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Flere fantastiske forbindelser - relationer og konstruktioner i læringsmiljøer er en antologi med bidrag fra en række markante pædagogiske personligheder fra USA, Canada, England, Sverige og Danmark, der giver forskellige perspektiver på relationel teori og praksis i læringsmiljøer.Antologien er en selvstændig opfølger til antologien Fantastiske forbindelser - i undervisning og læringssamvær, hvor andre markante navne gjorde bogen til en pædagogisk bestseller.Flere fantastiske forbindelser har en om muligt endnu mere bemærkelsesværdig række af forskere, teoretikere og praksisudviklere som bidragydere, der kan udvide de fantastiske forbindelser og relationelle forståelser og udvikle eminente, samskabende og vitaliserende læringsmiljøer i skoler såvel som i daginstitutioner. Antologien lægger særlig vægt på ideen om, at vi samskaber vores forståelser af både os selv og verden. Alt, hvad vi tilegner os, lærer vi i relation til nogen eller noget.Forfatterne repræsenterer en bred vifte af fascinerende og respektfulde måder at udvikle god praksis. Antologien udgør en samlet helhed, men de enkelte bidrag kan læses hver for sig, hvis man ønsker at dykke dybere ned i emner som værdsættende undersøgelser, samskabelse, compassion, co-teaching, demokrati og professionelle relationer.Ledere, lærere, pædagoger, psykologer, konsulenter, lærer- og pædagogstuderende, studerende på pædagogiske diplommoduler og alle andre, der måtte have interesse i relationer og samskabelse af læringsmiljøer, kan finde inspiration til at udvikle pædagogisk forståelse og god praksis i egne kontekster.
APD er en hyppigt overset lyttevanskelighed, der påvirker barnets og den unges læring, udvikling og trivsel. Denne bog giver viden om, hvordan APD kommer til udtryk, hvad der forårsager problemerne, og hvad man som forælder, pædagog, lærer eller anden professionel kan gøre for at støtte barnet og den unge med dårlige lyttefærdigheder.APD skyldes ikke nedsat hørelse, men at hjernen ikke formår at skelne lydene, zoome ind på relevant lyd, sortere lyde og skabe mening. Børn med APD har derfor ofte svært ved at forstå det talte sprog og kan have besvær med fx læse-stave-tilegnelsen.Når hjernen ikke lytter giver en teoretisk gennemgang af hørelsen og hjernens processering af lyd samt den viden, der findes om APD’ens karakter. Bogen indeholder casebeskrivelser, en praksisdel, der giver forslag til forbedringer af de fysiske rammer i læringsmiljøet, pædagogisk understøttende tiltag, viden om behandlingsmuligheder samt screeningsark, der kan anvendes til at vurdere om et barn har en indikation for APD.
"Livet med et udviklingshæmmet barn" beskriver de særlige vilkår og udfordringer, man har i en familie med et handicappet barn. Bogen dykker ned i de forskellige dele af barnets opvækst fra fødsel over ungdomsliv og til tidlig voksenalder. Hver alder har sine egne udfordringer, hvor der kan være brug for at høre andres erfaringer eller blive udfordret på egen tænkning. Bogen er derfor krydret med citater og udsagn fra forældre, der selv har børn med udviklingshæmning. Deres bidrag gør bogen nuanceret og levende.Bogen giver kortt sagt svar på nogle af de uendeligt mange spørgsmål, der melder sig, og som man ikke kan gå ét sted hen og få svar på. Nogle af disse spørgsmål er eksistentielle og personlige – andre af mere lavpraktisk art.Bogens kapitler veksler fra letforståelig formidling af faglige emner som kromosomer og syndromer, regler og rettigheder og beskrivelse af barnets funktionsniveau til nære emner som tilknytning, sorg, opdragelse, handicapidentitet og familiedynamik.Bogen indeholder desuden praktiske informationer om merudgifter, tabt arbejdsfortjeneste, hjælpemidler, relevante foreninger mv. Bogen kan også bruges som opslagsværk, hvis der er en bestemt problemstilling i livet med det udviklingshæmmede barn, der kræver særlig opmærksomhed.Bogen henvender sig især til forældre, bedsteforældre og andre pårørende til børn med udviklingshæmning samt til professionelle, der arbejder med området i kommunalt eller specialpædagogisk regi.
