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  • af Dirk De Bock
    1.318,95 kr.

    The international New Math developments between about 1950 through 1980, are regarded by many mathematics educators and education historians as the most historically important development in curricula of the twentieth century. It attracted the attention of local and international politicians, of teachers, and of parents, and influenced the teaching and learning of mathematics at all levels¿kindergarten to college graduate¿in many nations. After garnering much initial support it began to attract criticism. But, as Bill Jacob and the late Jerry Becker show in Chapter 17, some of the effects became entrenched.This volume, edited by Professor Dirk De Bock, of Belgium, provides an outstanding overview of the New Math/modern mathematics movement. Chapter authors provide exceptionally high-quality analyses of the rise of the movement, and of subsequent developments, within a range of nations.The first few chapters show how the initial leadership came from mathematicians in European nations and in the United States of America. The background leaders in Europe were Caleb Gattegno and members of a mysterious group of mainly French pure mathematicians, who since the 1930s had published under the name of (a fictitious) ¿Nicolas Bourbaki.¿ In the United States, there emerged, during the 1950s various attempts to improve U.S. mathematics curricula and teaching, especially in secondary schools and colleges. This side of the story climaxed in 1957 when the Soviet Union succeeded in launching ¿Sputnik,¿ the first satellite. Undoubtedly, this is a landmark publication in education. The foreword was written by Professor Bob Moon, one of a few other scholars to have written on the New Math from an international perspective. The final ¿epilogue¿ chapter, by Professor Geert Vanpaemel, a historian, draws together the overall thrust of the volume, and makes links with the general history of curriculum development, especially in science education, including recent globalization trends.

  • af Bruce Robertson
    244,95 kr.

    If you are a teacher or school leader looking for a one-stop professional development resource focused on teaching practice, Power Up Your Pedagogy: The Illustrated Handbook of Teaching is the perfect book for you. Covering a broad range of themes, from professional learning and coaching to cognitive science and educational research, this book is comprehensive in its scope. Through a detailed exploration of pedagogy, which includes presenting, questioning, feedback, differentiation and behaviour management, there is something in here for everyone. Key messages from within each chapter are summarised by superb sets of Sketchnotes, produced by Finola Wilson from Impact Wales. Throughout the book, Reflective Tasks are included to support critical thinking and discussion. Whether you are just starting as a teacher or have been teaching for thirty years, Power Up Your Pedagogy: The Illustrated Handbook of Teaching should prove invaluable as a handbook to support you make your teaching even better than it is already. If you are a middle or senior leader, it should prove just as valuable in helping you to support others. Get ready to Power Up Your Pedagogy!Publisher's note: Power Up Your Pedagogy: The Illustrated Handbook of Teaching is effectively an expanded, visual version of The Teaching Delusion 3: Power Up Your Pedagogy.

  • af Megan M. Echevarría
    808,95 kr.

