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Rådgivning af studerende

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  • - Om vejledningens etik, 2. udgave
    af Solveig Botnen Eide, Aslaug Kristiansen, Dag G. Aasland, mfl.
    288,95 kr.

    Vejledning er et samspil mellem to mennesker og udgør en etisk handling. Uanset hvilken slags vejledning der er tale om, drejer vejledning sig om at hjælpe og drage omsorg for et andet menneske. En vejleder er ikke vejleder for sin egen skyld, men for den andens skyld.2. udgave af Til den andens bedste er udbygget med to nye kapitler, som ser på hhv. eksistentiel sårbarhed i et vejledningsperspektiv og samrefleksion som en vej til bedre samtaler.Med udgangspunkt i filosofferne Løgstrup, Buber og Levinas behandler bogen temaerne:- Den gode vejledning- Vejledningssamtalens egenart- Menneskearbejde og ekspertarbejde- Lytning og identitet- Engagement og varsomhed- Følelsernes betydning i vejledning- Frihed og identitet- Eksistentiel sårbarhed- Vejledning mellem menneske og system- Samrefleksion.Til den andens bedste henvender sig til studerende og professionelle inden for bl.a. pædagogik, sundhed, pleje, ergo-/fysioterapi, socialrådgivning, uddannelsesvejledning samt til øvrige hjælpeprofessioner, der benytter sig af vejledning, supervision, øvelsespraktik, klinisk praktik og lignende.

  • Spar 10%
    - Procesmodel og -metoder
    af Marianne Tolstrup
    288,50 kr.

    Som vejleder kan det være en udfordring at balancere mellem individets og samfundets behov – uden at slippe sin humanistiske grundholdning af syne.SAMSKABENDE VEJLEDNING er et redskab i dette arbejde. Målet er at skabe udvikling og understøtte den vejledtes dannelse som et handlekompetent individ, der kan tage medansvar for eget liv. SAMSKABENDE VEJLEDNING giver brugbar viden og nye gode redskaber til alle, der arbejder med vejledning. Bogen er en håndsrækning til vejledere, der skal navigere i feltet af udefrakommende styring i form af karakterkrav, uddannelsespålæg mv. Den er også til vejledere, som gerne vil afstemme deres egen rolle og selv måske har tendens til at tage for meget styring i vejledninger. Bogen støtter vejlederen i arbejdet med at involvere de vejledte, så de tager aktivt, samskabende del i vejledningen. Til det arbejde introducerer bogen en nye procesmodel – den samskabende vejledningsmodel – og 24 tilhørende vejledningsmetoder. Modellen er udviklet på baggrund af et fællesnordisk udviklingsprojekt og bygger på teori, forskning og projektets resultater. Metoden er afprøvet og evalueret positivt af både vejledere og vejledte. Den samskabende vejledningsmodel er et praksisorienteret redskab, der understøtter en samskabende vejledning, hvor processen er tydelig for alle parter, og hvor der løbende skrives noter, så alle har overblik over, hvad der udvikles og besluttes. Målet er, at man arbejder hen imod at ændre adfærd eller forståelser hos vejledte. Bogen er skrevet til alle, der vejleder: i kommunernes vejledning af unge (KUI), i alle former for gennemførelses- og fastholdelsesvejledning i grundskoler, ungdomsuddannelser samt videregående uddannelser, foruden i jobcentre og hos anden aktør i arbejdet med at få borgere i arbejde. Den kan også bruges i vejledning i forbindelse med kompetenceudvikling.Marianne Tolstrup er lærer og cand.pæd.pæd. med sidefag i psykologi, master i positiv psykologi. Har arbejdet i vejledningsfeltet i mere end 20 år og underviser bl.a. på Diplomuddannelsen i uddannelse, erhvervs- og karrierevejledning på UCL, Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole.

  • Spar 10%
    - at skabe mening i skole, uddannelse og arbejdsliv
    af Inger-Lise Lund Petersen
    288,50 kr.

