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  • af Karen J. Koopman
    1.596,95 kr.

    This book offers an important contribution to the field of curriculum studies and higher education by examining the impacts of colonialism and neoliberalism in the South African education system and addressing ways to decolonise curriculum and teaching. Drawing on Pinar's work in curricular theory, the authors call for integrating self-reflective curriculum development into the national curriculum process to promote indigenous education and knowledge.

  • af Joseph Janangelo
    715,95 kr.

    Understanding WPA Readiness and Renewal examines WPA journeys and journeying.Designed for WPA graduate seminars and professional development workshops, this book addresses two questions:¿ How do people develop readiness to serve as WPAs?¿ How do experienced WPAs find or create renewal opportunities that help them move forward throughout their lives and careers?Authors address these questions from their sometimes-intersecting identities as BIPOC scholars, LGBTQ+ people, graduate students, and adjunct faculty, as well as early, mid-, and later-career WPAs.Authors draw on their experience teaching at a range of two- and four-year institutions to analyse the complexities, contingencies, and rewards of short and long-term WPA work. These scholars contend that understanding WPA "readiness" and "renewal" involves questioning inherited definitions of those terms and engaging in theorized, self-aware conversations that reflect, and reflect on, understudied fears and desires about WPA work from graduate preparation to preparing for leadership rotation and retirement.

  • af Annie Besant
    163,95 kr.

    Building Occult Character is an enlightening compilation by renowned theosophical authors Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater. Unveiling the hidden realms of esoteric knowledge, this transformative book explores the interconnectedness of the occult arts and the development of one's character. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Through profound insights, practical techniques, and ancient wisdom, readers will explore ideas that elevate consciousness, align character with higher principles, and unlock the true potential within.

  • af Powers M. Cole
    638,95 kr.

    AnyworkonthePlatonicconceptionofreasonhastowrestlewithafew signaldifficultiesoftheproblem.ThefirstisthatPlatohasnoexplicittheoryof 'reason'assuchinanyofhisworks.Thereis,forexample,nonotionof¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿in Plato:astrictlyandpreciselydefinedprincipleofcogitativepowerthatmakesa humanbeingtobewhatitessentiallyis.Initsplace,awideandvariedarrayof Greektermsisrenderedby'reason':¿¿¿¿,¿¿¿¿¿,¿¿¿¿¿¿,and¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿allshowup, atsomepointoranother,as'reason'intranslation.Ofalloftheseitisperhaps¿¿¿¿, sometimesalsotranslated'mind',thatcomesclosesttowhatweordinarily understandbytheterm.Thissimilarity,however,isdeceptive.Theproblemwith ¿¿¿¿isthatithasitsownregisterofmeaninginthecontextofAncientGreek philosophymoregenerally,throughtheinfluenceofAnaxagoras,forwhom¿¿¿¿ wasthe¿¿¿¿¿¿¿principleofbeing1.¿¿¿¿inthePhaedo(wherePlatoisexplicitly referringtoAnaxagoras)meanssomethingquitedifferentfrom¿¿¿¿inthePhaedrus (whereitisthefacultybywhichhumanbeingsapprehendthetruthintheirjourney aroundtheheavens),andbothoftheseinstancesofusagearequitedifferentfrom themodernideaof'reason'.Broadlyspeaking,however,wecansaythatthesetwo dialoguesuse'¿¿¿¿'accordingtotwodifferent,andopposite,acceptations: 'subjective'and'objective'¿¿¿¿

  • af Liz Dempsey Lee
    333,95 kr.

    How can students, their families, and their teachers all work together towards common educational goals?Teachers want the best for their students, and a student's family wants the best for them too. But what "best" looks like can be different for everyone. A student's social identity and family context will have a significant impact on how they and their family define success at school. It is crucial for teachers to be aware of their own social identities, those of their students, and how these various identities might intersect, in order to understand what success might look like for each child in their classroom.Exploring various aspects of social identity - including gender identity, race, ability and disability, and socioeconomic status- this book tackles the question of how teachers can work together with their students, as well as how social identity will inform various kinds of advocacy from parents, carers, and family. Vital reading for teachers and educators in practice and in training, this book features suggested discussion questions, practical extension activities, and real-life case studies from the context of K-12 schools in the US.