Torsdag d. 31.08.23 gik Finansminister Nicolai Wammen på talerstolen til et pressemøde med den nye finanslov i hånden. Efter at have udtalt, at Danmark havde en bundsolid økonomi, sagde han, at vi samtidig måtte spare ude i kommunerne. Da han blev spurgt ind til, hvordan det kunne hænge sammen, svarede han, at når en skole nu måtte lukke, var det blandt andet pga. stigende inflation, og fordi der var nogle “meget store udgifter” forbundet med det såkaldt specialiserede socialområde. Dette områdes primære opgave er at tage sig af udsatte borgere og mennesker med handicap. Sådanne udtalelser er ikke nye, men denne gang udløste Wammens kommentar imidlertid en kampagne på internettet under hashtagget #Undskyldvierher. Her sagde en række mennesker med handicap og deres pårørende ironisk undskyld for at koste samfundet penge. Samtidig var kampagnen et tydeligt opråb om, at mange i forvejen kæmper med at få den hjælp, støtte og omsorg, de har brug for. Dette digt består af de første 100 opslag under en søgning på “#undskyldvierher” på Facebook pr. dd. 20.09.2023. Søgningen tæller pt. over 1000 opslag, hvoraf mange er adresseret direkte til Finansministeren. Bag hver af disse sætninger gemmer der sig således utallige lignende sætninger. Denne udgave er sat med skrifttypen Open Dyslexic, der er designet til at være lettere at læse for personer med læsevanskeligheder.
Med kunstbogen 'De har aftaler' undersøger Bobbi-Johanne Østervang, hvilke transaktioner, der finder sted mellem menneske og system, mellem lykke og penge, og mellem hjælp og autonomi.Bogen forsøger at omfavne noget af det rod, der kan opstå i hjernen og lagene i kognitionen under og efter sygdom. Den kognitive pyramide bliver indtaget af flokke af væsener, der muligvis prøver at finde sig til rette, og muligvis bare laver ballade blandt forskellige elementer fra hverdagens almindelige husholdningsarbejde. De maser og skubber til de kognitive domæner, og bliver til kognitive dæmoner. Bogen er inspireret af den 'psykoedukation', som kunstneren selv har modtaget under et psykiatrisk behandlingsforløb, og tager (kritisk) afsæt i de syge- og arbejdsløshedssystemer, der insisterer på at gøre psykisk sygdom til et personligt anliggende og individuelt problem.Kunstbogen blev til i forbindelse med kunstnerens soloudstilling på 'De Har Aftaler' under udstillingsplatformen 'Ømme Knapper' på Center for Kunst og Mental Sundhed i 2024. Den består af poetiske tekster og billeder af akvareller.Bobbi-Johanne Østervang tog afgang fra Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi i 2019. Deres kunstneriske arbejder undersøger tværsnit mellem omsorgsarbejde, forældreskab, hverdagsliv og psykisk sårbarhed. De har bl.a. deltaget i udstillingerne m/other kurateret af Laboratoriet for Æstetik og Økologi på Center for Kunst og Mental Sundhed, og MAMA MIA på Willumsens Museum i 2022 (præmieret af Statens Kunstfond), og udgav i 2023 kunstbogen 'Må du gå i køkkenet og ikke i krig' (vinder af Bukdahls Bet 2024).
This book addresses the tensions of existing theories and practices of inclusive education from an international perspective. Adopting Disability Critical Race Theory in Education (DisCrit) and Critical Disability Studies (CDS), the authors expose how race neutral knowledge characterizes inclusive education and exhorts readers to consider how intersectional perspectives provide more complex and nuanced understandings about ways in which racism and ableism simultaneously circulate as intersecting oppressions in schools and societies and across geographical borders. The authors begin by engaging in a critical analysis of the genesis of inclusive education before exploring how existing policies and practices of inclusive education in the global North evade the collusive nature of oppressions faced by minoritized students with disabilities and are uncritically transferred into the global South. Ultimately, the book encourages readers to reconceptualize inclusive education and move towards developing and sustaining transformative notions of global justice.