    At skabe meningsfuld forandring i menneskers liv.Vejledere stiller typisk spørgsmål som „hvad kunne du godt tænke dig?“, „hvad har du lyst til?“ og „hvad drømmer du om?“. Men vejledning handler om meget mere end valg i forbindelse med uddannelse og arbejde. Vejledning handler i lige så høj grad om at hjælpe vejledte med at tilegne sig meningsfulde livsstrategier, så de kan overkomme de udfordringer, de møder på uddannelsen, i løbet af arbejdslivet eller i seniortilværelsen. Og det gør man bedst i læringsrum, hvor vejledte sammen med vejleder sætter ord på tvivl, barrierer, ressourcer, værdier og drømme.Eksistentiel vejledning er en inspirations- og brugsbog, der viser hvordan man arbejder med eksistentiel vejledning, og hvordan man i vejledningen inddrager de spørgsmål, vi alle stiller os i livet. Bogen giver en samlet introduktion og værktøjer til eksistentiel vejledning med fokus på, hvordan vejledning i fællesskab kan skabe mening og føre til et mere bæredygtigt liv.Bogen er for alle, der arbejder med vejledning af børn, unge, voksne og ældre i forhold til skole, uddannelse, karriereveje og den tredje alder. Bogen er relevant på bl.a. diplom- og masteruddannelser og kan tjene som inspiration til fagprofessionelle i jobcenterregi, KUI (den kommunale ungeindsats), uddannelsessystemet, fagforeninger, ældreorganisationer m.m.Om forfatteren:Inger-Lise Lund Petersen er lektor på Københavns Professionshøjskole, hvor hun arbejder med efter- og videreuddannelse af vejledere. Hun er fagansvarlig og underviser på diplomuddannelserne i uddannelses-, erhvervs- og karrierevejledning samt vejledning og supervision. Hun har arbejdet inden for vejledningsområdet i 25 år med praksiserfaring fra grund- og erhvervsskolen samt UU, Ungdommens Uddannelsesvejledning.

  • af Preben Olund Kirkegaard, Birgitte Lund Nielsen, Kirsten Hyldahl, mfl.
    378,95 kr.

    Feedback er et komplekst og mangfoldigt begreb. Skåret helt ind til benet er der tale om en vurderende respons, som har til hensigt at fremme studerendes tegn på læring og give viden om udvikling af undervisningen. Feedback kan altså forstås som information om afstanden mellem de studerendes faktiske kompetenceniveau og de ønskede tegn på læring og som en dialog, der skal støtte de studerendes læring. Hen over 11 kapitler belyser denne antologi forskellige måder at forstå og udfolde feedbackprocesser i læreruddannelsen på og præsenterer nye kriterier for, hvad der er god feedbackpraksis inden for læreruddannelsens faglige områder. Bogen er inddelt i hhv. en teoretisk og en praksisrettet del. Første del af antologien bidrager med forskningsbaserede og teoretiske perspektiver på feedbackbegrebet inden for læreruddannelsen, mens de praksisrettede kapitler i anden del har til formål atinspirere læseren til refleksion og udvikling af egen undervisnings- og feedbackpraksis. Bogen henvender sig til studerende og undervisere på læreruddannelsen, og bogens forfattere er Karsten Agergaard, Tine Hedegaard Bruun, Marianne Ellegaard, Kirsten Hyldahl (red.), Preben Olund Kirkegaard (red.), Henriette Lorenzen, Niels Bech Lukassen, Marie Neergaard, Birgitte Lund Nielsen, Sanne Schnell Nielsen, Christopher Neil Prilop, Bent Sortkær (red.), Martin Storm-Andersen og Neriman Tiftikci.

  • af Doris Iarovici
    439,95 - 745,95 kr.

  • af Hazel Edwards
    228,95 kr.