  • af Ibrahim A. Halloun
    1.702,95 kr.

    This book offers pedagogic and governance foundations and guidelines for systemic education. It provides an overall systems-based picture of what formal education should be about, and of how things should be carried out in practice, in order to empower students ¿ and teachers ¿ for success in life. It transcends traditional disciplinary education, showing how systemic, praxis immersive, convergence education (SPICE) produces graduates who know how to think outside the box and excel in practical real-life situations. Drawing on philosophy, cognition, and the latest developments in neuroscience, the book calls for systemic pedagogical frameworks that allow for different curricula to be coherently and efficiently designed, and consistently and systematically deployed across different disciplines and various grade levels in the context of mind-and-brain based experiential learning ecologies.This volume is a major design and practice reference forschool teachers, university professors, graduate students, along with interested educators, educationists, and stakeholders in various sectors of society.

  • af Dennis Sölch
    769,95 kr.

    Der Band geht den zahlreichen Verbindungslinien von Erziehung und Philosophie in Geschichte und Gegenwart nach. Neben exemplarischen Auseinandersetzungen mit einzelnen Denkern von Seneca über Locke und Rousseau bis hin zu Jaspers und Foucault stehen grundlegende Aspekte möglicher Überschneidungen und Kontinuitäten zwischen Erziehungsphilosophie, philosophischer Pädagogik, Anthropologie und anderen Teil- oder Fachdisziplinen im Mittelpunkt der Beiträge. Ergänzt wird der Band durch tentative Ausblicke auf die Zukunft der Erziehungsphilosophie unter den sich verändernden Vorzeichen globaler Herausforderungen.

  • af John H. Bamberg
    678,95 kr.

    Before entering the world of research and evaluation, I was a Family Therapist specialising in how substance abuse affected families and parenting. My interests led me to design and facilitate a number of family substance use interventions which were both individually and group based. Each time I designed a new family substance use intervention, I became more aware that to understand which aspects of the treatment was effective and which aspects were not, it would be essential to include and implement an evaluation framework for the program. I soon recognised that my proficiency in understanding evaluation methods and their processes was insufficient and therefore would have to leave the investigation regarding the intervention's efficacy to someone else. The work involved in evaluating the interventions initially tickled my interest but soon this grew to intrigue. The more I began to understand the need for evaluation, the more I became aware of how little I knew about the subject and how important it was to provide evidence based practice to, firstly, the funding sources and secondly, and more importantly, the people who requested my knowledge and skills.

  • af Isabelle Collet
    728,95 kr.

    La visée première de cet ouvrage est de faire le point des recherches qui, dans l¿aire francophone, se sont intéressées à la manière dont les inégalités selon le genre se construisent dans la classe. Les chapitres qui le constituent relèvent de travaux menés dans plusieurs disciplines scolaires (Education physique et sportive, Écriture, Histoire, Littérature, Mathématiques) à différents niveaux du cursus (maternelle, élémentaire, secondaire, universitaire) et dans plusieurs pays (Canada, France, Suisse et Tunisie). Chacun d¿eux s¿attache à rendre compte de la question des inégalités de sexe dans l¿enseignement et l¿étude des savoirs, et, pour certains, de ses implications dans la formation à l¿enseignement. Ces aspects sont appréhendés sur la base de recherches dont la diversité se déploie à la fois en termes d'objets d'étude retenus, de terrains d'investigation, de cadres théoriques mobilisés, de démarches méthodologiques mises en ¿uvre et enfin, selon les ancrages disciplinaires spécifiques à chaque approche. Par-delà cette diversité qui donne à voir la vitalité des problématiques de recherche dans ce domaine, les autrices se sont attachées à préciser, en s'appuyant sur la littérature des Études de genre, quelle est la compréhension, ou l¿interprétation qüelles donnent dans leur texte aux termes de sexe et de genre, ce qui permet d¿entrevoir toutes les nuances pouvant émerger de l¿utilisation du concept de genre lorsqüil est convoqué dans les recherches didactiques.Les chapitres ont été regroupés en deux grandes parties. La première présente des résultats de recherche concernant les processus d¿enseignement-apprentissage chez les filles et les garçons à différents niveaux de l¿École. Les contributions de la seconde partie pointent les difficultés mises au jour concernant l¿introduction des problématiques didactiques relatives au genre dans la formation des futur·es enseignant·es.

