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  • af Karina Engelund Mathiasen
    397,95 kr.

    Denne bog gør op med den tanke, at særlige elever har brug for en særlig pædagogik. Det særlige bliver i stedet et mindset, hvor elevgruppens mangfoldighed bliver udgangspunktet for såvel indretningen af klasselokalet som for tilrettelæggelse af undervisningen og relationen til den enkelte elev. Bogen inviterer til et åbent mindset og til at arbejde med egen praksis for at skabe læringsmiljøer, der inkluderer mangfoldigt, og som har øje for elevernes forskelligheder. Samtidig giver den input til både det grundlæggende mindset og til praktisk handling ud fra en forståelse af, at små forandringer kan føre til store forandringer. Ud fra denne forståelse deler bogen ideer til små tiltag, som umiddelbart kan overføres direkte til undervisningen og klasserummet.Bogen er bygget op over en kronologi, der begynder med brede og overordnede forståelser omkring inklusion og læring, og går dernæst mere specifikt ned i konkrete ændringer i undervisningen, klasserummet og de fortællinger, vi har om vores elever. Med udgangspunkt i teori, forskning samt forfatterens mange observationer i praksis møder bogen den praksis, der lever i skolerne, og henvender sig derfor til praktikere i og omkring skolen samt de pædagogisk-psykologiske fag i læreruddannelsen.

  • af Jing Xu
    262,95 - 783,95 kr.

  • af Simone Stütz
    911,95 kr.

    Das vorliegende Buch beschäftigt sich mit den Charakteristika von Aufgaben in der Domäne Rechnungswesen aus einer fachdidaktischen Perspektive. Dazu wurde der aktuelle fachdidaktische Diskussionsstand aus der Fachdidaktik Rechnungswesen aufgearbeitet und auf Basis dessen ein umfassendes Kategoriensystem zur Analyse und Bewertung von Aufgaben aus dem Rechnungswesen entwickelt. Das Kategoriensystem kann des Weiteren genutzt werden, um neue Aufgaben für das Rechnungswesen zu entwickeln und bestehende Aufgaben zu optimieren. Darüber hinaus wurden 2.000 Rechnungswesenaufgaben aus 15 verschiedenen Schulbüchern von drei österreichischen Verlagen mithilfe des Kategoriensystems analysiert und bewertet. Damit kann der Wissensstand zu den Charakteristika von Aufgaben in der Domäne Rechnungswesen erheblich erweitert werden. Die Ergebnisse der umfassenden Auswertungen zeigen, dass bei den Aufgaben Verbesserungspotenzial besteht und die im Rahmen des Kategoriensystems formulierten Ansprüche an Aufgaben im Rechnungswesen derzeit nicht umfassend erfüllt werden. Darüber hinaus wird festgestellt, dass im derzeitigen Rechnungswesenunterricht sowohl eine Änderung der Aufgabenkultur als auch curriculare Änderungen und Weiterentwicklungen notwendig sind.

  • af Sarah Elaine Eaton
    3.707,95 kr.

    The book brings together diverse views from around the world and provides a comprehensive overview of academic integrity and how to create the ethical academy. At the same time, the Handbook does not shy away from some of the vigorous debates in the field such as the causes of academic integrity breaches. There has been an explosion of interest in academic integrity in the last 20-30 years. New technologies that have made it easier than ever for students to ¿cut and paste¿, coupled with global media scandals of high profile researchers behaving badly, have resulted in the perception that plagiarism is ¿on the rise¿. This, in combination with the massification and commercialisation of higher education, has resulted in a burgeoning interest in the importance of academic integrity, how to safeguard it and how to address breaches appropriately. What may have seemed like a relatively easy topic to address ¿ students copying sources without attribution ¿ has in fact, turned out tobe a complex, interdisciplinary field of research requiring contributions from linguists, psychologists, social scientists, anthropologists, teaching and learning specialists, mathematicians, accountants, medical doctors, lawyers and philosophers, to name just a few.Because of this broad interest and input, this handbook serves as the single authoritative reference work which brings together the vast, growing, interdisciplinary and at times contradictory body of literature. For both established researchers/practitioners and those new to the field, this Handbook provides a one-stop-shop as well as a launching pad for new explorations and discussions.

  • af Rik Pinxten
    1.037,95 - 1.390,95 kr.

  • af Kaustuv Roy
    1.384,95 kr.

    This book provides a new understanding of art education, connecting art, necessity, and pedagogy. Plenty has been written about art education, but its potential contribution to inner autonomy and existential emancipation due to the re-articulation of time and space in art has not been adequately explored in a pedagogic context. This book explores art as an affective continuum--not a plaything of culture, but rather a mode of alignment of the existential Eros with our ontological truth.