    Workplays provides school to work transition play scripts and activities for secondary school students. This approach provides students with a realistic understanding of a variety of professions, trades and careers, fosters collaboration between subjects and develops essential skills for the workplace world.This second edition of Hazel Edwards' well-loved and used teacher resource, highlights the practicality of integrating plays and simulated workplace experiences in schools in addition, or in lieu of work placements. Multiple play scripts, activities and discussion points provide for all level of reading skills. The book advocates for the value of incorporating simulated workplace experiences, offering a practical and inclusive skills approach to preparing students for future work.

  • af Sachin Prabhakar Masane
    268,95 kr.

    This book is useful for All students who give competitive exams in library and information science mainly NTA UGC NET/JRF/SET. the book covers all previous year's question papers with a detailed solution of each mcq option and each mcq is solved with full of examplation.

  • af Antonio Evaristo Morales-Pita
    88,95 kr.

    Embrace the golden years with a renewed sense of vigor and understanding in this enlightening exploration of seniority. This book delves deep into the intricate relationship between optimism, health, and aging, drawing from both personal experiences and broad statistical insights. Learn how factors such as one's cultural background, specifically the rise of immigrant seniors in the U.S., shape the aging experience, contrasting them with the socio-politico-economic intricacies of Latin American countries.Uncover the ever-evolving dynamics of senior care, from the intricacies of love relationships among older couples to the stark disparities between genders, both in health risks and societal expectations. This is juxtaposed against the author's empowering journey of proactive healthcare and wellness. Recognize the transformative power of systematic exercising in bolstering self-assurance, happiness, and most importantly, joy. With philosophical insights from the likes of Aristotle and more, discover how inner joy, consistent self-care, and embracing one's strengths and weaknesses play pivotal roles in enriching the experience of seniority.This guide invites you on a journey of self-discovery, offering a fresh perspective on aging with a harmonious blend of optimism, health, and profound happiness.

  • af Alan M Schwitzer
    1.473,95 kr.

    The Third Edition of Alan M. Schwitzer, Amber L. Pope, and Lawrence C. Rubin¿s Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Skills: A Popular Culture Casebook Approach thoroughly covers essential clinical thinking skills in professional counseling through classic and contemporary popular culture case examples.

  • af Rowena Hicks
    128,95 kr.

    Break free from teacher burnout in 7 simple steps.Struggling with overwhelm? Exhaustion? Close to burnout. Learn small, actionable steps to find energy, fulfillment and thrive as a teacher. If you are an overwhelmed, drained teacher, Teach, Flourish, Thrive offers strategies, tools and research based evidence to enable teachers to move from survival to thriving. Rowena Hicks, an experienced teacher, trainer and leader reveals practical, tried and tested keys that will teach you exactly how to rebuild your confidence, creativity and your love for your teaching role.If you are working in a school, running on empty with little or no work life balance, you are not alone! The school system is broken. By having a fresh outlook, having goals and taking some control back in your day, realising your impact and your strengths, you can flourish and thrive again in your role. Time to banish burnout!Learn how to:See the impact of investing in yourselfPrevent burnout from happeningTake small, achievable action to rediscover the best version of yourselfBecome a more effective member of your team¿¿Become more productive, energetic and ultimately more happyTeach, Flourish, Thrive will re-shape the way you approach your day, your colleagues, the children, your family and especially yourself. It will give you the strategies and tools you need to transform your feelings of survival to thriving: from burnout to flourishing. Whether you are a staff member seeking ways to be able to stay in school and overcome the feelings of burnout, or a school leader looking for ways to re-energise, encourage and empower your team, this is the book for you!

  • af Kenneth A Kiewra
    324,95 - 883,95 kr.

  • af Nada J. Yorke
    359,95 kr.