  • af Nathan Smith
    318,95 - 598,95 kr.

  • af Jane McDonnell
    1.103,95 - 1.110,95 kr.

    This book introduces readers to the writing of the French philosopher, Jacques Rancière, and discusses the uptake of his work in education. Written from a personal perspective, the book tells the story of the author¿s engagement with Rancière¿s writing as an educational researcher. The first part of the book introduces Rancière¿s interventions on democracy and politics, art and aesthetics, emancipation, and education. The second part of the book analyses how Rancière¿s writing has been taken up in considerations of emancipatory, democratic, and political education, art(s) education, and innovative work in educational research. The final part of the book appraises the significance of Rancière¿s writing for education and considers the difficult task of applying his insights to educational scholarship.

  • af Albert Yates
    668,95 kr.

    This thesis explores the nature of addiction and addictive behaviour. It does so from the perspective of Classical Greek philosophy. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first time that philosophy from this period of history been used to gain a comprehensive understanding of addiction and addictive behaviour.4 The aim of the thesis is threefold. Firstly, to construct a theory of addiction founded on Classical Greek philosophy. Secondly, to increase current understanding of addiction through an awareness of Classical Greek philosophy and thirdly, to encourage the study of addiction and other aspects of human behaviour from the perspective of Classical Greek philosophy.

  • af Mario D. Rucci
    1.058,95 kr.

    World Conception is a work of conceptions (PHILOSOPHY). It deals mainly with conceptual development (PHYSICS), conceptual representation (LINGUISTICS), and conceptual management (SYSTEMATICS). In other words, it is about the development of bodies, the representation of ideas, and the management of categories. And all of that is conveyed thru a system for the Physical development of the world (the magnetic system), a system for the Mental representation of the world (the ideographic system), and a system for the Social government of the world (the tabular system). These systems lead to a unifying view of the world. My Ruccian friend, if you are curious about a unifying view of our world, this is the book for you. In its chronological version, it is not an easy read; but, in the end, it'll be worth it. The Chronological Version of WORLD is an account of how my system developed. The separate volumes are in relation to the years they were produced. (In order to be able to handle the digital files with some ease, it was necessary to divide this account into 5 volumes.) I hope to produce a Subject-Related or Topical Version in the future, where the separate volumes will be in relation to the topics discussed. WARNING: Given the size of tables, the electronic version of WORLD will not work on a small e-reader. You have to use a large tablet or a computer. And, for a better experience, you could set the page display at 200%.

  • af Chris Brown
    278,95 kr.

    Presenting concepts from academia, industry, and practice, The Ideas-Informed Society closes the gap between the ideal of the ideas-informed society and reality - the chapters conceive what an ideal ideas-informed society would look like, the key ingredients of an ideas-informed society, and how to make it happen.

  • af Sharon Todd
    397,95 - 1.063,95 kr.

  • - 1.000 læsere
    af Christian Jespersen
    158,95 - 224,95 kr.

    Hvad gør du, når det samlede gennemsnit på specialer er så højt, at en topkarakter ikke længere er imponerende? For det er virkeligheden. De fleste specialer får en høj bedømmelse, og det gør arbejdsgivere ligeglade med din karakter – og i øvrigt også med indholdet af dit speciale. Men det skal jo skrives, og i stedet for at følge strømmen og lande i bunken af specialer, der kun bliver læst af din censor og underviser, kan du få langt mere ud af dit speciale, end du tror er muligt.Specialebooster præsenterer dig for et nyt og alternativt syn på dit speciale, der både sikrer dig en mere interessant og hurtigere skriveproces, et større antal læsere samt ikke mindst øger dine chancer markant for, at dit speciale giver dig et væsentligt forspring til at lande i det rigtige første job, når du er færdiguddannet.

