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  • af Tyler Rablin
    322,95 kr.

    Ditch the Old Assessments to Motivate Your Students & Build ConfidenceAll educators have witnessed students hang their heads after an assessment and give up because they just can't see a path forward. It's frustrating and heartbreaking for everyone.Now, there's a solution.Hacking Student Motivation taps into students' perspective and motivation, creating a classroom environment where failure is simply a part of learning, and growth is the focus for everyone in the room. Learn how to:¿ Create more meaningful assessment structures and practices¿ Redesign grade books to focus on learning, growth, and interests¿ Develop learning progressions and HyperRubrics so students take ownership¿ Establish helpful feedback systems that focus students on improvement¿ Personalize learning and success through one-on-one conferencesImplementing these hacks not only makes assessment more powerful and meaningful in the classroom but also changes your students' assessment experience. Goodbye, anxiety, fear, and doubt. Hello, self-efficacy, confidence, and hope.Read Hacking Student Motivation today for more confident, resilient, and successful students tomorrow.

  • af Donizete Mariano
    507,95 kr.

    This work is the result of research carried out at the Federal University of the Southern Frontier, located in the southern region of Brazil. The aim of the studies was to find answers about the model of higher education institution, implemented after the struggle of local social movements, which should enable the inclusion of young people from less favoured social strata. As a new model of higher education institution, it has a curricular matrix that differs from that of other universities, and it also takes care to ensure that its graduates are included, remain there and complete their courses. In the light of the analyses carried out, the UFFS can be considered a new university model: "a popular university".

  • af Donizete Mariano
    662,95 kr.

    Dannaq rabota qwlqetsq rezul'tatom issledowanij, prowedennyh w Federal'nom uniwersitete Juzhnoj granicy, raspolozhennom w üzhnom regione Brazilii. Cel'ü issledowanij bylo najti otwety na woprosy o modeli wysshego uchebnogo zawedeniq, wnedrennoj posle bor'by mestnyh obschestwennyh dwizhenij, kotoraq dolzhna pozwolit' wklüchit' w uchebnyj process molodyh lüdej iz menee blagopoluchnyh social'nyh sloew. Kak nowaq model' wysshego uchebnogo zawedeniq, ona imeet otlichnuü ot drugih uniwersitetow uchebnuü matricu, a takzhe zabotitsq o tom, chtoby ee wypuskniki byli wklücheny w uchebnyj process, ostawalis' w nem i zakanchiwali obuchenie. V swete prowedennogo analiza UFFS mozhno schitat' nowoj model'ü uniwersiteta - "narodnym uniwersitetom".

  • af Julie Christina Tatlock
    2.197,95 - 2.887,95 kr.

  • af Jack Daniel Foster Jr.
    162,95 kr.

    This book, in essence, sets forth a vision and plan that will impact lives with "everlasting community power" throughout Texas, no matter the zip code, by crafting two investment instruments, and using county-citizenry education as the vehicle, for every county; an academic skills fund to invest in primary and secondary pupils to build strong academic foundations, and a county skills fund to ensure relevant post-secondary skilled training to maintain adult productivity, henceforth. These unique community financial investments are designed to pass through homeowners, landowners, and buy-in citizens, to restore or return reciprocity in our "new" system of governance for millennia, to come.

  • af Nigora Nematova
    738,95 kr.

    L'auto-apprentissage (APA) est devenu un objectif éducatif essentiel. Cette étude examine les efforts déployés par les enseignants du primaire pour encourager l'auto-apprentissage, ainsi que les moteurs de l'auto-apprentissage au niveau de l'enseignant, de la classe et de l'école. Les résultats montrent que l'apprentissage par l'enseignant n'est que faiblement stimulé. Les enseignants qui adhèrent aux idées de l'éducation au développement et reconnaissent l'importance de la CST font état d'un plus grand nombre de pratiques de CST. Les enseignants des classes supérieures et ceux qui ont moins d'élèves incluent également plus fréquemment la CST. Une perspective claire et unifiée sur la CST est indiquée comme une condition stimulante cruciale au niveau de l'école. Les obstacles les plus importants sont les contraintes de temps et de travail, la diversité des élèves et le manque d'empressement des enseignants à adapter leur approche.

  • af Tuba Özgün
    622,95 kr.