  • af Ian Cantley
    468,95 kr.

    This book uses philosophical analysis to argue that there are tensions associated with using results of high stakes tests to predict students¿ future potential. The implications of these issues for the interpretation of test scores in general are then elucidated before their connotations for academic selection are considered. After a brief overview of the history of academic selection in the United Kingdom, and a review of evidence pertaining to its consequences, it is argued that the practice of using the results of contemporary high stakes tests to make important decisions about students incurs logical and moral problems that a conscientious educator cannot ignore. The gravity of the moral transgression depends on the purpose and significance of the test and, in the case of high stakes tests used for academic selection purposes, it is argued that, not only can the moral wrong be highly significant, but better solutions are within reach.

  • af Nicholas Maxwell
    1.299,95 kr.

    Universities have long been dominated by a philosophy of inquiry that may be called knowledge-inquiry. This holds that, in order to do justice to the basic humanitarian aim of helping to promote human welfare, academic inquiry must, in the first instance, seek knowledge and technological know-how. First, knowledge is to be acquired; once acquired, it can be applied to help promote human welfare. But this philosophy of knowledge-inquiry is an intellectual and humanitarian disaster. It violates three of the four most elementary rules of rational problem solving conceivable, and as a result fails to give priority to the task of helping humanity resolve those conflicts and problems of living, such as the climate and nature crises, that need to be resolved if we are to make progress to a better world ¿ a world in which there is peace, democracy, justice, liberty, and sustainable prosperity, for all. Very few academics today are aware of this rationality scandal. We urgently need to bring about a revolution in universities around the world, wherever possible, so that academic inquiry puts all four rules of rational problem solving into practice, and becomes rationally devoted to helping humanity learn how to make progress towards a better world. Knowledge-inquiry needs to become wisdom-inquiry, rationally devoted to helping humanity create a wiser world.

  • af Ph. D. Delridge Hunter
    167,95 - 237,95 kr.

  • af Viggo Hansen
    122,95 - 127,95 kr.

  • af Soraya de Simone
    507,95 kr.

    Dans la plupart des métiers, ce sont des mentor·es qui assument la transmission du métier à autrui. Néanmoins, endosser cette fonction ne va pas de soi. Ce contexte de formation d'adultes entre mentor·es et stagiaires présente différentes dimensions¿: observation, imitation, mise en pratique, sans oublier les entretiens. C'est l'analyse des entretiens menés dans le contexte de la transmission du métier enseignant en alternance, qui est mise en exergue dans cet ouvrage. Ainsi, au travers d'une démarche de formation des mentor·es¿nommée mentoring conversation studies, conçues selon le modèle des lesson studies, l'auteure présente comment, dans ce contexte, des mentor·es en formation d'adultes se développent en profondeur, en termes de réflexivité et d'autorégulation. Enfin, l'analyse fine des entretiens présentée dans ce livre questionne les dispositifs actuels de formation destinés aux mentor·es, et, en corollaire, les effets d'une absence de dispositif destiné à ce public.

  • af Yann Le Pennec
    92,95 kr.

    L'enfant l'adolescent, et la chose publique.La classe politique française ne semble guère cette ému, suite aux dernières élections, de la désinfection croissante du suffrage universel par la classe d'âge des 18 à 35 ans.Nul instance politique ne s'est interrogé publiquement sur le point de savoir si la cause de ce désintérêt ne devrait pas être recherché du côté de l'éducation. Une éducation qui n'insisterait pas les enfants et adolescents à s'intéresser progressivement à la chose publique et à l'exercice de la démocratie.La chose publique est un concept qui se réfère à un état gouverné en fonction du bien du peuple, par opposition à un état gouverné en fonction du bien privé des membres d'une classe ou d'une personne unique.Cet essai traite de la capacité du système éducatif global, institution et famille à préparer les enfants et les adolescents à vivre et à agir dans un tel état.Une première partie met en évidence les avatars et balbutiements du statut de l'enfant et de l'adolescent à diverses époques de l'histoire. La seconde partie traite des modalités d'une socialisation active visant à amener l'enfant, l'adolescent, à assumer sa position de citoyen à venir, par sa capacité à intervenir sur les structures sociales qui le déterminent.Les styles éducatifs que rencontre l'enfant, l'adolescent, la place qui lui est dévolue dans les institutions qu'il l'accueillent, les valeurs qui sont renforcées ou non, dans et par ses institutions, contribue à sa formation d'agent social. Certains s'offusqueront sans doute qu'un tel essai puisse inciter les enfants et adolescents à « faire de la politique ». Il leur serait alors demandé s'ils ont de la politique une vision si malsaine et dangereuse qu'enfant et adolescent devraient en être tenu à l'écart. Jusqu'au moment où il serait incité à glisser, enfin, un bulletin dans l'urne.