This book describes the disability rights movement that started in the USA and its influence on the disability rights movement in Lebanon, which has led to the endorsement of the Lebanese Disability Act 220/2000. The book introduces the reader to the Lebanese Disability Act 220/ 2000, its definition of disability, and its relation to the medical and social models of disabilities and then articulate the Act articles. Then, it defines the inclusive design paradigm that acknowledges the needs of all people at each stage of their life cycle and presents the difference between inclusive design and accessibility and disability notions. Moreover, the book reviews the different international accessible design standards (American and French) that are adopted in Lebanon with the absence of a nationalized Lebanese design standard and its effect on eliminating barriers and enhancing accessibility at university buildings. Besides, the book presents students' experiences and their satisfaction with the university built environments. 6 university buildings case studies at the American University of Beirut are assessed and analysed to check whether they adopt the inclusive design approach and then propose inclusive design solutions for both heritage and modern university buildings. What makes the book unique is its combination of empirical and theoretical application of inclusive design. The last section, reflects the author¿s inclusive design teaching pedagogy. In this section, the author shares samples of students¿ class design project and provides recommendations and guidelines for teaching inclusive design so it becomes mainstream.
This book explores the intersection of gender and disability in the context of tourism. In part, the book foregrounds feminist theorising of intersectionality by examining how gender can overlap with other social identities to contribute to more systemic oppression, domination, discrimination, and marginalisation of certain categories of people. Our point of departure is that disability does not operate in isolation as it is constituted and experienced within an already gendered social and tourism environment. With substantial research on the intersection of gender and tourism on the one hand, and the intersection of disability and tourism on the other hand, the interconnectedness of gender and disability and the implications this has on tourism policy and practice remains understudied. Thus, the book provides a critical lens that helps unpack underlying assumptions about gender and disability while questioning the dominant ideas about gender and disability reproduced through tourism policies and institutional practices in an African context.This book will be of interest to scholars and researchers in Gender Studies, Disability Studies, and Tourism Studies, particularly those with a research interest in Africa.
This book presents for the first time the results of scientific research in the field of special education and special psychology carried out by top experts of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. The range of problems discussed in the book reflects the most relevant areas of development of the education system and psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with special educational needs (SEN). Both scientific and methodological developments provide practitioners with modern means of diagnostic, correctional, developmental, and preventive work. Furthermore, responding to the current challenges, the authors present the results of research on the impact of virtual reality on the health of adolescents, the results of an experiment on the study and formation of financial literacy of high-school kids with developmental disorders, highlight approaches to the prevention of auto aggressive behavior in the adolescent environment, and offer the proven technologies for psychological and pedagogical habilitation and rehabilitation of children with SEN of various nosologic groups and children with somatic pathology studying at a hospital school. The theoretical block of the book includes an analysis of the fundamental problems of today's pedagogical and social reality: substantiation of conceptual approaches to the construction of an inclusive space, consideration of the basic psychophysiological mechanisms of speech, the formation of a convergent network educational environment and some other problems that can directly or indirectly affect the quality of education, upbringing, and social adaptation of children with SEN. The book is intended for psychologists, special-need experts, teachers, methodologists, employees of educational organizations working with children with disabilities, specialists in the field of inclusive education, students and teachers of special education, and pedagogical and psychological departments of higher education institutions.