    This volume brings together work by renowned scholars in the field of foreign/second/heritage languages and literatures who employ a variety of scholarly tools to examine opportunities associated with literature as a force for rehumanizing and invigorating target language (TL) education in the 21st century. Offering viable avenues for reconciling historic differences between language pedagogues and literature educators, their work demonstrates that language pedagogy and literary studies are not divergent or competing disciplines separated by firm barriers, but rather convergent, interdependent, mutually beneficial, and genuinely complementary areas of inquiry.Each chapter foregrounds the multilayered value of target language literary education, aligning it with competencies that reside at the core of broader contemporary educational and societal priorities and aspirations. The contributors connect literature education to a wide array of goals, including not only literacy, communicative competencies, critical reading, and critical thinking, but also social engagement, global citizenship, intercultural sensitivity, and symbolic competence. Without minimizing the significant challenges facing language educators today, Rehumanizing the Language Curriculum argues in various ways for rehumanizing language education as the most effective means for overcoming pressing challenges, for addressing urgent priorities, and for approaching our full potential within the diversity of this vibrant community of scholarship and practice. "Rehumanizing the Language Curriculum should be compulsory reading for educators wishing to integrate language and literature teaching. This is a welcome and much needed contribution to rehumanizing language education in the 21st century."¿Werner Delanoy, University of Klagenfurt"Featuring an international cast of contributors, this volume provides new insights into the role of literature in 21st century language education. Through various theoretical, ideological, and pedagogical lenses, the chapters present innovative and thought-provoking ways to reconcile the language-content divide and teach language and literature as interdependent parts of a whole. The result is a volume that encourages readers to value and embrace the range of disciplinary content and scholarly perspectives comprising language programs."¿Kate Paesani, University of Minnesota"This wide-ranging collection highlights the importance of literature education in the language classroom, critiquing reductionist views of language education and making insightful connections between areas such as literary reading, deep reading, language education and general educational competencies. A thoughtful and often provocative collection, it provides a variety of lenses for understanding the ways in which second language learners can engage with literature, and a clear illustration of the immense world of new possibilities that is opened up when using literature."¿Amos Paran, University College London"Rehumanizing the Language Curriculum is an ambitious, wide-ranging, yet readable collection of chapters which makes us rediscover the role of literature in language education. Addressing current issues such as intercultural communication, ecology, and diversity, this book proves the practicality and versatility of literature. In the gloomy educational environment in which pedagogical effects are mistakenly visualized statistically, uniformly, or even financially, the multifaceted approaches illustrated in this volume are a must for language teachers and scholars in any context."¿Masayuki Teranishi, University of Hyogo, Japan

  • af Janul
    103,95 kr.

    Show brochure for show to be toured on the canal.Life of heritage boat BCN108 and her journey through history from 1883 to the present day - and beyond.Touring around the UK canals by narrowboat

  • af Laura W. Perna
    2.773,95 - 2.788,95 kr.

    Published annually since 1985, the Handbook series provides a compendium of thorough and integrative literature reviews on a diverse array of topics of interest to the higher education scholarly and policy communities. Each annual volume contains chapters that discuss salient dimensions of scholarly and policy inquiries on topics pertaining to college students and faculty, organization and administration, curriculum and instruction, policy, diversity issues, economics and finance, history and philosophy, community colleges, advances in research methodology and more. Each chapter provides a comprehensive review of research findings on a selected topic, critiques the research literature in terms of its conceptual and methodological rigor and sets forth an agenda for future research intended to advance knowledge on the chosen topic. The series is fortunate to have attracted annual contributions from distinguished scholars throughout the world.  

  • af Jared Keengwe & Joyce W. Gikandi
    1.863,95 - 1.993,95 kr.

  • af Adrian Leis
    293,95 kr.

    This book is aimed at those interested in the flipped learning model as well as language teachers who are considering or are already incorporating flipped learning in their classes. The book is broken down into four main parts. First, I will look at a description of flipped learning, with a clear definition of what flipped learning is and what it is not. Part II of the book focuses on flipped learning, specifically in language education, covering research and pedagogical implications related to the four language skills and various teaching methods, such as task-based language teaching and content-based language teaching. The third part of the book is aimed primarily at researchers, both those with experience and those who are just starting out. It includes a series of vignettes of studies that investigated the effects of flipped learning as well as suggestions on how these studies could be replicated and lead to further research. The book concludes with an overview of the main points discussed within and a suggestion of how the flipped learning model could be structured into your language classes.

  • af David Davies & James Nyland
    1.318,95 kr.

    This book develops a progressive program of engagement with issues, problems and critical thinking which helps universities and students understand and engage with some of the key issues of our time. It focuses on curriculum concerns, and presents a sustained and critical analysis and dialogue about knowledge, culture and ways of seeing important issues. This book provides critical and analytical insights into the importance of the emergence of mass higher education into public awareness. It explores what is termed 'contested knowledge' as part of modern students' experiences and expectations. By broadcasting some of the future prospects for a democratic university, especially in relation to its communities, it highlights the need to grasp the significance of global change and instability in teaching and learning, and how an adequate curriculum in higher education can be constructed to address the issues that arise.