  • - Sådan bliver du synlig online til dit første job efter studiet … mens du studerer
    af Christian Jespersen
    108,95 - 178,95 kr.

    Vi lever i en digital tid, og når du skal vise, hvem du er, sker det i høj grad online. Det er også i den retning, din kommende potentielle arbejdsgiver kigger. Derfor er det vigtigt, at du online fremstår som en profil målrettet mod din ønskede karrierestart og målgruppe af eftertragtede arbejdsgivere.Brandingbooster er et 14-dages kursus i personlig branding specifikt til universitetsstuderende. Du lærer, hvordan du kan underbygge dit CV og din ansøgning med en onlineprofil, der gør dig til en troværdig ansøger, som bliver inviteret ind til den jobsamtale, du helst vil til.

  • - En CV-manual for universitetsstuderende
    af Christian Jespersen
    188,95 - 242,95 kr.

    I en tid, hvor topkarakterer på universiteter bliver kastet ud til højre og venstre som karameller til 10.-klassers sidste skoledag, forventer arbejdsgivere at blive bejlet til af nyuddannede kandidater med mere end deres uddannelsespapirer og tilhørende akademiske bedrifter. En høj karakter er ingen garanti for et job. Arbejdsgiverne kigger i langt højere grad på, om jobansøgeren under studietiden har stiftet bekendtskab med, udforsket og lært fra andre områder end klasseværelset, og du bliver vurderet på aktiviteter, der i højere grad afspejler det job, du ønsker at få, og om du kan dokumentere dine erfaringer og resultater på dit CV.Det kræver først og fremmest, at du som studerende er afklaret om dit første job, og at du har en forståelse for, hvad det kræver af kompetencer for at kunne udføre det job godt – såvel som at overbevise en arbejdsgiver om, at du kan og vil udføre jobbet bedre end andre ansøgere. Dernæst kræver det en målrettet indsats ved siden af studiet for at blive en kandidat, en arbejdsgiver tror på og ender med at ansætte.Studiebooster viser dig, hvordan du opbygger et overbevisende CV med brancheindsigt, anbefalinger, netværk, kompetencer og erhvervserfaring, så du får en troværdig profil og bliver lukket ind på arbejdsmarkedet, straks efter at du har færdiggjort din uddannelse.

  • af Maria Montessori
    184,95 kr.

    Montessori went beyond the conventions of the day to seek a new way of knowing and loving a child. In this book she describes the nature of the child and her method of working more fully with the child's urge to learn.

  • af Sara Clarke-Habibi
    1.121,95 kr.

    This collection presents interdisciplinary perspectives on educating for peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It explores a range of theories, contexts, pedagogies and practices within formal education settings and draws attention to the multiple roles that teachers play in fostering socially transformative learning. The volume offers readers a critical exploration of peace pedagogy as an imagined ideal and fluid space between post-war educational politics, institutional and curricular constraints, and the lived experiences and identities of teachers and students in socially and historically situated communities.The book highlights local voices, initiatives and practices by illustrating good examples of how classrooms are being connected to communities, teacher education programs and teachers¿ continued professional development. It demonstrates why and how the grammars of peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina are still in a state of flux and negotiation, and what the implications are for classroom practice and pedagogy. Recommendations are offered for policymakers, curriculum developers, teacher educators and teachers on how peace pedagogies can be promoted at all levels of the education system and through pre-service and in-service teacher education, taking into account the structural uniqueness of the country.

  • af Jan ¿In¿Era
    1.304,95 kr.

    This edited volume explores the role of outdoor environmental education in the contemporary society. It identifies some of the opportunities and challenges of this educational area, particularly in the growing digitalization of the contemporary society and the distancing between people and nature. Furthermore, it seeks to answer why outdoor environmental education is essential for developing students¿ environmental citizenship competencies or developing their relationship with nature. The book also introduces the various approaches existing in the field, discusses their relevance, and highlights their unique features. The book finishes with an overview of the practice of outdoor environmental education in selected countries from North America, Europe, and Asia.

  • af Pia Katharina Metzler
    666,95 kr.