Dieses Buch setzt sich mit alltäglicher Lebenssituation als Gegenstand pädagogischer Sprachdiagnostik auseinander und ist im Diskurs über Diagnostik und Förderung sprachlich-kommunikativer Kompetenzen zu verorten. Es wurde untersucht, welche Faktoren zur Konstruktion der alltäglichen Lebenssituation beitragen. Außerdem wurde ein Analyseverfahren für die pädagogische Sprachdiagnostik entwickelt, erprobt und evaluiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen auf, dass Faktoren wie eigenaktives Handeln des Subjekts oder zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen zur Konstruktion alltäglicher Lebenssituation beitragen. Außerdem weisen die Befunde darauf hin, dass mit Anwendung eines in einer Alltagssituation durchgeführten problemzentrierten Interviews Informationen zur alltäglichen Lebenssituation eines sprachbeeinträchtigten Kindes erfasst werden können. Diese Informationen werden anhand des entwickelten Auswertungsleitfadens handlungstheoretisch analysiert. Daraus lassen sich Bedingungen der alltäglichen Lebenssituation rekonstruieren, um pädagogische Sprachfördersituationen zu gestalten, die auf die Erweiterung der sprachlichen Handlungsfähigkeit in der alltäglichen Lebenssituation gerichtet sind.Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.
Life Outside the Lines: Affirmation Coloring Book contains over 30 pages of inclusive, beautifully drawn designs that are all accompanied by affirmations. Our goal is to embrace diversity, inclusiveness, and disability, keeping it at the heart of this book. My goal is to inspire you to live simply and freely, to love yourself, and to see the joy and beauty in life's most important things - no matter who you are and where you come from.Happy coloring!
The Palgrave Handbook of Disability and Communication covers a broad spectrum of topics related to how we perceive and understand disability and the language, constructs, constraints and communication behavior that shape disability discourse within society. The essays and original research presented in this volume address important matters of disability identity and intersectionality, broader cultural narratives and representation, institutional constructs and constraints, and points related to disability justice, advocacy, and public policy. In doing so, this book brings together a diverse group of over 40 international scholars to address timely problems and to promote disability justice by interrogating the way people communicate not only to people with disabilities, but also how we communicate about disability, and how people express themselves through their disabled identity.
This book, Design for Sustainable Inclusion, was inspired and informed by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These include, among others, ¿good health and well-being¿, ¿reduced inequalities¿ and ¿sustainable cities and communities¿. Addressing this challenge requires a cross-disciplinary approach and close collaboration with many stakeholders. The Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT) 2023 invited participants from a wide variety of disciplines to contribute to the discussion on this topic.This book represents the papers presented at this conference, chosen by peer review by an international panel of currently active researchers. The chapters within the book provide a unique insight into current national and international research in the fields of inclusive design, universal access, and assistive and rehabilitative technology. The main sections of the book reflect the following key themes:¿ Understanding people¿ Designing for an ageing population¿ Inclusive built environments¿ Healthcare¿ Assistive technology¿ Design methods¿ Education and trainingWe hope that this book will be useful to researchers, teachers, students and the general public who are interested in inclusive design and sustainable development.
Time is being converted into money and personal priorities take back seats ascorporate interests and personal ambitions take center stage, only when ourbody starts showing signs of fatigue and inability, we look at our daily routineand think how the same impacts our daily lives. In a country like India, a largepopulation suffers from under nutrition and is forced into long hours of backbreaking physical lab our and the situation is quite alarming. The diseaseprofile is changing rapidly. According to World Health Organization (WHO)report, "India as one of the nations that is going to have most of the lifestyledisorders in the near future. Recent world health organization (WHO)documents states that 388 million people globally, will die from nonecommunicable diseases (NCDs) like diabetes, blood pressure and heart diseasesin the next decade. It also estimated that approximately 246 million people inthe age group of 30 to 80 have diabetes and blood pressure worldwide in 2008of which 70% would be living in developing countries. Today's, India isalready home to over 40 million people with diabetes, blood pressure and thisnumber is expected to increase 70 million by 2025. This report further statedthat elevated blood pressure alone would contribute to 50 % of cardiovasculardiseases (CVD) worldwide. In the management of NCDs like diabetes orhypertension, life style measures are of paramount importance for therapy to besuccessful. These non drugs measurer includes regular physical activity,healthy diet, stress management, avoidance of tobacco products, moderation inalcohol intake and most importantly increased awareness about the condition.