  • af Satwik
    163,95 kr.

    Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy. In India, the competition in agricultural education is increasing day by day. The competitive examination is an only routine procedure of admission in Agricultural Universities, viz. Central Agriculture University (CAU), State Agricultural Universities (SAUs), Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI). The competitive examination is also an only routine procedure of recruitment in agricultural job/posts, viz. Agricultural Research Services, State PSC and UPSC. Thus, one has to prepare him/herself very strongly for these competition exams and for the success, need to read authentic and authorised reading materials. The knowledge of general agriculture is very essential for every competition exams related to agriculture. Many authors are attempted to compile the notes/books of general agriculture, in which, TNAU notes is well famous. Other books were also made impact on the readers. But still no book is there with authentic and authorised information. Therefore, I and my friends feel need to write this book. This book has been so as to serve, as best as possible to aim of writing this book.

  • af Trisha Jones
    393,95 kr.

    The book can serve as "Your Companion" with FUNdamentals for anyone aspiring to become a successful Model or Talent avoiding pitfalls along the way. Join Carol Sterling on an exciting adventure as she discusses modeling through her personal lens. Her insightful take on modeling reflected through her life experiences, paves the way for those pursuing a career in the Modeling & Talent Industry.

  • af Nicola Yelland
    1.093,95 kr.

    This book examines the connections between policy, school experiences, and everyday activities of children growing up in the global city of Melbourne, Australia. It provides an in-depth consideration of Melbourne primary school children¿s lifeworlds, exploring everyday stories and practices inside and outside of school. This includes consideration of the diverse ways that educational ¿success¿ may be understood in the context of Melbourne, productively moving beyond a narrow focus only on academic achievement. Situated alongside policy and curriculum analysis, the book draws on research in Melbourne Year 4 primary school classrooms in the form of student-completed surveys, classroom ethnographies, and student responses to a learning dialogues activity, as well as video re-enactments of out-of-school life. Through this it explores key aspects of children¿s lifeworlds with a focus on school timetabling and pedagogical encounters, school engagement and belonging, and activities and everyday routines outside of school. This book offers a comprehensive and holistic exploration of children¿s lifeworlds in Melbourne, drawing connections between children¿s lives inside and outside of school, and the broader policy contexts.

  • af Armin Berger, Pia Resnik, Helen Heaney, mfl.
    1.318,95 kr.

  • af Amanda Berry
    1.133,95 kr.

    This book explores a range of issues central to STEM and 21st Century education. It explores research into the relationships between creativity, critical thinking and STEM Education from both a theoretical and practical perspective. It examines matters associated with three main concerns: First is the ways some research and development that is labelled "e;STEM"e; appears to be essentially one of the specific individual components, S, T, E or M, with a new label rather than something going across and/or beyond these more traditional components. The second, at times intertwining, concern is the common ways in which school curriculum continues to hold separate disciplines as its core. The third concern is that while cross-curriculum goals are increasingly common in this century - particularly for "e;creativity"e; and "e;critical thinking"e; - it is also common that the goals remain only vaguely linked with the more usual components of the whole curriculum. This book reflects on all three of these important concerns and the integrated whole that can result from them. Monash University, King's College London and Waikato University have now generated six edited books on successive related research issues of significance to contemporary science education. Each of these books has been substantially shaped by a writing workshop involving all authors in intensive discussion about drafts of their contributions (a process of great worth in its own right, as well as for enhancing the value of the final volume), and then each author reworking the contribution in the light of the discussions The seventh will extend beyond science education and explore a range of issues central to STEM and 21st Century education.

  • af Neusa Branco
    3.033,95 kr.

