManus brings together twelve mental frameworks that have helped some of the most accomplished people on earth create internal structures of success. Sharing experiences from entrepreneurs, artists, professional athletes, and his own career, McManus shows us how to transform our thinking-and, in turn, transform our lives"--

  • af Nicole LePera
    233,95 kr.

    Most people are stuck living life on autopilot. Are you ready to break free? At the root of all healing work is awakening consciousness, a process of shining light into the darkness of the unknown. In recent years, Dr. Nicole LePera has become the leading voice in psychological self-healing, helping millions of people around the world rise out of survival mode to consciously create authentic lives they love. In her first book, How to Do the Work, Dr. Nicole offered readers a revolutionary, holistic framework for self-healing. Now, in How to Meet Your Self, she shares an interactive workbook designed to help every reader uncover their Authentic Self. By objectively and compassionately observing the physical, mental, and emotional patterns that fill our days and create our current selves, we can more clearly see what we do not wish to carry into the future. We all fall into conditioned habits and patterns?products of our past?that lead to cycles of pain, stuckness, and self-destruction. But as Dr. Nicole shares, we also have the innate ability to awaken to and change the behaviors and habits that no longer serve us, allowing us to step into the highest versions of ourselves. And as you work through this book and witness these default habits, from sleep to movement to eating, through emotional reactivity and core beliefs, you will never again have to ask: ?but where do I start??How to Meet Your Self is a revolutionary guide, a kind and encouraging companion, and a comprehensive masterwork of self-understanding that will radically transform your inner work and outer world.

  • af Joe Keohane
    223,95 kr.

    A “meticulously researched and buoyantly written” (Esquire) look at what happens when we talk to strangers, and why it affects everything from our own health and well-being to the rise and fall of nations in the tradition of Susan Cain’s Quiet and Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens“This lively, searching work makes the case that welcoming ‘others’ isn’t just the bedrock of civilization, it’s the surest path to the best of what life has to offer.”—Ayad Akhtar, Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Homeland ElegiesIn our cities, we stand in silence at the pharmacy and in check-out lines at the grocery store, distracted by our phones, barely acknowledging one another, even as rates of loneliness skyrocket. Online, we retreat into ideological silos reinforced by algorithms designed to serve us only familiar ideas and like-minded users. In our politics, we are increasingly consumed by a fear of people we’ve never met. But what if strangers—so often blamed for our most pressing political, social, and personal problems—are actually the solution?In The Power of Strangers, Joe Keohane sets out on a journey to discover what happens when we bridge the distance between us and people we don’t know. He learns that while we’re wired to sometimes fear, distrust, and even hate strangers, people and societies that have learned to connect with strangers benefit immensely. Digging into a growing body of cutting-edge research on the surprising social and psychological benefits that come from talking to strangers, Keohane finds that even passing interactions can enhance empathy, happiness, and cognitive development, ease loneliness and isolation, and root us in the world, deepening our sense of belonging. And all the while, Keohane gathers practical tips from experts on how to talk to strangers, and tries them out himself in the wild, to awkward, entertaining, and frequently poignant effect.Warm, witty, erudite, and profound, equal parts sweeping history and self-help journey, this deeply researched book will inspire readers to see everything—from major geopolitical shifts to trips to the corner store—in an entirely new light, showing them that talking to strangers isn’t just a way to live; it’s a way to survive.

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