    ¿Wir leben in einer Gesellschaft von Selbstverwirklichungssubjekten. Dem spätmodernen Individuum wird Selbstbestimmung versprochen, während es zur Selbstoptimierung angehalten wird. Dieser Trend hält auch in der Pädagogik Einzug: Das Bildungsideal der Selbstorganisation verdrängt den Gedanken der Sozialintegration. An den Grenzen dieses Narrativs kommt die Grundfrage der Sozialpädagogik, wie Individualisierung und Gemeinsinn zusammengedacht werden können, neu auf und verlangt nach einer pädagogischen Lesart von Selbstverwirklichung. Ausgehend von dieser Fragestellung folgt die Arbeit einem dreischrittigen Vorgehen: Einführend wird der Begriff Selbstverwirklichung einer Diskursanalyse unterzogen. Anschließend wird eine Theorieanalyse basierend auf den Werken der Theoretiker:innen Natorp, Dewey, Montessori und Freire durchgeführt. Basierend auf diesen zwei Analyseschritten wird ein pädagogisches Konzept von Selbstverwirklichung aufgestellt, welches im dritten Schritt konkretisiert und geschärft wird. Die Arbeit zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass sie pädagogische Leitvorstellungen offenbart, systematisiert und diskutiert und damit zur stiefkindlich behandelten Diskussion über die Ziele und die Ausgestaltung von Erziehung vor dem Hintergrund eines Selbstverwirklichungsanspruchs beiträgt.

  • af Rudolf Eucken
    208,95 kr.

    With the consent of the author the title "Life's Basis and Life's Ideal" has been adopted for this translation of "Die Grundlinien einer neuen Lebensanschauung," with the hope that thereby the purpose of the work will be more directly indicated than by a literal translation of the German title. It is hoped, further, that the title adopted will make an appeal to the general reading public. To make such an appeal is not the desire of every writer on philosophical subjects: but in the present instance it is the case. The author feels that he has a message for the present time, and one that is vital to the true interests of all. It has been remarked, and the present writer would be among the first to acknowledge the truth of the statement, that the voice is that of a prophet in the sense of an ethical teacher, rather than that of a philosopher in the more technical sense. Nevertheless, the use of a philosophical terminology, and the constant implicit reference to the results of philosophical endeavour in the past and present, combined with the peculiarities of the author's own views, make it difficult to understand his message. To non-philosophical readers who are not already acquainted with the more popular works which have been translated under the titles of "Christianity and the New Idealism," "The Life of the Spirit," and "The Meaning and Value of Life," the present work will appear of considerable difficulty. Difficulty in such a work is, however, by no means necessarily an evil, for it may compel more careful reading and thought. The present work is the latest and best general statement, by the author, of his philosophical position. By some reference here to certain ideas, principles, and aims of the philosophy, the attention of the reader may be drawn to those aspects which, in personal contact with the author, one comes to feel are regarded by him as of most importance. It is not invariably so, but in this case to know the man is to gain immensely in the power to understand and appreciate the message. He inspires us with his confidence and enthusiasm, even when we have doubts as to the adequacy of his philosophical creed. His philosophy is, indeed, the outcome of an attitude of life. To know the man is to understand more fully than from all his written works what he means when he speaks of the development of personality and spiritual individuality. Whatever may be the value of what is written about Professor Eucken's position, no substitute can be found for reading his own words in as many of his different expositions as possible.

  • af Jeff Hoke
    473,95 kr.

    The Guide to Lost Wonder Activity Book is a practical manual to explore and develop your creativity and visioneering skills. Tap into the wealth of human imagination through hands-on activities, experiments, games and more, as you learn to manifest your thoughts and dreams in the real world. Covering concepts from the process of creativity to mental modeling and dream palaces, each chapter is rich in historic examples drawn from the disciplines of science, metaphysics and philosophy to reveal the innermost workings of the mind. The key concepts are accompanied by six different paper models for you to build and contemplate, putting you in touch with techniques that have been used since ancient times and helping to fix them in your own mind. Working through the guide is a Hero's Journey from the mundane to the miraculous - an entertaining opportunity to tread your own path toward illumination.

  • af Christopher Ndlovu
    1.014,95 kr.