    Working in an interdisciplinary manner is long pursued but a difficult goal of science and mathematics education. The interdisciplinarity of science and mathematics can occur when connections between those disciplines are identified and developed. These connections could be expressed in the educational policies, curriculum, or in the science and mathematics teachers' educational practices. Sometimes those connections are scarce, but in other moments, full integration is achieved. The Handbook of Research on Interdisciplinarity Between Science and Mathematics in Education presents results of good practices and interdisciplinary educational approaches in science and mathematics. It presents a broad range of approaches for all educational levels, from kindergarten to university. Covering topics such as computer programming, mathematics in environmental issues, and simple machines, this major reference work is an excellent resource for administrators and educators of both K-12 and higher education, government officials, pre-service teachers, teacher educators, librarians, researchers, and academicians.

  • af Sareetam Budholiya
    133,95 kr.

    KRIVAANS EDUTECH'S Longman SOCIAL SCIENCE Solutions are considered an extremely helpful resource for exam preparation. The questions provided in this Book are prepared in accordance with CBSE, thus holding higher chances of appearing on CBSE question papers. Not only do these Solutions book for Class 7 Social Science strengthen students' foundation in the subject, but also give them the ability to tackle different types of questions easily.The solutions included are easy to understand, and each step in the solution is described to match the students' understanding.

  • af P. John Williams & Belinda von Mengersen
    1.208,95 kr.

  • af Spramani Elaun
    461,95 kr.

    For Early ChildhoodIf you work with children under 6 years to toddler this books was written for you. Get to the basics and understand how to start creating art lesson that work best for young children. Learn how to start talking art to children. Understand the characteristics of a young child's artist development. You will get all the details on set-up, how to prepare for lessons and what is appropriate for this age. You'll learn: The importance of early Art LiteracyHow to speak the 'Artist Language'The art subjects students need to knowThe characteristics of child artistsMethods and approaches to teachingHow to create art activity environmentsThe best art materials for your classroomHow to plan level-appropriate activities

  • af David Slykhuis, Joshua Ellis & Sumreen Asim
    1.858,95 - 2.413,95 kr.

  • af Sally Burgess & Pejman Habibie
    899,95 kr.

  • af Karen Loutzenhiser
    763,95 kr.

    People & Planet is a geography course that covers maps & globes, physical geography of landforms, climates, natural disasters, soil & rocks, ecological issues, water, biomes, and natural resources as well as a tour to each continent, the oceans, and the polar regions.A Pick-and-Choose CurriculumA mentor uses People & Planet to custom tailor learning to the students. The mentor chooses from among the library book recommendations, video recommendations, and activity ideas presented in the book. Mentors and students learn together as they read, watch, craft, cook, play, and create. To complete the activities you will need craft supplies, a student atlas, and some household items. This course was designed for multiple ages or abilities of students to learn together in a homeschool or classroom.Nine Month-Long UnitsPeople & Planet includes nine units, one for each month of your school year.Maps & GlobesAfricaAsiaSouth AmericaOceaniaNorth AmericaEuropePolar RegionsOceansReusableEach unit intentionally contains more information and activities than you will be able to complete. The mentor chooses among the options to design a course just for his or her students. Then, in four years, once the entire Layers of Learning cycle has been completed, you all return to the book and do new activities at a higher level of learning. This course was designed for multiple ages or abilities of students to learn together in a homeschool or classroom and contains activities that will appeal to little ones and to high schoolers, often at the same time.Digital Printable PackA Printable Pack of worksheets, paper crafts, foldables, maps, and activities is included with this book. To retrieve the free Printable Pack visit the product page at, put the Printable Pack into your cart, and enter the coupon code found inside this book at checkout.

  • af Karen Loutzenhiser
    743,95 kr.