    La valutazione scolastica è uno dei temi più importanti all'ordine del giorno di molti Paesi nel mondo in via di globalizzazione. Nonostante gli sforzi e i progressi, la questione non è ancora stata risolta in Turchia. La valutazione scolastica si esprime come l'analisi sistematica delle prestazioni di una scuola in termini di variabili macro e micro, secondo criteri all'interno di un quadro di valutazione determinato da attori nazionali e/o internazionali del settore dell'istruzione. Lo scopo principale di questo studio è esaminare in modo comparativo i modelli di valutazione scolastica nel contesto dell'istruzione primaria in tre diversi Paesi, concentrandosi sui loro punti in comune e sulle loro differenze. Questo studio è stato progettato con uno studio di caso, che è uno dei metodi di ricerca qualitativa. La ricerca è stata condotta con un disegno di studio di casi multipli. Come risultato della ricerca, sono stati confrontati gli aspetti comuni e diversi delle valutazioni della scuola primaria dei tre Paesi.

  • af António Francisco Baixinho
    322,95 kr.

    The problem of this manuscript is to understand the role of the state in the (re)configuration of education policies, when the trend towards change, from a state-educator to a state-regulator, is based on the neoliberal discourse that with 'less' state but greater accountability, better results will be obtained. This process has led to a redefinition of the role and functions of the state in the social and economic spheres, causing constraints and power conflicts with regard to its political control. In this context, the market functions as a class strategy, creating mechanisms aimed at parents and families, reproducing social and economic inequalities. It is in this nebula of interests that education policies come to be conceived, that is, according to the desire for decentralisation and the hybrid materialisation of centralisation and openness to the market, depending on whether political decision-makers embark on the reforms offered to them by comparative studies, which feed preconditions and legitimise systems.

  • af Tahir Mehmood
    606,95 kr.

    This book explores the interpersonal prowess of school principals and its correlation with the school climate, recognizing its profound impact on teaching and learning. At the heart of this exploration is interpersonal leadership, which emphasizes collaboration with both teaching staff and students as integral to success. Addressing vital components of preparation and direction in leadership, the book unveils teachers' perceptions of principals' interpersonal skills within the school climate. Titled 'The Pursuit of Achievement,' it serves as a guiding beacon for school leaders, empowering them to forge successful 21st-century learning environments. By integrating innovative teaching methods and interpersonal strategies, this book propels school principals into a pivotal role in cultivating a positive and thriving school climate.

  • af Helen J. Boon
    1.427,95 kr.

    This edited volume focuses on challenges facing science education across three areas: curriculum, teacher education, and pedagogy. Integrating a diverse range of perspectives from both emerging and established scholars in the field, chapters consider the need for measured responses to issues in society that have become pronounced in recent years, including lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic, the environment, and persisting challenges in STEM teaching and learning. In doing so, the editors and their authors chart a potential course for existing and future possibilities and probabilities for science education.

  • af National Learning Corporation
    542,95 kr.

    The Assistant School Transportation Supervisor Passbook(R) prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: bus driving practices, techniques and traffic laws; bus driver recordkeeping and scheduling; following directions (maps); school bus driving practices, techniques and traffic laws; supervision; and more.

  • af Joanna Albrecht
    520,95 kr.

    In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird die Entwicklung einer Definition, eines Modells und eines Erhebungsinstruments Digitaler Teilhabe von Menschen mit geistiger Beeinträchtigung beschrieben. Eine geistige Behinderung wird als Konstrukt verstanden, das durch die ganzheitliche Wechselwirkung zwischen personenbezogenen Faktoren, Gesundheitsproblemen sowie umweltbezogenen Barrieren entsteht. Für die Identifikation der Hilfebedarfe zur Realisierung von Teilhabe ist die ganzheitliche Betrachtung von heterogenen Ursachen, Formen und Ausprägungen unverzichtbar. Der Anspruch auf Teilhabe ist gesetzlich verankert, jedoch führt die digitale Transformation zu neuen gesellschaftlichen Ungleichheiten, die sich als Digital Divide manifestieren. Trotz geringer und heterogener Datenlage zu Ungleichheiten bei Menschen mit (geistiger) Beeinträchtigung sind bereits Hinweise auf eine Digital Disability Divide zu erkennen. Um dieses Forschungsdesiderat aufzuarbeiten, bedarf es eines einheitlichen Begriffsverständnisses Digitaler Teilhabe. Auch müssen Einflussfaktoren eruiert werden, um Ansätze zur Förderung Digitaler Teilhabe zu entwickeln und darauf aufbauend ein Erhebungsinstrument zu entwickeln. Entsprechend verfolgt diese Forschungsarbeit die Entwicklung einer Definition,eines Modells und Erhebungsinstruments Digitaler Teilhabe von Menschen mit geistiger Beeinträchtigung in der Eingliederungshilfe.

  • af Anusha Chilupuri
    346,95 kr.