  • af David Mathwin
    137,95 - 277,95 kr.

  • af Sara Towe Horsfall
    332,95 - 523,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Gibbons
    1.581,95 kr.

    This edited volume investigates the effects of shifting configurations and conceptualizations of the experience and meaning of home as it is embodied in early childhood care and education (ECCE). As the globalized early learning agenda drives more children to attend ECCE institutions, these institutions increasingly employ the concept of home through their curriculum and daily operations by attempting to foster a homelike environment or by incorporating items from children's homes into play. Chapters seek to recognize the complexity of a concept that is often taken for granted by exploring ways of being and thinking that share an interest in the notion of home. Authors offer multiple lenses and approaches to make sense of home as a conceptual space that operates in complex and often interrelated ways, including as an intellectual space, a built environment, a disciplinary technology, and a threshold.

  • af Susanne Magin
    1.097,95 kr.

    Die Bereitstellung von Spiritual Care ist durch die geringe Spiritual Care-Kompetenz unter Gesundheitsfachpersonen eingeschränkt. Das vorliegende Werk beleuchtet Spiritual Care-Kompetenz in der Ausbildung von Gesundheitsfachpersonen: in einer konzeptionellen Untersuchung erfolgt eine Begriffsklärung, in einer anwendungsbezogenen Untersuchung werden zwei Studien zur Spiritual Care-Kompetenz ausgewertet. Zunächst werden Bedeutungsdimensionen herausgearbeitet, die die Spiritual Care-Kompetenz charakterisieren. Sodann zeigt zum einen die Analyse von Interviews, dass die Teilnahme an einem Online-Spiritual Care-Seminar zu Veränderungen in der Spiritual Care-Kompetenz führt. Zum anderen zeigt eine Fragebogenauswertung, dass Spiritual Care-Kompetenz ein veränderbares Konstrukt ist und die Teilnahme am Seminar einen signifikanten Effekt auf die wahrgenommene Spiritual Care-Kompetenz hat. Zusammenführend kann das Gesamtverständnis wie folgt präzisiert werden: Spiritual Care-Kompetenz ist Relations- und Grenzsituationskompetenz und kann durch ein gezieltes Lehrangebot gefördert werden. Diese Ergebnisse sind für das Verständnis von Spiritual Care-Kompetenz im Allgemeinen sowie für die Aus- und Weiterbildung in Spiritual Care im Besonderen relevant.

  • af Stacy C. Johnson
    471,95 kr.

    The term agape has become something of a mainstream concept, as it has graced Americäs television screens through commercial media. This book investigates agape and presents a timely, novel argument regarding current strains on U.S. education and student learning outcomes. It interrogates the impact of a loveless, meritocratic and exclusively Eurocentric learning environment on student engagement and motivation, reimagining a more effective outcome when unconditional love guides both curriculum and pedagogy. Through an interdisciplinary lens of western and non-western scholarship and storytelling, the author shares her journey along a 30 year practice of a curriculum of agape¿a hidden and explicit curriculum of a selfless and radical love, ever pursuant of the unfinished quest for social justice in the learning space. A Curriculum of Agape¿Reimagining Love in the Classroom is a theoretical and practical guide for prioritizing and actualizing unconditional love in the classroom as a relevant and necessary approach to maximizing student learning outcomes."A Curriculum of Agape is a self-help book, love story, and practical guide for anyone who is interested in becoming a teacher or for those looking to rekindle their relationship with the profession. Through vulnerability and honesty, Dr. Johnson connects to her reader and shares her experiences as a veteran teacher, examining how attitudes, institutions, and structures have infl uenced the teaching profession. Dr. Johnson reminds us that teaching and learning is an emotional and professional calling, where a curriculum centered on love will help us achieve more equity and belonging in our classrooms and communities."¿Dr. Breanne Hicks Cultivator for Interdisciplinary Studies and English Teacher, Saint Mary¿s Hall, San Antonio, TX"This book should be in the hands of every teacher and educational leader in the field. Dr. Johnson layers the complexity of equity, inclusion, and restorative justice practices, with the development of student identity in a way that is accessible to educators."¿Dr. Paula Johnson Chief Equity and Diversity Officer Judson Independent School District, San Antonio, TX

  • af Julia Perlinger
    801,95 kr.

    Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit differenten Sozialisationsprozessen von männlichen Nachwuchsleistungssportlern aus dem Sektor Handball, welche in (Sport-)Internaten leben. Um der Forschungsfrage ¿Wie gestalten sich Sozialisationsprozesse von männlichen Nachwuchsleistungssportlern in Leistungssportinstitutionen mit Internat?¿ nachgehen zu können, wurden in drei verschiedenen Internatseinrichtungen mit leistungssportlichem Profil biographisch-narrative Interviews durchgeführt. Die empirische Arbeit wird der qualitativen Sozialforschung zugeordnet. Die Zielgruppe der Biographieforschung setzt sich aus Nachwuchsleistungssportlern im Alter von 15 bis 20 Jahren zusammen, um die subjektive Sichtweise und Erfahrungswerte aus Perspektive der Nachwuchsleistungssportler transparent machen zu können. Die erhobenen Daten wurden im Anschluss anhand der Narrationsanalyse nach Schütze ausgewertet.

  • - et grundstudie i almen pædagogik
    af Alexander von Oettingen
    297,95 kr.

    “Opdragelsen er efter sit begreb kun mulig gennem ydre indvirkning fra opdragernes side. Men dens mål er – stadig ifølge opdragelsens begreb – at den, som skal opdrages, skal bringes til at bestemme sig uafhængig af ydre indvirkninger. Vi står altså tilsyneladende over for en modsigelse: hvordan kan man gennem ydre indvirkning bringe et menneske til ikke at lade sig bestemme af ydre indvirkninger?!Sådan sammenfatter filosoffen Leonard Nelson den moderne pædagogiks paradoksale udfordring. I det moderne træder mennesket ud af sin “selvforskyldte umyndighed” og må lære frit at bestemme over sit eget liv og være medbestemmende i en fælles tilværelse. Men hvordan lærer barnet om frihedens mulighed, når vejen går gennem opdragelsens afhængighed. Ud fra dette spørgsmål konstitueres to principper for “den moderne barndom”, nemlig principperne om mennesket Bildsamket og opfordring til selvvirksomhed. Enhver pædagogisk virksomhed må forudsætte, at barnet kan indgå i dannelsesprocesser, at det vil og kan læse, og at det sættes i gang af den voksnes fornuftige opfordring til barnets selvvirksomhed.Bogen undersøger det pædagogiske paradoks fra dets erkendelse hos J.-J. Rousseau og I. Kant til de første forsøg på at formulere en teoretisk pædagogik hos F. Schleiermacher og J.F. Herbart. Dernæst påvises, at paradokset også ligger til grund for K. Grue-Sørensens pædagogiske forfatterskab, og til sidst introduceres D. Venners formulering af en almen pædagogik, der netop tager udgangspunkt i Bildsamkeit og opfordring til selvvirksomhed.Gennem dette grundstudie er det bogens intention at vise, at det pædagogiske paradoks stadig udgør en radikal udfordring for den pædagogiske teori og praksis.Dette er en revideret udgave med et ekstra kapitel, der omhandler det pædagogiske paradoks i forbindelse med skolen.

  • af Crystena A. H. Parker-Shandal
    1.581,95 kr.

    This book focuses on how teachers can transmit and practice values through classroom circles that attend to and empower all students¿ voices. A growing number of teachers are using relational pedagogy, drawing on Indigenous circle practice, as a pedagogical tool. Done well, circles can build and sustain dialogue and peaceful relations. Done poorly, circles reflect and reinforce relations of power, which, if disregarded, can be damaging for participants whose voices are silenced or not sufficiently heard. Parker-Shandal¿s consideration of teachers¿ professional learning and training in restorative justice in education focuses on ethnographic, classroom-based research in diverse urban elementary schools. Her data include observations of classrooms, teacher surveys, and interviews with students, teachers, and principals. The book provides a detailed account of the lived experience of students and teachers as they engage with and experience the transformative power of constructive dialogueabout conflicts embedded in curriculum subject matter through restorative justice pedagogies.

  • af Erin Peters-Burton
    2.183,95 - 2.267,95 kr.

  • af Luise Li Langergaard
    1.129,95 kr.