    Otra forma de...Eligir el cambio: Manual del participante is the Spanish translation of Nada J. Yorke's Another Way...Choosing to Change: Participant's Handbook (3rd Ed). The guide supports individuals as they progress through a facilitator-led, strengths-based, solution-focused batterer intervention program. It presents participants with an intentional and strategic collection of questions and exercises designed to support transformational learning and promote empathy building. This unique curriculum combines evidence-based clinical practices with adult learning principles to promote changes in the thoughts, feelings, and actions of participants. It educates participants on what constitutes abusive behaviors, encourages introspection, promotes personal responsibility for abusive behaviors, and teaches non-violent conflict resolution. The handbook progresses in tandem with the 52-week curriculum, providing participants with weekly interventions and actionable goals. Coping skills, spiritual and emotional healing, relationship management, parenting, socialization, recovery from trauma, mindfulness and relaxation, and personal growth, among a number of other topics, are explored in a group setting, allowing for meaningful discussion and support. Otra Forma de...Eligir el Cambio is an exemplary curriculum to rehabilitate domestic violence offenders and, in doing so, increase safety and empathy for victims of violence.

  • af Kimberly Parrow
    643,95 - 923,95 kr.

  • af Ruth Guirguis
    474,95 kr.

    While there is research on self-regulation in early childhood and its relation to language development, there is a paucity of research that exists centering on selfregulatory skills and young Latinx learners. This book¿s originality and contribution to the field are based on the unique focus on developing executive functioning skills related to Latinxs. There are no books in the field that have solely discussed both cognitive and impulse control in Dual Language Learner Latinx preschool students. This book can be used in early childhood courses, bilingual educational courses, child development courses, and psychology courses.

  • af Thomas G. Plante
    405,95 kr.

    Behavior is hard to change, especially when habits are well-ingrained into our daily lives and lifestyle. Yet, many people are desperate to change their behaviors, especially when it comes to health-related habits that can contribute to significant health problems.Health Behavior Change: Proven Strategies for a Longer and Healthier Life presents readers with a wide variety of evidence-based best practices in cognitive behavioral therapy that can help individuals change their health behaviors for good. The simple and straightforward workbook features a collection of questions and exercises that inspire thoughtful reflection and action. Dedicated sections of the workbook tackle individual behaviors-including diet, exercise, alcohol, smoking, sleep, and more-allowing readers to focus on topics that are of interest to them. Principles and tools for health behavior change are outlined in each chapter, providing readers with the tools they need to initiate long-term behavioral transformation.Based on Thomas G. Plante's experiences teaching health psychology to college students for over 30 years and treating clinical patients struggling with health behavior efforts for over 40 years, Health Behavior Change is an ideal resource for anyone interested in improving their health and well-being through evidence-based best practices. The workbook is also a useful tool for clinicians treating patients who wish to make behavioral-based health changes in their lives.

  • af Ginger Healy
    243,95 kr.

    Looking for tools to expand emotional stability through balanced regulation and co-regulation? Continue the journey into co-regulation in the classroom and beyond with this powerhouse resource. Filled with content, prompts, activities, strategies, and reflections, the tools in this workbook will help you dive deeper into healing students' nervous systems and rewiring their neural pathways for optimum performance in the classroom and throughout their lives!

  • af Sophie Tales
    218,95 kr.

    This book provides you with the knowledge and strategies to understand behaviour as communication, and better support pupils who have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences.

  • af Miri-Gazhi Chalya Princess
    168,95 kr.

    The Job Hunter's Blueprint gives a starting advantage on the journey and foray into job hunting as defined by the digital rules of engagement in today's modern employment landscape. At the very least, it is packaged with the commonsensical ABCs of how to get the job suitable for your skillset. Hopefully, The Job Hunter's Blueprint will serve as an effective tool to prepare readers of the book for the evolving job market and career pathways defined by advancement in technology.

  • af Rachel Winston
    408,95 - 533,95 kr.

  • - How Therapy, Meditation, and Neurobiology Shape Your Future
    af Jon Winek
    518,95 - 878,95 kr.

  • af Richard D. Parsons
    550,95 - 913,95 kr.

  • af Jeffrey A. Kottler
    638,95 - 1.058,95 kr.