Since its successful performance in the PISA studies, at the latest, the Finnish education system has become the focus of public interest. In the media coverage of recent years, the Finnish school system has often been brought into play as a prime example of important educational policy challenges. This is particularly true of the issue of inclusive education. While few studies to date have seriously questioned the Finnish "educational miracle", this book aims to provide an objective account of the current situation in Finland. In doing so, it takes a differentiated and critical look at inclusive schooling in Finland. In order to achieve this, the inclusive school and classroom culture is examined using qualitative research approaches in selected Finnish schools. The building blocks of an inclusive school developed by Reich (2014) are consulted as criteria for analysis. Based on the findings of this study, it is finally examined and discussed what Germany (and other countries) can learn from Finland with regard to the topic of inclusion.
Acute pain and chronic pain are conditions affecting millions of people worldwide. Acute pain is a normal physiological response associated with tissue damage that lasts upward of three to six months (Carr & Goudas, 1999). It is short duration and gradually resolves as the injured tissue heals. Examples of acute pain include a sprained ankle or small paper cut. Chronic pain is any pain that persists after an injury has healed, lasts longer than three to six months; can become worse over time; and can reoccur intermittently (Carr & Goudas, 1999). Examples of conditions that cause chronic pain are constant migraines, arthritis, and fibromyalgia. Chronic pain is a major health problem and one of the most common reasons people seek medical care (Johannes, Le, Zhou, Johnston & Dworkin, 2010), and is prevalent among one-third of the U.S. adult population. Furthermore, studies have shown that the prevalence of chronic pain is higher for females than males, that pain increases with age, and that lower socioeconomic status (SES) is typically associated with more pain (Johannes et al., 2010).
This important reference work maps the terrain of disability across the world by providing an overview of issues, concerns and developments in the domains of society, culture, medicine, law, policy, justice, education, economics, and science and technology. It is a truly inclusive volume bringing together perspectives from researchers, activists, professionals, service providers, international development experts and policymakers based in the global North and South, and it particularly focuses on the voices of the principal stakeholders---disabled persons themselves. Working from an interdisciplinary matrix, this book reviews historical developments, contemporary practices and policies . It addresses hitherto unchartered areas in the disability discourse that will be significant in the years to come. In the modern world, the social and medical responses to disability have been separation, segregation and incarceration of disabled people. These responses are reflected in practices of special education, building of asylums, medical classifications and sheltered employment. Current thinking on disability is based on the need to overcome such segregation through the enactment of human rights and socially just programmes, policies and laws such as inclusive education, affirmative action, reasonable accommodation, and supported decision-making. This book explores:· The evolution of the concept of disability over space and time and identifies approaches to disability, debility, equality and equity;· Broad trends in research on disability across the world;· New directions in work on disability;· The emergence of a global disability movement and its etiology;· Intersections of disability with other demographic variables like gender, race, caste, and age; and· Historical and socio-economic interfaces with colonialism, globalization, and social development. Spread over14 sections and spanning more than 80 chapters, this volume is the most comprehensive, up-to-date reference work available on the subject.
Diversität gilt heute in Bildungsinstitutionen, sozialen Einrichtungen oder Unternehmen nicht nur als selbstverständlich, sondern auch als Bereicherung und bedeutsam für Kreativität in Teams. Gleichwohl geht mit Diversität immer noch Diskriminierung in unterschiedlichen Formen und Intensitäten einher. Zu fragen ist, welche Dynamiken hier wirksam sind und wie diese Verbindung zu kappen wäre. Zentrales Anliegen des Sammelbandes ist daher, Diversität als komplexe Kategorie mit interdisziplinären Zugängen und aus machtkritischer Perspektive zu diskutieren. Zunächst liegt der Fokus dabei auf empirisch rekonstruierten Bedingungen für Diskriminierungen. Im zweiten Teil werden analytische Weiterentwicklungen im Hinblick auf theoretische Verortungen und konzeptionelle Perspektiven entfaltet. Im dritten Teil werden Handlungskonzepte und Praxiserfahrungen in unterschiedlichen Bildungskontexten vorgestellt.
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