    This book brings together a series of papers on education in rural Zimbabwe. It is informed throughout by the generative theory of rurality, which sees rural communities as the most significant agents in solving the challenges they face. Against this theoretical backdrop, the 13 chapters challenge policy makers, researchers and educators to confront the problem of poor academic performance among learners in rural learning ecologies. The book demonstrates that rural communities, in Zimbabwe and elsewhere, can improve their educational outcomes through community-led action, involving traditional leadership and other stakeholders. The key message is that communities have the opportunity to become the authors of their own destinies in shaping future educational results."This book brings together important views on improving learning in rural ecologies. The arguments brought forward can lead to responsive policies that can greatly benefit rural education."¿Colwasi Mthunzi, Professor of Curriculum Innovations, Solusi University"A book that brings so much hope for rural learners and also encourages the community and parents/guardians to play an active role in the learning of their children."¿Nosizo Shava, Senior Sociology Lecturer, Hillside Teachers College"Well-articulated papers on the ways of reducing inequalities between rural and urban education."¿Shepherd Ndondo, Post-doc fellow in Philosophy of Education, University of Fort Hare

  • af Hannah Lichtenberg
    1.093,95 kr.

    Formative measurement models are largely unknown in psychology and education, whereas they are part of the standard repertoire in economics. This book presents the formative measurement model and distinguishes it from the reflective model. Possibilities of application in psychology and education are presented and critically discussed. With the MARI method, a procedure is presented that enables users to implement formative models.

  • af Lisa-Marie Geberth & Lisa-Teresa Woller
    638,95 - 1.138,95 kr.

  • af Stephen P. Day
    1.602,95 kr.

    This edited book provides a critical re-reading of the concept of teacher education, in addition to a re-thinking of the sole focus on Initial Teacher Education (ITE), with implications for education policy, theory, and practice. This book presents new investigations that explore the concept of teacher education from ITE to retirement and how this is being enacted within the various distinct European and international education contexts. It demonstrates teaching and teacher education as a deeply contested field within European education and within the different national contexts of Europe. Contributions in this book expose teacher education as a continuum of teacher learning that is set off from the beginning of the teachers¿ own schooling and continues throughout their entire teaching career. The chapters deal with various issues, namely teacher induction and mentoring; teacher agency; teachers as researchers; the role of the head teacher; schools as learning communities; and distinctITE practices. It is intended for postgraduate students and researchers with an interest in teaching and teacher education, educational policies and politics, and educational philosophy, as well as practitioners.

  • af Doug McPhillips
    208,95 kr.

    The first step of anything is the beginning. It's exciting because it's the first day of a new life. This is where the awakening and healing started. This little guidebook is from the random thoughts of one who lived by the rules of denying what God had destined for him in preference to living in accord with the laws of what the world had to offer. To get to the top of the heap, it taught him dishonesty, a belief in the material at the expense of the spiritual essence of his soul purpose, self-destructive addictive behaviour in his acceptance of an artificial egocentric half-life, for in his searching for happiness lost his way, his integrity, his humility, and lack of willingness to put others before himself. In belief in service, in giving an account of his stewardship, it was always about his recognition. Then comes the getting of wisdom after a lifetime of a fall from grace. Then came the recognition of powerlessness over all that he had become. The recognition that he had for so long had his ladder planted firmly against the wrong wall. He had striven for money and fame, for glory, for self-satisfaction, only to find that it was all empty. So in the unfamiliar state of getting spiritual wisdom, life seems daunting at the new start, but fortunately, like all on an inward journey, it becomes easy with one step at a time. He began admitting he was powerless over his addictions, people, places and things. He developed faith in a Power Greater than self in a new awakening. He ultimately handed over his all to that power with faith and total surrender. He had to learn discernment in the light of day and not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Instead, he learnt to clothe himself in the grace bestowed by his God and not the need to gratify the desires of the flesh.This is the story of one man's transition from fumbling in the darkness of his base nature to embracing the spiritual waters of life in newfound freedom. Now in his dotage, random thoughts come from time to time in reflection. It is these that he ponders and writes for the benefit of you, the reader and his other well-being. So it is that he goes back to the very beginning. Now read on.

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