  • af M. Nickleson Jr. Ed D Battle
    173,95 kr.

    "Faith and Healing: Navigating Religion in Clinical Practice" is a thought-provoking exploration of the multifaceted relationship between faith, spirituality, and healing in clinical practice. This book takes readers on a captivating journey through the rich tapestry of religious beliefs and spiritual practices that have shaped human experience throughout history.It highlights the belief systems that have been instrumental in addressing physical and emotional well-being within these traditions. The narrative then progresses to trace the evolution of monotheistic religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, shedding light on how these organized faiths have influenced the human experience.As the narrative unfolds, "Faith and Healing" does not shy away from addressing the complexities and challenges that arise when faith intersects with modern clinical practice. It delves into ethical considerations, religious diversity, and the potential for both positive and negative outcomes when spirituality is integrated into healthcare.Throughout its pages, "Faith and Healing" offers valuable insights and practical guidance for therapists and individuals seeking to understand the intricate interplay between religion, spirituality, and healing in the modern clinical context.

  • af Edward Neukrug
    1.128,95 - 1.848,95 kr.

  • af Ms. Shabnam Akhtar
    123,95 kr.

    ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ( Foundation Course ) ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿.¿¿.¿¿.¿¿.¿¿. (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿) ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿

  • af Rebecca Harris
    278,95 kr.

    We know education is not a level playing field. Those living with early adversity are starting school significantly less likely to complete their education than their peers who have things easier. When educators and schools understand childhood trauma, they are well placed to embed wellbeing practices into every interaction, and when those interactions are trauma-informed and trauma-responsive, students' lives are positively impacted in a deep and enduring way. Safe to Learn offers readers an understanding of behaviour through the lens of trauma and adversity and provides practical strategies for primary schools and educators to become trauma-informed and responsive in a way that best supports all students, regardless of their life experiences. Safe to Learn offers guidance for schools to introduce, or expand, a whole-school model of integrated wellbeing practice and support for individual teachers to learn how they can make a significant difference to their students. This book also provides the tools to identify which interventions may benefit a student or class and ideas for tracking and showing wellbeing growth.

  • af Jay Brett
    143,95 kr.

    Jay Brett is a transgender woman, who was born in the late 1940's. A very different time to today. She has spent her lifetime trying to understand her issues and this book describes that journey and a twisting and convoluted journey it has been.The book explores the knowledge distilled from her own experiences and the experiences of many others. The book provides valuable insights into transgender issues for; transgender people (more specifically transgender women), friends and family of transgender children, people who may come into contact with transgender people such as; teachers, medical professionals, policy makers, employers, etc. and general members of the public.The aim of this book is to give a balanced insight into transgender issues and to give an informed understanding of the lives and issues around being transgender and is presented as a personal account of one transgender life.

  • - An Evidence-Based Approach to Design, Implementation, and Evaluation
    af Nancy Calleja
    1.008,95 - 1.495,95 kr.

  • af Janna Nobleza
    198,95 kr.

    9th grade is an exciting time for students: most of them are in high school for the first time and many opportunities await them. But this is also a time of more stress and complex social issues. This SEL planner was explicitly written for 9th graders and the contexts and issues surrounding this grade level.This SEL planner was designed just for 9th-grade students, with 8th-grade brains, emotions, and social interactions in mind. This planner contains over 40 weeks of lessons and activities for teachers and students based on four themes: Identity and MindsetCourage and KindnessA Place to BelongA Healthy Well-beingStudents learn from five life competencies.Self-awareness through songs, art, and physical activity teach emotional vocabulary and a growth mindset.Self-management with an emphasis on learning tools to listen to your body and breath before making decisions.Responsible decision-making by practicing how they would respond with relevant examples and social stories.Relationship skills through acting, reading, and art activities that support the beginnings of building and maintaining friendships.Social awareness with an emphasis on recognizing differences in others and accepting these differences, and empathy.

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