    The Information Contained in this book has been obtained by author from sources believed to be reliable and are correct to the best of her knowledge. Every effort has been made to avoid errors and ensure accuracy. The book is meant for developing an Face Recognition based attendance System using ESP32 CAM with arduino IDE. The content presented in this book can be used to develop more applications in terms of security.

  • af Nigora Nematova
    882,95 kr.

    Self-teacher learning (STL) has emerged as an essential educational aim. This study investigates primary school teachers' efforts in encouraging STL as well as teacher, class, and school-level drivers of STL. The results show that STL is just mildly aroused. Teachers who embrace developmental educational ideas and recognize the importance of STL report more STL practices. Teachers in higher grades and with fewer pupils also include STL more frequently. A clear unified perspective on STL is indicated as a crucial stimulating condition at the school level. The most significant impediments include perceived time and job pressures, student diversity, and limited instructor readiness to adapt one's approach.

  • af Elder Dos Santos Ramires
    682,95 kr.

    This book aims to analyse public policy on special education in Brazil's public schools, at a time when the issue is gaining visibility, following the Salamanca Declaration and its developments on the world stage. The main focus of this analysis will be the implementation of specialised educational care policies for children and young people with special needs in the public school system. The quality of this care from the perspective of society and the family will also be the subject of this study, keeping an eye on the past but looking to the future. Another item that will be emphasised is the importance of the integral involvement of the parties involved. The study was developed based on texts by authors who are respected in education circles for their fight for fairer education for all, respecting differences.

  • af Hosam Eldeen Elsadig Gasmalla
    966,95 - 987,95 kr.

  • af Thi Duyen Phuong
    520,95 kr.

    This book analyzes the basic ideas and premises underlying the English textbooks used at the higher secondary school level in Vietnam from the 1980s to the present, from a sociological perspective. The dataset, upon which this book builds, consists of a collection of 18 textbooks, which belong to five sets of locally developed English textbooks for grade 10 to grade 12 students. These series were used in all public schools from the mid-1980s to the present. During this period, schooling expanded rapidly in Vietnam, while English also gained increasing prominence within the school system.This book examines the curricular content of these textbooks and presents a long-term analysis of the ¿hidden¿ curricular content in light of Vietnam¿s recent history and its government¿s concerns about national identity.

  • af Abdelkader Bensafa
    469,95 kr.

    Numerous countries throughout the world began reforming their educational systems in order to meet the constantly evolving issues and expectations of an increasingly globalized society. However, in Algeria, the educational sphere is still highly based on the traditional method of teaching which is considered to be less effective. Thus, the objective of this work was to shed light on the significance of the recent teaching method ¿¿Flipped classroom¿ which succeeded to gain universal popularity and became a buzzword in several countries, In addition to exploring its impact on the learning process in EFL classrooms particularly in Tlemcen.

  • af S. Malathi
    346,95 kr.

    Within this book encapsulate various facets of laboratory demonstrations: from the pedagogical strategies employed to engage students actively, to the importance of well-equipped laboratories, and the assessment methods employed to evaluate student learning and comprehension. We hope this book serves as a reservoir of knowledge, igniting inspiration, and fostering a renewed appreciation for the vital role science laboratory demonstrations play in shaping the educational landscape within B.Ed. institutions.

  • af Sylvie Borel
    850,95 kr.

    Ausgehend von der theoretischen Grundannahme, dass Sprachtherapie als Bestandteil von Bildung anzusehen ist, werden Interaktionen zwischen Sprachtherapeut*innen und Kindern im vorschulischen Bereich über einen ethnographischen Zugang untersucht. Die zentrale Frage der Arbeit lautet, inwieweit Kindern in diesem frühkindlichen Bildungskontext Teilhabe ermöglicht wird. Die Autorin kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Praktiken der Sprachtherapie von einer starken Machtasymmetrie gekennzeichnet sind, die die Sprachprofessionellen in Form von fortlaufenden Evaluationen und dem Einfordern von formal festgelegten monolingualen Kurzantworten aufrechterhalten. Dadurch kommt es zu Beschränkungen von mehrsprachig-kommunikativer Teilhabe und weiterer Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten der als ¿sprachbeeinträchtigt¿ adressierten Kinder.

  • af Erin M. Bentrim
    354,95 - 1.587,95 kr.

    By providing practical advice on how to inform and lead a successful assessment program in student affairs, this book helps student affairs professionals understand the impact of their initiatives, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to enhance student learning, development, and engagement.

  • af José Luis Beltrán Sánchez
    1.072,95 kr.