    Earth & Space is a science course that covers earth science as well as astronomy. Students will learn about plate tectonics, the structure of the earth, natural disasters, earthquakes, volcanoes, rocks, soil, fossils, seasons, climate, the atmosphere, weather, galaxies, stars, planets, and the solar system. As they learn about these things, students are also learning about the history of science, famous scientists, the scientific method, and the tools that scientists use. For use with age 6 to 18 years.A Pick-and-Choose CurriculumA mentor uses Earth & Space to custom tailor learning to the students. The mentor chooses from among the library book recommendations, video recommendations, and activity ideas presented in the book. Mentors and students learn together as they read, watch, experiment, play, and craft. To complete the activities you will need science measuring tools like beakers, thermometers, and an electronic balance; craft supplies; and some household items. This course was designed for multiple ages or abilities of students to learn together in a homeschool or classroom.Nine Month-Long UnitsEarth & Space includes nine units, one for each month of your school year.How Science WorksPlanet EarthPlate TectonicsRocksFossilsSeasons & ClimateWeatherUniverseSolar SystemReusableEach unit intentionally contains more information and activities than you will be able to complete. The mentor chooses among the options to design a course just for his or her students. Then, in four years, once the entire Layers of Learning cycle has been completed, you all return to the book and do new activities at a higher level of learning. This course was designed for multiple ages or abilities of students to learn together in a homeschool or classroom and contains activities that will appeal to little ones and to high schoolers, often at the same time.Digital Printable PackA Printable Pack of worksheets, paper crafts, foldables, maps, and activities is included with this book. To retrieve the free Printable Pack visit the product page at, put the Printable Pack into your cart, and enter the coupon code found inside this book at checkout.

  • af Karen Loutzenhiser
    743,95 kr.

    Art Beginnings is an arts program that teaches students the principles and techniques artists use along with the history of art, while students are doing art. This course covers the purposes of art, art tools and mediums, line, space, color, texture, balance, emphasis, prehistoric art, early art in the first civilizations, ancient art, Greek art, and Roman art. You will learn about paintings, sculptures, theater, architecture, folk arts, and music during this course. For use with age 6 to 18 years.A Pick-and-Choose CurriculumA mentor uses Art Beginnings to custom tailor learning to the students. The mentor chooses from among the library book recommendations, video recommendations, and activity ideas presented in the book. Mentors and students learn together as they read, watch, craft, play, and create. To complete the activities you will need craft supplies, art supplies such as paints, and some household items. This course was designed for multiple ages or abilities of students to learn together in a homeschool or classroom.Nine Month-Long UnitsArt Beginnings includes nine units, one for each month of your school year.What Is Art?Art SuppliesArt ElementsPrinciples of DesignPrehistoric ArtArt & Early CivilizationsAncient Art Around the WorldGreek ArtRoman ArtReusableEach unit intentionally contains more information and activities than you will be able to complete. The mentor chooses among the options to design a course just for his or her students. Then, in four years, once the entire Layers of Learning cycle has been completed, you all return to the book and do new activities at a higher level of learning. This course was designed for multiple ages or abilities of students to learn together in a homeschool or classroom and contains activities that will appeal to little ones and to high schoolers, often at the same time.Digital Printable PackA Printable Pack of worksheets, paper crafts, foldables, maps, and activities is included with this book. To retrieve the free Printable Pack visit the product page at, put the Printable Pack into your cart, and enter the coupon code found inside this book at checkout.

  • af Paula Peres, Cândida Silva & Susana Silva
    1.858,95 - 2.413,95 kr.

  • af Clarice M. Moran & Mary F. Rice
    341,95 kr.

  • af Barbie The Welder
    118,95 kr.

    The Artist's Guide To Branding, Marketing, And Selling Art Online by Barbie The Welder is a comprehensive guide for artists looking to build a global brand and attract loyal followers.Barbie shares practical strategies for marketing and selling art both online and off, teaching how to create a distinctive brand, connect with dream clients, and turn your passion into a successful business all while remaining true to who you are as an artist.With actionable steps, this guide empowers artists to become highly successful, build a dedicated fan base and thrive in todays digital marketplace.

  • af Gregg Jarrett
    295,95 kr.

    "Nearly a century ago, famed liberal attorney Clarence Darrow defended schoolteacher John Scopes in a blockbuster legal proceeding that brought the attention of the entire country to the small town of Dayton, Tennessee. Darrow's seminal defense of freedom of speech helped form the legal bedrock on which our civil liberties depend today."--

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