    The book brings together perspectives on entrepreneurship research, education and practice to understand social entrepreneurship in its wider societal, political and economic context. Its unique contribution comes from its interdisciplinary approach that spans from the societal to the organizational level, with specific focus social innovation and management. It views management of social entrepreneurship and social enterprise in light of its societal context and employs social innovation to critically assess social entrepreneurship as driver of change. The emergence of social entrepreneurship as an academic field is linked to several societal trends such as public austerity, financial crises, new social challenges and a growing counter-movement to globalised capitalism. Generally seen as organisations serving both social and economic objectives, social enterprises, social innovation and social entrepreneurship have their roots in civil society, civic activism or the solidarityeconomy, but also manifest themselves as for-profit companies, with new organisational forms emerging and old ones changing. The contributions in this book elucidate these developments and the role of social entrepreneurs and social enterprises. Furthermore, the book offers great insight into the specific ways of managing, leading and creating innovation in social enterprises as well as perspectives on how to understand their social impact or value creation.

  • af Paul Christian Dawkins
    2.006,95 kr.

    The book provides an entry point for graduate students and other scholars interested in using the constructs of Piaget¿s genetic epistemology in mathematics education research. Constructs comprising genetic epistemology form the basis for some of the most well-developed theoretical frameworks available for characterizing learning, particularly in mathematics. The depth and complexity of Piaget¿s work can make it challenging to find adequate entry points for learners, not least because it requires a reorientation regarding the nature of mathematical knowledge itself. This volume gathers leading scholars to help address that challenge. The main section of the book presents key Piagetian constructs for mathematics education research such as schemes and operations, figurative and operative thought, images and meanings, and decentering. The chapters that discuss these constructs include examples from research and address how these constructs can be used in research. There are two chapters on various types of reflective abstraction, because this construct is Piaget¿s primary tool for characterizing the advancement of knowledge. The later sections of the book contain commentaries reflecting on the contributions of the body of theory developed in the first section. They connect genetic epistemology to current research domains such as equity and the latest in educational psychology. Finally, the book closes with short chapters portraying how scholars are using these tools in specific arenas of mathematics education research, including in special education, early childhood education, and statistics education.

  • af John Rethorst
    898,95 - 987,95 kr.

  • af Zeenath Reza Khan
    1.574,95 - 1.583,95 kr.

  • af Heidi M. Westerlund
    507,95 kr.

    This book challenges the dominant expertise professionalism rationale for music education by responding to the call to develop ¿ecological awareness¿ at a time when all professions have a moral obligation to place sustainable and interdependent life at the center. The book aims to expand music education¿s professional horizons to acknowledge the responsibility of the music field to contribute to the demands of complex questions of sustainability and identify the ways in which sustainable music education may be strengthened through an activist relational ecological stance. It suggests a radical moral turn by asking: What if music education is recognised as part of the problem of sustaining unsustainability? and What if music teacher education was developed in and through dialogue with a futures perspective? These questions are interrogated through a critical analysis of the historical positioning of music in education and an interdisciplinary application of theories of ecology and professionalism.

  • af Shay Herbord
    147,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey toward self-discovery and personal growth with "Do Better. Be Better." This insightful self-help guide explores 15 essential aspects of your life, providing practical advice and empowering strategies to help you become the best version of yourself. Learn the power of effective routines to enhance productivity and create a stable foundation for success. Uncover the keys to unlocking your inner drive and maintaining the momentum needed to achieve your goals. Gain financial wisdom and cultivate a healthy relationship with money to secure your financial future. Discover the connection between self-image and confidence, and how embracing your physical self contributes to overall well-being. Explore techniques to develop a positive mindset, manage stress, and enhance mental resilience. Navigate the complexities of interpersonal connections, fostering healthy relationships that contribute positively to your life. Confront and overcome addictive behaviors, learning to reclaim control over your life. Find fulfillment in your professional life by aligning your passions with your career and cultivating a positive work environment. Set and achieve meaningful goals, turning your dreams into tangible realities. Develop empathy and effective communication skills, fostering understanding and cooperation with those around you. Cultivate a thirst for lifelong learning, expanding your horizons and enriching your intellectual prowess. Explore mindfulness techniques and strategies to achieve inner peace in the midst of life's challenges. Navigate the complex emotions of loss, finding healing and strength in the face of adversity. Strike a balance between self-confidence and humility, unlocking the power of authentic self-expression. Envision and shape your future by setting a clear path forward, equipped with the tools to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing world. "Do Better. Be Better." is a comprehensive guide that empowers you to take charge of your life, break through barriers, and embrace the limitless potential within. Through practical advice, relatable anecdotes, and actionable steps, this book provides the roadmap to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven existence. Transform your life one chapter at a time and embark on the journey of becoming the best version of yourself.

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