    To think and propose that a machine can replace the work of a teacher is an insult to life itself, the most fundamental purpose of education is to humanize, under no circumstances can a machine do that, to achieve the human "common-union".But the new tools demand the mastery of these, otherwise we will be condemning ourselves to eternal underdevelopment, we must do it with responsibility, ethics and humanism, otherwise we will create dystopias, this, therefore, is not a call to technique and conscience, it is a revolutionary cry to action, we must be the teachers that the world needs, we must continue to be the transformers of reality, we are the fundamental axis of a better future, so, as I always say: Innovate or die!

  • af A. Guillermo Bracamonte
    597,95 kr.

    The following research work was based on different educational experiences in the context of continuing education and training at different formal and non-formal educational levels. In this way a communication has been developed with the main ideas developed during the study stays and research work involved. Thus, it has a message and reflection in a multi-disciplinary context in different domains of science. Although it has a solid structure based on the exact sciences, the approach of the topics addressed is also related to the Social Sciences, which are currently starting a modeling towards a context of prediction and optimization in order to predict future events that affect the society involved.

  • af Gema Calvo de Celis
    597,95 kr.

    In these pages, the author poses a profound reflection on the connection between educators and students, questioning the effectiveness of our explanations and our ability to understand their perspectives. Through an innovative research in primary education, she discovers how music can enhance academic performance in mathematics.In addition, he presents a unique didactic proposal, a Learning Situation designed to cultivate emotional self-awareness, an essential element in the formation of our elementary students. This book not only invites reflection, but also offers practical tools to enrich the educational experience.

  • af Andres Fernando Morales Rubiano
    597,95 kr.

    It all started at home playing, that is, in those first moments when for pleasure and almost by necessity a child enjoys playing, in this case imagining to be a teacher, children his age played other things, so their games were almost always alone; playing at being a teacher was not very striking for other children his age. He felt and believed himself to be a teacher. From an early age he would turn the rooms in his house into makeshift classrooms and the doors into writing boards to write on. He usually took the chalk from school and hid it in his suitcase to take it home so he could write down (as a self-respecting teacher) all the topics and explanations that his imaginary students had to know and memorize. Admittedly, he assumed the role of a rather traditional teacher, not very flexible, orthodox and very demanding.

  • af Gema Calvo de Celis
    493,95 kr.

    Dans ces pages, l'auteur réfléchit profondément au lien entre les éducateurs et les élèves, s'interrogeant sur l'efficacité de nos explications et sur notre capacité à comprendre leurs points de vue. Grâce à une recherche innovante dans l'enseignement primaire, elle découvre comment la musique peut stimuler les performances scolaires en mathématiques.En outre, elle présente une proposition didactique unique, une situation d'apprentissage conçue pour cultiver la conscience émotionnelle de soi, un élément essentiel dans l'éducation de nos élèves de l'école primaire. Ce livre n'invite pas seulement à la réflexion, mais offre également des outils pratiques pour enrichir l'expérience éducative.

  • af José Luis Beltrán Sánchez
    1.037,95 kr.

    Pensar e propor que uma máquina possa substituir o trabalho de um professor é um insulto à própria vida, o objetivo mais fundamental da educação é humanizar, em caso algum uma máquina pode fazer isso, alcançar o "comum" humano.Mas as novas ferramentas exigem o domínio das mesmas, caso contrário estaremos a condenar-nos ao eterno subdesenvolvimento, temos de o fazer com responsabilidade, ética e humanismo, caso contrário criaremos distopias, este, portanto, não é um apelo à técnica e à consciência, é um grito revolucionário à ação, temos de ser os professores que o mundo precisa, temos de continuar a ser os transformadores da realidade, somos o eixo fundamental de um futuro melhor, por isso, como sempre digo: Inovar ou morrer!

  • af José Luis Beltrán Sánchez
    1.037,95 kr.

    Penser et proposer qu'une machine puisse remplacer le travail d'un enseignant est une insulte à la vie elle-même, l'objectif le plus fondamental de l'éducation est d'humaniser, en aucun cas une machine ne peut le faire, d'atteindre le "commun" humain.Mais les nouveaux outils exigent la maîtrise de ceux-ci, sinon nous nous condamnons à un éternel sous-développement, nous devons le faire avec responsabilité, éthique et humanisme, sinon nous créerons des dystopies, ceci n'est donc pas un appel à la technique et à la conscience, c'est un cri révolutionnaire à l'action, nous devons être les enseignants dont le monde a besoin, nous devons continuer à être les transformateurs de la réalité, nous sommes l'axe fondamental d'un avenir meilleur, alors, comme je le dis toujours : Innovez ou mourez !

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